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Hi, everyone!

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My name is Ms Tina.

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And I'm so happy and thankful to share a message, today,

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with you for your Christmas celebration.

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I think so far you've been learning a lot about Christmas

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and how lots of different people

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like Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Magi

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and some other people, they all met Jesus

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I didn't grow up in a Christian family

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And so like most people, when December came

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I was really excited

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I love the Christmas music

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I love seeing the decorations like in the mall

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I like going to the parties

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eating a lot of good food
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and playing games

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and giving presents

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I love doing that on Christmas

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And so it wasn't until much later when I was older

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that I learnt what Christmas means for a Christian

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for someone who believes in Jesus

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and so today I would love to share with you

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about how you can also meets Jesus on this Christmas as well

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so, let's get started!

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I wanna first start by asking you a question

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The question is what are some bad news that you don't like to hear?

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Some bad news that you don't wanna hear?

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Maybe it's your teacher?

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Maybe she wants to give you a lot of homework over Christmas

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Or maybe you have a favorite show that you like to watch

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and you know that it's been canceled

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That would be sad.

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Or maybe you've been hearing that there's a new variant of the Corona virus

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so COVID-19 is getting worse again all over the world

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and it's going to change the way that we move around again

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and maybe we can't travel

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we can't see certain people

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Right? that's also bad news

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or maybe you have a best friend
or some friends that are moving away

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or maybe they're not gonna be in the same class

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or they're going to different school maybe

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yeah, it could even be really sad news

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maybe somebody you love is passing away

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they're sick and they're about to pass away

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you know what? all of these things that I just said,

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these are all really bad news and i know it's really hard to hear them sometimes

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according to the bible the worse news ever, actually,

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is that we are sinners

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and not only that but that the punishment for sin,

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for those who sin, is death, dying

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so what does it mean that we are sinners?

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It means that even though God he is the One who made us, created us

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Even though we love Him

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we sin against Him

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We say things, we do things,

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sometimes, we even have feelings inside

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maybe nobody knows but inside we have feelings

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that doesn't make God happy
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He is not pleased, it hurts Him

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and it also hurts other people

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so, for example

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we sin, when we say things that hurt others

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Maybe we say mean things,

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we make fun of our friends

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or our siblings

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when we don't get what we want

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because we're not happy, right?

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so we want to also hurt them

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we might tease and bully our friends in class

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or other people around us, why?

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just because they're different

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maybe they look different from us,

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from different kinds of family, right?

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That hurts people's feelings

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But did you know that it also hurts God too?


Because God is the One that made every single one of us

He is our Father
So, it's kind of like how your mom and dad might feel
when you get hurt or when you're sad
it also hurts them too because you are their child
so it's the same thing
God is also hurt when we are hurting
Other times, sin is what we do
it's our action, our behavior
so maybe we cheat on our tests
when we don't feel ready
because we still want a good score even though we didn't study
or we might lie to people
we might lie to our teachers
we might lie to our parents
we might lie to our friends even
so that we don't get in troubles for something wrong that we did
and other times sin might not even be what you do or say
but it's inside, it's how you feel and nobody knows, right?
Does anybody ever feel jealous?
Jealous of your siblings or your friends in class?
Because maybe they're better than you?
Better than you at school?
Maybe playing soccer or in a certain sport?
Or maybe they have a lot of friends and maybe they are more popular?
You might hate someone in your heart
because maybe you can't forgive them
because they betrayed you
they hurt you
so even that you might act nice on the outside
but in the inside you actually still hate them
you hurt them in your heart
and guess what? even if you tell me you don't do any of this thing,
you might still have feelings that you're better than other people
Oh, I'm better than them.
I have more things then them.
you feel that you are above them
and that's called being proud
and guess what?
that's also sin!
So I want you to take a second and think about it
Am I a sinner?
Do I really say and do and feel some of the things that Ms Tina..
that I'm just describing?
I want you to think about it for a second
because what am I trying to say?
What I'm trying to say is that all of us are sinners
and we all struggle, we have trouble with sin
it's not just you, don't worry
it's me, it's your parents,
it's your teachers even,
your siblings, and your friends too
it's all of us
and no matter how hard you try, you plan, you prepare to be a better person
you know what? You're still gonna have times
your still gonna have that days when you fail to be perfect
and again The Bible is clear that the punishment for sin, any kinds of sin is death
and guess what? that's the bad news.
The bad news that I want to tell you.
You know what? It's like being trapped in a burning building.
It's hot, the smoke is filling
and no matter how hard you try to put the fire out
It's no use
You try to remember so hard what you learnt
Stop, Drop and Roll?
Do I need to look for a fire extinguisher?
But the more you try the worse the fire gets
it's just bigger and bigger and the smoke is filling the room
and you feel like you'll never gonna be able to escape
and soon you feel like you're even gonna die.
That's bad news, right?
That's bad news.
But now that you know the bad news, what I'm gonna tell you next
I hope will be good news, in fact, the greatest news, the best news
and it's the main verse today in our Bible
if we turn to Matthew chapteer 1 verse 2
it says,"she will give birth to a son and you are to give Hime the name, Jesus,
because He will save his people from their sin."
The 'she' is Mary. Mary is the mother of Jesus, right?
God use mary to bring His Son Jesus into the world to save us from our sin
and that's good news
But remember, there is no good news without the bad news.
So we need to know the bad news first in order for the good news to be good.
So, let me give you another example,
For example If I told you I found an umbrella in my car.
An umbrella is in my car.
You would say,"Ok. That's good for you."
You don't really know, you don't understand whay I am so excited.
but if I first told you the bad news that "Oh, it's raining outside
It's suddenly raining so hard, I didn't know it's gonna rain today."
Then, my news about finding umbrellas in the car is finally, or in fact, good news,
So we always need to go back to the bad news first
and realize,
admit that we are sinners and we can't help it
no matter how hard we try, how many chances we get
we are always going to mess up sooner or later
That's bad news.
But God, because He loves us so much
He had a plan in His mind since the beginning
to rescue us from our sins
His plan was to save us from dying, the punishment of our sins
by coming down from heaven into our world
and dying in our place
remember, Jesus is God's Son and he was in heaven.
Heaven is the best most wonderful place to be
He doesn't have to leave heaven
He could've stayed there
He's waiting, watching, hoping,
that we would one day be good enough and not sin anymore
But He knew that day would never come
and so because He loved us so much
He decided to leave heaven
just for a little bit
and come down into our world
and He came into our world
just like a baby, right?
like all of us who first entered into this world
His plan in coming was to rescues us from death
By taking our punishment and dying in our place on the cross
so let's go back to the burning building illustration
Remember burning, smoke, we stuck inside
We don't know how to do,
we don't know how to save ourselves
Imagine just then through the smoke
we see a fire fighter breaking through the window
and coming in to save us
put us on his shoulder and take us out of the burning building
wouldn't that be a good news?
That would be amazing news
and that is whatChristmas is all about
It's the day we celebrate Jesus coming into the world
It's like breaking through the window to save us,
to rescue us from our sins
So, what do we do with this great news of Christmas?
I think we can listen,
we can listen to the good news in the story of Christmas about Jesus
Listen to it carefully
and then we choose to believe it
we believe it because we know that inside, we know that we are sinners
and we need help
the Bible says if we admit our sins and we turn away and we call upon Jesus
as our Lord and Savior then we will be saved.
You know what?
It's not whether you are born into a Christian family, a Buddhist family,
a Moslem family, etc.
because the good news of Jesus is for everybody who believes
and remember what I told you before?
I didn't come from Christian family
But as I got older and older I realized,
wow, I'm a sinner
and I really need Jesus's help
because I can not be a good person on my own.
And so I decided to turn to Him
and believe in Jesus and what He has done for me
And it was the best decision that I have ever made in my life
So everyone, there's a lot to be excited about for Christmas right?
The New Years and the holiday just around the corner
And I love to decorate
I love to buy presents
I love eating good food,
hanging out with friends and family
those are really good things
In fact, these are all good gifts from God our Father
and He gives us all of these things
but it is my prayer and my hope
that everytime you receive good gifts from God
that it will also remind you of the good news we have in Jesus
who came to save us from our sins, ok?
Let's pray.
Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to us.
On this Christmas, we want to celebrate
and be thankful that Jesus came to us
so that He can save us from our sins
help us to understand that we are sinners
whom need your love and forgiveness
help us to receive the good news of Jesus in our lives
Bless our Christmas this year with our friends and family.
In Jesus' name we've prayed. Amen!

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