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Beginning a CREAT NEW FEATURE— What Owners Really Think About Their Cars l * Just the Tractors for Gardens, Nurseries, Estates, Poultry Farms, Golf Courses and Cemeteries EASY TO OPERATE HYDRAULIC CONTROLS OPTIONAL In Use Throughout the Nation and in Many Foreign Lands... Saving TIME, MONEY and WORK! Right now is the time to plan ahead ... plan to do your work easier, in Jess time and at less cost this year. Plan to geta famous SHAW Tractor s..the machine that does scores of hard jobs the quick, easy, better way! No other investment will pay you better dividends year after year. PROVED RIGHT! For nearly a half-century SHAW Tractors have proved cheit value throughout the Nation and in foreign countries. They are built do the job right... with quality materials and expert engineering. Equipped with high-grade air-cooled gasoline of oil engines. ‘You get a full year guarantee against any defect in material or workman- ship. They setve faithfully for many years. T WORKERS— SHAW Tractors have proved depend- able, versatile, low-cost helpers on scores of jobs...ideal workers on small farms,in gardens, truck farms, nurseries, orchards, cemeteries, golf courses, poultry farms and estates. Great for plowing, cultivating, discing, seeding, harvesting, spraying, mowing; operate cutter bars and lawn’ mowers. Riding tractors with bulldozer also used in foundries and by building contractors for moving sand, dirt, etc. For power on belt jobs... sawing wood, pumping water, grinding feed and running belt machinery. First cost is low and low operating cost will surprise and please you. ‘ EASY 10 OPERATE—You'll find « SHAW “Peppy Pal” or Du-All” Tractor < just fitted to your needs...114 to 12 H.P. And you'll find that a SHAW RAKE will do things a big tractor can't. Easy to operate by elderly persons, boys and girls. Exsy to change from one piece of equipment to another. ‘We can supply many attachments at low prices. GET FULL DETAILS— Ger all che facts and you'll get a SHAW! Plan now to do your hard jobs the easy way. Have aSHAW Tractor to do a better job...easier and quicker. It will serve you well will give you years of satisfactory. trouble-free, willing amazingly low cost. Many dealers throughout the U. S. sell SHAW Tractors. See them « -See their many great, exclu- SHAW MANUFACTURING CO. sve: feast: 3a tee means 4501 Front.St, Galesburg, Kans., or 668-G.N. 4th St, Columb for FREE folders, prices,cc, fl Sead me Free Folders and Prices on SHAW Tractors. Getall the SHAW Facts now! pear Folks! eif sone dough and You can 5® air bill 4 out TOR fe right down te e his saybe £2 fe gout oY ot and ast Danger 202° i to Be epecialt ’ ystery ow Book 3a the mys ook tekes © ook mis book t at the parts 2 shows w rge for of car we, wnat the chard TO" ei e nd-—nost tarer Lae a W121 Oe: tg by having rot needed. we a speci oe, Book to Stay edit a postenrs send Be your Engine loses pep... —— poe — oe = Needs a tuneup Clean, adjust and retime ignition. Clean fuel supply and carburetor screons. Adjust carburetor. Adjust teppetsand fon bolt. Chock Needs new piston rings and miner engine repairs Reolace piston rings. Align {) rods: Adjustrousorreplace red bearings. Reseat-emd relace valves compression and vacuum readings for symptoms of ring wear. Tune engine. These repairs are compar. % atively inexpensive and put the engine back in peak Condition for thousands of economical miles. Delay puts the engine in Danger Zone 2. Engine begins to smoke . . . Ceca Engine pumps vi edly [Needs new piston rings od majar engie repairs Replace piston rings. Re- place piston pits. Adjust— probably replace-main bearings. Align rods. Ad: just rods or replace rod bearings. Reseat and re- face valves. Tune engine. These repairs naturally cost more than those needed in Danger Zone 1, but they put the engine back in condition for thou- inde of additional milos © of satisiactory service. De flay loads to costly Danger Zone 3 STEEL-VENT PISTON RINGS MANUFACTURING COMPANY HASTINGS, MICHIGAN HASTINGS LTD,, TORONTO a Destructive wear sets in. Needs new piston riage ‘and complete overhaul Repairs cost three or four Danger Zone 1, Remove engine. Rebore cylinders. Replace pistons, pins, rings. Replace main hearings Align rads, refit ‘or replace rods, or replace rad bearings, Overhaul valve lifters, rocker arms, Roplace timing chains 6 gears. Reseat, retace valves. Replace guides and springs. Repiace camshait bearings. Clean oil lines, Overhaui oil pump. Clean, re-install and tune engine. ‘GET YOUR CAR OUT OF THE THE MORE YOU DELAY “THE moRE YoU PY! Another reason why your telephone gives so much for so little Studying punched card record of dial system oper- ation. Each card (top) can report 1080 items. In a large, modern dial telephone office, 2,000,000 switch contacts await the orders of your dial—and 10,000 of them may be needed to clear a path for your voice when you make a single telephone call. Within this maze of signal paths, faults—though infrequent—must be detected and fixed before they can impair telephone service. The latest system developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories automatically de- tects its own faults, detours calls around them without delay—then makes out a “written” report on what happened. The fault may be a broken wire, or a high resistance caused by specks of dirt on switch contacts. In a second, the « trouble recorder punches out a card, not- ing the circuits involved and the stage in the switching where the fault appeared. Maintenance men examine the reports at intervals and lear what needs, atten- tion. Between times they go about their own duties in keeping service moving. This is another example of how research at Bell Laboratories helps your telephone serve you at top efficiency—and low cost. BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES WORKING CONTINUALLY TO KEEP YOUR TELEPHONE SERVICE BIG IN VALUE AND LOW IN COST. POPULAR MECHANICS = Popular Mechanics Magazine Hegisteved in U. S. Patent Ofice and Canada H. H. WINDSOR, Founder H. H. WINDSOR, JR., Editor and Publisher this month's cover PLUNGING TOWARD EARTH from o perch neorly sight miles high, at a speed of more thon 180 miles an hour, is an experience is world-record drop wes from ther volunteers, sts, Mozza was & ‘at North Central College in Illinois. Since completing 30 combat missions in Europe, his main assignment hos bet Wright ry. There his ject enginoer on the allowed himself to from a jet plane flying more than ‘550 miles on hour. Instrument-laden chairs ‘were used in the lotest tests s0 that jump: fers could give play-by-play reports en rovte Bob Br Satara Sty Geicneet heute Wiktearete = igresies eee JANUARY 1951 Volume 95 JANUARY 1951 Number 1 Roderick M. Grant ‘Weyne Whittaker “James R. Ward Frank L. Brittin ‘Aubrey ©. Cookman, Jr. Clifford B. Hicks Siler Freeman Frank Beatty

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