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Vientiane, Laos.


17 Dec 2021

Nazhat Shameem
UN Human Rights Council
Av. de France 23, 1202 Genève, Switzerland

Dear Mr Nazhat Shameem,

My name is Ye Jin. I am a grade 9 student currently studying at Vientiane International School in

Vientiane, Laos.
My Individuals & Societies class has been studying about human rights and how the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights helps people understand our own and others rights.
I have learned that the fight for all peoples human rights have been going on for a long time, and is
still ongoing. As time passes we are fighting against more issues and helping the world become more

I (genuinely) feel that having a set of "laws" as a guideline, in this case the UDHR, helps everyone
realize the limitations and boundaries to their actions. I believe the UDHR has been extremely
valuable in assisting us in understanding our rights as citizens to be equal and to express, discuss,
create our own thoughts, ideas, and opinions. I would not have the same life as a woman if the UDHR
did not exist. I would not be as liberated and happy as I am now. In a world without the UDHR, I
would experience racism and discrimination as a person of color. And it is also likely that many
people would have had considerably more conflict and face more violence than we do now. All of the
articles in the UDHR have been carefully constructed to help guide us, inform us about what is right
and wrong, and prevent conflicts, discrimination, and other inequalities.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is important to me as an individual because it helps me

understand my rights. It assists me in becoming a responsible citizen and understanding others
boundaries. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is significant because it expresses our basic
human needs and provides rules for how we should treat and act toward others and ourselves. This is
shown in Article 2 stating “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this
Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or
other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status” (Universal Declaration of
Human Rights).

The UDHR serves as a guide for how people should act, think, and treat others. These articles assist
individuals in not infringing on the rights of others, providing laws to certain countries and
communities, and ensuring people are treated appropriately and respectfully. This indicates that the
UDHR urges individuals not to treat others differently because of things that cannot be altered, such
as gender, race, disabilities, and so on.

The UDHR is significant to our society because it establishes order. The laws defend everyone's rights
on the planet, promote equality and equity, and keep people safe by preventing harmful circumstances
generated by those who believe they can do whatever they want. People would have no restrictions if
the UDHR did not exist. This implies that if someone calls another person a racial slur, nothing
happens and there are no consequences; but, under the UDHR, people understand that this is a very
horrible thing that carries a negative message.

I would like to thank you for your time. I am very grateful that you have read my letter for me. I have
a great deal of respect for you and what you have done and continue to accomplish. I believe that the
UDHR is vital to our everyday lives and will continue to be so for future generations. I hope that my
generation, as well as everyone else throughout the world, will begin to see the significance of these
articles and appreciate the regulations that have been put in place to assist us understand our own and
others' rights and learn to respect them.Again, thank you for reading this and for your time.

Yours truly,

Ye Jin Lim
“Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” United Nations, United Nations, Accessed 7 Dec. 2021.

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