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Reflection & Insights During Our Synchronous Sessions

In my own opinion, International Relations is a program that teaches deep knowledge about

countries in the world and how they can interact with each other. This is one of the best ways to attain
deeper comprehension of global issues. Meaning, it's a fantastic approach to learn more about world
challenges. In all of the discussions that we had before, I learned how every country can connect to one
another and understand their culture and traditions, politics, economy, government, law, diplomacy and
other relevant matters. And, all these things mentioned can have a significant impact in International
Relations and create inimitable relationships between the countries in the world. Indeed, International
relations are vital because it encourages countries to have successful trade policies and most
importantly it promotes peace and not war.
During our synchronous sessions, I remember that we discussed the imperative reasons why we
need to study International Relations. Through studying it, we can encounter different global issues and
other important elements that exist in every nation. With that being said we can attain better
understanding and develop our ability to deal with the negative effects of globalization through
educating ourselves about International Relations. Because of this program, we are obligated to come
up with ideas on how we can make changes that can benefit both people and the environment, these
are the ways to improve and uplift all aspects of the states. Also, in the synchronous discussion we
learned what are the contributions that we can provide in order to create positive relationships with
other nation states and create positive impact to the world. Indeed, International Relations is helpful in
providing resolutions to address the issues by discussing peace agreements and implementing relevant
policies that can lead to the cooperation and unity of every state in the world. Through International
Relations, comprehensive agreement can exist. It is by peacefully communicating with other states that
discuss different interests and issues leading to avoid any conflict and war. In addition, it is the way to
create a convention; discussing the global issues to identify the methods on how to address those
problems that are currently occurring in the world.
According to the discussion, to have a cross-cultural understanding and awareness of what’s
happening beyond borders, it is essential for us people to have knowledge about cross-cultural because
people should comprehend and practice how to value other cultures and respect their views. And, so
people should be mindful about the events happening in different states in the world, for we believe
that our goals are to help and uplift one other just in case other states experience difficulties and
To end this statement, I would like to include Isaac Newton’s significant line that “he could see
further than others because he is standing on the shoulders of giants”. As per the discussion that we had
before about it, this means, by utilizing the knowledge achieved by the major thinker (which was
pertaining to the giant) who have gone through a lot of things in life in order to make an intellectual and
a massive progress. It is an image of a man standing on the shoulder of a giant man that expresses the
meaning of discovering truth by building on previous discoveries. In a simple explanation based on
Newton’s annotation, we can rely and may ask advice or questions to someone who experienced and
studied things beforehand because they are already aware about it. Therefore, we can get better
explanations and answers to those giant people who have gone through a lot before.

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