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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

To the honorable Mr. Mrs. teachers and brothers and sisters who I love.
First of all, let us praise and also give thanks to God Almighty who has given mercy
and guidance to all of us.

Mr. Mrs. teachers and also brothers and sisters who I respect. On this
occasion I will discuss a speech about why the government should ban vaping. We
may already be familiar with this vape or e-cigarette. A device that functions like a
cigarette but does not use or burn tobacco leaves, but converts liquid into vapor
which is inhaled by the smoker into the lungs, electric cigarettes generally contain
nicotine, other chemicals, and flavors and are toxic/poisonous.

The presence of nicotine which is an addictive substance that makes a

person crave cigarettes again and again. Vaping users are even more at risk of
being exposed to nicotine. The reason is, e-cigarette devices, especially tubes with
higher voltages, can drain large amounts of nicotine into the body.

Nicotine addiction can make it difficult for you to give up. As a result, the
body shows certain physical symptoms when you try to escape, such as dizziness
and nausea. In addition to those mentioned above, nicotine can harm the
development of the adolescent brain which continues to develop until around the
age of 25 years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that
nicotine use can damage parts of the brain that control :

 attention,
 learning,
 mood, and
 impulse control.

Nicotine can interfere with the process of making memories or new skills that are
built between brain cells. In fact, this process is carried out more quickly in the
brain of adolescents than adults.

Another side effect of vaping is various lung diseases, the same as those
resulting from conventional cigarettes. The American Lung Association states that
the content of vaping, namely acrolein, is also used to kill weeds. These
compounds can cause acute lung injury and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) and asthma.

Not only that, the flavorings in vaping also cause harm to lung cells. When
you take them in high doses, these flavorings can kill normal lung cells. One of the
flavorings found in vaping is the chemical diacetyl. These ingredients can increase
serious lung disease.

In addition, nicotine vapor from vaping contains ingredients that can

increase the production and levels of adrenaline hormones. If left untreated for a
long time, this condition has the potential to increase the risk of a heart attack
and sudden death.

So let's think wisely about the issue of vaping or e-cigarettes by strictly

prohibiting the distribution of vapes or possession of vapes in our country. In
addition, the government has also issued legal protections to consumers in
Indonesia regarding the dangers of vaping cigarettes, which can be seen from
Article 8 paragraph (1) letter e, and Article 9 paragraph (1) letter j of Law Number
8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, and Article 114 paragraph (2) of Law
Number 36 Year 2009 concerning Health.

I think this is enough for my speech, if there are mistakes, I apologize and
thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Created By :

Fachry Iqbal

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