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Banana Peel as an

effective ink
Proponent :
Bayaoa, Emman Rei
Espiritu, Narriel
Gill, Josh
Reason for Pursuing the Study
This study is created to produce an writable ink using the peel of banana.
According to, by getting the sap of the banana peel, storing it
into a sealed container and pouring black dye, then we now have an effective
Research Questions
• Does the banana peel can be made sa a effective writable ink?

• How do you make the banana peel into a writable ink?

• Banana peel can be use as an effective writable ink.
• By fermenting the extract came from the banana peel and adding black
dye, we can make a writable ink.
First,we need to gather the peel of the banana, of course we need the ripest one so that it’s
easy to compress and it has more sap inside of it. In a process of pounding with the use of
mortar and pestle resulting of making extract out of the pounded peel.
After the thorough process, the extract will go through permentation by putting the extract in
a sealed container leaving it for 9-12 days.
After waiting for 9-12 days, the extract is now ready for the next process which is adding the
black dye to the extract which creates the banana ink. Then get the ink refiller(if you don’t
have it,the use syringe and sip the finish ink mixture and put it on ink chamber.then). Then
you have now a writable pen using banana ink.

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