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Placenta Previa

Placenta previa is a problem that occurs during the pregnancy when the placenta
completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus. It is a condition in which an
organ develops inside the uterus at the stages of pregnancy. According to Better Life
Channel, complications may occur because placenta previa includes major
hemorrhaging for the mother, fetal distress from lack of oxygen, shock from the loss of
blood, premature labor or delivery, blood loss to the baby, or even death. Symptoms in
mothers are painless bleeding during the early stage of pregnancy. And if a woman bled
too much, they can experience anemia, pale skin, rapid and weak pulse, shortness of
breath, or low blood pressure. All over the world, 1 out of 200 pregnancies developed
placenta previa or approximately 4 per 1000 worldwide. Placenta previa is primarily the
cable of an unhealthy lifestyle aa nd history of pregnancy problems.

Clinical Analysis
Placenta previa is a problem that occurs during the pregnancy when the placenta
completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus (Mayo Clinic). It is a condition in
which an organ develops inside the uterus at the stages of pregnancy. Having a
placenta previa attached to the lower part of the uterus leads to a serious and alarming
problem in delivering the infant. Placenta previa leads to placental tissue covering the
cervix which can result in bleeding in pregnancy or during the delivery stage of a
mother. According to Better Life Channel, complications may occur because placenta
previa includes major hemorrhaging for the mother, fetal distress from lack of oxygen,
shock from the loss of blood, premature labor or delivery, blood loss to the baby, or
even death. Symptoms in mothers are painless bleeding during the early stage of
pregnancy. But what is alarming is that bleeding during pregnancy is not always the
cause of placenta previa. According to WebMD, women having this condition might
experience bright red bleeding from the vagina during the second half of pregnancy.
They will also experience contractions along with bleeding. And if a woman bled too
much, they can experience anemia, pale skin, rapid and weak pulse, shortness of
breath, or low blood pressure. All over the world, 1 out of 200 pregnancies developed
placenta previa (WebMD) or approximately 4 per 1000 but varies worldwide (C. J.
Lockwood, and K. Russo-Stieglitz).
Placenta previa is primarily the cause of an unhealthy lifestyle and a history of
pregnancy problems. According to WebMD, women my likely to get placenta previa if
they smoke cigarettes or use cocaine if they are 35 or older, have been pregnant
before, have had a C-section before, have had other types of surgery on their uterus,
are pregnant with more than one baby and are a person of color.
Better Health Channel. (n.d.). Placenta previa - Better Health Channel.


Lockwood, C. J., & Russo-Stieglitz, K. (n.d.). Placenta previa: Epidemiology, clinical features,

diagnosis, morbidity and mortality. Up to Date. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from


Mayo Clinic. (2022, May 11). Placenta previa - Symptoms and causes. Retrieved June 7, 2022,



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