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Class: IV Max marks: 25
Subject: English Time: 1 Hour Date: 14.06.2022

SECTION A (3marks)
A.1 Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: -
On Sunday, the weather was fine. The sky was slightly overcast with
clouds. It was very pleasant to walk in the cool breeze. We went out for
picnic on the bank of the sacred Yamuna. We spread a colourful mat and
sat down in the shade of a huge tree. The river was flowing majestically
and presented a beautiful sight. The noise of the flowing river, the sweet
music of birds, charming and delightful atmosphere soothed our nerves.
We had a delicious lunch and played games. We returned happy and
fresh after the outing singing songs all the way back home. We had a
nice time indeed.
A.1 Answer the following: (2marks)
1. When was the picnic arranged?
2. Where did they spread the mat?
A.2 Frame a sentence of your own: (1mark)
1. beautiful


Make a poster on Save Water.


C.1.Pick out the prepositions in the given sentences: - (4marks)

1. Varun sat between Ronny and Sunny.

2. The cat is sleeping under the table.
3. Rahul is playing with his brother.
4. The man knocked at the door.
5. She is looking for her book.
6. The baby is hiding behind the curtains.
7. Gauri gave the book to me.
8. We are sitting in front of a tree.

C.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. (3marks)

on, among, at, over, in, near,

1. They watch TV only ______ the morning.

2. My best friend lives _________ me.
3. Farah shared the chocolates __________ her classmates.
4. We do not go to school _______ Fridays.
5. The train leaves _______
6. Priya is carrying an umbrella ________ her head.


D.1. Write word meaning of the following words: (1mark)

1. curious

2. glared at

D.2.Write synonyms of the following words: (1mark)

1. shocked

2. handled

D.3. Write antonyms of the following words: (1mark)

1. beautiful

2. polite

D.4.Give one word for: (1mark)

1. to breathe quickly with an open mouth because of pain

2. made a sudden sharp noise with his fingers

D.5.Frame sentences of your own: (1mark)

1. fulfil

D.6.Answer the following: (3marks)

1. What does the boy want to find out about the clouds?

2. Who was Raja Varma?

D.7.Read the following extracts and answer the questions: (3marks)

1. “The people were angry, but they did not want to say anything that would
upset their king.”

a) Why were the people angry?

b) What did they finally do to solve the problem?


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