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Celebration of the Independence Day in My School Essay

Our National Day

When Is National Day 2013 in Malaysia? National Day falls on August 31th, 2013.
National Day is celebrated e ery year in Malaysia on the 31st of August to co!!e!
orate the !o!entous occasion "hen the #ederation of Malaya achie ed inde$endence
fro! %ritish rule in 1&'(. )n the 30th of August, Malaysia*s then +ri!e
Minister, ,un-u Abdul .ah!an too- to the .oyal /elangor 0lub +adang, no" -no"n as
the Merde-a s1uare at 11.'2$! and obser ed t"o !inutes of dar-ness. At the stro-e
of !idnight, the 3nion 4ac- "as lo"ered and raised "ith the #lag of Malaya. ,he !
orning after, ,un-u Abdul .ah!an read aloud the +roclai!ation of Inde$endence,
follo"ed by se en chants of Merde-a, "ith the cro"n at the s1uare 5oining follo"ing
each chant. ,he !o!ent is considered to be one of Malaysia*s !ost !e!orable and
significant $oints in history.

National Day shouldn*t be confused "ith Malaysia Day, "hich is celebrated on /e$te!
ber 16 and declared an official $ublic holiday since 2010. Malaysia Day !ar-s the
day "here /abah, /ara"a-, /inga$ore and Malaya had 5oined together to for! the
federation of Malaysia, although /inga$ore has since beco!e its o"n country. ,his
year "ould be the ''th year that Malaysia celebrates her inde$endence fro! %ritish
rule. 7o"e er, ti!es ha e changed Malaysia into a ne"er, !ore $olitically a"are and
conscious young nation. It can certainly be argued that the $atriotic s$irit has
d"indled es$ecially in the late &0*s and early 2000*s, $artly due to increased
dissatisfaction and racial discri!ination felt by a gro"ing nu!ber of young
Malaysian 0hinese and Indians. 3nity a!ong races and a greater $atriotic s$irit a!
ong Malaysians are certainly stronger no" than t"o decades or three decades ago. Ne
ertheless, Malaysian citi8ens "ould be 1uic- to $roclai! their lo e for their
country, des$ite their !isgi ings for the country*s current ad!inistration. 9o ern!
ent buildings and cor$orations "ould start decorating the buildings "ith the
colours of the... :continues;
Malaysians celebrate 56th Merdeka Day in patriotic fervour
<3A=A =3M+3.> +eo$le across the country gathered for $arades to !ar- the '6th
Merde-a Day in the s$irit of $atriotis! and lo e for the country, and honouring the
sacrifices !ade by the security forces. /$ectators headed for $ublic gatherings in
the ca$ital, state ca$itals and !a5or to"ns to "itness the celebration the!ed ?
Malaysia-u %erdaulat> ,anah ,u!$ahnya Darah-u? @My /o ereign Malaysia. My 7o!
elandA. In <uala =u!$ur, thousands of $eo$le and tourists thronged Merde-a /1uare
as early as (a! to "itness the Merde-a Day $arade "hich started shortly after the
arri al of the Bang diC+ertuan Agong ,uan-u Abdul 7ali! MuDad8a! /hah and .a5a +er!
aisuri Agong ,uan-u 7a5ah 7a!inah at 2a!. ,he royal cou$le "ere greeted by +ri!e
Minister Datu- /eri Na5ib ,un .a8a- and his "ife, Datin /eri .os!ah Mansor, and
De$uty +ri!e Minister ,an /ri Muhyiddin Bassin and his "ife, +uan /ri Norainee
Abdul .ah!an. ,uan-u Abdul 7ali! too- a salute and ins$ected a $arade !ounted by
four officers and 103 !en fro! the first battalion of the .oyal Malay .egi!ent
based in /ungai %esi led by Ma5or Moha!ad Abdullah. ,his "as follo"ed by the
rendition of DNegara-uD and the hoisting of the D4alur 9e!ilangD acco!$anied by a
1ECgun salute sy!bolising 1E states @including the #ederal ,erritoriesA in Malaysia
by the .oyal Artillery .egi!ent. ,he $ri!e !inister ho$ed the $atriotic s$irit
sho"n "ould be instilled a!ong the $eo$le, $articularly the younger generation in
an effort to ta-e the country to the $innacle of success in the !arch to"ards a de
elo$ed nation. Na5ib co!!ended contingents ta-ing $art in the $arade, $articularly
the security forces. 7e said the sacrifices !ade by the security forces in
defending the country against the /ulu ar!ed intrusion in =ahad Datu had soared the
s$irit of $atriotis! and lo e for the country a!ong Malaysians.
?,his is our ho$e, rene"ing the $atriotic s$irit in our hearts as Malaysians "ho lo
e this country,? he said.

Independence Day of Malaysia

Hari Kemerdekaan is the Inde$endence Day of Malaysia. It is a national holiday
"hich is celebrated on 31 August e ery year. It is to co!!e!orate the inde$endence
of the #ederation of Malaya fro! %ritish colonial rule on 31 August 1&'(. In a
"ider conteFt, it also celebrates the for!ation of Malaysia. Although /abah and
/ara"a- gained their inde$endence on 31 August 1&63, Hari Kemerdekaan is a
significant date throughout Malaysia. )n this day, Malaysians fro! all bac-grounds,
race and religion celebrate together in a har!onious "ay. ,raditionally, a grand
and colourful $arade is held at the Merde-a /1uare in <uala =u!$ur, "here $eo$le
can attend and celebrate. Garious go ern!ent agencies and $ri ate sectors 5oin
together to $artici$ate in the $arade. ,hey "ill !arch in front of the Yang Di-
Pertuan Agong @the <ingA, !inisters, s$ecial guests and a sea of s$ectators. /i!
ilarly, other $arades are also held in different states. Hach year, there "ill be a
different the!e for the Merdeka celebration. #or 2011, the the!e "ill be “1
Malaysia, Transformasi Berjaya, akyat !eja"tera# $1 Malaysia, Transformation !u%
%ess, Peo&le Pea%e' . ,his the!e is in con5unction "ith the conce$t of 1Malaysia,
touted by the +ri!e Minister, Dato* /eri Na5ib ,un .a8a-. All Malaysians are urged
to e!brace the conce$t of transfor!ation "hich brings about a !eaningful $rocess of
inno ation that can benefit the $eo$le. It "ill also hel$ continue the $rocess of
$roducing a ibrant young generation. ,his year*s celebration "ill !ar- the 'Eth
anni ersary of Malaysian inde$endence. During the Merdeka !onth, the Malaysians
"ill also sho" their $atriotis! to"ards the country by raising the Malaysian flag
"here er $ossible C along the streets, houses, office $re!ises and also ehicles.
National Day / Merdeka Day 201 !
31 August 1957 marks the day that the Federation of Malaya gained its independence
from British colonization, forming hat e kno of today as Malaysia! "ence, 31 August
is a #ational $u%lic "oliday to commemorate and cele%rate the freedom and
independence gained! &his day is also kno n as "ari Merdeka in the Malay language
and that is hy the cele%ration of 'ndependence (ay is incomplete ithout the se)en
shouts of *Merdeka+,! &his gesture as initiated %y the First $rime Minister of
Malaysia, &unku A%dul -ahman %ack in 1957 at (ataran Merdeka! Although it is only a
one day pu%lic holiday, the cele%ration %uilds up from a month %efore right up to
Malaysia (ay hich is on the of /eptem%er! (uring this hole month of August,
also kno n as the Merdeka month, you ill see most Malaysians e0press their
patriotism and lo)e to ards their culturally uni1ue country %y raising the
Malaysian flag on their )ehicles, %alcony of their homes and e)en along the
streets+ 't is also during this time that go)ernment %uildings all o)er 2uala
3umpur and most shopping malls are hoisted ith the Malaysian flag, 4alur 5emilang!
&he hole %uild up to ards Malaysia6s 'ndependence (ay is cele%rated ith pride and
7oy here competitions and parades ill %e held8 sometimes school children practice
for performances hich ill %e presented during 'ndependence (ay itself! 9)ery year
there is a specific theme for 'ndependence (ay! $re)ious years, the themes ere *My
5lorious Malaysia,, *1Malaysia: &ransforming the #ation,, *55 ;ears of
'ndependence: $romises Fulfilled, and etc! &hese themes ill %e reflected in the
decorations and focus for 'ndependence (ay that year!
'n short, 'ndependence (ay ser)es as a reminder to all Malaysians to appreciate the
tough fight our ancestors had fought and to educate the current generation a%out
the spirit of 'ndependence!

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