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Body of Bag

Ch 48

Round 1: With color A hdc in the 2nd ch from the hook, hdc in each ch until you have
1 ch left, when you come to last ch, work 5 hdc into that one ch, (now you will be
working on the other side of your chain) hdc each ch until you have 1 ch left, work 4
hdc into that last ch. Sl st into first hdc of the round. <100>

You can use a stitch marker to help you keep track of where you started each row.

Round 2: Ch 1, turn your work, hdc in each st until the end of the round. Sl st into the
first hdc of the round. <100>

Round 3: Ch 2, turn your work, *dc 5 and before you finish your 5th dc pick up color
B and pull through the last 2 loops on your hook, dc 5 and before you finish your 5th
pick up color A and pull through the last 2 loops on your hook, *rep until the end of
the round. Sl st into the first dc of the round. <100>

You will repeat alternating yarn colors every 5 st, Also, when switching colors,  DO
NOT  cut yarn, but instead crochet over the yarn color you’re not using at the moment
by laying it across the sts as you work. If you need more of a visual, you can watch my
video tutorial  here.

Round 4: Ch 2, turn your work, *dc 5 and before you finish your 5th dc pick up color
A and pull through the last 2 loops on your hook, dc 5 and before you finish your 5th
dc pick up color B and pull through the last 2 loops on your hook, *rep until the end
of the round. Sl st into the first dc of the round.
Round 5: Ch 2 with color B and turn your work, *dc 5 and before your finish your 5th
dc pick up color C and pull through the last 2 loops on your hook, dc 5 and before
you finish your 5th dc pick up color B and pull through the last 2 loops on your hook,
*rep until the end of the round. Sl st into the first dc of the round. <100>

Round 6: Ch 2, turn your work, *dc 5 and before you finish your 5th dc pick up color
B and pull through the last 2 loops on your hook, dc 5 and before you finish your 5th
dc pick up color C and pull through the last 2 loops on your hook, *rep until the end
of the round. Sl st into the first dc of the round. <100>

Repeat rounds 3-6 until round 24

If you are having trouble, maybe my    can help!

Round 25: With color A ch 2, turn your work, dc in each st until the end of the round.
Sl st into the first dc of the round. <100>

Round 26: Ch 1, sl st in each st until the end of the round. Sl st into the first sl st of
the round. <100>

Fasten off.


Ch 81

Round 1: Hdc in the 2nd ch from the hook, hdc in each ch until the end of the chain.
Round 2: Ch 1, hdc in each st until the end of the row. <80>

Fasten off. Repeat for the second strap.

Sew straps to the bag, weave in your ends and you’re done!

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