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3rd Quarter, Week 5: Solves corresponding parts of congruent triangles

If a triangle can be reflected on to another triangle so that all vertices correspond, the triangles are
congruent. The parts of congruent triangles that match are called corresponding parts. You can
identify corresponding angles and corresponding sides of congruent triangles.

Using the figure above, let us name the corresponding angles and the corresponding sides.
Corresponding angles and sides are matching angles and sides between the two triangles.
Corresponding angles and sides will have the same measure in congruent triangles. Observe the
same number of slash marks that shows congruent sides and the same number of arcs that
shows congruent angles.

∠A≅∠E AB≅ Ef
∠B≅∠F AC ≅ EG
∠C≅∠G BC ≅ FG
Here the angles are connected with the symbol for congruent (≅ ¿ . When you see this
sign, you know that the items on each side of the equation are congruent.
CPCTC means Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent
Use the pair of triangles below to answer the following questions:

1. Angle E is congruent to angle _____

Identify the angle on the second triangle that is in the position that angle E is in the first triangle.
The answer is angle H. Angle E is congruent to angle H. In symbols, ∠ E ≅ ∠ H .

2. FG ≅ ______
Identify the line segment on the second triangle that is in the position that  FG  is in the first
The answer is  IJ .  Therefore FG ≅ IJ .

3. Angle J is congruent to angle _____

Identify the angle on the second triangle that is in the position that angle J is in the first triangle.
The answer is angle G. Angle J is congruent to angle G. In symbols, ∠J ≅ ∠G .

How to Solve the Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles

The following triangles are congruent by SSS postulate. If the m∠ B=2 x−5∧¿
m∠Y =3 x−65, what is the exact measure of ∠ B?
Since the two triangles are congruent via
CPCTC, through SSS postulate, we can say
∠ A≅∠ X
∠ B ≅ ∠Y
∠ C ≅∠ Z

We need an equation to solve for the value of x. From CPCTC, ∠ B∧∠Y are congruent or equal in
measure. So we set both expressions equal to each other.
m∠ B=m∠Y
2x – 5 = 3x – 65
65 - 5 = 3x – 2x
60 = x
To solve for the exact measure of ∠ B, we substitute the value of x in ∠ B=¿ 2x – 5.
m∠ B=2 x−5
m∠ B=2(60)−5
m∠ B=120−5
m∠ B=115 The exact measure of ∠ B is 115°
Activity 1:Direction:Study the pairs of triangles below. Then give the parts of each triangle to
show CPCTC (Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles). Write answers in a separate sheet of

1. ∆ HEY is congruent ¿ ∆ MAN .What other parts of the triangles are congruent by CPCTC?

2. What other parts of the triangles are congruent by CPCTC?

∆ CAT is congruent ¿ ∆¿
Activity 2: Direction: Solve the Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles. Show your solution.
Write answers in a separate sheet of paper.



Activity 3: Direction: Draw and label the triangles. Write answers in a separate sheet of paper.
If ∆ PQR ≅ ∆ ABC , solve for the value of x and y.

Activity 4: Direction: Supply the reasons missing from the proof shown below. Choose the letter of the
correct answers. Write answers in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Given: ,

Statements Reasons
1. AB ≅ AC Given
2. ∠ BAD ≅ ∠CAD Given
3. AD ≅ AD Reflexive Property
4. ∆ BAD ≅ ∆ ∆ ∆ ______________
5. BD ≅ CD ______________
6. AD ≅ AC Definition of segment bisector

a. ASA; CPCTC b. SAS; Reflexive Property c. SSS; Reflexive Property d. SAS; CPCTC

2. Given: and


Statements Reasons
1. ∠ Q ≅ ∠T ∧QR ≅ TR Given
2. ∠ PRQ ≅ ∠ SRT Vertical angles are congruent
3. ∆ PRQ ≅ ∆ SRT ______________
4. PR ≅ SR ______________

a. ASA; Substitution b. SAS; CPCTC c. AAS; Reflexive Property d. ASA; CPCTC

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