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Name: _____________ Rating: _____

Course/section: 1BSE-A Date: 12/14/2021


Activity # 1: Let’s learn and perform Yoga Together with the Family

Instruction: Find a family member and do the following: Yoga stretches for stress relief. (While
doing the task don’t forget to capture the moments)
Activity # 2. Describe your experience while participating in the Yoga exercise with your

Instruction: Describe your real experience.

Yoga has been my most favorite type of exercise. Since the pandemic, I added
yoga into my weekly workout routine. The first time I performed yoga poses, I
felt relaxed and calm. It doesn't require you to put in too much energy, and
your muscles won't feel sore. Yoga brings you peace of mind, especially when
you incorporate soothing music while doing it. After every workout session, my
body is not stiff anymore, and my posture improves a lot.

Activity # 3. How yoga exercises contribute to the development of the following dimensions
of wellness?

Instruction: Elaborate your answer.

1. Physical Dimension
- Yoga exercise can help our physical body be healthy and stay in shape.
Yoga poses stress in body posture. Doing it can help you loosen up your
muscles and straighten your back when sitting and walking. If you
regularly perform yoga, you can also develop discipline within yourself.

2. Emotional Dimension
- Yoga is a stress-free and relaxing exercise that uplifts the human soul.
It acts as a meditation to lighten up your mood. Yoga helps you navigate
your emotions and tune in with your thoughts and feelings. Anyone who
does yoga can practice managing their stresses and burdens in life.
3. Intellectual Dimension
- When people do yoga, they say it calms their minds and soul. They feel
free from negativities and are ready to face the new day. By doing yoga,
the body and mind are not the only ones benefiting from it. It can also
motivate you to do better each day. By emptying your mind, yoga can
stimulate your mental activities to encourage you to do something
productive. And, by doing this regularly, you can improve your
knowledge and skills.

4. Social Dimension
- By joining yoga clubs or classes, you can meet new people. Your
teachers and classmates can help you boost your social skills and
support you along the way. As yoga can free your mind and soul, it is
also a step to accepting yourself. From a stress-free environment to a
welcoming yoga class community, everything lines up together to help
you move forwards in your life.

5. Spiritual Dimension
- Yoga can help lower stress, boost emotions, mentality, and
concentration. By reducing emotional and physical strains on your mind
and body, yoga can help improve your spiritual wellness. It develops
integration of the inner being and oneness with the Supreme

6. Environmental Wellness
- Yoga helps us connect to our inner Self and create and develop a
connection with our body and mind, making us feel empowered. People
who feel empowered are more likely to  adjust their behavior  to
help  their community. By using eco-friendly mats and water bottles, one
can reduce pollution in their surroundings. 
7. Occupational Dimension
- Yoga's incorporation of meditation and breathing can help improve a
person's mental well-being. By this, it can help you believe in yourself,
your skills, and your capabilities. Our minds prepare us to be motivated
and make sure that we use our knowledge and skills for our own and
other people's benefit. With a healthy mental capacity, we can do

Activity # 4. Why should we engage in wellness activities? How would you describe the
benefits of recreation in this time of pandemic?

- Wellness activities help our body stay fit, uplift our emotions, and interact with
people. We need to engage in this kind of activity because everything we do and
every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. If we sit all day facing our phones,
our minds will slowly deactivate makes us feel negative emotions. Therefore,
everyone needs to take on wellness activities to subdue stress, reduce the risk of
illness and ensure positive interactions, especially in times of isolation. The pandemic
brings out a lot of emotional stress to people. Because of recreational activities, my
family and I bonded together and became closer than before. We feel united and
support each other. Our quality times ensure that our mind is free from anxiety.

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