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Part 01

1.1 Check out the owrds in the box, then write them beside their respective translation in Portuguese.

get up- have breakfast- play- travel- take- wake up- do-
clean – be- stay- go- wash- study- read- watch -

1. ser ou estar
2- fazer
3- ficar( em algum lugar)
4- viajar
5 acordar
6 levantar
7- ir
8- tomar o café da manhã
9- limpar
10 pegar ou levar
11 estudar
12 jogar
13 ler
14 assistir
15 lavar

1.2 check out the words in the box. They are the simple past form of the verbs below. Write the simple past form of
the verbs in the list below. Refer to the words in the box.

wrote- cleaned- was/were- washed- made- got up- stayed- took

washed- bought- read- had- stayed- watched- saw- studied
drank- traveled-woke up- went-

1-Get up-
5-wake up- do-
6-Clean –
9- go
11 study
12 play
13 read
14 watch
15 lwash
16- see
17- drink
18- make
19- buy
20- write


2.1 Check out the following pictures, then write what the celebrities did and when they did it Use the word(s) below
to complete your sentences
Attention: remember you must use the verbs in the simple past form.

Past event when

Play and win a tennis match Semana passada


Venus William played and won a tennis match last week.

Past events/action When?

lose a car race Ano passado

drive her new car dois dias atrás

eat a cheese sandwich semana passada

drink soda ontem

eat a cheese sandwich semana passada

1 Beyoncé

Beyoncé ate a cheese sandwich last week.

2 Messi

Messi drank soda two days ago

3 Serena Williams

Serena Williams drove her new car two days ago

4 Lewis Hamilton

Lost a car race last year.

2.2 . Choose the correct name of the action according to the action

a- Visit parents
b- Do laundry x
c- watch television

a- do laundry
b- exercise in the morning
c- clean x

a- shop x
b- do laundry
c- clean

a- visit parents
b- do laundry
c- study x

2.3 Write the simple past form of the verbs of the following expressions

a. do laundry - did laundry

b. exercise in the morning- exercised in the morning
c study all day- studied all day
d shop for groceries – shopped for groceries

2.4 Listen to the conversation between Amy then number the sentences in accordance to the order you hear them.
Cortar o audio de 013 até 036- este áudio esta
Interchange intro fourth edition
14 92 02
a. ( ) I visited my parents 5
b( ) I did laundry 3
c. ( ) I exercised in the morning. 1

e. ( ) My roommate and I cleaned 2

d. ( ) and shopped 4


Começar este audio no 035
Interchange intro fourth edition
14 92 02

3.1 Listen to the conversation between Amy and Tuckson, then write yes for the sentences you hear and no for the
sentences you don’t hear

a. ( ) I just watched tv all weekend. yes

b. ( ) Did we have a test today? no
c. ( ) what did you do on Sunday? Yes
d. ( ) I studied and watched tv - no
e. ( ) Do you have a test today? yes
f. ( ) What did you do on Saturday:? no
g. ( ) I studied for the test all day.

3.2 Listen to the audio. complete the blanks with the words you hear. Check the bank of works to help you

14 93 – 03 duraçao 0010 a 0038

Plain infinitive simple past form DAYS OF THE WEEK NOUNS PREPOSITION
shop shopped Sunday clothes for
study Studied Saturday movie or
exercise Exercised home
watch Watched TV
stay stayed groceries

a- I ________________________, I ______________________________
- I studied on Saturday, I didn’t study on Sundays
b- You ________________-__, you ___________________________
You watched Tv, You didn’t watch a movie
c She _______________________, she ___________________
She stayed home, she didn’t stay out
d- We _____________________________, we _____________________________
We shopped for groceries, we didn’t shop for clothes
d They _______________________________, They ____________________________________________
They exercised on Saturday, They didn’t exercise on Sunday

Sonja is a detective who is investigating a criminal called Trimp. Sonja already has some clues
about Trimp who has just disappeared. Check out the pictures below then make up sentences
about what Trimp did or didn’t do before he disappeared. Use
The connector but or however to link the sentences

Use the bank of words to help you build up the sentences
Word chunks connectors Verbs
laundry- his car- his bike- cheese however Infinitive simple past form
sandwich- house Do did
Cake- pizza- soda- Eat ate
range juice- wine To write- wrote
Drink drank
Clean cleaned

1- Trim didn’t wash his biker, however he washed his car.

2 Trinp ate pizza , but he didn’t eat cake

Trump wrote a letter however, he didn’t write a book

Trimp didn’t clean his house, however he did laundry

Colocar mais uma

Next Part 04

Hi, Ammy, did you have a good weekend?

Amy: Well, I had abusy weekend, so I’m alittle yired today.
Mathew: Really? Why?
Amy: On Saturday I exercised in the morning. Then my roommate and cleaned, did laundry and shopped and them I
visited my parents

Do laundry- shop- exercise in the morning- watch tv.visit parents

On Saturday I exercised in the morning, tehn my roommate and I cleaned, did landry and shopped and then I visited
my parents

So what didi you do on Sunday? I

I studied for the test all day

Oh , No do you have a test today? I didn t study. I just watched TV all weekend

His car- his bike

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