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Autumn's Artwork
by Liana Mahoney

Smudge some yellow over here,
spatter red over there.
Gainsome orangeaccess
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the largest
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worksheets in all subjects!
- everywhere!

Finger-paint a bit of purple,

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just to brighten upPthele green.
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Brush ad thof gain copper
is gold and
doon hints
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acc ss.
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shesparkle to the escene.

Now the canvas pops with colors!
There's just one more thing to do -
frame it all against a background
that's a crisp and breezy blue.

Well done, Autumn! What a painting!

Now you'd better go and play!
Go crunch in leaves and chase the breeze,
because winter's on its way.

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Autumn's Artwork
1) Which of the statements is not part of the poem?

a) Use purple just to brighten up the green.

b) Add some red to make the top stand out.

c) Use gold and copper to add sparkle to the scene.

d) Add some orange on the treetops.

2) Pick the rhyming pairs of words from the poem.

Gain complete access to the largest
3) The poem has many verbs associated
collection with painting,
of worksheets try and get as many of these
in all subjects!
as you can from the first stanza of the poem.

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4) What was the one thing left to do?

5) Why does the poet ask autumn to go and play?

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Name : Answer key

Autumn's Artwork
1) Which of the statements is not part of the poem?

a) Use purple just to brighten up the green.

b) Add some red to make the top stand out.

c) Use gold and copper to add sparkle to the scene.

d) Add some orange on the treetops.

2) Pick the rhyming pairs of words from the poem.

there-everywhere, green-scene, do-blue, play-way

Gain complete access to the largest

3) The poem has many verbs associated
collection with painting,
of worksheets try and get as many of these
in all subjects!
as you can from the first stanza of the poem.

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smudge, spatter, dab ?
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gain comple
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worksheet. access.

4) What was the one thing left to do?

To frame the picture against a crispy blue background.

5) Why does the poet ask autumn to go and play?

Winter is soon going to start, and the poet feels autumn should have as

much fun as possible before the new season sets in.

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