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Intrusive thoughts about consequences, possible outcomes (specially negative

ones), the dangers of the future and the alternatives or mistakes of the past. Anything that
happens with them is a reason for anxiety and worry, remorse and guilt. Often doubts
their own senses and reality itself, overthinking that they might be hallucinating,
becoming delusional. Pictures of terrors easily come and go – they tend to create phobia
and irrational neurotic planning. His mood depends of the ambient: if sunlight touchs him,
he’ll maybe relax and keep the calm or get frustrated and even more anxious, if night
comes, he’ll maybe worry over the insects, spiders and threats, the darkness of things.
Winter may make him extremely unproductive, the cold night influences his desires – he
may prefer to sleep until a better ambient comes. Very “wait and see” – every action must
be systematic, organized and clear, therefore, he seeks for things to develop over time
before additional hypothesis, theory and plan, before any behaviour is performed.
Obssessed with “time”, he looks at an abyss of depth or the multiplicity of abstractions,
naturally perceives the inner nature of things within a rhizome. He has visions of the
“ending” – he reaches conclusions by an automatic, insightful and dialectical,
“contradictory” manipulation of simulations and the development of simulacras, hegelian
sublations, “intellectual intuition” or “passive thinking”, interpretation of reality, of
evidences, facts. The symbolical intuition of this type tends to allow him to imagine
timelines of essence: he knows very well his own character and the personality of an
object, or that is what he assumes. The past self and the contingency of the futures. With
his irrational nature, he may believe in fatalism and desistence, if he ever falls in inertia.
Nostalgia and deja vu is common; the only tangible and real thing for his mind is
difference, transformation, changing, and also, repetition. He becomes used to things
repeating and repeating, often recalling memory-images. This can be actually sad,
because it may be a prison of never-ending “nostalgic suffering”. Often talks about things
in a “delusional” manner (must you remind that he is an irrational type) – he sees things
other people do not see, and if he ever chooses to talk about those things, it may come off
as vague and meaningless. But that is his nature: seeing meaningful existence within
“meaningless” personality, and brutal meaninglessnesses within “charismatic”
personality. Driven by its own understanding of possibilities, motivated by inspiration
and sense of purpose, wordly ambitions (that he usually lacks, often depressed).
Flashes of inspiration and innovation, insights concerning relationships between
ideas and images of thought, his whole behaviour is rooted on symbols and signs – his
own imagination and his hyperreal living. Most characteristic traits are skepticism and
critical organizing faculty. Naturally directed to reading – most manifestations of this type
cultivate and collect with pleasure its knowledge and broad storage of raw data. This is
the most strategic, perfectionistic and nervous type. He’s often not able to displace doubts,
prone to obssessive notions of orderliness and cautiousness. He sticks to the rules and
treats everyone according to the laws of society, but he is extremely and absurdly
mistrustful of everything – people and objects – he doesn’t believe that others are good,
but neither believes that they are bad. Self-controlled and blunt, usually wants to let things
clear. Spends high amounts of time planning, seeking order in the envinronment. He
works overtime and generally distracts himself with work and activity (in order to not get
stuck on his fatalistic mindset, to escape reality and doom). Checks things obssessively,
compulsive analysis-paralysis, always worried over minor matters: details oriented and
neurotically systematic. He swings between 2 extremes: falling into the abyss of
meaninglessness and the lack of wordly ambitions, or, being absorbed by thoughts about
plans for tomorrow, about how things should’ve been, about mistakes and multiple
possible errors. High responsibility oppresses him – he has a high sense of dutifulness
and feels that it is necessary to keep promises, to solve his obligations; but those things
are painful and he fears them. Has neuroses related to obsessive states, somato-
hypochondriac states, timidity. Worrisome and internally not confident in himself;
indecisive and irrationally guilty, apprehension and perfectionism invades his mind. He
is detached, skeptical, a cynical loner who finds little joy in human relations. Gets
described by others as solitary, depressed, worried, introverted, and shy. In certain
manifestations, he can express a lack of energy and direction in life. Passive in
circunstances, inconsistently unenergetic, generally devoid of passions and aimless.
Pessimistic and insecure, highly intellectual and introspective. Some manifestations of
the type can be described by other persons as learned, well-read, persevering, rule-
abiding, calm, and industrious. Their leadership style is likely to be seen as no-nonsense
and instrumental, tense and effective. Examples of this type are often found in chess
ambients – interesting enough, they’ll study chess the entire day and fall asleep, dream
about chess, having practices and study in the dreaming, and then wake up, and follow
their routine. Inclined to second-guess everything. Fears having nightmares.
He is someone that craves structure and order but never seems to be able to achieve
the order and routine they desire. Their own emotional instability fosters a self-defeating
pattern, a logical kind of personality entirely rooted on fear, ambition, anger or similar
types of “energy”. Does not change location of work without any reason, living according
to his idealizations and standards, doesn’t like unexpected or acidental events, dislikes
surprise and random happenings – those things will drive him nervous and anxious, for
sure. Indecisive and neurotic because he likes to have matters settled whenever possible:
extremely analytical but prone to paralysis. He’s not oriented to multitasking, usually;
most manifestations probably are tactical and very methodic. Needs to get things off his
mind, having zero responsibilities to worry about. This type often has many methods and
procedures, “manners”, weird ways of doing things and weird ways of expecting things
to be done. Tends to experience many negative emotions and few positive emotions. He
is changeable, depressed, tense, impatient, moody, anxious, irritable, nervous,
unambitious, cold, unreliable, self-centered and stubborn. Most introverted type,
characterized by being the coldest human in the world. He never shares his emotions with
people, never talks about how he feels, avoids his own sentiments and tries to keep a
stability. Usually, not good at all with people – and never would want to interact with
them – extremely uncomfortable with self-expression; emotionality is a strange thing.
Yet, they can be strongly concerned about what society or other people might think of
them, this type might even get suddenly annoyed by his own perception of others’
perception of him. Nervous, he possibly gets multiple eye twitchs, his facial muscles tics
out of stress. This type always has a melancholic or phlegmatic appearance, looking
“adult”, mature. His facial expression rarely changes and his voice tends to be “low
volume”, apathetic and dispassionate figure, aloof, brooding, and indifferent. Some
manifestations stay completely calm and in control in most situations. Usually doesn’t
laugh (he gets embarrassed and feels vulnerable with emotional expression) neither
smiles, though he can maniacally laugh or smile and cry – alone or with friends.
Emotionless, low confidence, modest or humble, doesn’t hesitate to confront and question
others, slightly possessive and “paranoid love” with people he loves. Can be protective,
altruistic and agreeable. He observes, recognizes and internalizes people’s emotions, the
suffering of humanity and the emptyness in the world, becoming quite forgiving and
caretaking of those that deserve. Some manifestations can express creepy sense of
humour, often black humour, sarcasm, irony, even sexual jokes. This type generally holds
a hatred towards society, people, or something.
Insomniac, keeps working non-stop and barely eats or cares about his health.
Meticulous and bizarre, having several quirks, bites fingernails and most versions of the
type are lethargic. Some manifestations cares little about its own appearance but most
versions have deep insecurities concerning the appearance they have – which means that
some manifestations also care about their appearance too much, they zeal for their health
and for the health of the ambiente or the people, and dislike uglyness. Constant need to
suspect even simple natural processes as threats, wants to fix the ambient, sensations
create anxious perfectionism. Some manifestations can be motivated by anger and
passion, being anti-stereotype. Sounds and lights, smell and taste, those are all
uncomfortable and irritating – people singing and people eating frustrates – extremely
prone to sensory overload and stress. Doesn’t filter information very well, taking every
sensation all at one time. Some manifestations of the type listens to music 24/7 and uses
headphones in order to avoid loud things. May lose contact with reality and experience a
range of extreme symptoms that may include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized
thinking (speech), and/or grossly disorganized or abnormal behavior (including
catatonia). Unfocused, they easily lose attention and concentration. The type usually delas
with unfiltered information, ideas and concepts are digested in brute and concrete aspects.
May have mood disorder. Some versions of the type may be into sports, running and
competition, over-working etc. The type generally can develop interest in martial arts for
example, and it can even practice martial arts and multiple kinds of sports, but they often
do not have the necessary energy for all of this action. They need someone or something
to incentivate their behaviours, to impose an ambition on their emptyness. Their
moodiness and irrational nature may be enough reason for undisciplined episodes, lack
of self-control: they drink, eat and smoke to the maximum, living like they must die. Their
thinking usually is visual-spatial and/or mathematical. Music can be used to control
emotions and levels of attention. Usually, he won’t explain complicated things, won’t talk
about topics not useful for the consensus or general layman. He demonstrates and shows
results, examples and sources, a multitude of facts and observations, empirical
conclusions and research; but he won’t explain or deconstruct those informations – he is
more interested in the elaboration of data, reorganization and interpretation of old
systems, adapting the data into a new shape, a form that fits and representes what he sees.
Imagine that your world is a body of water. There’s all sorts of ways you can move
through it. You can just wade in the water, experiencing it while never fully submerging
yourself, you can float above the water and bouy yourself with your own weight. You can
choose to move constantly or stay fairly static. You can alternate between all sorts of
things, whatever makes your experience of the water most enjoyable. For the ES, it is like
being submerged all the time, completely surrounded by the water and never needing to
come up to breathe. You’re constantly aware of how the water feels because it’s
constantly everywhere, always, in all your senses. Having all this water around you all
the time obviously gives you a sense of ease within it, to the point where you find yourself
confident in cutting through the water and moving yourself wherever you want to be.
Your strength underwater also allows you to move others, whether to help them or help
yourself. It’s not that everyone else is poor at managing themselves, per se, but that you’re
so accustomed to the water that’s almost second instinct to control or assist where needed.
You can hold complete autonomy over your choices in the water, because you know no
one can do it like you can, but at the same time, your submergence can almost leave you
feeling stuck if you aren’t constantly moving, conquering new things. This type is a
person of actions. “I am active, therefore I exist”. “I do not need anyone to teach me, I
know what I am supposed to do”. Often this type will do things before thinking. Their
hands move faster than their heads think: they are people of action who accept
responsibility for the consequences. When retired, the type withers away, gets ill, he
whines and feels miserable. They have to do something, anything. Most extraverted type,
endowed with a great capacity for enjoying life and a zeal for experimentation, drinking,
fighting, playing, bullying, doing, achieving. Able to absorb an immense number of facts,
remembering everything; they are moved by their sense of realism. Always aware of all
the details going around their situation, pays sharp attention to things. They merge with
their own senses, the external stimuli is their purpose. If what they started to do is blocked,
they do it another way. Deals with a situation as it arises, without any kind of plan or
standard. People of this type are good at pulling conflicting factions together and making
things run smoothly. Some manifestations of the type are over-competitive, some other
manifestations, compulsive gamblers and beer enjoyers, some manifestations are just
harmonizers with a deep and broad royal sense of appearance and beauty.
Their entire energy and appearance involves having a massive volitional sphere
of power and indulgence. This type can often times appear as strongly sexual (and
feminine). They value material possessions and take the time to acquire, care for, and
enjoy them. Greatly values good food, good music, good art, animals and hugs. Oriented
to over-working, physical exercise, sports all day, running and running. Characterized by
ungovernablity, desires, instincts, uncontrollable impulses. Striving to discharge the
physical more than moral (spiritual) properties. Impulsive reactions, gives freedom to
irritability, openly speaks of his demands and claims, comes to contention, becomes rude.
Tendency for physical labor, changes places of work. Shortness of temper. Not few
chronic alcoholics among them. Impulsive in the sexual sphere, promiscuous sexual
relations, often instability in relations with a chosen partner, may enter into prostitution.
In youth may impulsively run away from home. Distinguished by affection, cares for his
children, often willing to provide any assistance. This type does not like talking about
health issues and usually uses simple treatment, a quick fix like aspirin. Until he drops
dead he works hard and often the reason of his death is an unexpected sickness, because
of his carelessness the sickness was neglected. Doesn’t like being passive – he hates being
touched, he wants to touch and hug, not be touched or hugged – wants to affirm its own
existence and in order to do that, they enforce their desires and volition, their will and
their intentions on everything and everyone. This type consistently attracts the attention
and affection of people around it, usually making a big scene, a whole drama, an entire
explosion of upbeat adrenaline. Prefers honesty over politeness. Inclined to insult and
bully, mocking and playing with specific people. Danger and surprise do not cause fear
or anxiety, frustration; instead, danger and surprise gives enthusiasm and excitement.
Troublesome personality; some manifestations of this type may cry in public like babies
and accuse their partners, they are possessive, jealous, easily envious and furious. Too
carefree: never thinks about the consequences of their actions. Some versions always acts
and speaks on its whims, other versions may be sadistic, manipulative and two-faced.
Seeks or expects praises or love aggressively and persistently, never gives up. Thinks
very highly of themselves (and maybe of their partners too). At times, this type seems to
be a walking encyclopedia, because they accumulate knowledge and remember it
precisely. Their mind is like a library where every single data gets registered. Their
cognition is that of an “obssessive photography taker”. Can be very tolerant, easily
accepts and forgives others’ imperfections and mistakes. They’ll like or dislike someone
or something based off their appearance and skills.
Some manifestations of the type can be stereotypical tsunderes, some versions are
sadodere, others just megadere, and it goes on. If you are late for work and your boss is
someone of this type, they may reprimand you harshly, even rudely. But in five minutes
they will come to you as a matter of factly to discuss business as if nothing had happened.
He just vented his anger, no big deal. This type often uses words "shame", "disaster", "I
hate it", "I like it", "fantastic", "great". In a dialogue he is able to easily find rapport and
talk about the opponent’s problems, but he never forgets about his own goals. He
produces an illusionary impression that he really cares about other people's problems.
This type is loved despite of his boldness, people trust him, they vote for him hoping he
will change things for the better. He prefers to keep people at a distance, he does not make
friends in the office (command, platoon, etc.); there is a distance, a uniform, a business
talk within the framework of the rules of rank. They at times sincerely do not realize how
tactless they are. He approaches a talking couple and as a matter of factly interrupts and
addresses the person he needs to talk to; – the thing is, approaches them without second
thought, says something, disrupting the space of the dialogue, takes care of his business,
while the other partner takes off. Usually, this type lacks basic abilities of analysis and
awareness of how to use and produce, organize and systematize efforts effectively.
Though some versions of the type are knowledgeable enough to never have problems.
Some manifestations of the type can be even really knowledgeable and intellectual, but
they never focus on those aspects of the world, being generally described as something
else. They charisma and pleasure-seeking, leadership personality, are what matters most.
Dedicated, this type would do anything in his power to make what he wants become true.
Protective and caretaking of those he loves. Some manifestations are prone to emotional
stress, strict coldness or furious and self-righteous anger, having a demanding and
dominating nature. Yet, this type can manifest as innocent and empathetic. Supportive vs
Vindictive is truly a polarity common for this type. Can be inventive, resourceful and
interested in innovation, respects obligations. I always think of this type as someone to
over-work until they get their work done perfectly: If someone of this type ever receives
a task, they will impulsively solve it. They do not administer time or processes, they do
everything as it comes. They solve all their obligations first and then return to their goals.
Generally, this type knows how to change someone’s emotions and can detect if someone
dislikes them, considers them a threat, a friend, etc.
This type has to be in a positive mood to achieve results, if a boss of this type is
in a good mood, he may sign the paper even without looking. Makes decisions easily,
never being a perfectionist (he accepts all imperfections and mistakes in the world, most
realistic type), but he has hard time changing his mood, a hard time thinking about the
future, a hard time pondering about what he could have done better etc. This type's
intuition is poorly differentiated. He has a hard time speaking about his premonitions and
feelings, insights. He doesn’t know what symbols might be there. He just has a 'gut
feeling' about something and cannot explain anything. He doesn’t talk in prophetic
language, rather, communicates like things are a simple ghost story, childish. Primitive,
archaic. For someone of this type, circumstances that are completely known and clear do
not give an opportunity to get excited, therefore he tries to create a bifurcation, a stress, a
conflict, when it is necessary to make decision on which further succession of events
depends, when there is nothing set and fixed and it is necessary to work in unknown
circumstances. This type often acts intuitively, instinctively. The working principle is
“create danger and conquer”, “get used to danger, to new things”. This type expects
difference, he wants something new, something unusual, something he can’t comprehend.
He expects to receive new stimuli, new data. And this may be a vicious cycle. Addictions
are common for this type, and I wonder if they tell ghost stories, random nightmares or
dreams, love ilusions and similar things, when drunk. Something interesting to describe:
This type can often hallucinate. The inferior intuition of this type can become so repressed
and forgotten that it may get upset and invade the actual conscience; hallucinations are
essentially intuitions, but those intuitions for some reason became transformed or merged
with the sensations. This type’s intuition may manifest as delusional stimuli and rose-
colored glasses of love and fanatical seeking of new sensations. It can hallucinate and get
pretty crazy. Of course, this is just a possible dynamic of the type’s functions. I wouldn’t
really expect someone of this type to have schizophrenia. But considering the relations
between functions and the cognition, it is possible.
This is a type that doesn’t cry, doesn’t whine or lament its own existence. A true
stoic and a moralist, he maintains independence from the judgement of others, being
bound by inner moral law. He has a strong sense of duty, faithfulness to obligations, and
no desire to impress or influence other people, and does not seek to be praised. Loyal and
extremely judgemental, only reacts with reasoning and personal feeling-values. Capable
of great devotion, sacrifice and service for a loved one, to a purpose, a duty, or to a cause,
a societal need, a movement. This type often manifests as an archetypal “thinker” due to
its moralistic and cold-blooded nature. But the stoic and robotic version of this type is not
the only one that exists; some manifestations of this type are quite non-robotic and
extremely sensitive, emotional. Even the robotic versions of this type are deep down
sentimental and oriented to idealistic, loyal and perfect love. This type often judges people
according to their feelings and morals; its nature can manifest on criticism and
perfectionism, prejudices and insults “Hopeless pervert! Useless! You should just die!”
or genuine love, soulful support and sympathy. This type generally never breaks a
promise and should be the definition of dutifulness, self-discipline, morality and modesty.
Of course, this type can be extremely assertive and strong in “metaphysical” ways: it
exercises its own power and duty, invading people’s life or the world. They wear their
warm and vulnerable side inside, like a fur-lined coat. They try to adapt and work with
the ambient, they try to keep internal harmony. They want their work to contribute to
something that actually matters, and it should matter to them. Some manifestations of
this type are open-minded, flexible and supportive, protective and altruistic. Other
manifestations are petty, tyrannical, pedantic, never satisfied, always frustrated, envious
or jealous, extremely social justice warrior and dominating etc. This type judges a person
based on their personal values and always analyses how he relates to the other. I assume
that this type has strict ideals of what the perfect partner should be, how is the personality
of the partner he will choose, for example. This type focuses on the sentimental and
human content, the personality, but also the appearance: they imagine what is beautiful
and what is ugly, and they keep those ideals close to their heart. They want to have a
purpose behind their paycheck, they want to contribute and be useful for the collective
judgement, but they will always follow their own personal feelings. They are
perfectionists whenever their feeling is engaged.
This type doesn't complain about their own life but heroically goes through the
difficulties and struggles. In dedication, commitment, stability and reliability no other
types can compare to this one. What should someone choose – love or duty? This type
chooses the later. By this, he often becomes a hostage of their own loneliness with few
friends, as potentially interesting people and relationships that don't corresponds to his
system of values are quickly dropped from his field of view. Representatives of this type
are also at odds with intuition and are capable of showing initiative in an untimely or
inappropriate manner. This, in turn, can lead them into trouble – "initiative is punishable".
They have a very clear division of people into 'good' and 'bad'. Stranger, familiar. Friend,
enemy. They see the realities – the needs of the moment – and try to meet them. Some
manifestations of this type are particularly interested and loving of animals (such as cats)
and is very sympathetic to things recognized as symbols. They consistently tend to
underestimate and understate themselves, and some manifestations may act like the
opposite: self-confident or even cocky behavior; prideful, pointing out faults in other
people without any consideration of their feelings (this type only reasons according to
their own sentiments). Tries to maintain an elegant, noble and dignified appearance,
extremely “royal” and adult. Competitive, yet insecure. Compares himself to other
people, seeing the relation between him and them, feels either inferior or superior. Loves
and symbolizes, idealizes something very specific, but tends to be tsundere – it rejects
and hides their love – very contradictory. Prone to over-worrying: he thinks about all the
possible outcomes but doesn’t know how to deal with the possibilities. Tries to find a
specific route, a path to follow; but always gets trapped on a cycle of worry and sadness.
Anything this type does perfectly, they take for granted as no great achievement. They
are inclined to resent people, bring topics that may ruin the mood. This type sticks to their
sense of beauty, their sense of what is appropriate, their feeling-values are all infused with
pride, anger or envy. Some versions may impose those personal senses on others, trying
to correct them, reform their behaviour, to make people perfect, oriented to concretize
their standards. Easily holds grudges and pain, carrying their own suffering their entire
life. They have all of these feelings and emotions building up and exploding, but they
keep a cold, calm and reserved demeanor. It is either crying or being apathetic. Generally,
the people of this type are healthy enough to be kind and selfless. True altruists, always
ready to help everyone in need.
This type has a normative attitude to health, when he gets sick he does not panic:
“I should go see a doctor”, he follows the doctor's advice. “If people do not turn to doctors
for help that is their problem”. He is conservative in food preferences and sex, any kind
of sensation. Usually methodical and rigidly makes the same kind of food, of course, with
elegance and perfection, trying to achieve a normal, usual health. It does not take long
before the world disturbs his inner harmony again, it is constantly invading his inner
psychological realm. This is one of the most anxious types. Acceptance of current
circumstances does not always bring the inner peace. Sometimes it is necessary to create
new conditions, i.e. instead of accepting the circumstances it is necessary to work with
the external situation. If problems persist then he begins to reluctantly work with the
circumstances, he even makes attempts to change the course of events. He does it slowly,
irresolutely, gradually, but nevertheless he does it. “I want to be this!”, “I want to be
that!”, “I need to do this!”, “I want to do nothing!”; his vision of the possibilities is all
over the place and he can’t help but question his own intuition. He considers himself
stupid, dumb, he gives up and falls in resentment, says that it is useless, there is no more
energy to spend on the topic. Yet he keeps thinking about it, he never stops worrying.
This type sees someone and gets skeptical about them: “Are they enemies?”. They don’t
perceive the nature or essence of things clearly. Choosing only one thing is dangerous,
making initiatives is dangerous. Innovation is dangerous, so you should keep with your
methods, your tactics and ways of being. Those are his conclusions; but they aren’t
conclusions! He’ll think about the topic again, probably. This is the fate of this type,
worrying and loving. Relaxing, then hating. Their whole goal is to make the best and the
most right choices, they aim to be right. But their open-mindedness doesn’t help. They
consider all routes, the symbols and signs. They overthink and in the end they do nothing.
Certain manifestations may be more calm and non-neurotic, though. Not having things
planned ahead creates uncertainty and perfectionism, always. You can’t tell this type that
you will give them a present in the next future: they will worry about everything! They
can’t keep their minds closed – their sense of realism and pessimism is always there.
Inspires facts, figures, often misses a deaf ear to all but them. He likes to be in
places where knows what the situation is - what to do. Inspires external order of things,
which was at the time his upbringing: the political system, social norms, etc. Therefore it
is extremely sensitive to social change: as long as the order of things has not changed:
"God forbid you live in interesting times." Always moves in the direction of the highest
order and places carefully avoids chaos, inspired by the order and very upset that he did
not change then. In this connection, sometimes it attracts work in military structures,
which has the force of statute. It is important that the situation elsewhere has been
organized in accordance with his usual rules and laws do not contradict the facts of
objective reality. It is also important to know who and where it should be, what to do.
What documents need to collect, for what purpose, where they have to apply and how to
fill. Most feel comfortable in a situation of definitive rules of action, without any
admixture of subjectivity "in the case of something - to do something-something."
Knowledge of the facts is often replaced in a particular situation a true understanding of
its problems. Why it becomes superficial, just vault statistics noted by objective laws and
regulations. He does not like long and detailed explanations. Immediately interrupts and
says, "Well, in short, that there" really? ". There is a view that he wants to get a ready
solution, usually, but not its justification. Eg. "2 * 2 = 4" Even rule. Loves terms,
sometimes you can just tell them and they they will be enough. He does not like those
who are destroying the norms of behavior in some situations, for example, it breaks the
chain of command. Particularly inspired by the facts, which sees with his own eyes, if
you can touch it. Therefore, it may often become a victim of fraud, which they are able
to provide such "fried facts ", especially if it is clearly (" sleight of hand and no
moshenstva "). A person is suggested not by explanations but by facts. “Give me the
facts.” This type does not need "explanations": “Do not explain, just give me the facts, I
am not interested in your interpretation!” He considers only real events and proven facts.
Suggestion here is possible by means of objective data or something tangible. For
example, someone says to him: “Tomorrow we are going to the theatre, here are the
tickets!” — “Ok, we are going then.” There is no need to tell him about the play, how
good the actors are, etc. He expects people to have conventional behavior; she is irritated
when people break rules by using any personal relationships or connections. A good place
is the place where it is possible to be sure about the authenticity of what is going on.
He abhors confusion, inefficiency, half measures. Dutiful and logical, extremely
impersonal and objective, self-confident and fixated. Strategic, doesn’t like nuances and
indecision – prefers clear organization and explicit procedures – demands of people that
they must follow the rules, seeks to impose on himself a sense of duty, fanatical
principles. Often works according to society’s judgement: his thinking is reductive and
collective, “empathetic”. He fixates on rationality, analysis and effective methodology.
Most logical and linear, assertive type. Accumulates knowledge and raw data infinitely,
always having common sense. If society knows something, he also knows it. Pathological
resilience of affect and complete inexistence of personal sentiments, he negates any kind
of emotion and any kind of impulse, instinct. Devoid of passions and individual thoughts
or feelings, he becomes a moral compass, an example of civilized person. Does not take
offense at minor things, but when his pride and honor are hurt, he may get painfully
touchy. Strives for justice, expresses arrogance, ambition, confidence. Little reward,
positive feedback, instead there are suspicions, jealousy, intractability, litigation,
stubbornness, absorption into optimistic dreams, overvalued ideas, hard-headedness.
Sticks to the collective ideals and fixates onto their value. Person of ideas. Constantly
increasing fear. Actively involved in his own health treatments. "A fanatic of justice".
Self-willed and does not tolerate objections. Strict orders for themselves, no hypocrisy,
they stake out their objectives well in advance and put a lot of systematic effort into
reaching them on schedule. Irresistible urge to make decisions, declares things clearly.
This type constructs a code of rules embodying society’s basic judgements about the
world, merging with the collective laws of reason. Enforces rules and formulas of
behaviour, discipline, principles, everything. This type often has a clear set of goals and
plans: he believes that he has a crusade, a mission. He thinks of himself as a hero working
for the good of all humanity. Lives by the rules and makes sure that everyone else also
lives by the rules. If they end up needing to change their ways, then the code of rules
should be changed. Their manners and behaviour is naturally dictated by the code of rules.
Everything that conforms to the rules will be right; everything that violates them will be
wrong; and everything not covered by them will be unimportant. Some manifestations do
not express a clear set of rules, others are stereotypical and basically “ultimate moral
compass”, it varies from type manifestation to another.
Some fictional versions may be vigilantes (remember, this type is a justice seeker),
always keeping themselves in check; “You shall not kill.”, they become an overvalued
ideal, an almost mythological, legendary being, they merge with fantasms and
hallucinations: “I am vengeance.” Their whole personality gets dictated by a concept, a
law. And consequently, they become the law. They are interested in the possibilities, they
have “Plan B” to everything, they have multiple procedures in order to fight possible
dangers. Always prepared for surprises, hates when he loses control of the situation. They
extend their thinking beyond the present, the obvious. They visualize and systematically
draw a future, they have visions of the inner reality of things. Intuition heightens their
intellectual interest, they often rely on passive thinking (intellectual intuitions) in order
to make more and more decisions, to be more efficient, to work and achieve things. They
want to make the world a better place. Tolerance for theory, but wants to make it useful,
seeks new ideas and has a taste for complex problems, difficulty, struggles and puzzles.
Synthetic, they reduce everything to the most essential and minimalistic, concerned for
long-range consequences, wants to make investment and business. Born entrepreneurs,
businessmen, rationalizers. Representatives of this type can be characterized as hard
workers. However, they don't like purposeless activities - there should be a final goal
everywhere. The workings of his mind are reminiscent of a computer (strong base logic).
They are capable of grasping the gist of the matter, calculating all the concurrent aspects,
and figuring out optimal ways solving problems (manifestation of intuition). At the same
time, representatives of this type are incorrigible romantics, predisposed to traveling,
adventures, and risk. Due to its intuition, often seems introverted, or in better words,
reserved and anti-social or asocial: it wants to introspect and study. They have so many
important things to do that they have absolutely no time left to take care of themselves.
Representatives of this type don't like to improvise and cook complicated dishes in
kitchen, but would rather take a recipe from a cookbook and prepare something simple
and quick. Their love is introverted, they fear relationships and emotions – they might be
dangerous and inefficient, irrational – yet they are emotional and quite romantic deep
down: they hide their thoughts about how they relate to people and what they feel. They
write poems and lyrics in order to reject those emotions. This type can like someone very
much, even see himself marrying the person, but he won’t talk about it, it is none of the
other person’s business; plus, this type imagines a mission, he has goals, more important
things to do. On the surface a person of this type is sitting around and obviously not doing
anything, but in fact he/she is struggling with something on the inside, always active.
Some manifestations wants their schedule to be standard. This is one of the few
types who feel comfortable working at an assembly line or doing some other routine but
useful job. On the other hand, it is the zone of "unnecessary"; therefore he can easily
shrug off any schedule and leave for the woods, for example. He indeed tries to arrange
life so that there would be no necessity to follow any external schedule, or a way of doing
things (freelancing entrepreneur). His self-esteem has its basis in form, action, acts, ability
to create something by his own hands. “My appearance/image, my abilities, my skill, my
activities”. He is almost always a very capable doer. He has exact knowledge: “I can
really do something” (generally, to have or extract knowledge, to know for sure). For a
person of this type this is not only a skill or know-how, but also an additional existential
advantage – a positive reinforcement, in essence it is the energy from society that he
receives. Not seldom a person of this type has a lot of physical strength and prowess,
often he/she is athletic and takes up sports. In any case, he often looks fit and sporty. Not
a bad swimmer, shooter at a shooting range, car driver. He always has some money. This
is also connected to the principles of his/her self-esteem: “I am good if I am strong; I am
good if I am skilled and capable; I am good if I have money.”. Sensory reliability is
necessary. He loves hiking (the more obstacles – mountains, swamps – the better). He
begins to pay attention to his health condition only when there are problems with his self-
esteem or health. In this case he starts to seriously work on improving his conditions. He
has a weird fear of external relationships. He can be alone for a long time. All these
relationships … you know… they cause nothing but troubles. Of course, we all live in a
society, and we all have relationships, at least at a conventional level. This type has a
subconscious desire to keep a big distance between him and other people: “I don’t need
any attitudes. If I am the boss, just do what I say, no need to have an attitude toward me”.
When someone says to him: "I love you", it frightens him. "Things like that are not just
blatantly discussed; it is better to joke and laugh and make it light, give a gift, flowers."
In short, any plain gesture is better than a statement. This type usually has close
relationships only with a narrow circle of friends – it may include the family members
and a couple of close friends.
Analytical, impersonal, executive, legal, technical, decisive, logical, aims to
govern their own conduct and other people’s in accordance to thought-out conclusions.
The person of this type would never say, “Please explain”, but he will demand:
“Demonstrate it to me”. Besides he will inquire: “What methods did you use? What are
the statistics to support what you are demonstrating? Who told you of this fact? Who are
you? Who gave you the authority to talk about psychology? Are you a psychologist?”
People of this type need exact and reliable data, which they could rely upon in the future
– this is the structure-forming base, the level of organization of their personalities.
Everything pertaining to it must be reliable: “Who told you that this is correct?” - “Dr.N
did”. - “Well, then it is all right”. He wants to be convinced that the information he uses
is not something thought up by some lunatic. He is the type who trusts anything printed;
he considers any printed material to be a reliable source of information because it seems
to be recognized by the society so he approves of it too. His whole behaviour is one of
elegant and noble, formal and educated person. He is an example of honest, simple
worker. He is civilized. He punishes and rewards according to the rules he follows and to
the rules that society imposes, he demands equal punishment and equal chances. He wants
to discard anything that is useless, this type destroys anything that is aimless and
ineffective. He is always described as an “adult”. This type wants to avoid failure, he does
not accept errors, he gets upset with mistakes and imperfections. Passion, perseverance,
stubbornness, high indicators in work. Fruitless fights and struggles. May be at a height
for a long period of time. Loud shouts, intransigence, ambition in the prime of life,
authority at work, solid position at work, "escapes into sickness" counting on pity. In
everyday life - high quality, denial of guilt, irritability, anger, elements of adventurism,
shuts out the unpleasant, passion in actions and activities, disregard for ethics. This type
seeks to have everything in control: their emotions, their envinronment, the plans,
everything. He needs to be sure. Receptive and retentive of factual detail, tolerant of strict
routines (he wouldn’t jump into weird adventures and solitude), realistic, always
concerned and worried about the here and now. They solve problems by expertly applying
and adapting past experiences. They enjoy administration, moderation, fairness,
systematization and regularization. This type often has correct grammar and multiple
formalisms, always treats everyone equally, with respect and delicate logic. Estabilished
facts and conclusions that the ambient carries, they’ll fixate on the collective opinion.
He is a specialist in physical comfort, sensory pleasures, he likes to deliver his
people. He likes cooking, approaches this issue is very creative, though sometimes - too
creative, as often dishes out too specific. Great experimenter in matters of a wide variety
of sensory pleasures, loves their maximum diversity. The proposal to try a rare exotic dish
will be seen more often, "with a bang". Often - good masseurs. Always taking care of
loved ones in the physical sense. They know how to create coziness and comfort in some,
not intended for this place. Creative and skillful in matters of medicine: if you find that
you need to have an operation in the field, they will do it with pleasure without any
experience. Generally I like to treat other people and make them healthier body, to
conduct experiments on the recovery of the body, to doing it beautiful: hardening, changes
in appearance, weight loss. Love also taste anything: unexpected tastes, smells, physical
sensations, and give it to the people all around. Worn all day with offers close "but eat
berry", "smell like a flower smells good," "and you want massazhik do?", "Maybe you
want a candy with jam?". If someone asks them about some sensory pleasure - it can be
difficult to deny, in this context, can sometimes come at a fairly strange territory pleasures
simply because someone about something asked. The second function of the third: always
concerned about loved ones to the external situation was harmonious. The second of the
first and fourth sometimes can act on the principle of "carrot and stick", he indulges in
every way those whom he loves. Likes a constant change of sensations. He eagerly and
delightfully tastes different foods and drinks. He knows the cure for many illnesses. This
type does care about appearance, but it is not a priority. Dresses neatly and according to
the standard of the circle of his friends or society. At his workplace he wears the required
kind of uniform. If at his work place a Versace suite is required then he will wear a
Versace suite, if it is the overalls then he will wear the overalls in a workshop. His deeds
and behavior, as a rule, are in harmony with the customary norm of the milieu. He prefers
to take the same road to work, he enjoys when events and actions have a usual sequence.
This type is very conservative and tries to adhere to habitual routes. That, however, does
not prevent people of this type from being very dynamic and active in the financial sphere.
Money in his system of values falls into the two categories of the objective sensing and
the objective logic. He always has the exact sum of money he needs. He plans his budget
well taking into consideration everything, making scrupulous calculations. When out of
money, he does not fidget; he knows when and how much to expect. This type plans and
schedules everything in advance.
People of this type count every second. People of this type never become
bureaucrats; they do not know how to procrastinate. If they are capable of solving the
problem, then they do it at once. If you tell this type something like: “We are wasting
time” it will be as if you have told him that he is a bad person. He can tell other people
that they are wasting time, but when people tell him this he takes as an insult. This type
strives to do quality work, each step he makes wisely. There must be order and rule in
everything. He never would like to work overtime. He doesn’t want to leave the routine.
The facial expression of this type is always serious. This type has a characteristic sense
of humour: random puns and wordplay. He likes to mess with the “words”, he likes
surprises and punchlines. Though this could be just one specific manifestation of the
type’s values. Can be considered a study freak, kinda asocial. Very caring person, deep
down he seeks to delete discomfort from the life of its loved ones. He wants to take care
and to protect lives of people. Some manifestations of this type have a big ego and high
confidence, others, are more failure-avoidant and reserved, worried. Holds back his
emotions and never lets one single vulnerability appear. Doesn’t like to get involved with
other people’s problems, avoids their struggles; “That’s none of my business if they are
a stranger”. Rarely gives up when trying to achieve a specific objective. High amounts of
patience and oriented to tutoring, acts like a teacher. Strong sense of duty and morality.
“Whether I like something or somebody or I do not, if something is pleasing to me or not
–other people know.”. This type often has problems to determinate the actual name or
meaning of his relations. “Love is something that gets defined loosely, I can say I don’t
dislike you.”. To be alone is normal. In a company of friends or among office workers a
Holmes often plays a role of an observer, at times indifferent, at times involved. When
somebody showers him with attention and emotions, he is frightened and may withdraw.
“Love? That is the stupidest, furthest removed act from academics. Anyone who wishes
to engage in romance may do so. But, their life will peak when they are a student.”. “I am
an adult, and you are a child. I have a duty to prioritize your life over my own.”.
“Tad bit annoying when they do that, but they’re also trying their best so I can’t
get mad at them”. “I wonder if it is really the right thing.”; this type is the most sentimental
and the most oriented to forgiveness, altruism and literature, language, humanity.
Sensitive, emotional, easily gets hurt or sad due to external attacks, easily loses
confidence in himself, deep sentiments but never wants to accept them, doesn’t want to
be seen as so vulnerable and weak – usually denies their own behaviour – this type is
sympathetic and heroic, enjoys art and social sciences, nature. Could be tearful and if
someone ever hurts them, the consequent spiritual dissonance can reach a pathological
degree, if too much suffering is accumulated. Suicidal at its worse. Extremely moral,
always concerned with the harmony of the ambient and its own inner harmony, within
feeling. Responsible, dutiful. Serious and diligente, can be a glutton at times. The best
nickname for this type is, of course, “crybaby”. This type often has a “cute” personality.
If not cute, it is at least admirable and selfless, a sweetheart. Well-mannered; never treats
people bad, always speaks formally. A person who bears grudges, they react according to
previous experiences and their own law – their personal feelings. This type usually has
difficulties being more straightforward, it is “cowardly” in a sense. He relies on people
more capable than him and he forms alliances or partnerships with a happy face.
Stubborn, can idealize things too much and live in a world of fantasy – following and
supporting their idols or models of civilized person, or their protectors, their special ones
– does everything with precision and accuracy in order to avoid mistakes and remorse.
Doesn’t want to ruin any kind of mood, doesn’t want to make people sad or angry,
therefore, takes all of their negative emotions and locks into a hidden place. Only shows
positive sentiments. This type wants to believe on people’s potential and strives to make
their talents something unique. Perceptive, with a good sense of detail and detecting the
inner nature of everything: the essences. Lacks proper sense of direction and volition. “In
the end, we can’t know what he feels, what he thinks, unless we ask him personally” –
doesn’t like to assume or accuse, too open. Good-natured and energetic, overall. If they
ever decide to take care of others and help their mood, they’ll refuse to admit the facts
and assume it is all selfishness, egoism. Thinks too low of itself, “everyone would do this
in my position”. Some manifestations close up from others and distrusts people with his
emotions, always with the mindset of eating the pain and appearing strong, invincible.
Timidness and indecisiveness.
Spending his days on searching for interesting philosophical or humanistic
information and dwelling in thoughts and discussions that don't have concrete, immediate,
practical application, this type often experiences difficulties with organizing and building
up his everyday life. Forceful pressure from the outside has a suppressing, destructive
effect on the vulnerable shape he has, unable to resist such pressuring for a long time.
Representatives of this type often defend ideals and ideas, while putting aside and
criticizing "bourgeois" manifestations such as the desire to dress and to eat lavishly. His
sacrificial attitude may be aimed at people who have no need in it. “It’s not all black-and-
white. Most things in this world are in shades of gray. A blend of fear and anger. Which
is why I’ve gotta extend a helping hand.”. His intuition drives him to write and ponder
about everything he learns and everything he judges. “Investigative”, he is observant,
always looking to the primordial substance of the fabric of reality. Cannot refuse if asked
to do something. This is why people often exploit him. He needs such a partner,
submitting to whom, he can shield himself from excessive chores. In relations with people
his interests are narrowed to a certain group, but in the objective world he is interested by
absolutely everything: his intellect and skills are really omnivorous. He is scarcely
capable of evaluating the quality of his work and time spent to accomplish it. Often he
cannot distinguish between a triviality and what is really important. He knows what he
can do but does not know what he needs to do. He cannot stay aside when other people
are working, and keeps on working when other people already finished. He dislikes very
much being ordered to do something new while some other things have not been yet done.
His main requirement to his partner is: faithfulness. He does not forgive infidelity. Two
or three habitual states are more than enough for him; there is no need for variety here.
Even the state of the downward spiral of depression is very common with them. During
that time they are practically disconnected from the environment, hardly perceiving the
Self-esteem is based on the experience of sexual intimacy, and his health
condition, etc. People of this type often make careers as physicians or therapists,
psychiatrists. They pay a great deal of attention to their health, it is very important to
them. And, most likely, when working with other people’s problems, helping them, they
also solve problems of their own. This type frequently looks sick. Sometimes a person of
this type produces the impression of being seriously, even terminally ill, but nevertheless
he is actively taking care of his health. Active sexual life is also a reason for high self-
esteem. When he catches a cold he makes a cup of hot herbal tea, mixes an antiseptic
gargle, starts doing exercises, similar things. Fear to understand all and everything.
Therefore his explanations sometimes seem vague, confusing to the representatives of the
other types. He may go to one of the two extremes here: on the one hand there is a
propensity to mysticism, on the other hand there is an unusual trust in statistics and
evidences. Because of the subconscious fear to understand everything, this type often tries
to explain the unknown by the obscure. People of this type are very practical people, but
they are not very good at explaining things, obviously it is not their strongest side. This
type usually has a bent on mysticism, numerology and other similar explanatory models.
Known to help or lecture people with personal and emotional problems. Strong
fascination and vast knowledge. This is the type of person that’ll say “I can save
everyone!”. Even without words he observes, who loves whom and how, who needs or
doesn’t need whom. His most important capability is his ability to adapt to his partner’s
emotions, to empathize, release emotional tension, to calm down. Some manifestations
might be so reserved that they will prefer the written word as the way to communicate
what they feel without making personal contact.
Alert to all the possibilities, operates by creative impulse and chaotic energy.
Hates routine and develops insights amounting to wisdom and the power to inspire others.
Worry and happiness, sharp swings of mood, reacts to life more boisterously than others.
Delight from joy, despair from sorrow, "from passionate cries of joy - to extreme
anguish". Subtle altruistic motivations. Attachment to family, friends, joy for them.
Sudden enthusiastic urges. Love of nature, art, music, interest in sports. Spiritual
experiences, the search for a worldview, extreme impressionability and suggestibility.
Pity, compassion for unfortunate people and for sick animals. Artistic nature: artists,
poets, pride and courage not without exaggeration. Representatives of this type are
usually the most lively and individualistic people of all. Their way of thinking is non-
trivial and unusual, “alien”. Representatives of this type typically seem charming, warm,
and considerate. They are friends with different kinds of people, and their friends like
them for their insightful understanding of people's problems and peculiarities. If you have
come across a person capable of keeping in good relations with their former wives,
husbands, and colleagues, it is mostly likely to be this type. The drawback is their inability
to do any tasks or work that requires attention to detail, meticulousness, accurate planning
and scheduling, and any type of "sedentary" work. Representatives of this type may not
turn in their graduation papers, quarterly accounting reports, and other important
documentation for a long time. This is the type of person most prone to accept multiple
projects and new initiatives, accepting so much tasks that they end up having too many
things to do – and then they can’t do a single project they envisioned. His openness and
friendliness can sometimes play bad tricks on them. Though, sometimes he can show
indomitable will and determination to reach goals, later he may regret the harsh words he
has said and the actions he committed and seek reconciliation. Polite, cheerful, sensible,
emotive, friendly, innocent, “childlike”. Feeling of harmony and integrity of the world
prevails here. A wide variety of events may be perceived as normal: even very tough life’s
circumstances could be perceived as some kind of working environment, he takes it easy,
does not panic. The principle of existence: “The world around me is in harmony, therefore
I exist.”. Might get compulsively intrigued and interested, “lovesick”, towards things that
attracted his imagination; hyperactive, ignores space and falls in love with an idea, he
seeks to idealize and perceive the external reality with rose-colored glasses. Harmony and
peace of mind, meaningful existence. Easily distracted by alternatives.
The integrity of the internal situation is the most rigidly ignored value. This means
that this type has no such thing as an "inner core", ideology, character. He does not know
how to dive into himself, meditate, find inner peace on their own. He will often idealize
the existing world, all the people in it - always "good". This is what it replaces finding
inner harmony. He ignores his inner world, it is an unknown territory for him. This type
is likely to imitate states and feelings that should be there as far as he knows; he will make
attempts to analyze his state and mood. If he cannot manage his mood, he puts up with it
as with an inevitable evil which cannot be fought. “I hate the negative feelings and I want
to escape any sadness”; “I will make the whole world happy and I will invade everyone
with positive emotions, I just want to inspire!”. Defensively take refuge in na excessively
upbeat belief of optimism, an expansive happy mood that hides uncomfortable
sentiments. When they feel pain, and deeply, when they can’t avoid the negative, some
manifestations may have a masochistic urge to indulge into the sentimentality. When
unhappy, he can be childish and not let others be happy. Passive-aggressive. Tsunderes;
they won’t talk about their issues, in order to keep the harmony, but they won’t be
anymore fun. Quickly gets up in spirits, even if it may not be genuine. Selfish. Bright and
talkative. Always relying upon his talent for immediate improvisation instead of
preparing the work in advance. He loves situations when new and exciting undertakings
come up, when it is possible to demonstrate his own and others’ talents; when one can
still expect the most unusual development of events. His speech is often romantic, his
smiles are enticing, but very often that’s as far as it goes. His motto is ‘emotional power
over all and sexual freedom from all’. "Modest". As a rule, he is not ambitious, because
he can enjoy the circle of his friends and the anticipation of something interesting. His
mood determines everything: plans for the future, self-estimation, and ideas about the
world. Ambitious plans can change to disappointment and sadness; but interesting news,
praise, or an unexpected interesting opportunity immediately lifts his spirits. Boredom
can even make him ill. The greatest pleasure for him is to find a way out from the situation
that others consider hopeless. He is capable of demonstrating friendliness and
benevolence to all.
“If I feel like it – then I will fall in love, if I don't feel like it - then I will fall out
of love, and later I will love some more.” His feelings of love are never sure and stable.
Today he loves you; tomorrow will speak for itself. People of this type have no idea about
commitment as far as their feelings and emotions are concerned, they sway in their
emotions between love and hate, they see a wide spectrum of shades in-between. At the
same time if they hate you it is not final, as it is with some other types who make up their
mind once and for good. “Nothing is eternal under the moon: today I love, leave tomorrow
for tomorrow”. "Hey, man, are you stupid or what!” he says by the way. He is joking,
teasing. External relations for them - something not very much and not always associated
with internal. For example, being married, often can easily meet someone else, not seeing
it as something bad. barely appearing in some companies may begin to pretend to be
treated the same as all the rest of its members. Often this behavior may irritate people. In
certain situations, it is still in compliance with any rules of external relations, but all of
these cases - rare and strictly prescribed. For example - a funeral is not fun, it may be in
relation to the employer must be some scope permitted behavior, or it may even be similar
cases it was his understanding of these standards. In all other cases it is simply grossly
ignored. If all go on holiday to have fun - you can create a scandal, and when all upset -
you can start to behave provocatively. These people look good on a stage playing a guitar
or something like that. As a rule, they live to become their ideal. They simplify the logic
of the real world and idealize it. Quite often they expect their partners to comply with
their abstract ideal. Has a hard time finding a partner because real partners do not meet
their ideal standards. The person close by cannot be ideal by definition. He is always on
the quest for his ideal object of love, unless he chooses to idealize an existing person.
Always ready to argue, asserting his ideals, his worldview until they prove to everyone
that they are right. These people often adhere to a school or a doctrine. Having accepted
a picture of the world, they advocate and actively popularize the adopted doctrine. People
of this type try to structure and line up the information of the objective world as much as
possible. That is an attempt to build an ideal description of the world, which does not
leave any place for transcendental notions, i.e. something inexpressible in terms of their
worldview. They allow for the unknown, but the unsearchable has no right to exist.
Struggles with figuring out who they really are. Reactive, most decisions are based on
other people. Prone to mysticism, false memories and fantastic, “religious” voices.
This type usually has the fear of a complete form, fear of an action. A fence he is
building has been under construction for ten years, but the last nail may never be
hammered in; he has been writing his thesis for fifteen years, but it is still unfinished
because it is 'imperfect' – still more studying needs to be done, some cross-checking is
needed… etc. He frequently lives in the world of the unfinished forms, imperfect objects;
and he is constantly struggling with this imperfection. To get a result from him it is
necessary to put strict deadline. Otherwise the work will be procrastinated indefinitely,
he will continue to alter, add, and improve things… But there is no limit to perfection!
This trait should be taken into account in a working environment. Knowing this trait, he
often seeks a job where work deadlines are stipulated 'by default'. This could be, for
example, teaching. “A good place is the place where I have good sensations, where I feel
good.”. A pat on the shoulder, a good meal – and he is all yours, this is his idea of a perfect
world, he feels great where these conditions are met, he is in trance. Give him some more
of the same treatment – and he falls asleep, goes into a deeper trance. People of this type
are especially suggestible through sensations. It is enough to say a word about
somebody’s health, and he gets self-conscious, thinking about his health he may get
carried away. They tend to apply everything they hear to themselves, information may
not even be related to them but they immediately think about their own center of the
universe. People of this type are rather hypochondriac. He wishes to adjust the
environment to make himself as comfortable as he can, squeezing all the available
comfort out of a space. Expects someone to maximize comfort and health. Always
moving in the direction of places where there is physical comfort, exquisite sensory
pleasure and are not able to deny yourself this. Where it is physically comfortable there
and well, even if it is very expensive. Love gourmet food, massage, stroking. Finding one
place where they feel comfortable, for example, restaurant some - can go there for dinner
across town. Avoid places where there is all of necessary physical facilities. Gourmets
around, slaves to their preferences and habits. If you like sweet, then will eat it pounds.
Often determine the state of health from the words of others, because it is very suggestible
on it. Sometimes it may be trying to recreate elements of the home where they feel as
comfortable as physically. Quickly get used "to the good" and this becomes their
weakness in the future, without it they can not. Suggestibility authorities with respect to
health issues, if to tell him that he has something to be treated, it is easy to believe it can.
In this context, it can become easy prey for "paid doctors." They may forget to eat on
time, take medications to sleep, so it is in need of a caring parent, friend or special one.
Whiner, finds reasons to feel bored, does not rejoice often, complains of losses,
does not feel gratitude, gloomy and preoccupied, greed, jealous suspicions. He is more
aggressive in words than in actions. Secretly collects additional information. Owner.
Always dissatisfied. There is no open aggression. Not enough activity: encountering
opposition he retreats. Makes an impression of dissatisfied, joyless grumbler. Quarrels
with relatives. Systematic, carries responsibility especially well, matter-of-fact, excellent
adaptation to routine, absorbs and enjoys using a number of evidences, sources and
realistic, pragmatic data. He bases his idea on a deep, solid abstraction, aesthetic
accumulation, “painting”, of its own sense of realism. Stores impressions and artistic
metaphors, practical and efficient. Extreme stability; they know how to concentrate and
relax, they understand their senses and how reality works, he trusts his own sensations,
but protects himself from the exaggerated stimuli the world gives. They lend stability and
harmony to everything they work with, all connected points of space are areas of comfort.
Habitually relates one impression to another, one sense to the other, developing a network
of sensory links; synesthesia. Emphasizes logic, analysis, procedures, correct and
efficient work, useful investments, decisiveness, certainty. Some manifestations are
morally righteous, carrying a sense of law and justice based on the rules of society and
common sense; the collective’s ideals and knowledge. Lawyers and accountants. Would
give any amount of help if they can see that it is needed, but their logic rebels against
requirements or expectations to do things that lack logical sense. A distinguishing trait of
this type - is concern for and a striving to create material well-being and comfort in their
lives. They are discerning in art and design, and typically have a good sense taste. The
type is often able to organize profitable businesses in commerce or production.
Experiences difficulties in expressing his feelings and emotions. Being secretly afraid of
being misunderstood, he will prefer to hide his real attitudes towards other people, and
won't show them at all. However if he is humiliated or made fun of in public, he can burst
into tears, lose their temper and start shouting at the offender. Representatives of this type
remember the smallest offenses, and after serious quarrels they are capable of breaking
relations forever. Has a desire to plan their affairs in advance. This is also the root of their
excessive conservatism and caution. He will never make a final decision without a
thorough analysis of all aspects of the situation.
This type is satisfied with standard explanations; the reality is much more
important: the exact knowledge of facts, an objective representation of the surroundings.
Theories are necessary, yes, but it is not this type’s strong side. Theoretical, abstract
problems are solved by standard methods. He would never argue or explain anything – it
is just not interesting. For him, knowing the world is its practical mastering. They count
money well and know how and when to save. In the world around them there is always
something that needs to be fixed and put in order. He wants to make life easier, more
convenient, and less expensive. Obsession with innovations or investments, new
methodology. This type physically feels the real world; he has its qualities and laws at his
fingertips. They have exact knowledge of laws and their current application. He is a
practical person; he is a fine clerk, bookkeeper and lawyer. “If I love someone, then I am
a good person; if I do not like somebody (anybody) – then I am bad.”. Good attitude to
other people is a reason for a good attitude to oneself. This type tries to protect their
emotional sphere from the intruding outsiders in every possible way. They usually make
the impression of integral souls, a bit abstracted. Idealizing people, they persistently move
away from them setting a distance where the ideal would have no chance to get in conflict
with the disappointing reality. The aspiration to an ideal love in the course of time makes
moralists of them. Respects the traditional social standards of communication, the norms
of politeness, and the etiquette. “If there is a problem with my attitude to somebody, then
it is necessary to alter the relationships.” - He solves problems by means of regulation of
the personal distance. Some manifestations display a heavy sense of humor and snarky
remarks. Using the terms of a meditative process, we can say that he has a fear of going
within himself, and study the inner self. His fear may grow when he meditates. He is able
to think about his inner state only in medical terms of health condition. He hardly
differentiates the inner states and moods. This is why people of this type often seem to be
even-tempered, as if they are always living in just one and the same state. He avoids the
states he cannot control.
Looking for a place to stay where there is no external conflicts, where there is an
external harmony, positive atmosphere and avoid places where it is not. According to this
principle can and pick up his personal life, work. It can get involved in unexpected ideas
for the structure of the world, inspired bold innovative ideas. He loves nature because it
is constant, not changing, always calm and harmonious. It inspires any external harmony
and dislikes when it is destroyed. If this happens, just go back to where it is, without
trying to change something. Often harmony for it is still there, where he feels the center
of some of the situation around him "everything revolves." They love to visit festivals,
carnivals, festivals, because they are foreign harmony holiday atmosphere. Usually this
type of people absorb the the atmosphere, the harmony, the situation that prevailed at the
time when they were children, and then reproduce in their lives is it really love to
remember his childhood as something to which they'd like to come back. Very talented
people like bearing outer harmony: the creators of art, musicians, artists, poets, sometimes
willing to support them, even financially for the opportunity to be in their company, often
dragging them to her house to place as if lit outer harmony. Looking for people who
believe that all will be well in the future only, believe in a positive future. He does not
like the unpredictability, the chaos of the future situation, someone has to help him to
seek the correct options to catch the desired capabilities, so it is very suggestible and
trusting in matters of decision-making. He likes predictability, to move "from target to
target." If this the sequence is disrupted and unexpected event happens, it may fall into a
"stupor", so usually tries to "podstelit straw", to provide in advance all the options. His
unhurriedness reflects his general tempo of life: a combination of relaxation and
perfection. He will scarcely spend his energy for futile work. He is a born inventor, but
he does not hurry with the implementation of his ideas, until conditions for maximum
effect will ripen. He is proud of his capability of not doing unnecessary things; adores
comfort and conveniences. When performing common tasks together with somebody
else, everything very easily and without pressure from his side goes the way he likes. All
space accessible to him is organized ideally for work and rest. He is calm under any
circumstances, but calm in a different manner. He remains cold and unapproachable when
he loves, and does not hurry to trust feelings. He is very jealous and mistrustful: he is
horrified that his emotions will be ridiculed.
Well aware of his own sensations and his state. He knows well if something is
wrong with himself, and doesn't need others' opinions about this. To another person he
will say: “Don't tell me about my state, I know more about it than you, even though I am
not a doctor.” To a doctor they will tell to prescribe so-and-so procedures and treatments.
Craves various sensory impressions and experiences: gustatory, tactile, and so on. “My
sensations and internal impressions are my life”. Sensory impressions and experiences
add to his energy. An abundance of different sensations confirms to him his existence.
They usually enjoys life, and does so in applied and vivid way. His motto is: “Got to
live!”. Always appears optimistic and in a good spirits. He does not impose his will on
others, hiding his real feelings. He is always equally warm, caring, smiling. He does not
like to ask and moreover to demand favors, and strives to satisfy his needs through his
own efforts. He is capable of remembering and reproducing emotions once experienced.
They have always something to feel physically, to confirm their presence in the world,
and they surround themselves with such "thing": soft kitty, warm carpet, wool socks, iron
balls spinning fingers. Many "fussing" for convenient - it is not convenient, but do not
worry, namely "fussing" as a way to maintain a conversation. Representatives of this type
are innate designers and image creators. This is because they feel color, form, and size
very sensitively. Inclination towards pretense, artfulness, activeness, quite a braggart,
unceremonious in behavior and statements. Tries to ingratiate himself, to flatter. Picks
direct approach: open, friendly behavior. Natural born writer and journalist. Loquacious;
enjoys art, music, books. Likes to be in society, in the center of attention. Knows how to
live into a role, has a talent for acting. Sometimes speaks in a mannered way, inserts
foreign words, uses jokes and quips. Expressed vanity - does not acknowledge own guilt,
praises his own person. Inclination to deceitfulness and fraud. Resourceful, self-confident
look. Arguing with him is not easy - he is not shy with words. Charming, suave,
mischievous in behavior. Not averse to critique others, to ridicule and mock people close
to him. Wants to make a good impression, acts delightful and friendly, can play out an
effective scene. Conceited, busy, evasive and slippery. In the state of anger is prone to
faux pas, down to arrogance and rudeness, and the choicest verbal abuse, although
pretends to be an angel and the embodiment of kindness. Gossips.
Master of agreements and compromises. His life's creed lies in possibility to fully
enjoy his life while not interfering with other people doing the same. As a rule,
representatives of this type have well set up homes where they like to relax with their
heart and soul. Very skillful and subtle manipulator of people's feelings, schemer, a
psychologist, is able to please and sees this as his destiny. Can promise something a man
just for the sake of improving relations with him. Rarely are alone, because wherever
there are people, there it is possible to like them, so it is - the subject of their work, whether
he likes it or not, you need to act, to create "good relationship" with them. He knows how
to make yourself advertising, to create the right mood in society, or from anyone, to boast.
He likes to find a negative relationship between people and turn them into positive ones,
unite the people. Something in this type’s own external appearance may not look
attractive and pleasant to the eye; a person of this type may not be dressed up to fashion.
May not take actions that the current moment requires. The necessity to be active in the
external world is sometimes perceived by him as an objective evil, a burden. But
something has to be done, while, in general, there is no wish to do anything, but no way
to avoid it either because the objective logic of the situation requires it. People of this
type frequently embellish and exaggerate their deeds because they want to look and feel
more heroic than in actuality. The “item” that this type “sells” to others - is manipulations
in the area of relationships. He gathers social information: who, what, where, with whom,
etc. He sees very clearly what is happening in the sphere of relations between people, and
can in the right moment create a shift, a change in relations, and, moreover, do it in such
a way that he himself will never end up inside, at the focal point of the situation that he
has created himself. This may be done by intonation, by a sophisticated pause, i.e. so
subtly that no one else will understand how he created this situation. In this way, he can
communicate something to a person without actually saying anything, such that the
person guesses himself and does what is needed of him. This type does not distort the
information much and misrepresent facts, but he/she is a master of omission and
subjectively biased presentation. He “sells” intrigue, the formation of information about
people and relationships. People of this type do not talk about their attitudes. They would
rather talk about objective circumstances than their feelings. Often he uses a definite
formal criteria to form an attitude to another person. He is a socially and status-oriented
person. Extreme case of this type is a certified snob.
Approaches intellectual issues with great care as a rule, he never trusts his own
reasoning - a reference to an opinion of a recognized authority seems to this type
something weightier than his own arguments. Often their system of evidence is based on
external authorities alone. Sometimes they put artificial limits to their own competency
themselves: “I understand everything in my field, the rest does not concern me”. When
disputing this type is logical, pushing, imposing, emphasizes his competence, enjoys
stressing the opponent's incompetence. He carries a notebook with phones of all
professionals in any field, which may be useful if there are any with the logic of the
objective world problems. Also, if something is not clear, it is very helpful is to look in a
textbook, encyclopedia, in which all will be written, and it is easier to understand all this.
He often carries handbooks, instructions, but relies in them, unfortunately, only when
problems arise. Some manifestations of this type may be seeking constantly philosophy,
spirituality, mysticism, multiple kinds of knowledge, trying to obtain what it most lacks.
“I want the world to be in harmony, I want everything from beginning to end to be known
and predictable; I want everything to be on schedule and never off track, moving steadily
from one goal to another”. This desire may lead a person away from satisfying the deeper
needs of his soul and leave him with a superficial but steady life of the planned and the
discovered. It does not like to dive, "inward", afraid of this. Even more afraid when
someone tries to do it for him. The first thing he would say, "do not climb into the soul."
Because of this may seem very superficial, inconsistent man, devoid of "inner core." Such
things as the principles and ideology for him - something too frightening. However, in
certain situations, it may consider it acceptable, but very rarely. In other situations, he
says that he's all right, even when it is obviously not the case. But admit it - then fear to
invade the area. Dislikes undergo massive emotional attack, since it provokes a change in
the internal state that it's scary.
He is a genius at finding new opportunities and possibilities. What he has
completed always seems to him less important compared to the dawning perspectives
which are irresistible an inexhaustible. Scientists of this type tend to procrastinate with
the publishing of the results of their research, thinking that the greatest discoveries are
still ahead. He lives for the future; meanwhile being not acknowledged does not
intimidate him. He chooses to do what is interesting rather than what is lucrative. People
of this type often create illusions for themselves that “everything will always be as it is
now, that they will never die or be sick”: "Nothing will ever happen to me”. People of
this type do not plan ahead. They study not only what they need to study, but also
"everything that's interesting", from mechanical and computer theories to butterflies and
caterpillars. Representatives of this type are capable of making way through great
volumes of literature on a chosen topic in the shortest period of time, so to say, of grasping
the informational immensity of this world and paving the way for all those who will come
after them. Their theories and methods are often beyond ordinary, which can result in
upheavals of traditional views and systems. Characterized by changes of states: joyful
events - thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, racing thoughts; sad events -
depression, slowness in reactions and thinking. An elusive turn of events is enough for a
change in mood. At times: center of attention, instigating - other times: closed off and
silent. At times: overcomes complex obstacles, achieves professional success - other
times: periods of feeling suppressed; first very active and talkative - then slow and sparing
of words. Cheerful and lively in society. Among their own can grumble, be
hypochondriacs. Good at talking, articulate, has a way with words, may be very talkative
under the influence of alcohol. Deep emotions, mood swings are typical: sometimes lively
and fun - other times quiet and modest. After a stimulating event continues to "vibrate"
on the tone of excitement or seriousness, although the event itself is already "off the
agenda". He is easily moved, soft-hearted, compassionate. Admiration and awe before
great works of art. Sometimes suicidal inclinations.
Animated by a perceptive energy – an intuitive vision of some possibility in the
random, actual situation, in the world. This vision is to be felt peculiarly as their own,
because they “saw it first”. Aside from any practical consideration, this type feels charged
to realize, concretize the vision; to seek the idealistic world, the ideal future, to live within
a realm of ideas and novelty. The mission of loving the possibility, the possibility
becomes the master and in its service, this type may forget to eat and sleep. This type
demonstrates a concentration of intuition concerned with getting into problems, taking
the risks to maximize how well its ideas come, looking at something very specific as not
only potentially interesting but deserving of “romance”. Finding new ways to make the
same thing work, maximizing opportunities, this type rushes in search of positive
opportunities, picking up everything promising and never being truly satisfied with the
promises. With such idealistic expectations and interpretations of people's actions and
reality itself, it is often difficult for this type to see and relate to life and people as they
truly are. Their irreconcilable attitude towards infringements on their honor, dignity, and
freedom often push them into numerous "duels" and arguments. Sometimes they fight not
with the actual existing enemies, but "windmills" that they have conjured in their mind.
With almost every insight, they try to share their thoughts with people around him, not
thinking of whether it is the right time and place for this. In addition, he is not always
ready to listen out a person or their argument contestant until the end, and often interrupts
them. For this reason, representatives of this type are sometimes seen as being excessively
brazen and self-assured. Ask him questions - sometimes you can listen to the answer for
hours, sometimes just looking for someone to speak out on "their understanding of
something". He likes and adores to explain, to describe and to teach, to make people think.
Long, detailed and creative explanations, not oriented to examples and practical ideas but
the whole process of ideation or reaching a conclusion by the complex abstractions. This
man is constantly looking for an audience with questions, but did not explain in terms of
knowledge, but from the point of view of how he understands it, that is more intelligible
and meticulously. Often times he looks a bit paranoid: at the extreme a person of this type
is a scientist who lays his life down for his ideas, neglects his family and physical health.
They are busy creating new techniques and approaches, solving the unsolved, drawing
ideas and concepts from other areas.
“I don’t think a whole lot about the order, but since I live here, I naturally obey
it”. The logic of the external world, laws, indisputable circumstances - in short, everything
that does not require interpretation, falls in the category of standards. Traffic rules,
criminal code, other social conventions go without saying for this type. For example, his
wife says that it is time to remodel the apartment. He answers, “Just thinking of all the
work that needs to be done makes me sick… We should wait another year to remodel.
Why should we do it now? Why should I change my plans? How irritating! It messes up
the integrity of my situation. I was going to channel my energy into something more
important than remodeling for example I was going to try and explain some external
relationships". He always struggles with social requirements, especially if they don’t
make any sense. However, he understands that it is necessary to go through the basic
training, so to speak, to get a permission to do the “free program”. So he has to waste time
and energy on writing a thesis before he gets to do the real thing. Self-worth is based on
other people’s attitude and their relationships. [ Why did they give that look to me? What
did they say? Did I hurt somebody’s feelings? How can I say “no”? ]. For this reason he
is a bad leader. “If they love me, appreciate me, then I am a good person”. Positive
feedback is a source of considerable increase of energy (may lead to euphoria). But when
something goes wrong, relationships turn sour then his spirits are lower, the energy
evaporates, everything looks terrible, and joy of life is quenched. If the negative outlook
on life is lingering, low self-esteem leads to an illness (a neurosis). In the basis of this
neurosis lies the mechanism of subconscious self-justification: “I am good in general, it
is just now I am ill”. It is a way to avoid negative feedback from one’s reference group.
People of this type tend to blend into the background of their social group; they do not
like to impose their will on others. However, sometimes they chose to rely on the “minus-
defense”: “I am so bad, worse than you can imagine, no one can approach me or talk to
me. Accept me just as I am". He needs to feel emotional enthusiasm and ardor, and thus
needs permanent sensory and emotional "recharge". He is unable to supply it himself, so
he depends a lot on his surrounding. If nobody feeds him with impressions and positive
emotions – he mopes about life, loses ability to work and taste for life. He begins to mix
with a lot of friends, becomes active in social projects, starts up clubs or scientific schools.
Undifferentiated feeling. He believes that all people in their essence are kind and love one
another. Therefore he looks funny enough when the situation requires initiative in
expressing feelings – they are not his line at all.
Analytical, interested primarily in the underlying principles, organized in relation
to concepts and imagination. Perceptive, not dominating, decisiveness of thinking only
shows within intellectual matters. Quiet, reserved, detached and usually aloof. Inclined
towards shyness. Won’t be convinced by anything except intellect - reasoning,
explanation and theoretical logic. Serious and usually focused on the dark, sad side of
life. Pessimism can achieve a state of reactive depression, the idea of working in a slowed,
in conversations almost does not participate, occasionally interjects, serious mood,
serious ethical position. Passivity in activities related to the charges seriously, timidity,
indecisiveness, no carelessness and gaiety, a strong perception of heavy experiences,
sometimes tearfulness. A sense of inferiority, fluctuations in the choice of fields of
activity, passive in life, calm, apathetic, lack of energy and activity, honesty, kindness,
slowness, clumsiness, not laughs heartily, neat clothing, difficulty in making decisions.
Tries to see and create from everything a system of some core level natural laws and
patterns, frameworks and structures of directed thinking, impersonal rationality. Has
many interests and much knowledge, but don't like to advertise this fact and be in the
center of attention. In their essence, they are precise and pedantic, not only in the way of
thinking but also in how they relate to the world around them. You will scarcely meet a
person believing in miracles and trusting in luck among representatives of this type.
Consistency, reliability, ability to stick to their word – all of these are typical of
representatives of this type. Generally excessively extensive knowledge of most
philosophical principles, mathematical logic and theories, formulas etc. He knows how
to dig to the essence of things, to reveal their internal structure. He sets for himself very
high requirements, specific orders and devotion to an idea or a set of rules, varies on
manifestation. Unless somebody else takes care of him, he can easily drive himself to
starvation. Usually he even does not notice the quality of his clothing. He does not tolerate
orders. He does not show much initiative, is reclusive and silent. “Sorry, I’m too scattered
to learn about politics. I just learn about math/engineering.”. This type often carries
around a childish, autistic personality. “The world is the way I see it. If you have evidence
that it’s not the way I see it, too bad for the world. Anyway it is not my business; just
keep your opinion to yourself. I think the world should be exactly how I see it”.
Many idiosyncrasies, distinct lack of emotional maturity; he can only love or hate,
his feeling doesn’t come with nuances. Fails to understand social interactions,
disconnected from ambients – social ineptitude. Eccentric, may have problems
understanding the law, the common sense. Some manifestations of the type are more
immature, more bizarre. Can be stubborn, won’t stand being interrupted, hates when
people argue with each other, can’t live in a place where people are always discussing. “I
won’t perform plebeian tasks such as driving!”; extremely “anti-social” in a sense.
Doesn’t realize at all how he affects other people, thinks that he is always right, that he
has a right to do what he might do. Assumes things about people, accuses people and
expresses “anti-mainstream” preferences. Geeky, nerdy, not very adult, more like a
teenager or a kid. Uses difficult, complicated language, tries to explain things in very
solid and tangible terms, tries to show the structures and principles, oriented to dissect all
multiplicities; creator of concepts, philosophical, a person of many ideas, theories. Carries
with him personal conclusions able to explain and analyse the world. His logic is one of
identifying order in apparent chaos, a parallel, polymorphic, multi-leveled logic, logic of
contradictions and paradoxes, explaining the complicated. Justifications and assumptions
from different viewpoints. Points out differences and inconsistencies in everything.
Anxious, paranoid indecisiveness, prone to overthinking. Intolerance of uncertainty,
black and white thinking. Focuses on probability, tries to isolate, abstract, the pure
substance of things; won’t accept changes in his behaviour or world. He sharply reacts to
reprimands, but sometimes hides his irritation under an artificial smile. Does not second-
guess, his decisions aren’t based on intuitions, tries to avoid using faith. Uses premises,
intellect, a set of forms of reasonings, logic. "My state is always adequate to the external
world, and my inner person is standard." “Why bother studying your inner self if building
a world of harmony is so much more interesting and acute?”, he typically chooses one of
his standard states and dwells in it most of the time. The “inner core” is made by ethical
norms and principles, which secure the integrity of their internal world. Likes puzzles and
riddles, axiomatic work. Many manifestations of this type will seem robotic, have
problems with social adaptation, social relationships, sexual relations and intimacy. Fears
human contact, struggles with duty and jobs, washes his hands as often as he can, out of
phobia concerned with sensations. Worried about the food he eats, wonders if
something’s healthy or not. Very inclined to hypochondriasis or immoderation; he doesn’t
know how much to eat, needs to rely on logic and systematization.
His deficiency is human relationships, which sometimes results in uncertainty and
sadness in emotional evaluations of other people. This becomes especially evident in
unfamiliar circumstances. Watching others, he tries to understand what is accepted in this
company, what is favored, and what is rejected. But he cannot always adapt to other
people and to new social situations. He may be cheerful or sullen out of place. Due to his
weakness in differentiating emotional nuances, representatives of this type often see
people in black and white colors: good or bad, kind or unkind, friend or foe. They are also
sometimes viewed as stubborn and hard to persuade. They cannot stand untruth and
falsity, and can be very firm and solid like a rock in matters of principle to them. Some
versions may have a lack of genuine identity – they do not know themselves, everything
“depends”. Context is always important, they need all the details and information. Would
answer ‘neutral’ or ‘I do not know’ many times if asked about his own personality and
character. "I understand everything better than others” – some manifestations think too
much of themselves, egomaniac, may argue about intelligence (IQ, mathematics etc) and
demonstrate to people his intellect, “intellectual superiority”, tries to correct people’s
illogical behaviour. He loves positive emotions of other people, as if they charged. Moves
towards the reigning "most positive" emotions, positive emotions and avoid places of
high concentration of negative. He dislikes situations of intrigue, scandal-mongering,
since in such a situation can become a victim of their own. Therefore it is always bad
refers to the "whispering a secret", seeing it as evil intentions. The relationship people
always have to be open, honest, kind. Word about the relationship must always coincide
with the chores, or - there is something wrong. Saying that you love a person - this has to
be seen and, in fact, and if in fact it is not visible - it means it's not true. Very suspicious
in regard to himself and others, suspecting some "zapodlo", even if it's some tiny little
thing, already strives either immediately break off relations, or exclude a person from the
number of "friends", relatives of people currently, reducing contact with him to a
minimum. Therefore, it may sometimes be known as a traitor, finding those who belong
to it better is out there and to relocate, considering it is a strong argument for changing
the "range". It may become a victim of "sycophants".
Elevated mood, thirst for activity, increased chattiness, deviates from the topic of
conversation, racing thoughts, looks at life optimistically, overcomes sadness, seems easy
to live in the world. Initiative-taking, search of something new, unexpected associations,
ideas, active creative thinking. Brilliant conversationalists, center of attention, entertain
all, not boring, it's interesting with them. Speaks with jokes, witty sayings, quips.
Cheerfulness turns into irritability, fruitless scattering, empty projecting. Carefree
happiness, unrestrained talkativeness. Resourceful, skilled in dealing with people. Racing
thoughts. Inhibitions of moral character are not very characteristic. Lack of concentration,
inability to live purposefully towards a goal, difficulty in adapting to social frameworks.
Changes occupation. Light-heartedness. An incorrigible optimist, who tries to always and
everywhere keep up his spirit and good mood under any circumstances. He loves and
enjoys life, and can always spot something good in a negative situation. Representatives
of this type enjoy spending time outdoors, in the heart of nature, participating in hikes
and picnics with friends in open air. They are often interested by some ideas. In contrast
to several other personality types, this type can spend a lot of time on the phone,
discussing events, current news, weather, or other people's problems. He is a life-loving
optimist who dislikes gloominess and lack of activity. They can encourage even the most
sullen and unsociable person to join for a trip to a forest or a desert, for example. To enjoy
life is his main credo. They realize themselves well in fields of advertisement and sales,
they can sell the most slow-moving products to the most fastidious client. With this, they
often sell not for the sake of money but out of principle. Radiates warmth, cuteness,
fellowship, maternal aura. They have a vital need to find corresponding feelings in others
and to meet a warm response. Warmed by approval and sensitive to indifference. They
enjoy admiring people and so tend to concentrate on a person’s most admirable qualities.
Able to see value in others’ opinions, they have faith that harmony can always be
obtained. Their intense concentration on other people’s viewpoints sometimes makes
them lose sight of the value of their own viewpoint. They ignore their own sentiments
and personal morals, being dictated by the collective’s emotionality. Follows the societal
ethics and social conventions; their idea of ideal lover is the idea the society shows, the
idea that is shared around. He thinks only in “mainstream” terms, he would love someone
if that person has a personality and/or appearance that people in general love.
They consciously enjoy settling things, not worrying too much, not considering
all the problems. They greatly like to feel that things are already settled. They tend to
regard the world as a place where most of the decisions have already been made.
Conventional, copiously and factually conversational, interested in beautiful homes and
good experiences, comfort and intimate sensations, impressions. Always active, he is ever
mixing with people, rushing to and from. He can easily switch from one task to another.
He works very diligently. He does not prefer one errand to another, all should be
accomplished whether interesting or not. This is not something to be discussed or
analyzed; simply the work must be completed. He appears very self-assured and self-
satisfied, as if succeeding without effort in all endeavors. It seems like he acts promptly
and gets good results. However, he himself might not see it that way, so he greatly
appreciates sincere compliments for his work. A pleasant interlocutor and a very attentive
listener. He can pick the right key to any person. He joys himself in making others happy.
Revels in table talks and all sorts of merriment. All his considerate attention is for his
guest. He is capable of understanding other people, admire them, approve of their deeds,
and express compassion. He trusts people, is distant from envy taking pleasure in the
successes of others. He accurately detects their flaws and makes fun of them, without any
intent to insult the person. This type is by nature a deredere bro. Traditionalist. He does
not seek or like new solutions preferring older, time-tested methods. To solve the most
intricate problems it is necessary for him to work alone, he gives too much attention to
people and would be distracted if someone is around. When working among others he
makes a lot of unnecessary movements, as if to disguise what he is really doing. He is not
aggressive, but he defends himself and his friends very actively. He won’t even let his
superiors offend him or loved ones, teammates. He loves to dress up and takes good care
of his appearance. He can’t tolerate any disorder or uncertainty in everything from his
appearance to his garage and cubbyhole. He does not wish to adapt to the tastes of others.
Compliments on his appearance are in vain – he believes he knows better how he looks.
He takes not of not just spiritual qualities of his partner, but physical as well. Goes with
the flow and does not want to change circumstances or talk about his attitudes, his
preferences, likes-and-dislikes. May consider everyone a friend, doesn’t like conflict and
struggle. They are experts in medicine: they know what the illness is and how it should
be treated. The art of sexual intercourse is by no means a sin; it is a responsibility and a
purpose. Likes to be touched and likes to hug, free space.
Tends to be constantly apologizing for being late. They are often late, even though
they try not to. This type dives deep into a meditative process and loses a sense of time;
there he dwells in peace and harmony. “I want to understand everything! Explain things
to me. Please do explain! I am not interested if I do not understand. A good place is where
I could understand everything". One of the most frequent attendants of all kinds of
lectures, meetings, conferences, discussions and debates. Sometimes in a large audience
one can see people in a sort of light trance (euphoria) – just because they feel they
understand everything perfectly. Random logic. They chose random starting points for
their reasoning. Afraid of the objective world factors. For example, you need to pass on
the right, but is afraid to get behind the wheel, because he knows that it is difficult: you
have to watch the road, to know and apply the rules and on time to switch the pedal and
transmission. Therefore, most likely it will think that it is necessary to "pass on the right"
to do anything without doing. In the house they "anarchy" may prevail for the same
reason. After all, to make repairs, clean house, throw out all superfluous - it is necessary
at least a little, but to work for fear zone. And this would not be desirable, therefore, it
lays it all a very long time, until there will be nothing to breathe. Only then will have to
"clean up the balcony", put all trash in places or throw. He was scared to begin to
implement their plans and ideas. After all, he was immediately intrudes into the territory
of fears. Therefore, most of it and will reflect on the theme of "to be or not to be" than
actually make a decision to do something, to change. He does not like it when he just tell
the facts, without explaining what they mean. Better then not to speak, because it scares
him. Lack of punctuality. They can be late and fail to do promised things in time not
because they didn't want to, but because it's hard for them to adequately make plans. Not
able to differentiate between important and secondary matters. All matters thus seem to
be of about equal importance to them. This results in incoherence, disorganization, and
important tasks being left behind without needed attention. To bring their next project
into realization, they make numerous inquiries and involves a great number of contacts.
However, without adequate planning, their irrepressible energy often gets wasted on
trifles, and when things come to an important stage they already have no strength and
patience left to bring matters to a close. Sometimes, they buy foods and pleasures without
seeing possible consequences.
Friendly, tactful, sympathetic, always able to express the feelings appropriate to
the moment. Likes to tease, to play a character, built like an actor or actress. Concerned
with the human relationships around them, with people’s emotions and inner state. Easily
gets trusted as a leader, a mentor, a partner, significant other. Calm and composed
demeanor, but can be dramatic and theatrical, playing multiple plots, living a story. An
approachable person, maternal aura. Smiles a lot, but it is often fake. A little pessimistic,
having attitudes dictated by the possibilities, the unreal; “not always here”. Fixes issues
between people, makes someone closer to another, unites them. May hold grudges and
resentment, but never will speak about it, ignores all of his feelings and adapts to the
external world, the objective situation. Sensitive to praise and criticism, anxious to
conform to all expectations and idealisms. Persevering, harmonious in small matters,
detail oriented, loyal to a goal, a cause, a social movement, sticks to the society’s needs.
Tries to be the person everyone needs to have. Changes his own personality often, creates
multiple personas and masks. May act like a thinker, a logical and analytical person, then
in the other day or the next second, cries about the doom he perceives, reflects on the
meaning of his journey, distracts himself with work and love. Displacement from psyche,
uninhibited behavior, seeming sincerity, living into a role, impulsive reactions, need for
recognition, vain behavior, attracts attention to self, self-pity, the martyr pose,
gesticulation and mimicry, thoughtless line of conduct, "Penelope's complex".
Penetration into the psyche of a person, ability to adapt to others, work in services sector
may be a success. Suppression of own "I", ability to balance relationships, artistic
abilities, sociability, willingness to serve. Egoistic strivings, failures and breakdowns in
relationships, self-confidence, "escape into illness". Pathos - a form of behavior,
emotional excitability, imaginative, may find recognition by outstanding creative
achievements. Thought without restraint or limit, plays many roles in life. Bragging,
adventurism, quackery, false marriages, charlatanism. Affectivity, theatrality, pretense,
self-glorification. Histrionic, hysterical, imagines illusions and deceits. Characterized as
a person of immoderate emotion. It's not without a reason that there are many producers,
artists, and musicians among them. "The world - is a stage, and all people in it - are
actors". Able to present boring material to an audience in an amazingly vivid, interesting,
and involving manner, deceives people, inclined to sugarcoating, lies and omissions.
These are the most aristocratic people - true "princes" and "princesses"; kamidere.
Indifference, lack of attention to his posing and outward affect can be disastrous for him.
Not finding the right audience, his enthusiasm fades, his behavior becomes dry and
constrained, resentment towards his listeners appears. They may wear both red and green
colors together, explaining it by fashion and their own idiosyncratic style. Painful
inability to follow logic and efficiency; sometimes hypertrophies as an accentuated desire
to be taken as a serious, logical, business-like man or woman. Some manifestations are
so self-conscious that they study about complex theories, gets into chess, many games of
logic, tests its own reasoning, wants to be able to explain everything. Attracts the attention
of people, makes questions to them, strives to answer all questions. People of this type
may be found in uncommon places, jobs involved with programming and analysis. May
have many notebooks, calling cards, and piece of notes in his pockets, which he will
present at the slighted occasion. Poorly tolerates physical pain and poor health. Dentists
are their arch-enemies. The smallest scratch or bump may unsettle them for a long time,
while their luxuriant imagination may attribute terrible consequences to it. Has a
weakness to moments that deeply affect him, avoids events that makes them react to it,
relate to it. Taste for books and academic insights, tolerance for theory, vision and
mathematics. He does well and perfectly on many fields. Conservative in estimates of
how someone who belongs to, including him, if only this ratio did not change - it can
cause irritation in it, and the fact that someone does not agree with him on this. Strongly
rejects those who treat them badly or general acts from base motives, they are for it - like
a red rag to a bull. Affectionate to people, he sure is cute. Relationship perceived as
permanent and if the person has changed, they are never in it do not believe, as the
relationship for them - a zone of conservatism. "Good" should be "good" and "bad" -
"bad." If they begin to behave on the contrary - it is an irritant. Gets troubled when people
make decisions without his presence. Knows very well how to plan, he perceives the
process of things, the transformations and the evolution. Works hard, some versions are
oriented to multitasking. Able to balance all the lifes they have, the professional life, the
romantic life, the superhero life, bla bla bla. A model of perfection. Able to impersonate
someone else’s expressions and traits, becoming another person. Good insight about
human psychology, this type manifests in many ways, he is too variable. Some
manifestations are calm, collected, reserved and pacific. Other manifestations have a
complex of superiority and divine relevance. Some manifestations are mathematical, non-
stereotypical. But one thing is regular: All versions see through people, and manipulate.
The most important thing in life to be rich, powerful, beautiful, successful, skilful.
Take it as a challenge and this depends on his self-esteem, so it is very much worried
about it. If something does not add up - it takes on the character of the disaster. Often
loves to dress up bright, catchy, provocative, as a way to challenge others, to prove her
beauty and success. Ruin, old age, social failure, ugliness in terms of social standards for
a man sometimes can become a reason for suicide. In the protection of self-esteem in the
negative - may cease contrary to monitor the appearance, go unkempt. In general, they
tend to believe that the profession needed to go on time, so as not to disgrace. Be careful
not to look weak and loved to show himself brave, strong, why can often, for instance,
engage in martial arts, "the show" to learn some dangerous stunts and wherever possible,
to show them, as well as sports. Man needs to be constantly taking new heights and that,
oddly enough, their weak point. Sometimes, if everything went smoothly in their lives at
some point can drop everything and go to another city, to "start over", thus improve self-
esteem. Very strongly socially determined, if someone needs something - then
automatically it becomes necessary for some reason, and to him and he starts to try to get
it by any means. The fact that the best way is for him and lies close, only to reach out
enough, it is usually not just wondering if it is not necessary to win. Hence it may be
similar problems in personal relationships, constantly turning the race for the
unattainable. And as soon as it becomes achievable, and all interest is lost, the paradox.
To be able to overcome everything and win - the main motive of their activity. “To be or
not to be?” – some versions have fear of realization, of concretization, of definiteness,
and therefore irreversibility of a made decision. Even if it is clear that it is absolutely
necessary to move to another place, or clean up and organized one's living space, or
legally formalize something, somehow there is never enough time. He never organizes
other people's things, and hardly ever organizes his/her own belongings.
Intellectual heaviness, obsessive thoughts, depressiveness, serious attitude
towards duties, disciplined. Loves tinkering, creating. Honesty, modesty, diligence,
serenity. Few contacts. Minor reasons bring excitement. Sadomasochistic person. Prefers
to act quietly, systematically, and rationally. In their mind, the world is organized in a
logical manner (according to their own intellect, they design a structure of tangible reason
and apply it in reality). These people respect discipline and order. They are often
advocates of strong power. Leaders and managers of small teams that accurately and
timely complete work or study assignments. This type is often someone that thinks, gets
into their mind for a time, in order to rationalize things. They create a set of standards and
rules, but may not follow them properly, they are subjective. Some manifestations are
religious, he can be messy and confrontational, extremely picky or “a monkey with a
smart brain”. If he ever gets bored, he won’t seek solitude and try to study mathematics
or philosophy, for example. No, in his boredom, he seeks human contact, pleasure, he
tries to gain adrenaline, motivation, power. He seeks to dominate, but may also like to be
dominated. He doesn’t value common sense; he won’t learn things that he judges useless.
Efficiency and usefulness are dictated by his own standards, no society can make him
agreeable on this. Subjective and stubborn, obssessive, has many compulsions. Likes
fights and movement, not interested in being quiet; so he is either actively thinking, with
direction, or provocating, trying to make action. Representatives of this type are often
blamed for being emotionally deaf and impervious. For example, they are rarely capable
of feeling the mood that prevails in a group of people. They may joke around and make
fun of people, point their errors and mistakes, debate, argue with everyone. Not able to
pick social cues, and some manifestations are rude as fuck; “Shut up! You are thinking,
and your thinking is ANNOYING ME, so you shut up!”. He openly expresses his desire.
Some manifestations often think too much of themselves, they demonstrate superiority,
seriousness, intellectuality, rational behaviour. Their voice sometimes is infused with this
sentiment of self-righteousness; he talks polite and complicated. They prefer to build their
relationships with people on the effect of admiration. Representatives of this type can
hardly listen to and, moreover, accept even constructive criticism. He thinks, “I am the
most rational and logical here”, so he keeps a conclusion; “Everyone here is dumb, and I
don’t need to consider their opinions or reasoning”.
The weakness of intuition can be seen in their tendency to fight "extra"
information and to hold onto one previously formed opinion. They consider discussions
and debates to be unnecessary squabbles that interfere with doing work. If they are told
about their flaws, even very tactfully, they can keep a grievance and take revenge on a
person given the occasion. Some manifestations, though, have an interest in the “change”.
They can perceive some useful consequence, some outcomes, routes for the future. If
someone states something around this type, he might ask you to explain. He needs
explanations. He won’t consider anything if those things lack explanations. He can be
adaptable and “social”, funny, but this kind of behaviour easily disappears if something
within his principles is damaged. Independent of external circumstances to a marked
degree, with a singleness of purpose that subordinates the social and emotional aspects of
life to some long-term achievement of the mind. He has a vested interest in the military,
applied science, and the field of mechanics. May be political. Carries the greatest
understanding of visible and tangible properties of matter, the qualities of an object. He
knows very well all the properties of a tool; how it behaves, its solid and primordial
substance, what you could do with it, what you should do with it. He studies and learns
scientific principles, he understands the rules and knows how to explain everything, and
he knows how to find use of it, how to apply the knowledge. He holds the logic of design,
a thorough reading of directions or drafts, securing the structure that has proven to work,
stubbornly following or talking about principles and rules (his religion), logic of
justification/legality, justifying one and only right consistent unified decision, "either -
or" way of thinking, step by step logic, building chains of causes and effects, linear,
unidirectional, strengthens compliance, confident in its infallibility. He proves things,
from simple premises and multiple axioms, he creates conclusion. He is deterministic, in
a sense. He pays attention to all the details and aspects of the world, he holds a sense of
realism, perceives the object without impressions. He links things, creating a framework
of understanding, a system of order and conduct within sensation. Some manifestations
are hedonist, ego-centric, and they’ll rationalize all of those behaviours. Impulsive, he
does something, but then brings order and reason. “Why did you shoot the walls? Why
did you step on the table?”; “Because I was bored! That’s it!”. "I am strong and I would
be interested to fight with you.".
A good place for such a person where it all like, well disposed towards him. If
someone says treats him badly (for example, the wife says in her heart: "I hate you"), then
takes it literally and tries to immediately get out of there, find a place where everyone
will treat him well (or say that this is the case). Therefore, it is extremely difficult to be
in places where they do not know who it belongs to him. The appearance of him as a man
who tells them: "cool, man!" Is perceived as "the phenomenon of Christ to the people." It
is suggestible to when they say who it belongs to him. “I want people to care about me. I
want to be liked, appreciated and respected. If people here like me, then this is a good
place.”. Some versions does not speak much. However some representatives of this type
like to talk. Their public speeches are brief, logical, and well structured. This type is
hypochondriacal, i.e. suspicious in his relationships. People can influence him effectively
by exploiting this suspiciousness. Sometimes it is enough to tell him that Mr. So-and-so
does not like him, then he begins to “pick up” the signs of insincerity in Mr. So-and-so
… suspicion creeps in. It is easy to infuse doubts; here the person is always
hypochondriacal. Maniacal suspiciousness. A paranoid suspiciousness capable to throw
the whole country into the abyss of suspicion and fear. If this type fails to find a friendly
company with a good guaranteed attitude, they often search for an individual way of
realization where they don't depend on other people’s attitudes. This type’s “intuition-
feelings” may invade his conscience, he gets extremely jealous, he is suspicious, he
doubts the love of his partner, he worries, “did you cheat on me?”, he builds hatred
towards his own significant other if he ever touches another person, he thinks “I will make
you mine!”, he is either love or hate, and he makes his own emotions the business of
everyone. He sees the possibility of someone betraying him, and then he gets explosive,
oriented to humiliation. He inferiorizes anyone that might hurt him. He dislikes when
someone gives him advice, he thinks “this person feels superior enough to tell me what
to do?!”, he always answers “DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO”, “I do whatever I
want to do”. Some manifestations are great believers of economy of effort, so they often
make people do what he needs to do, he demands of his partner, “make me a soup”. If
they underestimate or underperform, economy of effort can come perilously to laziness,
Excitability and pedantism to some extent, contradicts himself. Great self-
possession and control, often either one trait dominates or another. Neatness, in childhood
- provokes, becomes enraged. Shaking or tremors in body. At times obsessive ideas. As
the personality matures, his psyche becomes more balanced. Impulsiveness in reactions,
self-control at work and at home, likes to control and have things. In society may seem a
little slow: afraid to say something out of place. Leaves the house, loses self-control, acts
recklessly; he does not fight with rationalization, rather, mythomania and insults. He
doubts the intelligence of someone, he judges people and makes it clear: “You are
retarded!”. He treats everything as some kind of game, “haha checkmate I win!”. He is
aware of the logical structures of efficiency and decisions. They avoid complexity and
dislike big discussions about topics they find too imaginative, “idealistic”. He likes
investments and money, he worries about his shape, his texture, his physicality. Always
active, always doing something. They don't dwell in the clouds and don't dream lying on
a sofa about things that could have been if … These are people of realistic, concrete
actions. They can be characterized as ambitious and purposeful people. These are born
leaders and administrators capable of taking responsibility for making decisions on
important matters. They appreciate logic and supporting argumentation. His activity
levels often depend on his own state or mood. Despite this, if you turn to a representative
of this type for help in a critical situation, he won't idly sit about and talk, or give you free
advice, but instead he will try help you through concrete deeds. Inability to see future
consequences of their harsh words and actions. Problems fall on him out of nowhere and
all of a sudden, and grow like an avalanche. Not always capable of understanding the
nuances of people's relations and is incapable of perceiving their inner core. He often does
not know how people relate to him, what people think of him. He is actually blind to
people’s attitudes towards himself. He pushes through against other people's opinions and
weaknesses, dislikes sadness and frustration, intolerant of inexistence. They are
constantly accompanied by a restless activity, workaholism. Barbarous sadist, lacks
complete empathy. He constantly categorizes people: “Weak”, “Strong”, “Dumb”,
“Retarded”, “Idiot”, “Smart”, “Efficient” etc. He may live with a philosophy, a sense of
justice and order. He protects his friends, tries to be likeable. Treats subordinates well and
puts enemies into great pain, he likes humiliation and devotion. Able to inspire people,
but not very conscious of this.
"I learned a lot in my life, but I want to understand more, including what I
understand is not right." Only when they are burnt out they might agree to take some time
off at a resort or a hospital. People of this type should remember this, because people are
not indestructible; they are not sources of endless energy. He is able to consider an object,
a situation, an event from several points of view, he can explain any phenomenon in
several different ways. This type picks out the laws that they follow automatically,
without a hint of creativity. Dislikes long decision-making, more curious and “feeling-
tone” than thinking. He quickly grasps the current situation and distribution of power,
makes a fast decision and acts. He is capable of political maneuvering but never forgets
his line. He possesses powerful understanding, but this kind of logic is determined and
thus biased, its purpose isn’t philosophical speculations but the creative search for the
shortcut to finding a solution. It is easier for him to concede his logic than his goal. He
seldom gives in to fear, hatred, and other negative emotions, rarely gets surprised and
rarely envies. The more dangerous the situation, the more self-disciplined and resolute he
becomes. He does not like to speak about feelings: if he gets sad, he distracts himself, he
changes his mood. If he sees sad people, he instantaneously runs from them, he is afraid
of sentiments and feeling-values. He may understand very well the struggles of someone,
but he wouldn’t like to focus on the emotional problems of someone, he answers like
“Let’s eat something! Plan big revolution!”. No attention to sentimentality, but he can
easily fall in love with someone, get obssessed, he likes to admire human relations and
emotionality. He “collects” sentiments, feelings. He prefers music that has emotion,
meaning. He can be very religious, “schizophrenic”, oriented to spirituality and political
ambients. For him, integrity of circumstances is subconsciously rejected. He detests
situations when everything is known from beginning to end. Dislikes “fate”, he wants to
change the future, he likes something meaningful yet dynamic. “What do you mean I have
to follow a schedule? What if I feel like working around the clock? Why are you putting
me in the rigid frames of a schedule? I do not care about your office hours. If I feel like
working, I will keep work”. It is important to have clarity and definiteness on his romantic
life; he states his love clearly, and wants to invade, corrupt someone, with his own love.
Ideological, he expresses a certain ideology concerning politics and beliefs in the divine.
Values profit over usefulness, spending, investments, risks, combinations, running in a
new one, profit maximization.
Pattern of narcissistic behavior exemplified by boastfulness, excessive self-
assurance, vanity, compulsive sexual behavior, exhibitionistic fetishes, admiration and
desire to have subordinates, a divine or royalty “sensorial fantasy”. Compulsive, addictive
need to acquire and hoard money, resources and food. Orientation to efficiency for itself
and investment, analysis and deconstruction of laws. Survival and conservation of the
body and the social ‘me’. Glory, honour, self-righteousness and protective-friendship
nature. Some manifestations can behave calm, relaxed, comfortable and demonstrate
intellectual superiority. He likes to make trades and exchanges of energy with the world;
interested and inspired by games, music, art, aesthetics, power. Greedy yet kind.
Sometimes worry or gets immersed in an alternative, finds double sense and weird
meaning in phrases or events. Does not understand relationships well. He follows and
sticks to explicit concepts that enable conducts not so social or normal. Always perceives
the value and potential symbolical essence of something, such as life. Attention towards
abilities and probable, possible routes for the future. May hold grudges and resentment
against someone; if he fights and argues with his partner, he suddenly breaks everything
apart. Then, months and maybe years would pass, the time of the relationship, the
emotionality disperses. But if he find again the person he did fought with, he’ll remember
all the history and experience associated with the person – the sentiments return. Some
manifestations are hypocritical, they point in others the problems and mistakes they have.
Some versions make good argumentations, but they are negative and a little pessimistic,
concerned with the argument’s faults. Recognizes the strength of someone quickly. He
exercises daily, likes to build energy. Weirdly limbic and full of libido. Able to devise
plans and tactics, strategical. Counts things and orders them in some logical pattern.
Sometimes he is alone, feels solitary, needs something to take and eat. Makes money
using his skills, confidente, some manifestations are “cute” – they give money and gifts,
they like to do acts of service. Enjoys insightful conversation, calculated and free in
expression. Spends time gambling or gaming. Some manifestations are cold and do not
talk much. Likes to teach and educate people, he shares his opinion or conclusions and
persuades people with them, flexible. Some manifestations have clear sense of justice,
morals and ethics – they may not accept to do certain things, even if they are paid for it.
Likes nudism. Erodere or Hiyakasudere, Yottadere. Some versions, Hajidere. Dorodere.
Mayadere. “Kichidere” – may be dangerous and crazy but sweet and comforting.
Continues to work instead of seeking treatment for failing health. Sometimes has
phobias. Likes to go out, to dance, knows how to tell a story. Experiences hypochondriac
neuroses, claustrophobia. Before an important event experiences strong emotions, may
lose appetite, he is blind to his own hunger. He ponders what is the point of something,
the meaning, symbolical nature. “What will this do for me?”, he worries about what he
can do to affect others, what are people thinking about, how society, the collective,
perceives him, how his friends feel about him. He often smiles, has a cheerful nature, but
it is usually fake, not so sincere. Neurotic, obssessive, pedantic and egoist yet soft,
friendly and welcoming. Expressive, he likes to maintain a comfortable emotional
ambient, he focuses on making human relationships and keeping everyone united. A
hopeless romantic, prone to stalking crushes and compulsive overthinking. They fall in
love, they aren’t loving, they are within limerence. “Teen love” – this is a good name for
it. He idealizes everything, he doesn’t has clear opinions, his beliefs are dictated by the
collective: he either believes or gets skeptical about love, because he usually understands
love only in a specific sense – the standard sense. When he thinks about emotions, he
thinks about pop, mainstream, generalized emotions. Humanity for a long time idealized
and represented love as romantic or erotic; so this type suffers from this: he easily believes
in doing anything in the name of love, he would do anything for his loved ones, if he ever
falls in love with someone, of course. Avoids showing his true feelings, he could be crying
in one moment, and then in the other, he enters in a group, a collective, and he adapts to
it, he stops crying and starts smiling, “acting”. Very inclined to escapism, hallucinations,
delusions and religion, ideology, existentialism and politics. He often relies on external
sources, academics, he doesn’t know how to explain things, so he needs to talk about his
sources, he shows what people think, out of fear of being wrong. Anxious about being
humiliated, he has a weak self-esteem. The romantic dreamer likes to lay on a sofa with
a book, or go to the countryside to spend time amidst nature. Many manifestations are
inclined to cosplay, they like to live alternatives - finds ways to avoid boredom, uses old
things and people in a new way and bringing the positive future into the present and past,
staying light and hopeful in spite of anxieties. Struggles with videogames and orders; he
is very trial-and-error. He may be cold, withdrawn, asocial, timid and extremely
introverted; a gloomy figure with low confidence.
He hides his insecurities, runs into situations of trust and marriage. Intense
connections. Fantasizes about people, delusional imagination of being accepted, praised.
They find difficulty to express what they want, often times they do not realize what they
wish in life; they ask people “how do you create interest?” because they lack actual desires
and passions. Individualistic in some manner. Creates music, laments his own existence,
prone to atheism, agnosticism. Diligent but unfocused, non-disciplined, often loses
concentration, but he is always doing something – it could even be living in his dreams.
He compares himself with other people, tends to be jealous, envious, yandere. Inclination
towards mysticism and superstition, beliefs in prophetic dreams and omens. He is a person
who is emotionally labile and uninhibited, does not control his own emotions, some
manifestations of the type make fun of people and are sarcastic. Some versions, instead
of comforting people with the warmth of his soul, begins to manipulate other people and
act capricious and touchy. "Everything is wrong" and "things didn't turn out to be as
desired". Many times expresses a desire to be hugged, to be protected and helped, he is
weak and thinks of himself as someone “not prepared”, he worries and worries. Some
people of this type spend their time alone, don’t have many friends (may not even have
friends). He likes to dive himself in meditation. It is important to understand everything.
Therefore, if you ask him about the difficult things sometimes, you can hear the answer
that he understands them (only a very peculiar). It is important that everyone knew him
as well. If understanding is impossible, that human self-esteem drops, so it does not like
to admit that something is not understood. It is important to praise the consistency, likes
to boast that he was up to something thought of himself. Often he loves to refer to some
everyday stories, because nobody will not even think to check their authenticity, in
general likes to refer to someone as a way to protect their reasoning. He is a person prone
more to reflection than action. "If I understand correctly, then I am a good person". The
fear of turning out to be incompetent greatly narrows down the areas in which the person
dares to demonstrate or apply their knowledge. This type wants to solve his problems by
collecting objective data. It is necessary to consult the experts, to obtain the data and
results of studies, to receive objectively reliable new information. “Any unpleasant
sensation or experience it's best to endure and wait over, than to seek how to improve
one's state or move to another place that offers better conditions.”

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