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Meconium Aspiration

Meconium is the baby’s first stool, or poop, which is sticky, thick, and dark green. This
phenomenon is called Meconium Aspiration. Meconium aspiration is a condition when a
newborn breathes in a mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid. Health experts don’t
fully understand the cause of the early release of meconium but some suggest it could
be a natural occurrence by babies or it could be the cause of stress in babies.
Meconium aspiration typically occurs when the fetus is released during labor, especially
when the infant is past its due date. When meconium is mixed with amniotic fluid it gives
a greenish color to it. The symptoms of this condition have a similarity to other health
problems in babies. Because that meconium aspiration has similar symptoms to other
conditions. It is advised that parents should seek medical attention if the baby shows
symptoms. Nurses and doctors should also check for symptoms, especially since this
condition could take place longer than expected especially for those babies born
late. They should monitor the baby’s condition by identifying the amount and thickness
of the meconium and how long the baby is exposed to it, and how the baby is
breathing. In this situation, they must be ready to suction if meconium enters the baby’s

Clinical Analysis
Meconium is the baby’s first stool, or poop, which is sticky, thick, and dark green
(Stanford Children’s Health). This first stool happens to be released before the baby
was born. This phenomenon is called Meconium Aspiration. Meconium aspiration
according to Stanford Children’s Health, is a condition when a newborn breathes in a
mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid. Health experts don’t fully understand the cause
of the early release of meconium but some suggest it could be a natural occurrence by
babies or it could be the cause of stress in babies. Meanwhile, according to Johns
Hopkins Medicine, meconium aspiration typically occurs when the fetus is released
during labor, especially when the infant is past its due date. Added to this, this condition
happens for about 5 to 10 percent of babies being born which is a small number to be
exact but this condition is one of the leading causes of severe illness and death to
babies during delivery. According to Stanford Children’s Health, when the baby
breathes the amniotic fluid with meconium, it could travel to their airways and stick on
their air sacs and could cause an infection like pneumonia. Added to this, babies who
are born full-term who are small for gestation or those babies born post-term are
happens to have more risk of meconium aspiration. When meconium is mixed with
amniotic fluid it gives a greenish color to it. And if happens that meconium is present in
the amniotic fluid; this condition can cause yellowed skin and nails in babies. That is
why symptoms must be monitored for babies after birth. According to Stanford
Children’s Health, babies exposed to this condition are rapid breathing, muscles of the
ribs pulling in toward the chest when the child breaths, grunting sounds when breathing,
bluish skin color, and an enlarged and bloated chest because of trapped air. The
symptoms of this condition have a similarity to other health problems in babies. That is
why it is advised to look for a healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

Because that meconium aspiration has similar symptoms to other conditions. It is
advised that parents should seek medical attention if the baby shows symptoms.
Nurses and doctors should also check for symptoms, especially since this condition
could take place longer than expected especially for those babies born late. They
should monitor the baby’s condition by identifying the amount and thickness of the
meconium and how long the baby is exposed to it, and how the baby is breathing. In
this situation, they must be ready to suction if meconium enters the baby’s airway.
John Hopkin’s Medicine. (2019, November 19). Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. Retrieved June

29, 2022, from


Stanfords Children’s Health. (n.d.). default - Stanford Children’s Health. Retrieved June 30,

2022, from



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