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Science presentation

Introducing __________________________ ( say your name and class number )

Today I’m going to talk about how to reduce soil pollution. Many people just think
that soil pollution is not that important and it is out of the global issue. They think
that soil pollution is not important to them because they, are not the ones that use
the soil so What is the solution to these problems. Firstly, The government and the
leadership of each country should always have a meeting about soil pollution such as “
How do they more people participate on the soil solution problems. How should we
solve the soil solution problems? Secondly, The scientist or the researcher should
invent a way how to reduce soil pollution and post it on social media and they also
need to. Let the government know about the solution so the government can solve this
problem as fast as they can. Thirdly, The Government also needs to make strict laws
about agriculture such as each year of the agricultural need to plant the bean
because the bean help to improve the soil quality so there will no soil pollution and
also make the soil problem disappear quicker. Fourthly, The population of each
country needs to stop littering also the mayor of each town should make a campaign
about the soil solution and tell them the problems and the consequences If the
problem did not solve.

THANK YOU Any question

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