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Activity # 1

1. Read and understand the article: GLOBAL HISTORY OF INDIGENOUS

2. Summarize the article in your own words based on your own understanding.
(maximum of three (3) paragraphs.)
My understanding with the article about the global history of indigenous people
is that every society is still expanding and innovating up to this modern day. The
articles want us to comprehend the transformations, hardships, encounters and
struggles of all the indigenous people in order to survive and settle. The main reason
of all these developments is to find a way to sustain subsistent life. There’s a lot of
struggle, adaptation and movement just to find a land that can provide food and
shelter to the people. It opens our mind on how hard the lives of our ancestors was
during those times where they do not have the resources we have this day. Their
history and developments benefited us because if not for their discoveries and
hardships, we will not have advance technologies nowadays.
There are so many tribes and societies that move from land to land to be able
to satisfy their needs and owing to these needs, people begin to acquire different
skills and abilities that helps them in the process. Some learn to hunt, plant, catch fish
and many other skills to find food. They can’t also stay in one place and had to move
according to the season or movements of the animals or fish because those things
provide their needs. It took a lot of observations and discoveries for other tribes to
know their way around things which can help them to prevent moving from one place
to another. They learned how agriculture works and how to make things useful to
make their lives easier. Those learnings and observations improved their lives as well
as the live of other generations up to ours.
The indigenous people also learned other activities that entertains them and lift
their spirituality which resulted to various religions all over the world. They also
experienced expansion by force from other societies and those times often does not
end well because there’s war and rivalries. Some societies keep to themselves and
did their best to flourish like most areas in Asia. The global history of indigenous
people is not easy or has smooth transition because it involves a lot of things but
because of the tribe’s and our ancestor’s will to survive, they were able to change and
develop things that made it easier for us to live.

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