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Abdillah Hans Samara 18511028

International Program




Evaluation of Mitigation Research on Earthquake
Disaster Structure in the Doom Island Region, Sorong
After the earthquake that shook Sorong City, not a few residential buildings on Doom Island
were damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the feasibility of the structure of the community's
residential buildings to anticipate the damage that may occur if the next earthquake occurs. Disaster
mitigation efforts need to be carried out comprehensively, effectively and efficiently in order to
reduce the risk due to earthquakes.
The evaluation of the earthquake disaster mitigation structure on Doom Island is intended to
observe directly whether the residents' houses have complied with the provisions for earthquake-
resistant houses. The survey was conducted using a simple building evaluation form format (typical of
a wall), adopted from FEMA which has been modified by Imam Satyarno (Satyarno, 2012) in which it
has been adapted to building conditions in Indonesia, where as a reference to consider the condition
of existing buildings in the Doom Island area.
The results of the mitigation evaluation for residential buildings on Doom Island can be said
that almost all of them have not met the requirements specified in the technical requirements for
earthquake-resistant buildings. This shows that the awareness of the importance of building an
earthquake-resistant structure has not really been understood by the people on Doom Island. So this
usually causes the level of risk of damage and loss of life during an earthquake to be greater and it
needs serious handling.

Key words: Mitigation,Earthquake Resistant House,Building Evaluation Simple,Earthquake

1. Introduction

Geologically, Indonesia is located on three large plates and has many volcanoes. Indonesia is a
country that is prone to disasters both geographically and meteorologically, from the aspect of
tectonic energy, eastern Indonesia has a potential threat of earthquakes that is twice that of western
Indonesia. Sorong City is one of the areas in Indonesia that often experiences earthquakes. A fairly
large earthquake that hit Sorong City occurred on September 24, 2015 at 22:53 WIB with a magnitude
of 6.8 on the Richter Scale with an earthquake depth of 10 kilometers centered on the sea, 31
kilometers away. kilometers Northeast of Sorong City, West Papua (DetikNews). After the incident,
the residential building in The city of Sorong has suffered a lot of damage, including Doom Island or
also known as Dum Island by the local indigenous people (the Malamooi tribe). Doom Island is a
large island located outside the city of Sorong with a fairly dense population, the recorded population
in 2009 was 12,388 souls and 2,546 heads of families (Tanzil, 2014). When the earthquake occurred,
not only was the damage to buildings, but the casualties were quite a lot. Therefore, evaluation of the
building structure is considered very important considering that so far the evaluation of building
structures is usually carried out after an earthquake occurs. In mitigation efforts to minimize the risk
of an earthquake, it is necessary to evaluate the structure of the building, but evaluation of the
structure is very rarely carried out. Earthquake disaster mitigation efforts do not only study the history
of earthquakes, but also have a proper understanding of the vulnerability and condition of the soil and
building structures to earthquakes. Mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce risk disasters, both
through physical and non-physical development such as awareness and improvement of community
capacity in dealing with disaster threats. Physical development includes building planning,
development arrangements, infrastructure development and infrastructure implementation (Law No.
24 of 2007).
2. Discussion
Purpose Research

The purpose of this research is to find out whether the structure of the building in the
archipelago of Sorong City, namely Doom Island, has met the earthquake-resistant building standards
according to the evaluation of a simple building (typical of a wall), which was adopted from FEMA
(Federal Emergency Management Agency) which has been modified by Iman Satyarno. (Satyarno,
2012) in which it has been adapted to the conditions of buildings in Indonesia.

Metodologi Penelitian

This research is generally carried out in the archipelago of Sorong City, which is located on
the island of Doom.

Tahapan Penelitian

1. Preparation Stage At this stage of preparation includes :

a. Literature study of the material for the analysis process
b. Finding data needs
c. List agencies and institutions that can be used as data sources.

2. Data Collection Stage Data collection is the first step after the preparation stage in the
implementation process which is very important, because it can determine the problem and a series of
alternative problem solving choices that will be taken. There are several methods used in this data
collection stage, among others :

a. Primary data

are data directly taken from the field, including: observations, interviews, focused discussions
and distributing questionnaires as below .

b. Secondary data

are data obtained or collected by researchers from various existing sources (researchers as
second hand). Secondary data can be obtained from various sources such as the Central Bureau of
Statistics (BPS), books, reports, journals, and others.

Data Collection Technique

The data was obtained by conducting a survey on the island of Doom, where researchers
directly saw, observed, and evaluated earthquake disaster mitigation structures in the area. From this
research, the researcher will also see whether the Doom Island area has complied with the provisions
for earthquake-resistant houses. The survey was conducted using a simple building evaluation form
format (typical of a wall), adopted from FEMA which has been modified by Imam Satyarno
(Satyarno, 2012) in which it has been adapted to building conditions in Indonesia, where as a
reference to consider the condition of existing buildings in the territory of the island of Doom. From
this data, researchers can evaluate how to mitigate structural earthquake disasters.
2. Conclusion

Based on the results of this study, as well as the discussion and analysis that have been
described previously, and referring to the evaluation form of a simple building (typical of a wall),
which was adopted from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) which has been
modified by Iman Satyarno (Satyarno, 2012) it can be concluded that :

1. It can be said that most of the houses on Doom Island have not met the requirements specified in
the technical requirements for earthquake-resistant buildings. An important part of the earthquake
force resisting element has not been applied to community buildings for typical simple walls. The
main structures, such as sloof, columns and ring beams are not an important concern of the
community, so they only use wooden structures instead of reinforcement, and many houses do not
have sloof..

2. The results of descriptive analysis of the data show that the percentage in Doom Island is the
implementation of house structures on foundation structural elements 69.23%, sloof 0%, column
0%, wall 100%, ring beam 0%, detail reinforcement at the end of the column and beam meeting
0% , connection 0%, floor plan 69.87%, horses 71.92% and mountains 0%.

3. The following are the reasons why there are still many simple residential houses that have been
researched that fall into the less suitable and inappropriate category::

a. Lack of government socialization of earthquake-resistant simple residential buildings in

accordance with technical guidelines for earthquake-resistant houses and buildings, so many
people do not know about it.

b.Lack of government socialization of earthquake-resistant simple residential buildings in

accordance with technical guidelines for earthquake-resistant houses and buildings, especially to
building experts,

c. Most communities build spontaneously, based on local customs, are constrained by costs and
time, and their implementation follows the ways of the past.

3. References

DetikNews - Gempa 6,8 SR Guncang Sorong, Papua Barat - (

srguncang-sorong-papua-barat diakses tanggal 21 Mei 2017)
Republik Indonesia. 2008. ___, Peraturan Kepala Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Nomor 04 tahun
2008 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Rencana Penanggulangan Bencana.
Satyarno, Iman. 2012. Evaluasi Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi Struktur. UGM. Yogyakarta. Tanzil,
Pulau Doom Papua Barat ( pulau-doom-sorong papua/ tanggal
21 Mei 2017) UU RI Nomor 24 Tahun 2007 Tentang Penanggulangan Bencana
Sugeng Mas. 2016. Pengertian bangunan struktur gempa. Diambil dari Http://ayo-

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