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Transformational Leadership Quiz

Read each statement and rate yourself honestly according to the following scale:

1=strongly disagree 2=sometimes disagree 3=neutral 4=usually agree 5=strongly agree

1. I would never require a follower to do something that I wouldn’t do myself.

Score: _____

2. Inspiring others has always come easy to me.

Score: _____

3. My followers would say that I am very attentive to their needs and concerns.
Score: _____

4. Team creativity and innovation are the keys to success.

Score: _____

5. My followers would say that they know what I stand for.

Score: _____

6. My followers have told me that my enthusiasm and positive energy are infectious.
Score: _____

7. Even though I could easily do a task myself I delegate it to expand my follower’s skills.
Score: _____

8. I encourage my followers to question their most basic way of thinking.

Score: _____

Adapted from: Becoming a Transformational Nurse Leader by R. Sherman. Retrieved Feb. 14, 2014 from Page 1 of 2
Transformational Leadership Quiz

Calculate Your Results

Step 1: Calculate your overall score and read analysis below. Calculation:

Total score from page 1: _____ ÷ 8 = Overall Average Score: _____

A score of 5 = Congratulations! You demonstrate skills associated with a skilled transitional leader. Keep
up the great work!

4.0 – 4.9 = You are well on your way to becoming a transitional leader. Look at those areas that you
scored a 3 or less and develop a plan to improve.

3.0 – 3.9 = You have the potential to be a successful transitional leader, but you must decide if that is
your goal. If so, look for a mentor from among the leaders around you and develop an action plan.

2.0 – 2.9 = Your honest analysis indicates that you are aware of the opportunities you have to improve
as a leader. Consider your role models; are they helping you to improve?

1.9 or less = You may be new to your role, or have gotten stuck in a transactional mode. To be a truly
successful leader you will need to learn new skills. Work with your own leader to develop an action

Step 2: Drill down further by calculating your domain scores as indicated in each box.

Idealized Influence – the leader serves as an ideal role model for followers; the leader “walks the talk”
and is admired. Score this domain by adding scores for items 1 and 5 and then divide by 2.
Idealized Influence Score: _____

Inspirational Motivation – the leader has the ability inspire and motivate followers. Score this domain
by adding the scores for items 2 and 6 and then divide by 2.
Inspirational Motivation Score: _____

Individualized Consideration – the leader demonstrates genuine concern for the needs and feelings of
followers. This personal attention to each follower is a key element in bringing out their very best.
Score this domain by adding the scores for items 3 and 7 and then divide by 2.
Individualized Consideration Score: _____

Intellectual Stimulation – the leader challenges followers to be innovative and creative. A common
misunderstanding is that transformational leaders are “soft”, but the truth is that they constantly
challenge followers to a higher level of performance. Score this domain by adding the scores for items 4
and 8 and then divide by 2.
Intellectual Stimulation Score: _____

Adapted from: Becoming a Transformational Nurse Leader by R. Sherman. Retrieved Feb. 14, 2014 from Page 2 of 2

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