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Imagine laying on a hospital bed you wake up and you see your doctor you ask him what's

wrong and he
says I'm sorry you have lung cancer this is a very real concept for people who smoke however a
pharmacist named Hon Lik made a device to assist in helping smokers to quit but are they being used by
only smokers and are they really better for you.

In 2021 a study done by the NZ asthma foundation found that 26% of secondary school students had
used a vape in the last month and of that around 20% were using them daily compared to smoking were
less than 1% of the students studied had smoked in the last week. now just like smoking vaping has risks
using E-cigarettes or vapes can increase your risk of having a heart attack or a stroke as well as inflaming
the lungs shortness of breath and many many others.

vapes work by heating vape juice and turning it into vapour that you can breathe in many chemicals that
cause cancer are in this vapour. That includes propylene glycol, heavy metals, and particles that can get
stuck in the deepest parts of your lungs

A chemical found in some vapes is called diacetyl this chemical leads to a lung condition called popcorn
lung this disease gets its name because people who worked in popcorn factories used to get sick with it
this was because diacetyl used to be used as a butter flavouring in popcorn. the way these workers
inhaled this is much like what happens when vaping The chemical can cause a dry cough. It also causes
shortness of breath, wheezing, headaches, fever, aches, and other health problems. The vapours also
can irritate your eyes, skin, nose, and throat.

another problem with vapes is the fact that they are so addicting much like cigarettes vapes use nicotine
which is the main addicting ingredient this is why it is so hard to stop vaping or smoking once you have
started signs of addiction usually show after only 3 weeks of daily use signs of addiction include strong
cravings irritability and tightness in your throat along with many others

one of the reasons vapes are liked so much by teenagers is because they were advertised just like
cigarettes with big flashy signs the one difference now beetween them is that there are hundreds of
flavours to choose from watermelon to tobacco the flavours are endless

although vapes are becoming a problem hopefully now you are better educated in the dangers
surrounding them I hope that now before having a "hit" you will think and wonder what could become
of a seemingly harmless device.

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