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Ormoc City Campus

Ms. Christia Baltar

“Its Efficiency to Uplift Learning Standards
in Remote Learning of the
New Normal Basic Education”
► By: Chrestian E. Bacalla
Rochilyn B. Peñaflor
Mira F. Bacalla
December 5, 2020
Before the pandemic, the world was already facing formidable challenges in fulfilling the promise of
education as a basic human right. Despite the near universal enrolment at early grades in most countries,
an extraordinary number of children – more than 250 million – were out of school, and nearly 800 million
adults were illiterate.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the largest disruption of education in history, having already had a
near universal impact on learners and teachers around the world, from pre-primary to secondary schools,
technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions, universities, adult learning, and skills
development establishments.
With in-person classes impossible, the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED), which oversees colleges and universities, put together distance learning options that
include online platforms, offline modules, or a combination of the two, called blended or flexible learning.
But distance learning has made inequities, especially around the digital divide, more apparent than ever
For K-12 students, the most common form of distance learning is “modular learning,” in which class
modules are printed out for students to study on their own and submit to teachers for grading.
“Distance learning is not perfect and it is not going to be easy, but it is better than nothing”

► The main objective of this study is to assess the efficiency of the modular teaching
approach in remote areas in order to evaluate students’ learning process, success and
achievement, and to determine whether modular teaching is more productive than
other methods in the new normal basic education.

► There are sections on motivation and assessment in the modules that serve as a
complete guide to the skills required by both teachers and students.

► In this study, stakeholders, especially parents, will act as partners in education--they

are home facilitators, they are responsible to communicate to respective teachers,
barangay representatives and other stakeholders to obtain the different materials and
services needed by the learners.
Statement of the problem

► How efficient is the Modular Instruction in

Remote Learning of the New Normal Basic
Conceptual Framework

Efficiency of Students
Teachers Role in Performance in
Modular Learning Modular
Instruction Modular Learning
In this framework, shows the efficiency of modular
method will involve the role of teachers in delivering the
self learning modules and the role of learners in giving
their performance towards the lesson.

Learners performance will give the teachers the idea to

reach out a different initiatives and improvement to make
modular instruction more efficient.
Modular approach is an emerging trend educational thinking that shifts traditional method of
instruction to an outcome-based learning paradigm. Modularization is based on the principle of
dividing the curriculum into small discrete modules or units that are independent,
non-sequential, and typically short in duration. It’s a form of distance learning that uses
Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS)
provided by DepEd.

The modules include sections on motivation and assessment that serve as a complete guide of
both teachers’ and students’ desired competencies. Modular teaching is more effective in teaching
learning process as compared to ordinary teaching methods. Because in this modular approach the
students learn at their own pace. So, the students feel free to learn in their own style.

Each module provides knowledge and skills towards proficiency in a certain or each field.

The Efficiency of Modular Instruction to Uplift the Learning Standard of the New Normal of the
Basic Education offers flexibility, choice, access and mobility to make each student become more
productive and effective on each given lesson/s.
Modular approach to teaching enables the learner to have control over his/her
learning and accepts greater responsibility for learning. It demands greater
maturity on the part of the learner, the modules is more appropriate for more
mature students.

The very essence of modularization is that students are at center of the

teaching–learning process. The practice of effective continuous assessment allows
instructors making adjustments to teaching and learning in response to
assessment evidence. This also helps students receive feedback about their
learning with advice on what they can do to improve. In other words, the
implementation modularized curriculum shall ensure the realization of active
learning and continuous assessment.
Creativity, flexibility, and lifelong learning are requirements needed to be
successful in a real world.  in order for students to acquire these skills, schools
need to be organized around the learner not the teacher.  Student-centered
learning takes the idea of what is to be learned from what the teacher desires
to teach and directs instruction to what students need to learn.
The Efficiency of Modular Instruction to Uplift the Learning Standard of the New Normal of
the Basic Education offers flexibility, choice, access and mobility to make each student
become more productive and effective on each given lesson or instruction.
Definition of Terms;
Teachers – in this study the term refers to individuals performing the role in Self Learning Module
delivery and identifying ways to improve the modules in line with the performance of learners.

Students/Learners – in this study the Learners are the focus of the study as to how they perform/
or their attitude towards Self Learning Modules.

Self Learning Modules – are modules used in a non face to face Learning Method.

MELC- Most Essential Learning Competencies, are list of simplified competencies which focus on
the most important ones to meet the needs to Learners in a non face to face learning method.

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