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Episode 6- Success and Astrology

[00:00:00] Dominique: [00:00:00] You're tuned into the mystical transformations

podcast, a space for superstars to bring all things, mindset, manifestation, and mysticism
into alignment, and use the language of astrology for self-empowerment and to create the
magic they want and deserve in their lives. I'm your host plant, dominate your self-
empowerment astrologer.
[00:00:24] Join me as we activate our mysticism and ride the cosmic waves
[00:00:49] hey superstars. Thanks for tuning in is Planet Dominique of mystical And today I am with my special special guest amber [00:01:00]
Kalm she is a wonderful astrologer. She is the founder of the astrology magazine. The
astrology She's also a mother and I would love to definitely do some
more podcasts in the near future about parenting with astrology, because that is definitely
one of my passions.
[00:01:14]I'm a huge fan of her and she studied astrology all over the world and she
specializes in so many different types of astrology. And I just loved learning from her. I
learned so much from her over this past. Oh my God. It's almost been a year. Well, I
wouldn't maybe like the time is flying by, right.
[00:01:33] Amber: [00:01:33] It's crazy. I can't believe it.
[00:01:35] Dominique: [00:01:35] Absolutely. So today we are going to discuss what is
success? How can it can, is success something that could be found in the astrology chart?
And how do you recognize when you, when you have achieved success? And we'll
probably go over some key indicators in the chart, some things to look for as well, then
your future.
[00:01:53]So to me success, oh shoot. I skipped right over you. And like what to myself,
[00:02:00] the thing is we were talking about before we even got, before we started
recording, I have not been to sleep. I'm coming up on my Mars return and I don't know
what this is. I don't do coffee or anything like that. I've only been doing my green drink.
[00:02:14]I've been juicing I started using again. So it's just like celery. Spinach a little
bit of tumeric. So green apples and that's it. Yeah. Parsley the recipes on my website
somewhere in one of those blogs, but yeah, I have just been so wired. I don't know what's
going on. Maybe it's because we have this lunar eclipse coming up and I'm already, you
know, the cancer placements.
[00:02:34] We started feeling, those affects a lot sooner, more sensitive to those
undercurrents. It could be that I don't know. But yeah, so we want to talk about success,
what it is, can it be seen in the chart? And so Amber, I want to know a little bit about
your, well, I know about your background, but I do want to let our listeners know a little
bit about your background and allow you to introduce yourself before we delve into this
topic today.
[00:02:56] So I want to know what actually brought you [00:03:00] to astrology? How
did your journey initiate?
[00:03:04] Amber: [00:03:04] Thanks, Dominique thanks for having me on here. I'm so
excited to be on your podcast. I need so cool that you're doing a podcast. This is so
perfect for you. You have charisma. As far as how I got into astrology I feel like I got into
astrology primarily because of traveling to be honest with you.
[00:03:20]I really struggled with sort of the regular day to day that I was supposed to live
here in the American world. And so I, I sort of broke away from that to go teach English
abroad and did a lot of traveling while I was doing that. And while I was doing that, I
noticed a lot of interesting things about people's culture and the mythology of that
culture, or, you know, their religion, their, their deep spiritual beliefs and the way those
beliefs were displayed in such artistic and poetic, beautiful ways.
[00:03:54]And I found that across the world in varying forms, and it was [00:04:00]
really interesting to me, to me to start to see some. Connections between some of the
sorta gods and goddesses, I guess you could call them or higher level concepts that were
being observed. And as I got more interested in astrology, because while I was traveling, I
met a lot of different, interesting people different types of spiritual teachers and different
types of astrologers.
[00:04:23]And they also had something to say on those topics. And so when I started to
make those connections between that, those two, I think that's what really you know, lit
me up about astrology and made me want to learn more about it. So I guess that's how I
got started.
[00:04:37] Dominique: [00:04:37] Oh, wow. That is so interesting because I didn't know
you were an English teacher or if you still do that,
[00:04:45] Amber: [00:04:45] Oh, no, not now, but I used to teach English in Thailand.
[00:04:49] I, used still live in Thailand.
[00:04:49] Dominique: [00:04:49] Oh Yeah. That's why you have so many connections
in Thailand. Okay.
[00:04:54] Amber: [00:04:54] Yes. I love Thailand to this day. It's definitely, honestly,
the best place I've ever been in the world [00:05:00] is Thailand, especially Northern
Thailand. I find if you ever want to go,
[00:05:04] Dominique: [00:05:04] definitely. Yeah. We're going to have to take a girls
trip, a mom's trip, get away from these kids.
[00:05:13] Oh, wow. So that's interesting. Cause most people, when they get into
astrology it's always something like, not always, but the majority of the stories are like,
you know, they're going through a tough time and then just sort of finds them kind of like
spirituality or religion, you know, something like that.
[00:05:31] Beautiful. Beautiful. Another question I wanted to ask you. Yeah.
[00:05:41] Oh, yeah. Nevermind. So do you think that you're different, your different
backgrounds in your the way that you've learned astrology and your experiences? Do
you think that is kind of like what shaped your approach to, how you approach the
astrology chart?
[00:05:55] Amber: [00:05:55] I do. I think I take hate to use this word because it's
always so cheesy, but I [00:06:00] really do feel like I take like a holistic or eclectic sort
of approach to looking at this information.
[00:06:05]Because I feel like there's some knowledge to be had from a lot of different
schools or forms of astrology. I did a study specifically Hellenistic and I don't mean even
Western, but traditional Hellenistic in Eastern Europe, under Eastern European astrologer.
He was my main teacher and I got a lot of really great information out of that, but, you
know, that's the one that I kinda, I felt like I had to study the hardest to, there was so
much math, math so I needed the help on that one the most.
[00:06:32]But nevertheless, yeah, I do take a varied varied approach depending upon the
person and what they're looking for. Really. I, you know what I mean? Like what they
want out of it. I think that's a big part.
[00:06:45] Dominique: [00:06:45] Absolutely.
[00:06:47] Do you feel successful?
[00:06:55] Amber: [00:06:55] I don't know. Hmm. You know, I think I'm mostly, I I'm
going to get myself [00:07:00] 75%, 75%. That's pretty good. I think, I think that's pretty
[00:07:06] Dominique: [00:07:06] Yeah. I feel like we all have our, not, I wouldn't say
doubts, but just our previous goals that we wish we had achieved in life, but then
sometimes life since it's on a different path and it may not be exactly what we want, but I
feel like once we are able to actually lean into it and to accept the lessons that life has
thrown at us we can probably reach that level of fulfillment that we That we really want
and need to feel successful in this lifetime.
[00:07:35] And I didn't want to just put you on the spot alone. So I'll ask myself the
question. Do I feel successful? And like, just like you I kind of do sometimes, and then
there's other times where I have so many different ideas that are constantly coming in my
head. And then I'm thinking about all the different opportunities where if I were the
person I am today, if I were to respond, then if I, how am I, how am I wording?
[00:07:58] Is if I were to respond to [00:08:00] some of the lessons or the opportunities
that I had in the past, it may, the outcome may have been more fulfilling. So I guess that
is doubt that I'm speaking up, but in a sense I do feel successful. I do feel successful,
especially when compared to a lot of the things that I've had to overcome in this lifetime.
[00:08:18] I've, it's, it's just little. The little successes, you know, cause we, when we
think about success, we immediately think about the views that other people impose on
us. You know, what is success, if it's, if we're speaking of our career, it has to be
something that is sustainable, something that is traditionally accepted.
[00:08:39] Something that, you know what I mean, it's it's for most people that a success,
but then I've known so many people who have these, these quote unquote successful jobs
or careers, and they are so unhappy. I feel like having success is when you are able to not
only be successful [00:09:00] financially and physically, but also spiritually because at
the end of the day or at the end of your life, you know, what is, what is life, if you are
unable to reach that level of spiritual fulfillment, You know, I feel like that is success.
[00:09:15] When you are able to both accommodate your, your spiritual needs as well as
your your earthly needs as well. What do you think?
[00:09:25] Amber: [00:09:25] I love that. And I think that is so pertinent if I may,
because we were just talking about return. I don't know how comfortable you are talking
about that, but it was so exciting to say that given what, given what your Midheaven is.
[00:09:33]But yeah, I think that's, especially, it can be especially hard for certain fields
like astrology which is not considered traditional by any means. So I don't know if you
feel that way or if you have faced that, but I certainly have people being a little bit
understanding or a little judgmental even of my career choice basically.
[00:09:51]But yeah, I agree with you. We all have our different it's about finding that
balance between your personal needs and your [00:10:00] spiritual needs and so forth.
Like you just said, I think you painted that beautifully. And knowing we are, what is
different about us? What, what needs we have to offer, because I think that's part of the
issue, right?
[00:10:11] With giving this. This impression that you need to do X, Y, Z to be successful
because XYZ always is the same letters, X, Y, Z, and not everybody else applies to those
same letters. Not everybody else fits into that same box of, you know, Dr. CEO or
whatever it is. So we, I think understanding and accepting who you really are and what
gifts you really have to offer and using those gifts is success.
[00:10:38] That's what I think success really is. And without doing that, I think that you'll
be very unhappy and I think it will affect your success in the long run. What do
[00:10:47] you think?
[00:10:47] Dominique: [00:10:47] Absolutely. I feel like success is not something that is
tangible. And I think that because this world is so three dimensional, three dimensional is
so this or that I mean, it is the material world, you [00:11:00] know, so we're just, we're
used to seeing success as you know, These material things that we've, we've been able to
accumulate in our lifetime, but I don't feel like success itself is something that's tangible.
[00:11:10] It's not rooted in the third dimension. It feel success feels voids more than
anything. Just goes back to what we were saying earlier earlier about success being
something that stimulates your yin, you know, our, our inner world. And it also
contributes to our yang, our outer world. You know what I mean?
[00:11:32] Because I feel like our outer world, the things that we experienced in this third
dimension are things that reflect our inner world are if there's any voids in our inner
world, anything that is missing or lacking, it's going to reflect that in a physical
manifestation in this third dimension and it just goes, it just reminds me of.
[00:11:57] That example we gave earlier when we had [00:12:00] people sticking to these
careers and living a life path based on that validation and approval or that fear of being
judged or, you know, just whatever fake persona they have to put, put on to, to fit in into
this world of tradition, you know, that traditional acceptance and not being, not in that re
that third I mentioned, or that reality not reflecting their inner world and there, therefore
they have these voids and they're, they're unhappy.
[00:12:30] And I really feel like you have to be happy in order to feel in order to achieve
that sense of fulfillment inwards.
[00:12:39] Amber: [00:12:39] Yeah, you got it. You nailed yeah.
[00:12:43] Dominique: [00:12:43] You know I stumbled All through that,
[00:12:46] but mind you, I haven't been to sleep haven't,
[00:12:47] no, you are so right. That was
[00:12:50] Amber: [00:12:50] very much those are all really good points. Yeah. Very
insightful. I agree completely.
[00:12:55] I think success is about trying to ultimately find the balance, like you said, and
to do that, you [00:13:00] do have to do a lot of inner work and you know what that's,
what astrology is all about. It's all about trying to understand more about yourself and
what your inner needs really are and your past conditioning, and maybe like blockages
that could be holding you back between the kind of success that you want to achieve,
whatever that means for you.
[00:13:19]But yeah, I agree trying to bring all those things in balance. That's the tricky
part for sure. That's the tricky part, but I think. I think as you work through your chart and
look at things that could be holding you back and blockages and things like that I think
that could be helpful. It's been really helpful for me.
[00:13:35] So hopefully it'll be helpful for others.
[00:13:40] Dominique: [00:13:40] We always say that there's no manual for this lifetime.
You know, nobody, no one really knows how to do this. We're all just winging it in a
sense that I feel like that is valid, but I do feel like the astrology chart is that manual. You
know, everyone has their unique code and [00:14:00] it's set up with all these different
different themes of how a certain experience can manifest and how it can change their
[00:14:10]But I feel like we have to actually use it in order to make it a reality, like a
certain placement in the chart can indicate so many different things, you know, just
having Pisces mid-heaven, you know, or something Aries Midheaven or something that
can mean so many different things. But we, but you know, there's also a shadow side to
this expression, to this manifestation, as well as a higher vibrational expression or
manifestation of these places as well.
[00:14:35] But I feel like once you get to know your chart and get to know the energy in
your chart and all the possibilities and actually use it, you take more control of the
outcome. And that's where that free will is. I don't feel like astrology is fatalistic or
anything that is actually, you know, something written in stone.
[00:14:56] I feel like we have free will to to play out the [00:15:00] energies and get that,
that, you know, human experience that we incarnated in this lifetime to get.
[00:15:07] Amber: [00:15:07] Yeah, I completely agree. It's just energies that are there
for you to sort of use as a tool and apply to your life as it makes sense to. I don't think it's
there to tell you who you are.
[00:15:17] I think it's there to help you deepen your understanding of who you are
possibly. But nobody is dictating your life, but you, I completely agree with that. But
yeah, I was hoping to jump into maybe some of the examples or some things that you
might've seen that can stand out as like I don't know, just indicators of what could hold
people back or, or will, it could be indicators about how they can be successful and things
like that.
[00:15:40] I was doing some studying about that recently that I thought was, I thought
you might find interesting.
[00:15:46] Dominique: [00:15:46] What did you come up? Yeah.
[00:15:48] Amber: [00:15:48] Well, I was doing some studying on the subject, like I said
especially under your eye, there's a guy named Victor it's V I K T O R. He's from
Bulgaria and Hungary. And he's very, has some really interesting points on [00:16:00]
this topic.
[00:16:00]So in ancient Hellenistic astrology, which is a little different than what we
might think of as Western, it's a lot more math for one thing. But it is really interesting
and they taught, they use a lot of the four angles, the points that's one of the biggest
things that they look at and, you know, Basically he was saying like this the rising sign is
not just how the other world sees you, how the world sees you is also how you want to be
seen actually.
[00:16:29] And I sort of balked at that at first, cause I'm an area's rising. And I was like,
no, I don't want to be seen that way, whatever, whatever. But in retrospect you know,
thinking about it, I can see how I do want people to see me as, you know, I'm tough. I can
handle it. I'm brave. Like I do want people to see me as that, even though I don't feel like
that on the inside always.
[00:16:49] Right. So your rising sign might be more like how, how you would like to be
seen. And that in conjunction with the mid-heaven is what you can kind of [00:17:00]
look at in combination with each other, to what you might need to do. Career-wise and
those can be hard to do because for a lot of people, those are two that are squaring each
[00:17:10] I'm one of those people. So those energies can be difficult to bring into
conjunction with each other. But ancient people saw the mid-heaven point as almost like
your secondary ascendant. It is. It's what you take on. As you get older and the more you
take that on the more successful you become. Now the tricky part of this is the
Midheaven point part of what can hold you back from taking that on is actually the IC
[00:17:36] The point exactly. Opposite of the mid-heaven. Right. Because that point
represents your childhood conditioning, what you've been conditioned to do or
conditioned to be like when you were younger. And so we can have habits and fears
associated with that IC that hold us that could possibly hold us back from embracing the
persona of the Midheaven.
[00:17:58] Right. So [00:18:00] like for example, with a Pisces mid-heaven right. That
would put IC and Virgo. So you might, I don't know if this is true for you, but you might
have felt like you needed to be perfect or you needed to the logical down to earth reliable.
You could be able to be critical of yourself or being afraid of being criticized or had
critical people around you.
[00:18:19] Right? All of these can be things that you you know, have to deal with and
overcome the after being around critical people, basically. In order to get past that,
towards that Pisces sort of spiritual side, I don't know. How do you feel about that so far?
Is that, yeah,
[00:18:36] Dominique: [00:18:36] definitely a lot of Virgo, you know that, well, the
planet Chiron belongs to the the sign Virgo and, you know, Virgo in the chart or, or
anything placed in the energy of Virgo is definitely going to bring about that need of
[00:18:52] That also anxiety, you know worry it's mutable as well. But that's sitting on
the IC [00:19:00] coming from that environment where a lot of judgment Virgo was
taking place. You know, you you'll grow into an adult that has this fear of being judged
that that need for perfection and just, you know, constant worrying and that inability to so
just, you know, relax and accept things.
[00:19:18] That are less than perfect in your eyes. Definitely.
[00:19:23] Amber: [00:19:23] I love that. Yeah. Yeah. And that's obviously a journey to
take on, but with that, as you start, I think the Midheaven a lot of times I've seen posts
and stuff about it. Like these are the careers for you. If you have this mid habit, I think
that's a little over simplifying it.
[00:19:37] I think the Midheaven is more so speaking to Basically things that you can do
or what, what you, what persona you need to take on or what things you need to do to
help encourage success in your life. Right. So Pisces accepting the higher power or trying
to help others healing, healing, yourself, healing, others, like all of this good Samaritan
type vibe, empathetic stuff.
[00:19:59] Right. Oh [00:20:00] man. You're so lucky. You're a cancer rising to, gosh,
you're so lucky.
[00:20:06] Dominique: [00:20:06] Oh no. Your a cancer Sun
[00:20:07]Amber: [00:20:07] No my, my Sun and Midheaven square each other. So you
are right on. That's perfect with that combination. Cause I, you can definitely blend
together into, you know, being emotional, helping others and things like that. So I can
definitely see astrology a hundred percent as we were talking about it earlier.
[00:20:25] So I want as much right now, but wow.
[00:20:30] You're gonna heal some people, man. You probably already have But I don't
know. It really resonated with me when I read about it because I have a Capricorn mid-
heaven. Yep. Yeah, it rings true for me because that cancer, I see very clingy parents,
expectant parents, especially my mother, that I would do certain things and held me back
from going away to college and trying new things.
[00:20:54] And so I have this sort of clingy-ness to me that I'm afraid. Right to [00:21:00]
go out on my own or I'm maybe too emotional about my decisions or I hold myself back
because I can be maybe unreliable because I'm making you know, I had a bad day today. I
don't know if I can do this. I almost didn't even come on here today, but I did.
[00:21:14] Cause I love you.
[00:21:15] Dominique: [00:21:15] I know. Right. I would have came through this phone.
[00:21:22] Amber: [00:21:22] oh, I'm having a bad day. I don't know if I can do it, but I
was like, no, Amber, you got to remember your Capricorn. Midheaven okay. I'm in
heaven. I need to be, you know, responsible and stick to my guns and deliver what I
promise and like all that kind of stuff. Right. So I'm working on that. I'm trying, I don't
[00:21:39] Dominique: [00:21:39] But the thing is all the, all the sensitive points
naturally square each other, like the, the eight, the about, say AC ASC, the the ascendant
naturally squares, the mid-heaven as well as the nadir or the IC and then the mid-heaven
and.IC also naturally square the descendant. So [00:22:00] everyone has this natural
internal conflict that they are struggling through when it's time to project themselves into
the world.
[00:22:06]Or how they're, they're forced into the world of mid-heaven or their point of
view of certain things or how or how they perceive different experiences, the, the
ascendant, you know, or their score in, and also their public persona naturally opposes
their private persona, their initial programming that that may, Nadir a placement that I
[00:22:30] And then the people that we bring into our life to help give us these lessons
and experiences that are going to change the trajectory of our life and help mold and
shape our spiritual and persona and personality development. The descendant naturally
opposes our ascendant. So I just feel like when we are able to really understand the The
placements in our chart the energy and our chart and why it's set up that way.
[00:22:53] We get a better idea of why we have these internal struggles and what is meant
to come out of this situation. [00:23:00] Anytime I see a square or an opposition in the
chart, I'm like, Ooh, yeah. Like this is an opportunity to do something, you know, because
I was I looked into some charts of some Yeah. Is it proper to say mentally disabled, but,
well, like they like down syndrome, things like that, right?
[00:23:20] You will find that in charts like that. They have a lot of a ton of trines you
know, they don't have any, they don't have any challenges or anything like that. So we
would naturally think that, okay, a person with some difficult placements, it may be that
they have a difficulty expressing this energy, but necessarily, but most of the times it's
stress an internal conflict that they have to overcome.
[00:23:43] It's more psychological. Not necessarily, you know, a physical ailment.
[00:23:50] Amber: [00:23:50] That's so interesting. Yeah. That's a very good point. I love
your perspective on it because I don't think that people should be scared away by seeing
oppositions or squares in their chart. [00:24:00] I use her as an example often, but you
know, who has a lot of squares is AOC.
[00:24:03] She's got like a grand square actually in her chart. And a lot of times I see
people who are really successful actually that have a lot of squares in their chart. And
that's because that's square energy ain't ever going to leave. You is always going to
bother you. And it's always going to drive you.
[00:24:18] You are not going to be the person who can look away from the bad stuff.
That's going to be able to say, it's fine. I'm just gonna put it on a shelf. You are always
going to feel that inner drive to fight for it. I used to hate my square. I have a huge T-
square in my chart. With, with mars at the pinnacle.
[00:24:33]So I used to always really hate that part of my chart and really shy away from
it and think like, how can I suppress this? How can I get this out of my life? But the truth
is you can't suppress it. Number one. That's why it's there never know in a way, good
luck. It's only gonna make it worse, but number two, it's there for a purpose.
[00:24:50] It's there to drive you and motivate you to do something great. So I think it
can be a good indicator actually of success. I agree.
[00:24:57] I agree with you.
[00:24:58]Dominique: [00:24:58] Definitely. I feel [00:25:00] like squares not squares,
but T squares are easier to navigate than YODS do you work with yards or, you know,
mystical triangles, things like that.
[00:25:09] Yeah. So I was looking into YODS I have two YODS in my chart as well.
Wow. Yep. They so the thing, the reason why I said that is because the T squares it's kinda
like popping a pimple. You know what I mean? And if you, if you applied the pressure
properly, it has an outlet, you know, you just go with the where the two oppositions are
forming and applying that pressure to that shared square, you would just tap into the
energy of that opposing that missing leg.
[00:25:39] And that will help balance everything out but with the yod. There is really no
outlet because they don't share the same element. They don't share the same modality.
They don't share the same polarity. So let's just, anytime you make a decision it's this
one, you're losing over here. You know what I mean? Cause I feel like those a little bit
more [00:26:00] difficult to navigate through.
[00:26:00]Do you notice that a lot of people that have yod placements in their chart. They
tend to be really, really gifted individuals. And I also read that they they're in the charts of
those individuals who have a karmic responsibility to break a pattern inherited
generational pattern that, that has been suppressed in their family lineage.
[00:26:21] Amber: [00:26:21] Oh my God. Yeah.
[00:26:22] So just so weird, you're telling me this right now. It's like, you psychically
knew that I needed to hear this. Please go on. Like, so what do you do about the YOD
please go on.
[00:26:31] Dominique: [00:26:31] We just, we just have to understand the the energy of
the planets involved and then check out the theme that is being suppressed in the family
[00:26:40] So let's say it could be you know, breaking out of tradition. Maybe this family
has an issue with you know, emotional balance, especially if the moon is involved in this,
in this YOD if it's the apex planet or something like that, you know the moon is. Is our
ability to attract things. And then I feel like Venus [00:27:00] is what we actually attract,
what we physically attract and manifest.
[00:27:04] So they both deal with magnetism. They both deal with comfort and attraction
and you know, things like that. But when it's involved in a yod, anytime that yod is
activated, or if an aspect or a transit planet comes through and forms an aspect to it, it's
going to activate it. It's going to ping pong everything involved in that YOD
[00:27:24] and it's going to set off this internal stress intention, you know, everyone who
has a YOD in their chart, they will always describe, or when they look back on their,
their previous experiences and challenges in life, they will explain them as something
very stressful, a lot of tension, you know, from my instance, I always had to choose
between a career that I really love.
[00:27:45] There's something I really wanted to do or doing something that I needed to
do, I need it to do for my children. And for most people they're like, well DUH that's
what you do. When you have kids, you just grow up and take responsibility. Like, no, it
wasn't like that. It's more like [00:28:00] you get a job. It's going to pay you 40, $40 an
[00:28:05] Now, maybe not that much. It was, it was like, let's say $21 an hour, but you
still have to pay childcare, dah, dah, dah, dah, all this different things that comes along
with it. And, but now you still, you now you're losing out on your on being a mother at
home. So you have to choose between being doing it's just a lot of internal struggle, a lot
of different choices and decisions that needs to be made at the same time.
[00:28:27] And it seems like there's no correct answer to the struggle . So that was just
mine personally. And then it was like a lot of psychological things that were, that were
taking place. A lot of trauma that I had to overcome as well, dealing with this YOD but
it's all activated at the same time. You know what I mean?
[00:28:48] Amber: [00:28:48] Yeah. So do you mind me asking you what your apex
planets are for your YOD I'm just curious.
[00:28:52]So I have one to the ascendant, that's a sensitive point. I include [00:29:00]
those in my YODS so I have one to the ascendant, and then I have my moon and Venus
conjunct, the ascendant. And that's one of the apex
[00:29:15] apex is.
[00:29:16] So how you feeling with this Mars and cancer then? Huh?
[00:29:20] Dominique: [00:29:20] Girl, Oh my gosh. That's
[00:29:23] Amber: [00:29:23] why you're awake all day. I think
[00:29:25] Dominique: [00:29:25] so. I can't sleep all this energy in my house of sleep
yeah. I'm all over the place.
[00:29:31] Amber: [00:29:31] So the apex of mine is I have a Uranus Saturn conjunction
and that's the apex that, so my Saturday return was real oh Saturn return.
[00:29:43] Remember how I just said at the beginning of this, that I like up away, lived in
Thailand. That was my saturn that I returned. I just threw that whole life away, dude. I
was like, I can't get away from me. Like I literally did
[00:29:57] Dominique: [00:29:57] that. At least you got to do it in [00:30:00] Thailand.
[00:30:00] Amber: [00:30:00] That was like five or six years ago now. But like, Ooh,
that saturn return was real.
[00:30:06] But yeah. So I think, I think YODS are a really interesting one. I'm not really
sure how to, like you said, the issue with a yod is like it's the quincunx is, or the
inconjunct weird energy anyway. Cause it's like these two don't really have anything in
common, so it's like. There's a problem that you don't even know what it is.
[00:30:28] So I don't even really know what to do with it. I agree with you. I think the
squares are easier because it's so obvious what the problem is obvious with the square,
but with the inconjunct it's like, I don't
[00:30:38] even T- square. Yeah.
[00:30:41] Dominique: [00:30:41] T-square you focus more on the opposition? I feel like
oppositions are so much easier to navigate than a quincunx.
[00:30:46]Because the queen comes, they don't have anything in common. It's like two
people who have beef standing in front of one another, and we have to find some sort of
resolution. You don't have anything I need, I don't have anything you need. I don't even
know. You [00:31:00] know what you're about? You know what I mean?
[00:31:02] So we can't, we can't make any trades. Whereas this opposition, we just know
we don't like, we don't like each other, but we know that we have a common goal. You
know, we, we do share a common interest, but it's completely opposite. Right. So we can,
we can actually, it's, it's an open it's it's wide open it's it's illuminated.
[00:31:22] I know we can work with, I know what it is about you that I don't like, and we
can pull and give from there, but the quincunx we can't do that. And then with the square
it's internalized, we can't even, I don't even know where to start, you know, with the
square. Hm.
[00:31:36] Amber: [00:31:36] I see what you're saying. I think the oppositions can also
be really powerful because although they feel like they're, I think with oppositions, it's
like, I can only add this or I can have that.
[00:31:44] And like you pointed out earlier, the MC the mid-heaven and the bottom of
your chart the nadir is always going to be exactly opposite of each other. So they're
basically an opposition, right? So it's about, I think with those in the beginning, it can feel
like I can only have this, or I can have that. I only have one or the other.
[00:31:59][00:32:00] And then over time, if you're able to find a way to bring those two
together, they can be really powerful together. So I think oppositions ha they all kind of
have their own.
[00:32:10] Right. Definitely. Definitely all on the shadow side of the
[00:32:13] energy, but yeah. All over the place. But the only other one that I wanted to
bring up before we, if we, if we were moving on was the grand trines and the kites.
[00:32:22] Yeah. I think grand trines are a good one, but I've noticed that with grand
trines, which for those that are listening, a grand trine is when you have basically a
creates a giant triangle, it's three trines all together. Right. Same element, hopefully,
ideally. But it indicates that there's a really innate talent there, but I finally just to try and
alone, if there's no like harder aspects, they don't really do anything with it.
[00:32:46] Dominique: [00:32:46] They just, they have to be activated
[00:32:49] yeah. Totally
[00:32:50] Amber: [00:32:50] agree. And then, yeah,
[00:32:54] go on, sorry. Say
[00:32:55] Dominique: [00:32:55] even when they are activated it's still, the energy is so
harmonious. It kind of [00:33:00] goes unnoticed. So you may even miss it. And I think
that's another reason why we need to get familiar with our charts so you can know, okay.
[00:33:06] When this transit is, is taking place, I may not notice it, but at least I know this
is a time when I can take some sort of action to bring about something that I'm working
for working on,
[00:33:16] Amber: [00:33:16] because the thing is like, you know, this from owning a g
of business you've owned more than one, I believe. You have to work hard to get that
business going.
[00:33:25] It's blood, sweat, and tears. It is no joke. It is staying up late doing the things
you don't want to have to do the grand trine energy. They are just so harmonious. And so
at peace, I don't know that they always have that push to, to, to do that sometimes. I think
not that they can't do it. I just think it's that some, if someone has this, maybe that's
something to be aware of that you might need to really push yourself.
[00:33:49]Because I've known people that have had grand tries that were extremely
talented and I didn't even know they were good at it until it like, you know, they picked
up the guitar and started playing for me. I'm like, oh my gosh. You're like an amazing
guitar. [00:34:00] Oh yeah. I've just always been good at it. So I don't really need to do
anything about it.
[00:34:03] Like, oh my God, dude, you could be like a musician or something. If you had
really like. Push this harder. So I think grand trine people should keep that in mind,
[00:34:14]Dominique: [00:34:14] That was a perfect example. Perfect example of how it
always, that's how, you know, you have, even if you don't know anything about astrology
and you can get an idea that there is something really, really talented and lucky laying in
your chart, that is probably going unnoticed.
[00:34:30]That is a perfect example.
[00:34:32] Amber: [00:34:32] Yeah. But I think, you know, With trying to find success. I
think one of the biggest things that has helped me is just trying to find a way to integrate
that ascendant and the Midheaven that's where I'm at in my personal journey. How can I
include? Cause I'm an Aries rising into Capricorn mid-heaven , what do these guys have
in common?
[00:34:51] How can I make these work together, you know, into something that. Works
because it feels like I can either be one or the other either I'm, you know, the good uptight
[00:35:00] Capricorn and work in insurance or something, or like I'm the fiery Aries run
to Thailand, you know what I mean? Like what do these guys have in common?
[00:35:07] And I think if you pursue that and try to think about what those do you have in
common, that's where you can start to get a little bit of traction. Maybe. I don't know.
That's been my
[00:35:15] experience.
[00:35:15] Dominique: [00:35:15] Yeah, absolutely. They're both Cardinal. I mean,
they're both about initiating and creating new ways to go about doing something, taking
initiative and actually physically doing something, you know, they're self-motivated yep.
[00:35:30] Amber: [00:35:30] That's, that's really good points. And they both are sort of
leaders in different ways, you know, like Capricorn wants to be the business, like CEO
guy and areas is like the startup company type of vibe right? So maybe like owning your
own business in some way or pursuing that, trying to inspire others or lead others or teach
others things like that.
[00:35:50] And yeah. That's a good starting point, I think. And then after that, looking at
the ruler, you know, the ruler of those points. So, because we were talking about
[00:36:00] years earlier with a Pisces, I do traditional rulers a lot of times, but I like to get
both. What about you? I like,
[00:36:06] Dominique: [00:36:06] I like to use both. Definitely.
[00:36:08] Amber: [00:36:08] Yeah. So I would look at Jupiter probably first for a
Pisces, but Neptune also. But anyway, anyway, obviously it's a whole thing. If you've got,
if people are listening and they want to know more, you should contact Dominique,
[00:36:23] you got to see it. We got to see
[00:36:24] it
[00:36:24] Dominique: [00:36:24] all. Yeah. Can't just isolate the placements. I mean,
everything pours in and unfolds the story, taking the, it means so many things to consider,
not just the sign and the house and the planet, but also the aspects that they're making as
well as you know, maybe even your, your moon cycle.
[00:36:44] There's so many different things to incorporate into Interpreting the timing of
something, the timing to take action. Speaking to take action. I wanted to talk about your
Mars triggers and things like that. You know, just when to necessarily take action, you
know, your planetary [00:37:00] returns.
[00:37:00]That's probably like a whole nother whole nother episode getting into like the
planetary returns because they all have something special. We could probably just skim
over them a little bit. Yeah.
[00:37:17] Amber: [00:37:17] no, I think that's good. I went through a Mars return.
Because they happen every two years. Right? My last year we said this before we started
this, but I need your first Mars return is when you're two and my kids coming up onto
you. And I'm like, okay. Yeah, I see it.
[00:37:34] Dominique: [00:37:34] Oh, goodness. Hide all the crayons. Hide the scissors.
[00:37:39] Amber: [00:37:39] Oh, these terrible twos colors.
[00:37:42] Dominique: [00:37:42] Get yourself some ears plugs, ear buds. cause they're
gonna want to yell
[00:37:50] in the house. They're so cute. For adults. I mean any phase of life, the certain,
certain energy points are going to be activated and they're [00:38:00] going to manifest
differently in everyone. Everyone's like, just as you said, for a mars return with the two
year old, they're probably going to act out a little bit more, you know, the sudden surge
of energy.
[00:38:09] It takes two years for Mars to orbit the Zodiac and recharge its esoteric
battery. So of course, you know, the sudden surge is going to have to last for two years.
So initially when it kicks off, it's going to be a bit much coming back into themselves,
you know, they're it does have a little bit to do it, you know, their ego just finally
expressing themselves and, and you know, what do I do with all of this, this internal
[00:38:32]But as an adult, this is a really, really good opportunity to take advantage of, of
new. What do you call the new projects that you wanted to get started to launch
something new? Because you have that necessary energy and drive to get the things done.
So if you wanted to start a new workout journey, if you want it to I don't know, just start,
start doing stuff to take physical action and doing something.
[00:38:52] Mars return is definitely that time to do that. Also new people are going to be
coming into your life that are going to challenge and push you [00:39:00] to help get
things done. I always feel like challenges are invitations to create something beautiful.
[00:39:07] Amber: [00:39:07] Yeah, absolutely. So I'm guessing you must have Mars
pretty close to cancer.
[00:39:11] If not in cancer, then that's a lot of cancer placement. Oh, okay. Okay. Oh,
[00:39:16] Dominique: [00:39:16] coming up on it. Yeah. Right now I should be feeling
kind of drained and tired. I don't know why I feel so much energy. I know it could just be
this green drink. I think that's what it is. I'm taking care of myself internally.
[00:39:27] I've been doing my my rituals, trying to stay in alignment with the moon
cycles and really focusing on my physical health. I feel like especially my gut health, you
know, with, with my heavy cancer placements water retention and you know, the diet and
gut health is really, really important. So I've been putting more emphasis in that and I
think it's paying off.
[00:39:47] Maybe that's just what it is. I've I've been lethargic for. Sometime, but now I'm
feeling a lot better. Cause I guess I've been taking care and pouring back into myself,
practicing what I've been preaching.
[00:39:57] Amber: [00:39:57] Yeah. It kind of makes sense though, right? Like all
[00:40:00] sign at least, or Mars going through your first month.
[00:40:02] So a lot of self focused and you know, taking care of yourself and getting
yourself out there. I love when I was supposed to my first for that reason. It's been going
through my fourth though. So I'm over it. I'm over it for anyone who's listening. Look, I
wear in mars or cancer is, and your chart what house?
[00:40:21] It rules. That is where you are feeling it. And I think Mars in cancer is already
kind of like you know, Mars, doesn't like being in cancer, right? Mars is aggravated here.
So people are real worried about, you know, taking care of themselves and getting what
they need. And it can cause a lot of fears around that.
[00:40:39] And then, you know, they just came out with this gas thing right yesterday. I
don't know you're on these posts, right? I'm on the two. So. I'm gonna hear a lot about
that, but I don't know. Hopefully that'll clear up a little bit.
[00:40:52] Dominique: [00:40:52] Oh my gosh. It is crazy. I saw people, they were
filling up like so many different gas tanks.
[00:40:57] I had to put 87 in my gas tank [00:41:00] I don't know if that's going to mess
it up. I usually just do exactly what the manual says. I don't know how that plays out. Not
that you're a mechanic or anything.
[00:41:08] Amber: [00:41:08] I'll look into it and let you know.
[00:41:11] Dominique: [00:41:11] I'm worried about, I hope my get is 87. At least you
got some gas dang
[00:41:15] Amber: [00:41:15] I know, right?
[00:41:17] I'm like I don't know what to do over here. I guess I'm just going to hang out. I
think, I don't know. I don't want to scare anyone. I do think things are going to get a little
bumpy in June, especially, I don't know how you feel about it, but I bet, I think we're
probably pretty close to the same page with the astrological transits there, but you know,
we'll be all right, everybody just hang in.
[00:41:36] And I think the best thing we can do is really have a lot of empathy for each
other, especially with Mars in cancer. Cause like, I don't know about you, but for me,
Mars in cancer makes me want to kind of lash out at people sometimes a little bit. Cause
it's like triggering psychologically, almost all of that
[00:41:52] Dominique: [00:41:52] emotional trigger, you know, cancer being emotions
and Mars being that trigger.
[00:41:58] Amber: [00:41:58] Yup. And then [00:42:00] when is it? I think it's in there
until like June. I don't know, off the top of my head a little bit, maybe. Yep. So yeah, just
take it easy if you get really pissed off at someone, take a break and walk away, dude,
because you might just be getting emotionally triggered by something that ain't got.
[00:42:14] It's not even about them entirely, you know,
[00:42:19] Dominique: [00:42:19] you don't even know what it is. Cause you know,
cancer is, is the past, you know, it's past memories, not only domestic matters, but also
just memories of the past. So it couldn't right. Like, just like you said, it may not have
anything to do with you. They're just emotionally stimulated and you're just at the right
place at the wrong time.
[00:42:36] So
[00:42:40] Amber: [00:42:40] I agree. That is in the first, I think that's a great place for it
to be honestly, that's a lot better.
[00:42:44] Dominique: [00:42:44] I'm sure. I really feel like once it hit my ascendant,
exact, I really just woke up and like, knew who the fuck I was like, I was going through a
lot of stuff. Like I had some visitors come through and just really, you know, Mars'd my
12th [00:43:00] house, like my, my mental health, you know, they did all of that, you
know, to Mars, something means to blemish or to lessen the value of, and I felt, I felt
devalued at that, in that moment, but the moment Mars transited, my ascendant, I was
like, hold up.
[00:43:14] I know who I know, I know who I am. I know who I am and I'm not going to
put up with this. I establish those boundaries and I feel so much better. And I think that
that's where all this energy and this rush, that self love ya know I
[00:43:26] Amber: [00:43:26] love that. Yes. Yes. That's such a great place for Mars to
be. So if you have Mars and your first fifth or ninth right now, God bless you.
[00:43:35] Go on, go and get yourself. Do your thing, because those are great houses. I
think from Mars to be going through
[00:43:43] Dominique: [00:43:43] and even the second, the second could be, it's like
you, you manifest oh, you have the energy to make money. You know, that's your, that's
your personal, your personal buying power, your, your self-worth your talents and ability.
[00:43:56] So the energy is there to help express that. But [00:44:00] also you have, you
may have the tendency to. Spend it just as fast as you make it.
[00:44:07] Amber: [00:44:07] 10th is another one. If you got to go through the 10, it
likes being in the 10th house too. So that's a good one too, but I agree the second one.
Yeah. You're probably making some money.
[00:44:16] Just make sure it gets saved.
[00:44:18] Dominique: [00:44:18] The third house speeding.
[00:44:22] Amber: [00:44:22] Yeah, the third house. Hey, at least they're out of gas now.
You, ain't going to be nowhere.
[00:44:27] Dominique: [00:44:27] I would say Mars and a third or Mars in Gemini , or
something like that. I would definitely say don't raise your voice, strengthen your
[00:44:37] Amber: [00:44:37] Oh,
[00:44:37] I like that.
[00:44:39] Dominique: [00:44:39] I think that's the best lesson i had when Mars was
back when Mars was in Gemini , that was the biggest lesson for me. Don't raise your
voice. It's not worth it. You know, just strengthen your argument when you can strengthen
it with tact, with creativity and less energy, you know, work smarter, not harder.
[00:44:57] Amber: [00:44:57] I love that that's such a good way of putting it because
[00:45:00] yeah. Mars the third. You definitely want to get into some arguments, arguing
with siblings, neighbors, neighbors. Yeah. Throwing shit over the stuff over the fence, at
them or whatever. Yeah. Watch out for that. That's a good one fourth house.
[00:45:17] That's what I've got going on. And man,
[00:45:20] oh
[00:45:21] man. Oh man. It's tough. Cause I just moved back to the east coast. So I'm
staying with my parents until I get a place. And the rental situation is insanity. I think
there's probably anybody who's involved in the housing market right now knows that it's
crazy talk.
[00:45:39] And it's like, as soon as I try to get a place, you get some whip right back up.
So I'm just kinda like stuck here for awhile. And I've got a lot of old old kind of beef
with my mom, especially, and that like just staying here is really like aggravating that and
I'm like, keep her cool dude. You're cool.
[00:45:55] You're cool. Don't do it. Don't get into it. Hold back dude [00:46:00] so but
like you said, I think that it's not just about domestic matters necessarily for people that
could definitely manifest that way, like it is for me, but I think it's also that it is digging
out memories. Like this is memories more than any of the other houses cause cancer.
[00:46:15] Is that a sign of memories? Fourth house is the sign of cancer. So this is old
stuff coming back up. And so I think that can really happen to people if you're having to
go through the fourth. But so just hang in there, if that's you, that's all I got to say.
[00:46:30]Dominique: [00:46:30] Absolutely.
[00:46:31] Amber: [00:46:31] Get through it. But just remember that their memories is
not necessarily reality right now.
[00:46:36] That's the important part, you know, work through the stuff, but from the past,
but remember that it's in the past, you don't need, you don't need to do repeat it right now.
So exactly you can't, it's done. But I'm looking forward to going into the fifth dude,
because I think in the fifth, I remember last time I went through my fifth, I was super
creative and I did a lot to express it.
[00:46:57] Yeah, exactly. I got it. So [00:47:00] that's probably what's going to happen. I
predict that I get a place as Mars enters Leo, and then I do some crazy projects to get out
of my system. That's what I
[00:47:10] think. But,
[00:47:13] you know, we'll see how it all goes for everybody. But I think like you said, I
really always love, I love how you always put a real positive spin on everything because
astrology is not there to be our enemy.
[00:47:24] It's not there to make us feel bad about ourselves or like, you know, things that
can't be fixed or whatever. I think it's there to, you know, just give sort of street signs of
directions, where we might be able to turn to, to like heal and, and work with the energy
that's there. Cause there's always the upside.
[00:47:40] There's always, there was always a higher octave. Right. Which you said
earlier. So I agree
[00:47:45] Dominique: [00:47:45] with that. I love that once we get familiar with the
energy in our chart, how the aspects of playing out, how the planets are communicating
to one another, we get a chance to direct this energy in a specific area of life, to it, to
make the most of these aspects.
[00:47:59] Even if [00:48:00] it is challenging aspects, like, like the quincunx or
opposition or square or something like that, you know, once we know where our dark
triggers are, Well, we know where our our challenges are. We can incorporate remedial
remedial work. That's going to help strengthen these challenges.
[00:48:18] And then cha transmute them into tools, transform them into tools that can be
used to manifest the life we want and deserve.
[00:48:27] Amber: [00:48:27] That's it. That's it. I think that summarizes everything.
Dominique. I don't know how to talk that now. I think you got it.
[00:48:36] Dominique: [00:48:36] Can't you can't. I know I can't,
[00:48:42] but yeah. So what is, what is your yeah, what is just a quick overview of like
how you would actually just approach the chart and just find a successful Someone's
success in, in talent, in the chart. Just something that you would just go straight directly
to, with all of your different backgrounds in astrology.
[00:48:59] Amber: [00:48:59] Yeah. [00:49:00] So for me, there's a few things that I start
with first. So I take in account right away, the sun placement. And the ascendent, because
these are also indicators of kind of what this person is here to do and how they see
themselves, what they want ascending is actually kind of what we want and my
experience to some degree, right?
[00:49:20] So you need to keep that into account because you might find a good job for
them, but they might not even be happy at it. And if they're not happy at it, it's not going
to be successful. So those are the, one of the first things I'm going to think about north
node, of course too, you can't discount that because that's going to be their general life
[00:49:35] If they're not moving towards that, that's also not going to be good. But the
mid-heaven, I do spend a lot of time with, because the mid-heaven are, like I said earlier,
attributes that we can sort of take on to try and be to become more successful. So I think
about what is opposing it. The, I see are there planets around that IC cause those are other
possible blockages blockages of success for me are the, I see planets around the IC and
the [00:50:00] ruler of the IC.
[00:50:00]As well as the south node. And possibly the moon, depending upon the moon
placement. Cause if you have a cancer Midheaven right, then that's a different story. But
for the Midheaven I look at the mid-heaven, what sign is it in? What decan is it in,
because let's say what decan , is your Pisces one in, for example, if you don't mind me
asking, is it the first, second or third?
[00:50:23] Like degree wise? What degree is it? Sorry, you probably don't know off the
top of your
[00:50:28] Dominique: [00:50:28] head. And what, what degree is my mid-heaven
happen? I don't know let's just say second.
[00:50:35] Amber: [00:50:35] Okay. So if it's the second then that would put your, that
would put you in the cancer decan which makes even more sense for you actually,
because you would be, cause you're a cancer rising.
[00:50:43] Right. So then that gives me some more information. I'm like, okay. Things I
might associate with Pisces would be taking care of other Virgo. I have a way of a, like
an, a spiritual way maybe in some way, humanitarian work, spiritual outlook. So on and
[00:51:00] so on. Right? Oh,
[00:51:02] Dominique: [00:51:02] sorry.
[00:51:07] Amber: [00:51:07] Okay. isn't that where Jupiter is in the eighth house there.
Wow. That's scorpio's house. So if it's in the third deacon, then for those listening to,
that's going to put it in Scorpio. So the way deacons work for those that are listening is it
split up each side is 30 degrees, right? The first 10 degrees of it is the purest expression of
that sign
[00:51:24] so you don't have a sub-ruler seconds, 20 degrees or 10 degrees. So that
would be what, a 10 to 20 degrees, right. That would be the next sign in the cycle of that
element. So if she's Pisces, the second decan would be then cancer. And then the third,
which is the last 10 degrees is going to be the next sign in that water cycle, which is
going to be Scorpio.
[00:51:48]So hopefully that wasn't too confusing, but if it's in Scorpio, then now I'm
going to take into account some Scorpio themes on top of Pisces, right? So this is going
to be psychology, other people's [00:52:00] mindset, understanding motives. This could
be involved with a lot of different things like an astrologer.
[00:52:06] Like like a in law or politics or policemen, anything investigative, these are all
general themes of, yeah, no, that's fine. Yeah. But if we take into those two things into
account and the sign that is on your eight house, which is Aquarius, Aquarius would
definitely be associated with science, technology and astrology.
[00:52:27] So some sort of unusual quality here or unusual approach to psychology and
the eighth house here. So astrology totally makes sense for you. As a really good
indicator that it will be really successful if Jupiter's in your eighth house, by the way. So
go you do you have any planets in Scorpio?
[00:52:45] Dominique: [00:52:45] Oh, yeah.
[00:52:46] Amber: [00:52:46] Oh, okay. I'm trying to do a whole entire breakdown of
you. I'm not going to expose you like that, but
[00:52:57] because I wouldn't like that, but that's just a general [00:53:00] idea of kind of
how I would approach it. Right? It's like take those breakouts and then try to find the
overlap between these things. What can satisfy some of these big things. And the last
thing that I'll say about that is I would also look at the strength of those career indicator.
[00:53:13] Planets career indicator, planets are going to be any planets that are aspects of
them in heaven. The ruler of the mid-heaven of course . Right. And the ruler of the decan
as well. And any planets that I might associate with those decans right? So like the decan
with being Scorpio. If you have any planets in scorpio and some support for you, I would
consider those possibilities too.
[00:53:34] And then I would consider the strength of all those planets based upon a lot of
different factors so that I could pick the one that has the best success basically, or the
most likely to be successful. So that was a really long-winded answer. That was probably
a super complicated, but yeah. Oh,
[00:53:48] Dominique: [00:53:48] that was awesome.
[00:53:48] I know somebody has that little note. Oh yeah. Oh
[00:53:55] Amber: [00:53:55] yeah. Yeah. That's so funny, but yeah, I mean, I'm sure
[00:54:00] you have lots of clients that talk to you that ask you about that kind of stuff.
Has that come up for you too,
[00:54:04] Dominique: [00:54:04] especially lately? Oh yeah, definitely. Definitely. I
think that, I like to, I like to get an idea of the. The blockage is first, you know, especially
going to those, those wounding indicators, Chiron as well as any planets within the
fourth house as well.
[00:54:20]12 house planets as well, getting familiar with you know, what sort of things
are they, are they that are mentally keeping them back from achieving their goals as well?
What else do pretty much everything you mentioned with us, I'm just trying to name out
some different things that I probably, oh yeah.
[00:54:34] The parental story I like to look at influences from the mother and the father,
you know, and the chart of the opposite sex there, you know, the 10th house would be
The 10th house would be the mother. And then the fourth house would be the father.
Looking at that sign on the cusp, as well as the placement of that cusp ruler, and then
seeing what aspects are being made as well, to get an idea of that parental story as well.
[00:54:56] Amber: [00:54:56] Yeah, that is so perfect, man. We would be the greatest
combo then, cause you're a ruler [00:55:00] is your age so psychological and deep and
like get into where that cut is, you know? And my rulers and my ninth so i'm like how
can we take this farther? So, you know, when we, you know, if you ever have any back
on, if there are anybody, is there, if there's anyone listening and wants to volunteer their
chart, I'll break it down with you.
[00:55:27] now you can stay down. I'm just kidding. But yeah, we should do, I almost
want a new charter, Frank sounds with you now because I love that
[00:55:35] Dominique: [00:55:35] so much fun. I'm thinking about doing that too. I want
to do something. We can do like a whole video and actually share the screen and then
we'll just put that somewhere else.
[00:55:45] We'll have like the podcasts and like some exclusive content. We're actually
doing some demonstrations. I think that'd be dope.
[00:55:52] Amber: [00:55:52] I love it. It's a great idea.
[00:55:53] Dominique: [00:55:53] Really cool. We'll talk offline. We'll talk offline. We
covered some wonderful, some wonderful [00:56:00] points. I want to thank you so much
for joining and sharing this wonderful wisdom.
[00:56:04]Just to do a quick recap, you know, just really making sure that whatever we
set our souls out to do, we set out on these paths to do. To achieve in life. We have to
make sure we have that balance of fulfillment with our inner world, as well as our
external world. You know, we have to have that balance as well.
[00:56:25] And then thank you so much for covering those indicators in the chart. And for
those listening who wants to contact Amber, where can they find you, Amber?
[00:56:32]Amber: [00:56:32] The astrology and we just released our first
issue which Dominique is in and it's free to you. So check out the astrology We've got free issues on there for the magazine and yeah, that's where
you can find
[00:56:46] us.
[00:56:47] Dominique: [00:56:47] Thank you so much. I can't wait to do this again.
[00:56:51] Amber: [00:56:51] Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much for having me on
Dominique this was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your podcast.
[00:56:57] Dominique: [00:56:57] Thank you. [00:57:00]

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