Avaliação 8 Ano I Unit

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Aluno (a): _______________________________________________

Professor (a): Turma:

Disciplina: Data:_____ /____ /2022 Nota:


3. Observe as imagens e responda as questões de acordo com o que as
pessoas estão fazendo no momento. Siga os exemplos como modelo:


a) Responda com o nome de quem está fazendo as atividades a

1) He is sleeping. Paul is sleeping
2) She is playing guitar.
3) They are watching TV.
4) He is taking fotos.
5) They are running.
6) They are drinking coffee.

4. Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma correta
de uma frase nesse tempo verbal:

a) Tom and Marina is watching TV together while they are eat some sandwiches.
b) Melissa is read a love poem to Maria while she are eat chocolate.
c) We are waiting for the bus at the bus stop while I eating a pece of cake.
d) They are eat some sandwiches while she are eat pizza.
e) Fernando is working at the computer while I am studying.

5. The present continuous form of “She drinks milk” is:

a) She were drinking milk.
b) She is drinking milk.
c) She will be drinking milk.
d) She was drinking milk.

6. De acordo com as regras do Present Continuous, assinale a alternativa em que todos os

verbos estão ortograficamente corretos: live – stop – buy – dance- watch – stay – write-
close – love- work -

a) liveeing - stoping - buying

b) loving - living - working - playing
c) waiting - staying - danceing
d) watching - closeing - writeing

7. Tendo como base o estudo do Present Continuous e as frases a seguir, responda a

pergunta abaixo:

I – The teachers are teaching about ecology.

II – You play soccer very well.
III – I am working in a big school.
IV – She loves to study.

- Quantas frases estão no Present Continuous?

a) Duas c) Uma
b) Nenhuma d) Todas

8. Marque a alternativa que melhor completa as frases no Present Continuous:

I – The boy _____________ (read) a book.

II – My brothers ____________ (watch) television.

a) reading – watching
b) are read – is watch
c) is read – are read
d) is reading – are watching

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