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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon


Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. All are natures of communication except.

a. Communication is a process. c. Communication can be expressed through
b. Communication cannot happen with only one words, actions, and both at the same time.
individual. d. Communication occurs between two or more
2. A communication function that conveys information.
a. Social interaction b. Motivation c. Information dissemination d. Control
3. A communication function that is used to control behavior.
a. Social interaction b. Motivation c. Information dissemination d. Control
4. A communication function that allows an individual to socialize.
a. Social interaction b. Motivation c. Control d. Emotional expression
5. Yanna wants to share her personal frustrations to Jim, what function of communication is evident?
a. Emotional expression b. Motivation c. Control d. Information dissemination
6. “Hey, stop arguing”, said the teacher, this is an example of.
a. Emotional expression b. Motivation c. Control d. Information dissemination
7. “It’s okay, don’t give up”, is an example of.
a. Information dissemination b. Control c. Motivation d. Emotional expression
8. In the process of communication, what is the last step?
a. Giving feedback b. Decoding the message c. Encoding the message d. Sending out the message
9. I. Encoding of the message is the second step in the communication process.
II. Encoding means to convert the idea into words or actions.
a. Only statement I is correct c. Both statements are incorrect
b. Only statement II is correct d. Both statements are correct
10. I. Shannon-Weaver Model is known as the mother of all communication models. II. The Shannon-Weaver model depicts
communication as a linear or one-way process.
a. Only statement I is correct c. Both statements are incorrect
b. Only statement II is correct d. Both statements are correct
11. I. Shannon- Weaver model has 5 elements
II.The Shannon-Weaver model has only 4 elements.
a. Only statement I is correct c. Both statements are incorrect
b. Only statement II is correct d. Both statements are correct
12. What communication barrier is evident when your teacher is discussing the lesson and your classmate beside you is
a. Emotional barrier b. Use of Jargon c. Lack of confidence d. Noisy environment
13. The doctor talks to her patient and he said, "You have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" and then saw
the reaction of the patient through her facial expression which is confused. What language barrier is evident?
a. Emotional barrier b. Use of Jargon c. Lack of confidence d. Noisy environment
14. You are hungry during the seminar, so you don’t feel like listening to the speaker. What barrier is observed?
a. Emotional barrier b. Use of Jargon c. Lack of confidence d. Noisy environment
15. You are listening to your favorite music and then the mother 2asked you to buy Alaska Evaporada. To overcome
this barrier, what should you do?
a. Shout to your mom c. Tell your mom in a harsh way to wait until the
b. Re listen to the music once you accomplished music is done
the task d. Ask your older brother to accomplish your task
16. You're feeling hungry in a seminar. How are you going overcome this barrier?
a. Just don’t listen to the speaker b. Eat so you could focus
c. Tell the speaker to stop speaking d. Talk to the seat mate
17-20. Identify the type of speech style being described in each statement. Write the letter of the correct answer.
a. Frozen b. Intimate c. Consultative D. Formal E. Casual.

17. This style is private, which occurs between or among close family members or individuals. The language used in this
style may not be shared in public.
18. This style remains steady in time and remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in ceremonies. Common examples are the
Preamble to the Constitution, Lord’s Prayer, and Allegiance to country or flag.
19. This style is the standard one. Professional or mutually acceptable language is a must in this style. Examples of situations
are communication between teachers and students, employers and employees, doctor and patient, judge and lawyer, or
President and his/her constituents.
20. This style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or the vernacular language are used.

21-26. Identify the principle of effective speech writing used in each statement. Write the letters of the correct answer.
a. Audience b. Logical Organization c. Duration
d. Word Choice e. Grammatical correctness

21. Loleng decided to talk about sex education for she knew that she will be talking to age 14- 17 years old audiences.
22. “Your pretty”, said by the younger sister. “No, it should be “You’re pretty” said by the older one.
23. The speaker used “SHE” instead of telling HE/SHE because the speaker knew that he will be talking to females
24. He keeps on looking on to his watch as he delivers a speech because he was only given 20 minutes for his delivery.
25. Mayor Estanislao decided to tell her main topic before supporting it with details.
26. Knowing the background of your audiences falls under:

27-34. Identify the principles of effective speech delivery used in each statement. Write the letters of the correct answer.
a. Articulation b. Modulation c. Stage presence
d. Facial expressions e. Gestures and Movements f. Rapport with the audience

27. Tapping the shoulder of the audience

28. Filling in the blank spaces
29. Changing the voice tone and timbre depending on the emotion of the speech
30. Saying fork instead of pork to mean the utensil used in eating
31. Asking the state of the audience like “How are you today?”
32. Frowning to show that the speaker is mad
33. Placing your upper teeth on your lower lip to pronounce F.
34. Clenched fist

35. How are you going to show stage presence?

a. Walking on the spaces available c. Raising the tone of the voice
b. Smiling on the audiences d. Tapping the shoulder of the audience
36. All are examples of facial expressions except:
a. Smiling b. Frowning c. Raising the eyebrows d. Nodding
37. “I can’t face them, I’m too shy” this depicts
a. Stage presence b. Stage fright c. Stage absence d. Stage motive
38. Crossed arms while delivering a speech is a sign of
a. Disrespect b. Openness c. Defensiveness d. Respect
39. To what situation is raising both arms accurate?
a. Happy atmosphere b. Sad atmosphere c. Mad atmosphere d. Tempting atmosphere

40-45. Identify the type of communicative strategy used in each statement. Write the letters of the correct answer.
a. Nomination b. Restriction c. Turn Taking d. Topic Control
e. Topic Shifting f. Repair g. Termination

41.Aivann wants to have an issue to be talked about

42.The solution made to solve the problem in every conversation
43.Giving everyone equal opportunities to speak
44.Repetition of the utterance said because of the loud noise
45. Limitation with regards to the situation

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