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Ai Conditioning Architecture ‘Architectural Drating Building Foreman Chemistry wil Engineering Concrete Engineering Electrical Engineering Heating Highway Entinee Mining Psties Pumbing Paper Making Refrigeration Steam Enginearing Structural Enginering Structural Drafting Airplane Drafting Diesels Drating Flight Engioen Foundiy Work Gas Engines Heat Treatment of Meals Nechanical Engineering Netal Patten Drating Reading Shop Blueprints fatio Falload Courses Sheet Metal Surveying Tool Designing Textiles Send today for your free copy of booklet describing the subject in which you are interested. World-famous I. C.S. Courses can be your steppingstones to success, can help you prepare yourself for promotion and better pay. JANUARY 1951 Accounting Advertising Arithmetic okkeeping Business Corresp. Business Management CPA, Cost Act Commercial Art Foremanstip Fronch + Spanish High Schoo! Mustratiog Postal Civil Service Secretarial Salosmenship Stenograpty Trafic Management ———| chosen |-—-——— i APPROVED UNDER I THE G1 BILL | INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS | Box 5582-K, SCRANTON 9, PENNA, | Please send me a free copy of the booklet | covering the following subject 1 subject —__— i Nome Ave | Home Address a [it State [Present Position —— 1 Employed by a } Working Hours AM. fo ___P.M. Length of Serv Op een nti INVENTORS I £ you consider your invention to be something of ‘importance—if you have useful art, machine, manufacture or composition of matter or improvement thereof—you are advised to protect your invention by applying for a U. S. Patent. invented any new and A patent is a valuable right. It grants you a mo- nopoly—the right to exclude others from making, using or selling your invention as claimed for a term of seventeen years. The specification and claims of a patent, particu- larly if the invention be at all complicated, con- stitute one of the most difficult legal instruments to draw accuracy. Therefore, unless you aro thoroughly familiar with such matters, you are advised to employ a competent registered patent attorney or agent, This firm is registered to practice before the U. S. Patent Office and is available to assist in the prepa- ration and prosecution of your patent application. The “Evidence of Inven- tion” form mentioned be- low is offered as a con- venience to you in making your disclosure to us for search purposes, search among previously granted U. S. patents for similar types of invention. We then make this search ond prepare a report of the probable patentability ‘of your invention. IF such report is favorable, we rec- ‘ommend the further course for you te take, The "Evidence of Inven- tion” form and booklet are suggested os conveniences to you and us in starting action on your invention, victor J. EVANS &. Co. Wd D Gans REGISTERED PATENT ATTORNEY 630-A MERLIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON 6, D. C. ™“ You should date and sign your disclosure and hove it witnessed by two or more persons who are cap- able of understending your invention. Your disclosure should be mailed to ut together with a letter authorizing us to conduct © preliminary = We shall be glad to send you promptly and without obligation, an instructive booklet, “Patent Protection for Inven- tors”, which was prepared to give inven- tors detailed information and steps to take toward patent protection—alio our convenient “Evidence of Invention” form. Use address Victor J. Evans & Co., 630-A ‘A, Merlin Building, Washington 6, D.C. PATENTS COPYRIGHTS priest pots ud rar atts ‘These are’ RICH, OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and WORE with “tmow-how" tn Plastic” Interstates cour tls and shows how (0 “Gives complet traning in fabrication, eating le igus molding cea mp cay ere {Chon We ube Gaaey beeen ale or ‘he fone, You ein mae big money masatactare ‘Belpre or full te Bent wud beste NOW Thott Interstates Plates Training quale Mor saccessin the psics fel SS Wile fo FREE information Todey! ser er een La Webel (Dept. 3-4) Sell ARTISTIC All-Occasion Cards or imo horton ‘wien youshewour big alae Assortments: Proven Line tor Fast Earningsi Epetinum 22 Sura aieacens Gea wu a Your ny prota £0 iraprinted Scented Scripts, Personal Stas ionery. No experioncs ceded. Assort= nants om appara a FREE fmpemt Semple ‘ARTISTIC CARD C0. In. INSTRUCTOGRAPH COMPANY 4701-V Sheridan Road. Chicage 40, INlinois) “How to Make Money with Me eee ae F~7 daw should have. It is free; ‘no obligntion. Simply address JARTOONISTS" EXCHANGE Dept. 91-1 jasent Hill, Ohio BECOME A BETTER PAID MAN BY BEING A WELL TRAINED MAN Leorn a profitable trade—the Easter Technical Schoo! way. Enroll now for an eight menth course in Radio or Refrigera: fins New sasees beginning evsty ABNI=August- Decor Veterans ~Nonveterans, "Wie: for free catalogue, ductew suecoutflly place from Count Coast Puncade sTReeT "© NeW aEoPonts UnSsAchUSETTS SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS QU i722 Le Piston srgaise ceacie cel SAMPLES TO INTRODI ice ee nat he POPULAR MECHANICS Get into the OPPORTUNITY FIELD OF ELECTRICITY For many rears Electricity has been a most vital factor in industry: This. great field will continue to grow and become needed. Thy be ‘sat A good j ich a real ‘Thousandsof Coynetrained men in good jobs or in a business of their own in Television-Radio and Elec tricity, make real money while others putter alon; ies ont cu get randy for Goel Piya Big Futureby training ECEOUNEE here in Chicana Here You work on Teal equipment=-do Eetual wiring and: touble-shoot. fog get the practicaltechaical taining you need: i portant. ‘Thousands of tr You're shown ed Electrical men will be jed with 2 "nofuture’ Job? Prepare for jovure in Blectrictgys ai Not “Home-Study”” Wedo notteach by m: ing isgiven in our Gr Shope in train. cpert instructors guide sou. No advanced education or drevious experience needed, START NOW—PAY LATER Enroll now, pay. most of tuition later. If you teed part-time work to help out with living expenses while at Coyne, we'll Help you gett. G.L approved, ¥guvare Top "he ow ¢3 da tyre VOURSELE howsna wns QP ica ‘foba by ‘Saequpment. PCE TB, taisedine structors. 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ALLS f Sehoal IMGaP ACen tet CS There's a Thrill in Bringing a, Crook CRIME DETECTION! iran) at ucbagly, ecy et Enalicort. aes Paireias3 Gver 800 of Ail American Bureaus A113 Ht Aerating, some & Arama ST sigs eps ge ue ened aa ey Wfwhor ishowetipiofsmpacy reas FREEINL Gem yentreteecueraere cranes Senge Write today. Now... Be sure tovtatenge: OF CRIME’? INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCE 1920 Sunnyside Ave., Dept. 1351, Chicago 40, Ill. VO EVAN ‘AT HOME. By our mover and original sye- tie Waren REPAI tI NG TRADE aT HOME” Prepare suaeself fore well-paytng ‘Stig Egg~show winners Gigantic sine. Kpprosta'™*Reueni Eontated, Veecttane FOR FREE, R,PReE, mic, iuustrareD / i Graduates epore malin ry FREE Cine POPULAR MECHANICS JOBS LIKE THESE ARE AVAILABLE TO TRAINED MECHANICS, CHOOSE THE FIELD YOU LIKE BEST [oor Complete Training | Automotive Motor Tune-up Diesel Engine Rebuilding General Garege Mechanic Agricultural Implements Auto Engine ‘Auto Elec. Service Lines Industriel Meintenance Contracting & Excavating Business of Your Own AND MANY other similar openings As a Nation youe ti EARN WHILE YOU LEARN With our practical Master Shop- Method Home Training, you study at home in your spare time. You receive Spare Time Work Lessons, which show you how to earn while you Learn... . for ex- tra money and experience. You Leam by DOING. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT To make your training complete, we give you selected mechanic's tools and equipment, illustrated below, including all-metal tool- box — as a regular part of your Instruction, Schools graduate, JANUARY 1951 Opportunity is everywhere for the trained Diestl-Auto Mechanic. High= ays throng Wilh cars, busses, truets, tractors. ‘Garages and Service Staticns are Kep: bury. Pactories, ships, avin Fallroads, general industry, are de dynamic, fast-growing field that needs trained men who Enow ALL phases: installation, eperation, maintenance and repair.” Nox—-Natisnal Sehcols of fers ‘you a practical, al

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