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Statement of Purpose

Even though I was introduced to the term “Sustainable Development” during my college time, I was introduced to
the basic idea of sustainability by my father during my childhood days. When I was just about 10-year-old my
father got solar panels installed in our house. I remember our relatives arguing with my dad telling him that
erecting solar panel is unnecessary and very expensive. It was expensive indeed; But the benefits we gained
outweighed the installation and maintenance costs in the long term. Till date we never had to pay any charge for
the power we consume at home as the panels alone generate more than enough power for the household.
Inspired by this I presented a still model of a city completely powered by solar energy for science exhibition in our
school; The idea was very much appreciated by the school management. This in fact contributed to developing the
positive attitude I have towards various initiatives that focus on sustainability and also helped me realise my
interest for the same. I have decided to choose this as the field I need to work in. I am aware that I need to gain
considerable knowledge in this field and ensure my continuous development through a Post Graduate Programme.

I chose Mechanical Engineering for my bachelor’s degree as I was always more inclined to understand the working
of machines in detail than simply use them. During the first semester we had a course on “sustainable
engineering” which I was very much interested in and further intensified my desire to learn more about
sustainable engineering. In fact, I decided to make sustainability an important element of my final year project –
“Shape improvisation of the solar panel on the roof of an electric vehicle”. We used CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) in ANSYS to improve the aerodynamic efficiency, which the vehicle lacked during the initial stage. A
paper presentation on the Project was conducted at the “National Conference on Advances in Mechanical
Engineering - 2020” in which it got selected and our paper was published in Journal of “The Institution of
Engineers: Series C, Springer”.

During my college days I did two internships; First one at KAMCO (Kerala Agro Machinery Corporation) where I got
acquainted with the manufacturing process of Tiller Machines. Second one was at FACT (Fertilizers and Chemical
Travancore Ltd) the first large-scale fertilizer plant in India which provided me with an insight in to an industrial
environment along with the knowledge on operation of machines, power distribution system, manufacturing
process involved in production of fertilizers and chemicals

I was an active member of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and used to follow journals and took
part in various technical workshops including one on “Biomimetic Materials” and another on “Vision Robotics”. I
also went for an industrial visit to “Yuken Hydraulics – Bangalore”. I was assigned as the “College Magazine Editor”
and the “Head of Photography Club” as I am good at Photography and Video editing.

In my final year of graduation, I got placed at TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) and INFOSYS as Assistant Systems
Engineer. I took up the offer from TCS as I wanted to get a first-hand experience on how things work in the
corporate sector. I always looked up to my team leaders and project manager to gain more knowledge regarding
efficient management of project execution. Even though I got busy with work, I always knew I needed to go back to
the stream in which I had immense interest in, that is Sustainability Engineering. And I always made time in
between to research on what could be the best stepping stone to gain an entry in to this stream and I came to a
conclusion that I need to do a Master’s Programme in The Sustainable Energy Processes and System. My ultimate
aim is to develop and own a business which focuses on “Effective usage of full potential of Green Energy in Daily
Life in an affordable manner”

What I understood from articles on “Sustainable Development Goals – 2030” is that, Sweden is well ahead in
achieving SDGs and the research community is contributing with cutting-edge research & innovation on
sustainable development. This alone was a good enough reason for me to choose Sweden and from what I have
heard from my peers the Swedish Educational system has a positive approach towards group work and also
encourages you to pursue your academic interests. Hence, I believe Sweden is the perfect choice for me to pursue
my Master’s Programme.

I am confident that “The Sustainable Energy Processes and System” offered at the Linnaeus University
will provide me the opportunity to enhance my understanding of the field to a great extent. Working under the
guidance of erudite professors will also be essential in augmenting my knowledge of the latest research practices
and preparing me to face the challenges of working in a demanding industry. I believe “The Sustainable Energy
Engineering” will provide me with the necessary knowledge, skill and competence, to aid my Continual Professional

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