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The Goals of My Off-Campus Practice

 Personal Skills
 Business Skills

II. Company’s Background/Profile

III. The Nature of my Work

IV. Getting Along on the Job

 Names of employees in the company

 Observation on the Rules and Regulations of the Office
 • For the Employees
 • For the student-trainees

V. An Evaluation of my Training

A. Functional areas of the company

For all courses and majors:

Office Procedures

 Communication and Public Relations

o Meeting the Public virtual and face to face
 Processing Incoming and Outgoing Documents
 Filing Systems and Procedures
 Office Equipment


 What is the organizational set-up of the company?

 What are the functions of the different sections under the department?
 How systematic and organized they are?
 What reports are made by the department?
 What forms are being used for the business transactions?

 What is the organizational chart of the department?

 Identify the different sections and their respective functions in the department you are
 If any, what accounting system/s is utilized in the department/company?
 How are business transactions recorded? What forms are being used?
 What area of accounting have you been exposed to?
 What reports and activities have you accomplished?

B. Office Equipment Used

C. Duties & Responsibilities/Work done in the company. (Photos of work performed by the
intern during his/her training. This must be done for the purpose of documenting his/her

VI. Observed Organizational Values

 Interpersonal Relationships
 Working Relationships with the Executive & Co-Workers
 Teamwork
 Quality of Service Delivered
 Punctuality
 Personal Grooming

VII. Problems Encountered During my Training and How I Solved Them

VIII. Observations, Assessment and Recommendations of the student intern in their Host

IX. References

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