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Ee ae ee senaueranl YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING! Waa ie ahi I ae at 1000 GOLDEN oproRTUNITiE! FEE aes aa, Oe i fat Se roid phate‘ your ‘ies 10 VALUABLE MOLDS FREE! cn baee Be rad PLASTICAST COMPANY (DEPT. C) (Write to P.O. box 987 earl ctdrem) pate Rive, Galt. 14 ‘WHERE-TO-BUY-IT INDEX Source of supply appears after items commercially available Conversion unit tor Ford V8 ralees horsepower to 100 (Ardun, sag tne ee MR ats Memeo cag funk sah Téuhiae (Manis Mager te, CPi Backseat, co es rib in ‘car "( Jasobs: sedan mab io aon biota tb Es Bia ga ae Pama MMe” ua” ai “a a Dunl-purpose FarmOroad’ (Grosley’ Motors, ihe. ‘380 ‘Sorin are he coat Sea, Males Sk ie eae urges, Oe Ie asco epee das iia scekalgg Gansicd™ Seca HH, aia Peat aes GR aise Hep Wa” Gas ath we ar. Srd'Bt., Los Angeles, Calif.).se-.tos= AVIATION Fiying fas station... gs ‘a ‘Qulcktchanwe Niyine wis (Ast Sia gout ae (Gonsolidated-Vultse’Alvea‘t othe eit Worth, Tex). : piloe tester si GS. ‘Air Pores to Willd atbsihdgnesiiaa ‘airplane: far, tik and Evinrude Motors, Milwatkee. Wis’) «tes ned yacht far sale ig) (ga Burns, 78 Oia ‘iii Houd, Manhasset, Lone and, N. HORBIES AND RECREATION Goltswing mirror (Roger H. David Co., $20 Rossmor Bide. ition Eyeccup pee dene (Hataing: Peas Sight’ Ce. Fortiana, “Grey Polo en Vout wheels ail & J J. Goodnian, Baker ES a a a a scene cre er ee eC HOUSE AND HOME Uitresonie washing machine (Mitchell Mie. Ca. 253. Gly, fe one bie ii Sie ae” o,f iinahires-Callande ac,” W. “Adami 9 ee Suntan rit) Selene en Hw Bea ‘Sena e nd, i ane Seal ‘ii ci Defroster Blade (bee-Be-Frost Co ‘olay taro (Omas id Gaiart, ‘8867 Mound ad Gey ia" (Ghat ‘Dri’ ad” Bond" iiid New York Clty 10) PROUD isc ai ‘Zork ‘Gite 2) ns ‘Alumina plant ibe (Grovhinead MH. 88'S “Gerad ‘Rend, Balten, taneuer, Pugland) seni acu "pure wer oy er prc Lani’ hei ‘eal Praducts Co., Towson 4, Ma.) Whisk rake (Wally Buckinehiim Rei Billcone treatment waterprosts cinerete binhding bioska Gk alWaterprooting Mire. Tne., 306 Commerce B., soll tit? in oe Bocs a tie ‘oir si Chigck °° ‘Machine Co. Hne., 100-N Kassus Ave., ‘Topeka, Kans.) Had aber cei ee a whi em (Nitoaal’Pissical Laboralers, ashy’ Woe ee Se cate Ye a contain poner ana ieee” (vaeed “isi! @a “03.38 “ith Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, rar mainte milo a wilanth a an neh eating Thause Blectsie Gorp., Pittsburg, Pa.) 1 fy . Te ee the greed i Big bel cB? Geodsidh Ce» Auris Gil} : Btkinfewsatee ‘Blak "Corp." Broadway, "New York ony) a ‘eondinied ta page i) POPULAR MECHANICS INVENTORS Tssmn new to protect your invention. The U. S. Patent Laws provide that any new and useful art, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may be patented if the act of invention is involved. Therefore, every inventor with a valuable invention should take advantage of the Patent Laws and proceed for patent protection in order to safeguard his rights. A patent gives the inventor the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention claimed in the patent for a period of seventeen years. The Patent Laws were enacted for the benefit of the inventor to give him protection for the features of his invention which are patentable. These features must be properly and con- cisely set forth and claimed in a formal application for patent, in order to comply with the requirements of the Patent Laws. For that reason, unless the inventor is familiar with patent matters, he should engage a competent registered patent attorney or agent to represent him. We are registered to practice before the U. S. Patent Office and are prepared to serve you in the handling of your patent matters. A specially prepared booklet entitled “Patent Guide for the Inventor”, containing detailed information with respect to patent protection and procedure, together with a “Record of Invention’ form will be promptly forwarded to you without obligation upon request. CLARENCE A. O’BRIEN & HARVEY JACOBSON Registered Patent Attorneys 11-A DISTRICT NATIONAL BUILDING WASHINGTON 5, D. C. Whichs-0 ee WEAKIINCS M0“ ZanLoods te Become © Hf Around HE-MAN sine ? a “Fe 2 Be A Winner at Anythin Tackle with Progressive ‘SPORTS! JOB! SCHOOL! FRIENDS! OCR Ta TMP od eo by UU Dg Ee Rute me ae rein i nets ied eat 6 *hwreatine wad at me iia eating ty tne a. FREE GIFT COUPON! Laeiciemit el ‘arate We Seren gel Pat, PER owette aoe Water pressure, strel McKeesport, Pa. circu Pyare ruorocrarny Push-pull ewer (Paralex Instrument Co. 16 Zane, ‘Rew! Yorke Sloe Cees ‘aves, Now or SaesHat ey aera ‘aa’ gnlggge® "(Graf Hen pack kes Gana ‘an’ alge (Ga ‘Chanson @ Whitacer, Rochester, No r001s. Portable cletre saw guts concrete and asphalt (Clipper 3 (Co,, 2004 Warwick. Kagsae City a whatoweshade ster '(Glopay Core. Clepay’ Sai, lah 113 : oe ea a is ae eae aha Hi meee Toad," Cievelead’ 3 Ohio) tors aso soveuties iguana ye er ey ene Udy Oo, 1 Be, echt 8, ‘Dice that toil ‘no’ more. -- . 138 Be a ai aie wa tae a mei are omg cp ie nk Cal ‘Rivets for clothes (Merrill e ‘Sampson Maieroemens 2am Ss, eee atie as . Bie W. Ganka Bind MISCELLANEOUS 3 Pluvo has its measurements taken.. Tibor parerpisrens nat rose Gu" Case Co.” reas Aver Burlingame. Gall.) Ho fishes for" decret weapons. Pree at : feetchar for mountain resciea, Craftsman and Shop Notes Index AUTOMOTIVE Sepsis under ene mods to lease locked bumper. increasing power of auto. headlights. ‘esting mixed antifreeze solutions. FARM Build this easy-rolling handcart to save steps at feeding time 213 Shelter hoisee gasoline storage Yank aid Taurieting oils. 318 ‘Glearing of waste iana speeded by “swing” wade pols ‘et ‘ial hao ori’ Yeni arttions pémporary. coraceis” in” driveway ‘ester for electric. stock fence’ Long. diviclng rail: mounted Raising garden: HOUSE AND Nome Trory piano keys elsanea. Renae fee te aes ce Gellulose tape keeps hanger from rusiin esis ie io oats oe nae tuners bi Bhigns aie es Barges, specle fate ore rae Pas See aes er oe poe ae: ape tel is cea Homie ‘Touching up. wern Tag with textile paint..--- ules twee i INVENTORS If you believe that you have an invention, you should find out how to protect it. The first step is to have a search made of the prior pertinent U. S. patents. If a report on this search indicates that the invention appears patentable you can apply for a patent, and the specifications and claims should be prepared. The firm of McMorrow, Berman & Davidson, with offices in Wash- ington, D. C., is qualified to take the necessary steps for you. We can make a preliminary search on your invention, advise you whether we think it can be patented, and prepare your application for patent. Unless you are fully familiar with the U. S. Patent Laws, we recom- mend that you engage the services of a Registered Patent Attorney to protect your interests. The patent laws are your laws. A patent gives you the right to prevent others from making, using or selling the invention claimed in your patent for a period of 17 years. Use these patent laws for your protection. Investigate whether your invention can be patented. If you have what you believe to be an in- vention, we suggest that you have this firm make a search for you. Send for a copy of our Patent Booklet entitled “How To Protect Your Invention,’ containing in- formation about patent protection and patent procedure. Along with this we will also send you an “Invention Record” form, for your use in writing down and sketching details of your in- vention. We will mail them promptly. No obli- gation. They are yours for the asking. McMORROW, BERMAN & DAVIDSON Registered Patent Attorneys PATENTS « COPYRIGHTS . PATENTS 135-M VICTOR BUILDING, WASHINGTON 1, D. Cs JANUARY 1951 7 $250000 FOR THIS! 3100 OTHER INVENTIONS BADLY NEEDED — BIG CASH WAITING FOR YOUR LITTLE IDEAS IT’S OFTEN the simplest ideas that make the most money! The Kiddie Kar brought its inventor a cool ‘MILLION dollars. A 70-year-old grandmother made $350,000 on aa improred overall buckle, The paper clip jad the hairpin made fortunes for the people who ‘dreamed”™ them Up. ‘Fou can cash in, too—if you concentrate on tie in ventions that are really needed! ‘THE EASY WAY TO GET STARTED Don’t waste time and brain-work on something nobody wants! Pind ott WHAT to Invent. ‘This brand= Rew, revised, and enlarged book by Raymond F. Yates, hoted selence editor and inventor, lists and describes over 3100 PRACTICAL, money-making ideas that are erying aloud to be Invented! ‘These 3100 ideas are the things most needed and most likely to make money. In this comprehensive S52-page book, they are listed under 99 headings for quick reference: Electrical, Television and Radio, Au- Yomotive, Agricultural, Building, Household, ‘Toys, See ea pl Lay K of National Defense and. tells how to submit them to U.S. Tiventors Couneil: tells how to think inventively; how to develop an invention STEP- ete. SEND NO MONEY FREE 5-DAY EXAMINATION iene grade. ae ox Het dB te chained ae ene er Vourden tisks Sones en Hei iia th rebsaion do deg Tat ting for Apr eee #45 help Sou make money fie Mee ete Ba Serve clit Situet See Se er rao of the 3180 ideas afb GECLARn ALD ae eat Pas one ase Bevoh iGattrota a art Su Faget ave, Rew Yor | WILFRED, FUNK, tne Dent, 40 Same FREE 5-Day Offer on “YATES' GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL INVENTING” B85 pine a few Sais rot Conner an ia saansans Tonge ‘Gnter: Sen Gf ONS exten ter covraten eprorns Dat SS 18 (Continued trom_pame_16) OFFICE, SHOP AND STORE esk-top file aids in sorting and indexing... Maichbee provides "yineubion sor 7 ‘Hodder ide Ueterasarlat 6 grushes is eege Si Graming boaid 20 [parts stored compactly in plastic iee-cube trayss..v+---200 Toop tinted by, coe tat nf casing pe ant fallin ins provide iargesiee scale pans for weighing Bill rok fled tsi” Suis ‘avs Reference iarks pentiled on curve. 12 PHorocRarny ae sieges ae Removing water with wiper blade speeds drying’ negatives ‘rooLs Portable mounting block for home-shop motor i fitted with andle to faclitate car es a ‘Font Gabinet on garage Wal wis sive ai ede wehbe Sawouex made trom olf dram is weighted with sand. Goucentrie circles seribed on disks. 383353 cee Nise mad handling irreguiarly shaped work.» estrone. stfety device. (Joe! Fox’ Co.” 6585 Bait Monica, rd Los Angeles, Galt) valve labrieator’ (Bets Engsicering Sales semlttigmatse hacksaw (American Mercaniite C0 ine. 39 W “tind 8 Be ay Pig pick ics ic, is Spiligewindiig™attachineat for dri ‘press (Cyciold Gorm. me SE Set nati teeter Miniature speed changers (Metron Instrument ‘Oo., 439 Lin- Oa Ea paca as cae eo aw Fullerton Ave., Chicago 39)... i ‘TOYS AND NOVELTIES [Bousugl trellis iatde window provides decoration an privacy 37 Repeiriag’chaster-wayon ‘when iets Made of dowels simulates ieieione pole ivite talepnone! 22 ‘Mthacks Yor kitchen curteise Sent Sauls eiuertain nsightorhoed ealidren fer hours oi feed i iS SEs meng th canton soar iaage WwoODWORKING ake, hig tstmming board for cutting Sosualb ae freae frat. crakear +t ybending lare, beat transom 16, Asher jola wooden squires to Feinforce checkerboard: (:. 208 MISCELLANEOUS ‘Uneven painted surfaces are leveled quickly by softening end, alsiting ortoded fishing real: Fee ane haa ‘heline painted over stee scars. BSEEREESEEaggaa Radio-Television, Electronics ‘TV ng electronics for 19 (Eiectronic potnter, General Eiee- isle Co, Blecirones Paik, Syincuse, ‘NY.< speed-photo Near ort Bier“ ine, as Sinan Ate Gantridge to, Maus. dsapoenting TV antenna, channel How te use your radio ‘a an tnter-rooi phone. ‘Speeial-purpose phonograph ‘cabineis that you ean’ build’ POPULAR MECHANICS

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