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Definition of Vaping
Latelly all around us have been shocked by e-cigarettes or so called vapes. Where the
purpose of developing these products is to reduce the level of health risk of smokers
to harmful nicotin and tar, so that even though they stil smoke, their exposure to
toxins to the body is not as bis as that caused by smoking in general. The first thing to
know, vaping is not like smoking. Once again, vaping is for smokers who want to
continue to enjoy the nicotine habit but at a lower risk. Vaping utilizes propopylene
glycol or liquid vegetables with the base ingridient of glycerin and mixed with a small
amount of nicotin and food flavoring which then evaporates in a small battery-powerd
atomizer. The created steam is then inhaled and exhaled like cigarette smoke which is
known as vaping.
B. Precentage Vaper Users in Indonesia
Chairperson of the Indonesian Personal Vaporizer Association, Aryo Andrianto said
that There are about 1 million people from the number of active smokers in Indonesia
who are electric smokers (Vape) where the majority of its use is in big cities.

In 2019, vape users were dominated by the 15-19 age group at 22 percent. The second
position is the age group of 35-39 years by 21 percent. Vape is also used among
women. According to a survey by Jackpat, 41 percent of women use it. Meanwhile,
the remaining 51 percent is used by men.
C. Containing Of Vaping Liquid
In an electric cigarette liquid contains propylene glycol or glycerin, nicotine, and
flavor enhancers
1. Propylene glycol or glycerin functions to produce water vapor. Research
shows that inhaling propylene glycol can cause respiratory tract irritation in
some individuals.
2. Nicotine is found in different concentrations, between 0-100 mg / ml in an
electric cigarette.
3. Flavor enhancers, such as chocolate, vanilla, fruits, etc., so that the electric
smoker can enjoy a certain taste sensation in each suction.
4. tobacco-specific nitrosamine (TSNA). TSNA is a carcinogen compound found
in tobacco and tobacco cigarettes. In addition to TSNA, metal compounds
such as chromium, nickel and lead are also found.
5. Carbonyl
Carbonyl is a compound that is produced when heated vape turns into vapor.
According to research this compound can cause damage to DNA.
D. Facts of Vaping
Five fact when smoking with vape
1. Vape is as dangerous as convensional cigarettes.
Vape is made from heated nicotine, added with flavorings and other chemicals to
make water vapor and inhaled. While ordinary tobacco cigarettes contain 7,000
chemicals, many of which are even poisonous. So the ingredients are actually the
same, only packaged in different ways
2. Vape is bad for health
Nicotine is the main source in cigarettes and is very addictive. Nicotine contains
toxic substances that can increase blood pressure, stimulate adrenaline, and
increase heart rate, the worst effects can make a person experience a heart attack.
3. Vape or cigarettes can be addictive
Cigarettes contain nicotine which can be read by people as addicted as heroin and
cocaine. More than just nicotine users from ordinary cigarettes.
4. Vape is not the best smoking cessation tool
there are some people mention vape serves as a tool to help someone stop
smoking, the proof is not. One study even found that most people who intend to
use vape to stop smoking, instead continue to smoke both traditional cigarettes
and vape
5. Millennial generation is the most vape user
In 2015, U.S. general surgeons reports that vape use among high school students
has increased 80 percent, and 20 percent of users are people who have never
smoked tobacco
E. The Different between Vaping and Smoking
Smoking is bad for your health as the toxins produced by burning tobacco cause
smoking-related illnesses. The majority of health benefits are seen when you stop
smoking completely. Some people find cutting down as a helpful step to quitting,
but stopping smoking completely should be the end goal.
Relative harm
Smoking 100%
Smoking less and vaping 85%
Vaping only 6%
Not smoking or vaping 0%
Vaping is not harmless, but it is much less harmful than smoking.
Smoking and vaping both deliver nicotine. The difference is cigarettes deliver it
by burning tobacco, which creates many harmful toxins. Vaping delivers nicotine
in e-liquid, which is a much less harmful way.
Nicotine level
Smoking 100%
Vaping 100%
In smoking, the amount of nicotine in cigarettes is generally fixed, and
how much you get depends on how you smoke. In vaping, the amount of
nicotine depends on the strength of e-liquid you choose, and how you
Vaping is not smoking, but some people find vaping works to help them quit
because it offers experiences similar to smoking a cigarette. Vaping has a similar
hand-to-mouth action as smoking, and it can also be social.

Fact check :
Vaping provides sensations similar to smoking a cigarette. They provide taste and
throat sensations that are close to smoking.’ (Cochrane report.)
Cravings control
Vaping 70%
Patches and gum 45%
Cold-turkey 0%
Aside from the initial $40-$60 approximate setup cost, vaping costs much less
than smoking.Twenty cigarettes per day can add up to $9,000 a year. Vaping can
cost $900 a year.
Relative cost
Smoking 100%
Smoking less and vaping 85%
Vaping only 10%
Not smoking or vaping 0%
The lower cost of e-cigarettes, as well as their ability to help
respondents quit or reduce smoking, were also common reasons cited for
usage.’ (Ministry of Health Evaluation of the Tobacco Excise Increases as
a Contributor to Smokefree 2025, final report 2018)
‘Oh, yeah (I vape) hard out for health reasons, but also it is just so
expensive to smoke’ (Exploring Why Young Māori Women Smoke,
Ministry of Health, 2017)

F. Conclusion
Vaping utilizes propopylene glycol or liquid vegetables with the base
ingridient of glycerin and mixed with a small amount of nicotin and food flavoring
which then evaporates in a small battery-powerd atomizer. In an electric cigarette
liquid contains propylene glycol or glycerin, nicotine, and flavor enhancers. There are
about 1 million people from the number of active smokers in Indonesia who are
electric smokers (Vape) where the majority of its use is in big cities.
Vape is as dangerous as convensional cigarettes, it’s bad for health , it’s can be
addictive, and it’s not the best smoking cessation tool.

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