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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs
Program/Jurusan : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal :
Pukul :
Petunjuk Umum
1. Tulislah lebih dahulu Nomor, Nama Peserta dan Kode Paket Soal Anda pada Lembar
Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang telah disediakan menggunakan pensil 2B.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawab.
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, naskah soal
rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.
4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir dan semuanya harus dijawab.
5. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
6. Hitamkan lingkaran pada salah satu huruf yang dianggap benar pada LJK.
7. Apabila ada jawaban anda yang salah dan ingin memperbaikinya, gosoklah dengan karet
penghapus, kemudian hitamkan jawaban yang menurut Anda benar.
8. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
9. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung

The following text is for questions 1 to 3

To : Annisa
:It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.”
Your courage, dedication and hard work have put you on
new high!
Congratulations on reaching your goal!
Keep it up!

Mom and Dad

1. The sender writes the text in order to....

A. congratulate annisa on her hard work.
B. comment annisa on her dedication.
C. praise annisa on her achievement
D. remind annisa to reach her goal

2 Why do Annisa’s parents write :Keep it up” to Annisa? Because they want to....
A. ask her to work hard
B. remind her to be the best.
C. encourage her to get high position.
D. motivate her to continue her success

3 “... on reaching your goal” The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….

A. aim
B. spirit
C. power
D. motivation

Read the text is for questions 4 and 5.

Jenny, would you mind telling Maudy there is no basketball practice this
afternoon. But the practice will be held tomorrow afternoon instead! Tell her to be
ready at 02.00 pm. tomorrow afternoon. Thank you. I can’t contact her. Her cell
phone is inactive.


4 The text is giving information about....

A. the time to practice basketball
B. the location for basketball practice
C. the failure of telephone contact
D. the change of schedule of basketball practice

5 What will probably Maudy do after receiving the message?

A. Activate her cellphone
B. Meet Mimy for detailed information.
C. Check the new location of the basketball practice.
D. Confirm the new schedule for their basketball practice

The following text is for questions 6 to 8

For all students of Antha Junior High School
The implementation of class meeting competition in our school will be
held on June, 23rd -26th 2018. Here are the list of the competition:
- Football
-English Speech contest
-Traditional dance
All classes must register their teams before June, 21st 2018

6 What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To announce the class meeting competition at school.
B. To invite students to join the competition
C. To inform the OSIS meeting in the school hall
D. To develop the students’ skill in English.

7 What should all classes do before 21st June 2018?

A. Prepare the team

B. Register the team
C. Do more exercises well
D. Get a trophy and prize

8 All classes must register their teams before 21st June 2018. The underlined word
A. enroll
B. check
C. enter
D. open

The following text is for questions 9 to 11.

From: 0852225015425
Dear Khanaan,,
Don’t forget to attend math course at 05.00 pm.
I am still in the office now. I will be home soon.
Thank you dear.


9 Why does the writer send the message?

A. To tell Khanaan about his course
B. To give information to go home soon
C. To ask Khanaan to remember his duty
D. To remind Khanaan to attend the course

10 Based on the text , what should Khanaan do at 05.00 pm.?

A. Go to the math course
B. Pick up his mother
C. Wit his mother
D. Go to the office

11 “I ‘ll be home soon.” The word “I” efers to ….

A. The writer’s mother
B. Khanaan’s mother
C. The reader
D. Khanaan

The text is for questions 12 to 14

Dear all,
Please gather at Rina’s house this afternoon. We will discuss a
surprising party for Yoga’s birthday. Don’t forget to bring drinks and
snacks because I am sure the discussion will last long

Tina 3
12 Why does the writer send the message?
A. To make the reader understand about Yoga’s birthday
B. To ask the reader to discuss about surprising party
C. To tell the reader that the discussion will be long
D. To ask the reader to bring snacks.

13 What will they do during the meeting?

A. Discuss a surprising party for a friend
B. Enjoy drinks and snacks
C. Meet Rina at her house
D. Have a surprising party

14 “We will discuss a surprising party for Yoga’s birthday.”

The word ‘we” refers to....
A. The reader
B. Tina and Rina
C. Yoga and friends
D. Tina and her friends

The following text is for question 15 and 16.

For students who like sports, such as volley ball, basketball, badminton or
table tennis. Here is good news for you!

Experienced coaches and complete equipment are waiting for you!

Join the school sport club and be the winner!

Meet Mr. Roy for further info

15 The text is about....

A. good news for sport lovers
B. inform someone to join school sport club
C. encouraging school sport team to be a winner
D. experienced coaches and complete sport equipment

16 What should the students do to be trained by experienced coach?

A. Meet Mr. Roy to be tested
B. Check the suitable sport equipment
C. Practice kind of sport they like by themselves
D. Register to be the member of the school sport team.

The following text is for questions 17 to 18.

Dear Syahnaz,

We would like to invite you for morning tea, music, dance and magic show
On the 13th of June, 2018 at 09.00 am
At Nandhi’s house
Thanks for your coming at Nandhi’s birthday

Best regard

Nandhi’s Family

17 What is the purpose of the writer to compose the text?

A. To tell how to get Nandhi’s house.
B. To invite someone to come to Nandhi’s house
C. To inform that Nandhi will hold a birthday party.
D. To ask someone to come to Nandhi’s birthday party.

18 What will people do during the party?

A. Perform the band.
B. Watch magic show
C. Create dance
D. Make tea

The following text is for questions 19 to 21.





CONTACT : 081285044020

19 Who would probably join the course?

A. Labours.
B. Journalists
C. Housewives
D. Mathematicians

20 What would one gain after completing the course?
A. Higher skills
B. Networking
C. New friends
D. Appreciation.

21 “Are you interested in improving your speaking and writing....”

What does the underlined words mean?
A. Thinking of
B. Enthusiastic.
C. Appeal
D. Enjoy.

The following text is for questions 22 to 25.

Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the Metropolitan
City of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany, with approximately 382,000
inhabitants, expanding to over 1,520,000 in the metropolitan area.
Florence was a centre of medieval European trade and finance and one of the
wealthiest cities of time. It is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance, and has been
called “the Athens of the Middle Ages”. A turbulent political history includes periods of
rule by the powerful Medici family, and numerous religious and republican revolutions.
From 1865 to 1871 the city was the capital of the recently established Kingdom of Italy
The Historic Centre of Florence attracts 13 millions of tourists each year, and Euro
monitor International ranked the city as the world’s 89 th most visited I 2012, with 1,8
million visitors. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982. The city is
noted for its culture, Renaissance art and architecture and monuments. The city also
contains numerous museums and art galleries, such as the Uffizi Gallery and the Palazzo
Pitti and still exert an influence in the field of art, culture and politics. Due to Florence’s
artistic and architectural heritage, it has been ranked by Forbes as one of the most beautiful
cities in the world.
Florence is an important city in Italian fashion, being ranked in the top 15 fashion
capitals of the world; furthermore, it is a major national economic centre, as well as a
tourist and industrial hub. In 2008, the city had 17th highest average income in Italy.

22 What does the text tell us about?

A. The world heritage site.
B. The historic centre of Florence.
C. The capital city of Italian region
D. The number of tourist in Florence

23 As an important city in Italian fashion, Florence is well known as.....

A. A major national economic center
B. A world heritage site
C. Metropolitan city
D. A religious city
24 What will a journalist probably do after reading the text?
A. Planning to visit its museum, galleries and art shop there
B. Searching the pictures of the city and draw them
C. Reading and writing an article about the city
D. Registering to be the Florence citizen

25 “... it is a major national economic centre, as well as …” (last paragraph )

The underlined word refers to ….
A. Italy
B. Athena
C. Florence
D. Tuscany

The following text is for questions 26 to 28

The king of the mice lived inside a banyan tree in a forest. One day, a poor man was
cutting down some trees. As he started to cut down the banyan tree, the king of the mice
grew frightened “Please, leave the tree standing” he said to the woodcutter, “and I’ll give
you a piece of gold every day.”
The woodcutter agreed. So, every evening the king of the mice took out a place of
gold from under the roots of the tree and gave it to the woodcutter. The woodcutter took
the pieces of gold home and showed them to his wife.
After a few days, his wife asked him, “Where does the gold come from?”
“Don’t worry about that,” he said, “just keep it,”
A few days later she asked him again, but he did not tell her, “if you don’t tell me,”
she said, I’ll go and tell the government or even the king that you’re a robber.”
The woodcutter was frightened of his wife when she was angry. So he said, “Every
evening the king of the mice gives me a piece of gold from under the roots of the tree.”
“Oh you are stupid!” his wife said. “You’ve been tricked by a mouse. He gives you
one piece of gold every evening but the rest of the gold is under the tree all the time! Why
don’t you cut down the tree and take it all away?”
The woodcutter did as well as he was told. He cut down the tree. But when he
looked under the roots, the gold was not there. The king of the mice had run away too.
That night, the king of the mice crept up to the woodcutter’s house and took back all
the gold. So the woodcutter was poor as before.

26 What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe the king of mice who lived inside a banyan tree in a forest.
B. To present information about the woodcutter and the king of mice.
C. To entertain readers about the story of the woodcutter and the king of the mice.
D. To tell the readers that the woodcutter was a poor man at the end of the story.

27 Why did the woodcutter cut down the tree?

A. He wanted to get more gold.
B. He was afraid of the king of mice.
C. The king of the mice lived inside a banyan tree.
D. The king of the mice never gave the gold to the poor.

28 What can we learn from the story above?

A. The greedy person would never satisfy himself.
B. The tricky person will get a problem.
C. The lazy person will never success.
D. The poor person must work hard.

The text is for questions 28 to 31

Last school holiday, my family spent it to my grandmother’s

hometown. There we stayed at my aunt’s house. The holiday become special
because we took our grandfather too. So we took my grandmother to her
village where she could meet the siblings and friends.
A week before coming back to Jakarta we planned to go to the beach.
However my auntie was busy that day, it made us a bit late going to picnic. We
had 2 places to visit. The first was the flower park and the second was the
After lunch we left for the park. The area was very large. We were
cheerful to take a walk there, boating, and taking photograph. Since
grandmother has problem on her knee. She mostly sat on the bench.
Then we continue the picnic to the beach as it was becoming dark. We
felt worry that we could not have the chance to see the sunset.
My dad drove the car more speedy to the Samudera beach. When we
got there, the sun was half set. My mom, dad, and cousins, and auntie ran to the
beach and started busy to take photograph. Then my mom told me to shoot her
for the silhouette result. I was very surprised to see the artistic photograph.
Then we all sat on a long bench and made other silhouette pictures. Finally, we
left the beach happily. We rushed to the car, and smiled every time we see the
family picture in the silhouette.

29 The text is a holiday

A. the writer’s grandmother
B. a special hometown
C. a family picnic
D. buying silhouette photograph

30 Why did the writer’s father drive more speedy?

A. The beach time was almost finished
B. The day was becoming dark
C. The view of sunset was quick
D. The road was not crowded

31 When the writer got to the beach....

A. it was already closed
B. the sun was shining so bright
C. people were boating
D. the sun was setting

32 “we were cheerful...” (paragraph 3)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. tired
B. happy
C. lazy
D. careful

This text is for questions 33 to 36

Many years ago in a small Indian village, there lived a farmer who owed a sum
of money to a village money lender. The money lender, who was old and ugly,
loved the farmer’s beautiful daughter. He wanted to marry her.
The money lender told them he would put a small black stone and a white into
an empty money bag. Then the girl would have to pick one stone from the bag. If
she picked the black stone, she would become, his wife and her father’s debt
would be forgiven. If she picked the white stone, she need not marry him and her
father’s debt would still be forgiven. If she refused to pick a stone, her father
would be thrown into jail.
The next day, they were on the farmer’s garden. The moneylender bent over to
pick up two stones. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyes girl noticed that he had
picked up two black stones and put them into the bag. Then he asked the girl to
pick one of the stones from the bag.
The girl put her hand into the bag and took a stone. Without looking at it, she
fell it down among other white and black stones.
“Oh, how clumsy of me!” She said. “But never mind, if you look into the bag
for the one that is felt, you will be able to tell which stone I pick.”
The money lender didn’t dare to take the other stone as he didn’t want other
people knew his dishonesty. Finally the girl was free and the farmer didn’t need to
give the money back.

33. The story is about a … girl.

A. honest
B. clever
C. kind
D. humble

34. Why did the girl have to find a way to beat the money lender?
A. She didn’t want her father suffered.
B. She didn’t want to marry him.
C. She was a strong woman.
D. She wanted to run away.

35. What will happen if the girl didn’t fall the stone she took?

A. The moneylender would win the challenge.
B. The farmer would suffer all the whole life.
C. The moneylender’s wife would be happy.
D. She would be sad all the time.

36. The text describe the money lender as a … man.

A. honest
B. kind hearted
C. cunning
D. careless

The text is for questions 37 to 40

A supercell thunderstorm is similar to a single cell storm and tornado in that it

has a single main updraft. However, unlike the latter it is phenomenally strong,
reaching estimated speeds of 240-280km/h (150-175mph). It is so strong that it
can easily upturn cars, uproot trees and even destroy entire buildings.

The main difference between a supercell storm and other types is the presence
of rotational energy. This causes the updraft to rotate (referred to as a
‘mesocyclone’), and helps to generate extreme weather in the supercell’s
surrounding vicinity. This can include immense rain showers, massive two inch-
wide hail and violent tornadoes.

Supercells are classified into two types, low-precipitation and high-precipitation.

The former super cells tend to formulate in arid climates, such as the high plains
of the United States, while the letter are often found in moist climates closer to
the Earth’s equator. Regardless of type, super cells form when winds corning in
from various differing directions cause a rotational energy to be generated. This
helps formulate an updraft and from that, precipitation is produced.

Interestingly, however and the reason why this image is so amazing-precipitation

tends not to fall back down through the supercell’s updraft when generated,
instead being carried many miles downwind. Here, though, the supercell is
depositing a huge torrent of rainfall directly through the updraft.

Read more http://someinteresting

37. What does the text tell you about?

A. Rain showers
B. Supercell storm
C. Single cell storm
D. A huge torrent of rainfall

38. The storm is described as…

A. high plains
B. extreme weather
C. violent tornado
D. rotational energy

39. What can the rotational energy do?

A. moisten the weather
B. increase light rains
C. produce extreme weather
D. defrost the two-inch-wide hail

40. The text would probably attract students who….

A. want to draw blue sky
B. seek the cause of extreme energy
C. like to do experiments to change climates
D. are curious about destructive phenomenon

The following text is for questions 41 to 44.

Agnes Monica Muljoto or known as Agnezmo is a famous singer and artist. She
is the last child of two children from Ricky Suprapto and Jenny Siswono. Agnes has a
brother named Steve Muljoto which also becomes her manager. Agnes completed her
primary education in elemetary of tarakanita Jakarta, Junior high school Pelita Harapan,
Senior high School and University Of Pelita Harapan. However, Agnes did not graduate
in University of Pelita Harapan because she stopped and continued her education at
Oregon States university (USO) majoring in Political Science.
Ages Monica began her career in entertainment world as a young singer at the
age of 6 years. Since she was young singer, Agnes had released three albums, namely
The Meow, Yess! And bala-Bala. She became the most popular singer in 1990s. Besides
singing, she widens her careers inn presenting. She became a presenter on several
television children shows. Agnes started acting when she was a teenager. Her role in the
soap opera of Pernikahan Dini (2001) made her name more famous.
Although she had become a famous artist, she still continued her career as a singer.
Agnes released her first adult album in 2003, entitled “ And the Story Goes”. The album
was re- popularized her name in the music industry. After being success in Indonesia,
Agnes tried to broaden her career in the International arena. She was involved in Asian
drama “ The hospital and Romance in the White House” in Taiwan. In 2005 she was a
duet with one of the singers from United States named Keith Martin on his album
entitled “Whaddup”
Agnes managed to reach success because of her achievement in the entertainment
world. Her achievements are awarded two years in a row (2008 and 2009) at the Asia
Song Festival in Seoul, South Korea, becoming a master of ceremony (mc) on the red
carpet on American Music Awards 2010 in Los Angeles, Nine Music Award Indonesia,
eight Panasonic Awards, and four MTV Indonesia Awards. Because of her achievements
she was once believed to be the anti-drug ambassador of Asia and the ambassador of
MTV EXIT in combating human trafficking.

41 What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell how Agnesmo become popular
B. To describe Agnes Monica as a role model
C. To announce that Agnesmo won many awards
D. To entertain the readers with her three albums

42 Agnesmo is a... artist. A lot of people know her very much

A. kind
B. clever
C. diligent
D. well-known

43 What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Three albums had been released by Agnes Monica
B. Agnes Monica starts her career as young singer
C. Agnes’ role in soap opera made her famous
D. Agnes is popular among Taiwan actresses

44 “Agnes had released three albums...”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. shared
B. created
C. informed
D. launched

The following text is for questions 45 to 47

1. Make sure you thoroughly wash your hands before using the dryer
2. Get rid of excess moisture from your hands
3. Place your hands under the unit
4. Angle your palm slightly downward to encourage the water to roll off
your hands
5. Open your palms towards the jet of air and let the air push the water off
the tips
6. Wait until your hands are fully dry
7. Walk away when you are done. Most hand dryers in use today also
shut off automatically when you walk away or when you withdraw your
hands from underneath the dryer. Some models also shut off after a
specific amount of time.

45. The purpose of the text is to guide the readers how to....
A. guide people to wash hands
B. get rid of excess moisture from hands
C. let the air push the water off the tips

D. use hand dryer appropriately

46. How can you encourage the water roll off your hands?
A. Thoroughly wash your hands
B. Angle our palm slightly downward
C. Opening our palms towards the jet of the air
D. Withdraw our hands from underneath the dryer

47. What will people do after they let the air push the water off the tips?
A. Open their palms towards the jet of air
B. Wait until their hands are fully dry
C. Place your hands under the unit
D. Walk away when they are done

This text is for questions 48 to 50

The banded krait is usually found in flat and hilly areas. However these
snakes have also been discovered at heights of 2300 meters. The snakes inhabit
open areas, fields, grass landscapes and forests. They usually live in a place
where there is water. But these animals also can be found in areas in the south
of Thailand, where there was no water nearby.

The snakes avoid sunlight. If they are exposed to the sun, they will move
wildly and hide their head under the body loops or try to run to a dark place.
During the day they will be damp and cool hiding places, like under dead fallen
down trees, in rotting stumps, or under stones. These snakes are active at night.
During the day, the banded kraits are extremely weak; so someone can even
take them out of hiding and display them to the public. According to statistics,
however, 50% of bite accident from this type of snake occur during the day.
The predominant food of these snakes is lizards, rats and fish.

48. The writer writes the text to…. of Banded Krait.

A. describe the life and behavior
B. inform the advantages
C. warn the readers about the danger
D. tell the readers about the growth

49. The text tells us about banded krait related to its….

A. size and location
B. danger and special ability
C. physical description and weaknesses
D. habitat and certain behavior

50. “According to statistics however, 50% of bite accidents from this type of snake occur
during the day” The underlined word is closest in meaning to….

A. appear
B. happen
C. active
D. discover


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