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Table 8.

2: Analyses of North Korea’s Use of Smart Power under Kim Jong-il


Year North Korea’s Power Resources Probability of Success (Rationality) Use of Soft Power Use of Smart Power
(Hard Power)
Yes. The U.S. seriously
Kim Jong-il and Vice Marshal Jo Yes. North Korean considered use of force
Myong-rak engaged the U.S. at the High probability of success. negotiators manipulated and against the North; however,
highest levels. Their efforts were Once President Carter intervened to persuaded U.S. negotiators it eventually chose to
complemented by skilled defuse the crisis, North Koreans that Kim Jong-il was serious
North Korean 1994 negotiate. The concessions
negotiators from the Ministry of probably realized that, as long as about nuclear negotiations
Nuclear that Kim Jong-il received as
Foreign Affairs who used the they were willing to address despite KPA and KWP
Weapons a result of the 1994 Agreed
hardline of the KPA and KWP to Washington’s concerns about its opposition. In fact, the
Development Framework were critical in
influence senior U.S. officials, nascent nuclear program, a deal Clinton administration was North Korea’s survival
negotiators, and some in the IC. could be made with the U.S. convinced Kim could be a strategy during the famine
trusted partner. years.

Kim Jong-il directly engaged with Uncertainty of success with U.S.

leaders of South Korea and Japan but high probability with
to promote his aims. At the same Seoul/Tokyo.
time, the North Koreans exerted North Korea probably believed Bush Yes. Bush preferred regime
pressure on the U.S. by conducting sought regime change, and the U.S. change; however, North Yes. The September 2005
a nuclear test and missile invasion of Iraq forced Pyongyang to Korea was able to Joint Statement also helped
launches. They also leveraged attempt various forms of coercion and manipulate and persuade Kim to resist Bush’s hardline
Second 2002 select groups of U.S. interlocutors, persuasion to seek bilateral some in Washington to policy and survive the
Nuclear Crisis both official and unofficial, to elicit negotiations. When the U.S. war in pursue diplomacy. This growing international
nuclear negotiations or convey Iraq began to falter and Bush eventually convinced Bush sanctions regime against
nuclear threats. The North appointed Chris Hill to negotiate with to overlook Pyongyang’s Pyongyang.
Koreans used their experienced Pyongyang, the North likely sensed illicit (e.g., BDA) and nuclear
diplomats to negotiate nuclear probability of success was increasing. proliferation activities.
deals and monitor the course of Kim sensed he had little difficulty with
their implementation to protect their the South Koreans and the Japanese
aim of survival. but misjudged the latter’s reaction to
the abductions.

Yes. Kim used covert
High probability of success. action, which made it
Kim correctly assessed that using difficult for South Korea and Yes. Kim Jong-il was able
North Korean North Korea used a submarine covert assets would improve his the to avenge the losses from
Sinking of the 2010 from the RGB to conduct its covert likelihood of success. He used his U.S. to conclusively argue the November 2009 naval
Cheonan action to sink the Cheonan and North Korea was clash and successfully
strengths of surprise and underwater
deployed conventional artillery to responsible for the challenged Seoul’s hardline
warfare to defeat a much more
conduct a limited artillery attack on Cheonan sinking. As a policy against the North.
capable South Korean surface navy.
Yeonpyeong Island. result, Beijing and Moscow
The investigation also took too long
supported him, and the
for South Korean retaliation.
majority of South Koreans
were manipulated to believe
the North was not

High probability of success. Yes. Kim attempted to

Shelling of KPA had the advantage of surprise manipulate the incident by Yes. Kim used the artillery
Three batteries of multiple rocket
Yeonpyeong 2010 and preparedness. Kim argued he claiming the North was attack to bolster his son as
launchers fired about 170 rounds
Island warned Seoul he would defend North protecting its territorial his successor, defender of
toward the island.
Korea’s sovereignty. He probably sovereignty but offered a North Korea’s sovereignty,
was ready to apologize to de- half-hearted apology for and a master military
escalate. those killed during the attack strategist.
to show credibility of his
claims. The South retaliated
but was largely ineffective.

When Kim Jong-il assumed power he faced a constellation of forces that
threatened the survival of his regime. Unlike his father, Kim became more
pragmatic and understood that reunification was no longer a realistic aim,
focusing instead on regime survival. He successfully used smart power to
resolve the nuclear issue with Presidents Clinton and Bush to deter U.S. military
action, legitimize his rule, and obtain some of the resources he needed to
survive from the mid-1990s to 2008. Although many have argued Kim’s
strategy was purely coercive, the evidence suggests he used smart power to
convince two U.S. presidents to seek a negotiated settlement. With the Clinton
administration, Kim used the KPA and the KWP to threaten nuclear breakout
and as leverage to gain the upper hand during negotiations. He also employed
high-level diplomacy to demonstrate his competence to build trust with Clinton.
On the other hand, Kim reached out to the Bush administration by
engaging both official and unofficial U.S. contacts, but they initially failed.
However, when the Iraq War faltered, Bush was more open to negotiations.
Having said that, the U.S. hardliners continued to apply pressure by declaring
BDA a primary money laundering concern. After North Korea conducted its first
nuclear test in 2006 and launched more missiles, the BDA issue was resolved.
Kim was successful despite crossing Bush’s redline on nuclear proliferation
because he was pragmatic and took significant steps to dismantle his plutonium
program. Yet, Kim hedged by denying the existence of his HEU program.
Kim also seized the moment to engage Seoul’s progressive governments
from 1998 to 2008. He used benignity to attract benefits and offered a more
positive perception of North Korea in the South by personally engaging in the
reconciliation process. When North-South reconciliation was reversed after Lee
Myung-bak assumed power in 2008, Kim resorted to carefully planned
provocations to retaliate against Lee’s hardline policy and to support the
leadership succession of his son. When he attacked Yeonpyeong, Kim invoked
defense of sovereignty claim and offered a quasi-apology. With the exception
of the Bush gambit, Kim probably felt the probability of success was high for the
other cases and finally convinced Obama to negotiate a deal before his death.

Table 8.3: Analyses of North Korea’s Use of Smart Power under Kim Jong-un

Year North Korea’s Power Resources Probability of Success (Rationality) Use of Soft Power Use of Smart Power
(Hard Power)
Yes. U.S. reassured South
Korea by deploying
bombers and missile
Kim reportedly ordered the missile defense forces, and called Yes. Kim Jong-un used
deployment as a demonstration of on China to pressure the Exercise KEY RESOLVE
Deployment High probability of success.
power to declare he had a nuclear North. In spite of the rhetoric and the overt deployment of
of Long- 2013 North Koreans were probably
ICBM capability to defend the and the reported B-52 and B-2 bombers to
Range convinced they could control the
country. The escalation during the deployment of a nuclear justify North Korea’s status
Missiles to escalation ladder as long as they
provocation was largely caused by ICBM, Kim Jong-un as a nuclear weapons state
Strike the U.S. refrained from launching the missile.
the intense propaganda from the manipulated international in April 2013. He also
If all else failed, the exit strategy sanctions and military
regime that expressed its intent to reaffirmed his own
was to employ high-level diplomacy exercises in South Korea to adaptation of Kim Il-sung’s
preemptively strike the U.S.
and use the KIC as leverage to demonstrate his
homeland with nuclear ICBMs. Byungjin line (simultaneous
return to the status quo. competence and leadership. development of economy
He de-escalated the and nuclear weapons).
situation by sending Cho
Ryong-hae to Beijing and
reopening the KIC.

Yes. South Korea Yes. Kim was perceived by

KPA probably used light infantry to responded to the incident some as a more rational and
emplace the landmines and by ordering its troops to capable leader than
High probability of success. previously assessed based
employed tactical artillery near the prepare for war, resuming
DMZ to heighten tensions. Kim The covert use of landmines was at on his pragmatic choices
the lower end of the conflict loudspeaker broadcasts,
Landmine also used diplomacy to de-escalate and return artillery fires. Kim during the incident. The
the situation. The North effectively spectrum, and it would be difficult to North also made the point its
Incident in the 2015 prove conclusively North Korea was manipulated the 70th
DMZ used its media to signal threats, anniversary of Korean leadership had more
desire for engagement, and provide responsible. legitimacy to rule all of
liberation to demonstrate his
the rationale for policy positions leadership and quickly de- Korea. It also cited military
such as Juche, Songun, Byungjin, escalated by initiating high- exercises in the South to
nuclear weapons, and the civilian level talks and offering an defend its nuclear and
space program. expression of regret. missile programs.

As Kim Jong-un began to consolidate his power in 2012, North Korea
conducted a space launch in April even though the U.S. claimed space launches
were in violation of the February 2012 nuclear agreement because it viewed them
as long-range missile tests. After claiming its sovereign right to conduct space
launches, the North followed up in December with a successful space launch and a
third nuclear test in February 2013. Pyongyang then boasted it had successfully
tested a miniature nuclear device. In other words, North Korea claimed it
possessed a nuclear ICBM. The North Koreans did not have to wait long before
they would try to demonstrate this capability. The combined U.S.-South Korean
military exercises in March 2013 as well as the first overt B-52 and B-2 bomber
flights over Korea were manipulated to justify Pyongyang’s declaration as a nuclear
weapons state in April 2013. Subsequently, Kim ordered the deployment of a
nuclear ICBM to the east coast. The evidence suggests North Korea probably
believed the likelihood of success was high because, after demonstrating it had a
nuclear ICBM capability, it refrained from launching the missile and was prepared
to de-escalate by sending a senior official to Beijing and re-opening the KIC.
The second provocation in August 2015 was more of a surprise to many
observers. Although some in South Korea claimed this incident was a case of
miscalculation on Kim’s part, it appears that it was a well-planned provocation
manufactured to manipulate North Korea’s legitimacy over the Park Geun-hye
administration in Seoul. As the Koreans prepared to celebrate the 70 th anniversary
of their liberation from Japanese colonial rule, Kim probably realized this was a
unique opportunity to differentiate the backgrounds of the ruling families of the two
Koreas and to tout the North’s nuclear weapons. His family descended from anti-
Japanese guerrilla fighters while Park’s father was an officer in the Japanese Army
who fought for the enemy. For Kim, it was the perfect time to wage the war of
legitimacy and he even turned back the clock to prove it. Kim also used the
opportunity to demonstrate his competent leadership, and evidence suggests some
observers are convinced he is more capable a leader than previously imagined.

Moreover, the probability of success was high because there was no
conclusive evidence the North Koreans had planted the landmines.
Like his forefathers, he was prepared to offer regrets to de-escalate –
the issuance of a quasi-apology has been a regular tactic of the Kims.
The H-bomb test in January 2016 sets the tone for Kim Jong-un to
celebrate the success of his Byungjin policy during the fifth year of his


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