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Language Of Scientific Writing

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Abdillah Hans Samara 18511028

International Program




Research on the Effect of the Use of Wood Dust Ash
on Paving Quality Block
Along with the development of construction technology, many people prefer to use
paving blocks compared to other pavements. Characteristics of good quality paving blocks
are those that have high compressive strength values, and low water absorption.
Based on this, a research was conducted using the secondary data observation
method through previous research on paving blocks that were given added material in the
form of sawdust ash. With the presence of silica in sawdust ash, in fact sawdust ash can be
used as an added ingredient in the manufacture of paving blocks with quality that still meets
SNI-03-0691-1996 standards regarding paving blocks. The quality of paving blocks is
influenced by the percentage of addition of sawdust ash.
Paving blocks consist of a mixture of cement, water and fine aggregate. When
cement is mixed with water, the hydration process of cement produces calcium silicate
hydrate (CSH), heat and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). The element Ca(OH)2 is a strong
base so that it reduces the compressive strength of paving blocks. These elements can be
reacted again with pozzoland to produce CSH elements again. However, with relatively high
costs, new innovations arise to treat waste that has the same elements as pozzolan, namely
silica, such as sawdust waste.

Key words: Sawdust,Paving block,Paving block quality,compressive strength And Water Absor.

The use of sawdust ash as an added material in the manufacture of paving blocks is
able to minimize the use of cement raw materials. This is because the sawdust ash contains
silica which is the raw material for the manufacture of Portland Pozzolan Cement (PPC).
Nugroho (2010) said that in the hydration process, the water in the fresh concrete mixture
will bind to dicalcium silicate (C2S) and tricalcium silicate (C3S) which then becomes
calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) and frees calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). That way, the
sawdust ash containing silica will react with Ca(OH)2 which causes the quality of the paving
block to increase. However, research conducted by Guntara (2016) on teak powder ash
showed that the addition of excessive silica would cause an alkaline silica reaction formed
from the active silica content in the pozzolan and alkali in the cement. Based on this research,
it can be concluded that sawdust ash can be used as an additive in the manufacture of paving
blocks, resulting in reduced cement use and more economical costs.

Research Questions :

1. Does the use of sawdust ash as an added material affect the compressive strength of paving
2. Besides affecting the compressive strength value, does sawdust also affect the porosity
3. Why do construction services choose paving blocks as an alternative to covering or
expanding the surface?


According to Prayitno (1992), (cited by Chrismunandar, 2013), plant ash is the

material (generally in the form of powder) that remains after burning wood. Generally, 6-
10% of the mass of wood burned produces ash. The composition of the ash is influenced by
the type of wood burned. The combustion conditions also affect the ash composition and the
amount of ash remaining, high temperatures will reduce the amount of ash produced. The
residue that appears as ash does not only come from the cell wall, but from mineral materials
from the crystals that fill the cell cavities (Anonymous, 1993). Ash is defined as the material
left after the complete combustion of wood. Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin will
decompose completely at high temperatures and will produce carbon which becomes the ash
element in the process..

the main components of wood ash are calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium
(Mg), silica (Si). Minor elements that are often found in ash include sodium (Na), manganese
(Mn), iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al). Acid radicals commonly found in ash are carbonates,
phosphates, silicates, sulfates and chlorides (Anonymous). Wood contains minerals
(inorganic components) in small amounts, expressed as ash content. In the trunk rarely more
than 1% of the dry weight of the wood. According to Wintoko (2012), paving blocks in their
function will receive compressive loads. Therefore, paving blocks must have sufficient
strength to withstand loads. Testing the compressive strength of paving blocks is done by
applying pressure within 1-2 minutes. The direction of compression on the sample of the test
object is adjusted to the strength of the load in used.

Research methods.
This research begins with a literature study followed by the preparation and
procurement of materials, namely: fine aggregate, portland cement and water. Examination of
the physical properties and organic matter content of aggregates is carried out before
planning the concrete mix (mix design). This examination aims to determine whether the
mortar-forming material is good. The ratio of the paving block mixture is 1: 3: 1.068. In this
study, sawdust ash was added to the manufacture of paving blocks. Where later the results of
this study can be used as a reference for conducting further research. The materials used are
cement, fine aggregate, water, and sawdust ash as additives. The cement used is Portland
cement type 1 with the trademark Andalas. The type of aggregate was taken from the Krueng
Mane river, Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency. While the sawdust is taken from the

Answer Of Research Questions :

1.Does the use of sawdust ash as an added material affect the compressive strength of paving

According to Ansori, M., Suparjo, & Mahmud, F. (2018).The average compressive

strength value of paving blocks that do not use mahogany sawdust as an added material is
243 kg/cm2. While paving blocks that use 5%, 10%, and 15% added materials have average
compressive strength values for each percentage of 366 kg/cm2 , 421 kg/cm2 , and 254
kg/cm2 (Jauzi et al. , 2014). The results of this study indicate that the addition of mahogany
sawdust can increase the average compressive strength of paving blocks because the added
material causes the bond between the mixtures to be strong. However, if the composition of
sawdust ash has passed the optimum limit, the addition of this added material can result in a
decrease in quality due to the paving blocks becoming brittle. Thus, it can be seen that there
was a decrease in quality due to the addition of sawdust ash from the original B grade to C
grade. Both studies proved that the addition of sawdust ash had an effect on the compressive
strength of paving blocks.

2.Besides affecting the compressive strength value, does sawdust also affect the porosity

According to Jauzi, I., Prihantono, & Suyadi S., D. (2014) Porosity is the ability of a
porous object to absorb water. The greater the value of porosity in an object, the greater the
amount of water it can absorb. Thus, the water absorption capacity of the paving block will
be higher. Ansori et al. (2018) concluded that the porosity value of paving blocks with the
addition of sawdust 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% it can be seen that the percentage of
sawdust ash affects the porosity value of paving blocks. Therefore, it is necessary to have the
right dose of sawdust ash added, so that the added material can fill the empty space in the
paving block and result in a lower porosity value. Thus, this research can prove that the
addition of sawdust ash has an effect on water absorption which is one of the quality
parameters of paving blocks.

3.Why do construction services choose paving blocks as an alternative to covering or

expanding the surface?

According to Widari, L. A., Fasdarsyah, & Debrina, I. (2015) Many construction

service users choose paving blocks as an alternative to covering or hardening the soil surface.
Installation that leaves a gap, paving blocks are able to pass water as much as 30%-50%, so
that the availability of ground water is maintained. In addition, paving blocks have many
variations in terms of shape, size, color, pattern, surface texture, and strength. The installation
of the paving block itself is easier, faster and does not require special tools both in installation
and maintenance. Characteristics of good quality paving blocks are paving blocks that have a
high compressive strength value and low water absorption. Paving blocks are made from a
mixture of portland cement or other hydraulic adhesives, water, and aggregates with or
without other additives that do not reduce the quality of the concrete.

The silica content in sawdust ash affects both paving block quality parameters,
namely the value of compressive strength and water absorption. This can be proven from the
results of previous studies, so it can be concluded that sawdust ash can be used as an added
material in the manufacture of paving blocks with quality that still meets the standards of
SNI-03-0691-1996 regarding paving blocks. Suggestions Based on the results of the research
and the conclusions above, the following suggestions can be given:
a) It is hoped that in future studies to try to use other types of wood other than merbau or
mixed wood in similar studies.
b) It is necessary to reduce variations in the addition of powder ash to determine the
percentage of wood sawdust ash that is close to normal.

Ansori, M., Suparjo, & Mahmud, F. (2018). Pengaruh Penambahan Abu Serbuk Kayu
Terhadap Kuat Tekan, Porositas dan Beban Impact Paving Block. Universitas Mataram, 1–
Badan Standarisasi Nasional. (1996). Bata Beton (Paving Block). SNI-03-0691-1996. Badan
Standarisasi Nasional. Jakarta.

Guntara, G. (2016). Pengaruh Penambahan Abu Serbuk Kayu (Jati) Terhadap Kuat
Tekan, Kuat Lentur, dan Daya Serap Air Paving Block.

Jauzi, I., Prihantono, & Suyadi S., D. (2014). Studi Deskriptif Analitis Pemanfaatan
Abu Serbuk Kayu Mahoni Sebagai Bahan Tambah Pembuatan Paving Block Untuk Mencari
Kuat Tekan Optimum Berdasarkan SNI 03-0691-1989. Menara: Jurnal Teknik Sipil, 9(2), 1–

Nugroho, E. H. (2010). Analisis Porositas dan Permeabilitas Beton dengan Bahan

Tambah Fly Ash untuk Perkerasan Kaku (Rigid Pavement).

Widari, L. A., Fasdarsyah, & Debrina, I. (2015). Pengaruh Penggunaan Abu Serbuk
Kayu Terhadap Kuat Tekan Dan Daya Serap Air Pada Paving Block. Teras Jurnal, 5(1), 51–

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