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Food Frequency Percentage
Cook own food 30 54.5%
Buy cooked food 22 40%
Others (specify)
3 5.5%
Cook and/or Buy - 1
TOTAL 55 100%

The table shows that 40 (54.5%) of the participants opted to cook their own food.
About 40 percent buy cooked food and the remaining 5.5 percent both cook and/or buy
their food.

Majority of the participants would rather cook their own food to ensure fresh and
healthy meals. While the 40 percent would rather buy cooked food for the reason that
they are too busy or exhausted to make their own meal. The rest of the participants
either have both cook and bought food depending on their daily activities.

II. Preferred Food

Breakfast Frequency Percentage
Bread 7 12.7%
Coffee 6 10.9%
Fried Rice 14 25.5%
Ulam/Dish 1 1.8%
Egg 18 32.7%
Hotdog 2 3.6%
Frozen Food 4 7.3%
Saba/Banana 1 1.8%
Vegetables 2 3.6%
TOTAL 55 100%

The data from the table shows that the top three (3) categories of food that the
participants have for breakfast are egg, fried rice and bread. The large number (32.7%)
in the participants have egg for breakfast, 25.9 percent or fourteen participants have
fried rice in their breakfast meals, and 12.7 percent eats bread for breakfast.
Most of the participants that were asked about their usual meal for breakfast
stated that they ate egg every morning because it’s very healthy and easy to prepare.
While the second most consumed meal during breakfast that was stated by fourteen
(14) participants was fried rice owing to the fact that it makes the participants feel full
and energetic throughout the morning. The next common food for breakfast was bread
which 12.7 percent of the participants consume every morning. The least food that the
participants take during breakfast were banana and ulam/dish for the reason that
banana can’t make them feel full and making dish is too time consuming.

Lunch Frequency Percentage

Chicken 4 7.3%
Fish 9 16.4%
Filipino Food 13 23.6%
Vegetable 15 27.3%
Meat 12 21.8%
Egg 2 3.6%
TOTAL 55 100%

Out of the six (6) meals that people usually have for lunch, 27.3 percent of the
participants stated that they eat vegetables for lunch, 23.6 percent eat Filipino food, 12
(21.8%) participants have meat for lunch, 16.4 percent prefer fish, four (7.3%)
participants choose chicken, and 3.6 percent eat egg for lunch.

Most of our participants (27.3%) eat vegetables for lunch because it’s nutritious
and good for their health and bodies. Filipino food came as the second most consumed
food our participants (21.8%) usually have for their lunch because it’s very delicious and
common meal in most places. The least food they eat for lunch was egg (3.6%)
because it can’t satisfy their hunger during noon time where most of the participants are
tired and very hungry.

Dinner Frequency Percentage

Chicken 1 1.8%
Filipino Food 20 36.4%
Rice 12 21.8%
Fish 2 3.6%
Egg 2 3.6%
Meat 4 7.3 %
Leftover 8 14.5%
Canned Food 0 0%
Vegetables 6 10.9%
TOTAL 55 100%

Majority of the participants (36.4%) ingest Filipino food during dinnertime, 21.8%
eat rice, leftover food was what 14.5% of the participants have for dinner, six (10.9%)
participants eat vegetables for dinner, and four (7.3%) participants prefer meat for their
dinner. Equally, about 3.6 percent of the participants eat egg or fish for dinner and the
least food eaten during dinner by 1.8% was chicken. No participant eats canned food for

Filipino food is the most common and most popular food that our participants eat
for dinner (36.4%) owing to the fact that it is savory and tasty to eat after a long day. It is
also not surprising that 12 (21.8%) participants eat rice during dinner because it is like
our national meal in the Philippines. About 14.5% participants stated that they eat
leftover food for dinner to save money and avoid spoiled food. There were six (10.9%)
participants who choose to eat healthy for dinner by consuming vegetables. Few
participants (7.3%) eat meat for dinner because it is very satisfying and delicious to eat.
Surprisingly, fish and egg came equally (3.6%) consumed by some of the participants
during dinnertime. Only one (1.8%) participant enjoys chicken as his/her meal for
dinner. Canned food was not chosen by any of our participants because it is not healthy
though it is very affordable.

III. Food Storage

Breakfast Frequency Percentage
Refrigerator Covered 13 23.6%
Refrigerator Uncovered 0 0%
Cabinet Covered 14 25.5%
Cabinet Uncovered 3 5.5%
Table Covered 19 34.5%
Table Uncovered 4 7.3%
Others (Specify): 2 3.6%
 Tupperware
(Container) - 1
 Styro
TOTAL 55 100%

The top three ways our participants store their food as stated on the table above
were table covered, (34.5%), cabinet covered (25.5%), and refrigerator covered
(23.6%). To store food on a Tupperware or container was the least (3.6%) way our
participants prefer to store their food. Putting the food in the refrigerator uncovered was
not (0%) chosen by any of our participants.

Majority of the participants (34.5%) prefer to store their food on the table covered
owing to the fact that they were accustomed to do so and it is very convenient. Storing
the food in the cabinet covered was also how the 14 (25.5%) participants put away their
excess food. 23.6 percent of the participants store their food in refrigerator covered if an
appliance was present in their household. Some (7.3%) participants just put the food on
their table uncovered because the food is not exposed to any animals and pest. Three
(5.5%) participants put their food in the cabinet uncovered for the reason that they
believe the food is already safe inside their close cabinet. Few (3.6%) participants
stated that they store their food in a Tupperware or container because it’s easy and
secure. No participants store their food in the refrigerator uncovered because it is

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