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Name : Alya

Class : JHS/7

Answer with the correct answer!

1. Relating to air pollution, the reforestation program aims to reduce air pollutions
2. A substance is called a pollutant if A substance that causes pollution
3. Littering can result in land pollution
4. One source of pollution to the ground is Construction
5. Vehicle smoke causes Air pollution
6. A substance that causes pollution is called pollutant
7. Minamata disease due to pollution of factory waste containing origin is thrown into the sea
and indonesian people are careless with fish consumption
8. Algae blooms can occur due to use poison produced by algae
9. Sound pollution is caused by the sound of powerful up to 33 dB
10. The greenhouse effect occurs because in the atmosphere many are collected increasing
the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases in the atmosphere
11. Acid rain can occur if in the form of fog, hail, snow, even acidic gas and dust that that
contains acid
12. The ozone layer needs to be maintained intact because it is a buffer or filter of ultraviolet
light directly into the earth. if there is no ozone layer then ultraviolet rays from the sun
can cause many dangers to living things.

13. Carbon Monooksida in the human body can cause death because carbon monoxide in the
body will increase and the amount of oxygen will decrease.
14. Pollution caused by air conditioner (AC) by a pollutant in the form of Gas called CFC
gas that can damage the ozone layer on earth
15. The effort to control pests that do not cause environmental pollution is to use
pesticides by using pest predators
16. Sound can be polluted if its power reaches 33 dB
17. Excessive accumulation of organic compounds in aquatic environments can result in
Eutrophication / blasting of aquatic plants
18. One way to prevent sound pollution is
1. Penggunaan alat peredam suara
2. Mengurangi kebisingan dengan peralatan rumah tangga yang tidak berisik.
3. Beristirahat dan berjalan-jalan.
4 menjauhkan mesin yg berbising dari kamar tidur atau area tenang.
19. The function of the ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere is protect the surface of the
Earth from ultraviolet radiation from the sun that causes cancer
20. If a water is polluted by pesticides, the body of aquatic organisms that have the highest
pesticide content is Phytoplankton, or commonly called algae or plant nutrients

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