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Audit difficulties and risk related to the

Valuation of intangible assets.

Methodology to be followed:
Type of methodology:
Our research is considered as being a basic and applied one. Because as said before, it
focuses on developing the knowledge related to the topic of importance of intangible assets
and its valuation, in the purpose to uncover and develop how auditors can carry out an
efficient audit while avoiding maximum risks.
Literature review:
our research will be started first with a literature review, to have a holistic view about the
basics of an intangible assets and its theoretical valuation. Meanwhile, we will call for some
secondary data collected by audit firms, researchers, federations, organizations, and other
reliable parties to build a basic knowledge about the subject. In this literature review, we will
also go through many valuation practices of intangible assets, highlights and discuss about
some constructive ideas mentioned in some reports and papers.
Interviews & Survey:
After that, Interviews will be conducted with two main functions within organizations. Audit
department (auditors in big 4 or audit firms in general from different sectors) and Advisory
department (to gather more information about valuation of these assets) In the aim of
producing a contextual real-world knowledge about the behaviors and practices that
companies have been doing to deal with risks and explore this under-researched topic. In
addition to this, some excerpts from interviews of specialists found on several media will be
used to reinforce my findings.
In the same scope, since this topic concerns all audit firm, it will be fruitful to put in place a
small survey to be filled by other departments employees (tax department for example in
order to know their perspective) about their general understanding of risks that are faced and
their perception and responsibilities towards managing all together the risks.

Statistics and results:

This part will be quite technical and very important. After setting many statistical aspects that
will serve our subject (variables, equation, models…), and after collecting information from
our settled sample. These findings will be analyzed statistically, to get the appropriate
answers to our questions and hypothesis.
We remind that the Data used in this part will be collected from our interviews, reliable
website and media and surveys
Analysis and conclusion:
Finally, we will end-up by Encapsulating all information and findings stemming from the three
previous parts of our research, and after analyzing them. We will be able to establish some
interesting conclusions that response to the questions we have been inquisitive about and
help us also to bring something new to the table.

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