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From the lyrics I could imagine what I wanted as a music

video for this. I want something that will be empowering

and strong and something that people could relate to. This
is something that Rachel Platten has done with her music
video, even though I haven’t seen the video yet which is a
good thing, I know that I will be able to do something good
that comes with it.

In the first verse she describes how small actions can have
a consequences that come with it. This is shown when she
uses the metaphor of a boat out at sea. Also, it is shown in
the first verse that small actions have a big impact which is
shown when she uses the metaphor of a match being lit
and an explosion happening afterwards.

In the next 4 lines it shows how something happened in

the past and it wasn’t a good experience at all for the
person, such as losing people around them like family or
friends. It could also be interpreted that whenever a
person opens their mouths and said something that they
now regret and are realising now that they can change how
the past was like and change what people think they are

The first three lines in the chorus links in with how the
audience can relate to that in all sorts of situations that
they face in everyday life, such as bulling, depression, self
harming, etc. It can show the audience that they can have
ownership to their lives and change the labels that they
have/are given. The next four lines in the chorus shows
that they are reassuring themselves that life is going to be
ok and that if others don’t believe them than its ok as their
opinion is the only one that they should only care about.
The last line in the chorus “‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight
left in me” shows how the artist has the determination and
the belief in themselves that they can look forward and
things still will be okay and that they could concur the
world with all the passion and hope they want.

In the next verse the first two lines are about people being
worried about you and the result of the worry and
confusion is that you lose friends and other people who
you associate with, that you were close with in the
previous years. The next two lines show how problems
that occurred and the lose of friends has resulted her to be
overwhelmed with these problems and would need to
work on it to make it better. The next two lines talk about
their home and how she misses how the past was like and
that the change of course she has now has resulted her to
change who she was then and the belief she had then. Also
it could be seen that she wants to restore her past and
make things better with the people that she has lost
contact with because of the problems that occurred. The
next line in this verse seems very powerful in its own way.
The line is ” But there’s a fire burning in my bones” It
shows in this line that she has a passion for something and
that this passion is growing and growing continuously and
always will, until she takes charge of this passion and gives
her all and drives it till she gets gets to where she needs to
be. The last two lines in this verse about her believing in
everything that she does and have this driven belief that
everything she does is going to be okay. She has the hope
that it will succeed despising the obstacles and trouble that
she could go through.

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