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Name: ____________________________ Date: ________________

Year, Strand & Section: _______________ Score: _______________

INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What does Op-ed stand for?
a. Opposite the editorial page c. Opposite editorial paging
b. Optional editorial page d. Opposite the edit page
2. Which of the following is a step in writing a commentary or critique?
a. Scan the piece c. Rethink your thesis
b. Read the piece d. Proofread

3. The following are suggested Critique Formats EXCEPT:

a. Summarize and interpret. c. Be mean in giving comments.
b. Say what you think is working well. d. Give constructive criticism.
4. Andrea point out the best parts of the literary piece she had read. By doing this, she can already help
develop the writer’s talent. What suggested critique format did Andrea used?
a. Summarize and interpret. c. Be mean in giving comments.
b. Say what you think is working well. d. Give constructive criticism.
5.Why is social commentary tend to be truthful?
a. Because it reveals the narrator’s experience and emotions.
b. It is truthful because it deals with imagination and emotion of the writer.
c. It simply gives improvement to the writer.
d. Truthful because of the experience and imagination of the writer.
6. Read the piece at least once more and take note again is one of the steps in writing a critique.
a. The statement is TRUE. c. Not all the time.
b. No, you just need to read it once. d. Sometimes only.
7. What is a social commentary?
a. It provides commentary on the issues of the society. c. It helps develop the global vision.
b. It stimulates the experience of an ordinary reader. d. To notice additional details.
8. What do you mean by opinions may be formative?
a. Stimulating the experience of an ordinary reader.
b. You just give information, review or announce certain facts or events.
c. It means you give important details.
d. Formative because it is a self-critique.
9. What must be pointed out in evaluating a written work?
a. Structural strengths and weaknesses c. The positive feedback
b. High and the low level d. The negative things in the written work.
10. Which of the following is a formal analysis and evaluation of a text?
a. Structure c. Critique/commentary
b. Research d. Book Review
11. Why do we need to give constructive criticism?
a. Constructive criticism allows the author to make specific improvement.
b. It motivates the writer.
c. It gives the author the opportunity to know his audience.
d. Constructive criticism gives a clearer view of the selection.
12. What is the last step in giving commentary/critique?
a. Give positive feedback c. Present strengths and weaknesses
b. Summarize and the author’s point. d. Leave a helpful and encouraging remark.

13. The following are the guidelines in when writing creative nonfiction EXCEPT:
a. Get your facts straight
b. Be objective
c. Be subjective
d. Pay attention to the language
14. What is Creative Nonfiction?
a. Is a genre of writing truth which uses literary styles and techniques.
b. Is a formal analysis and evaluation.
c. Is a famous writer's life told by another author.
d. It reveals the narrator’s experience.
15. What is the use subsequent readings?
a. You will become successful someday.
b. It will help you develop a global vision of the work’s structure.
c. For you to know the author.
d. It stimulates your experience.
16. Which of the following is NOT a quality of a good writing?
a. Focus
b. Development
c. Unity
d. Comprehension
17. Why is revision important in writing?
a. Revision is chance for you to look critically at what you have written.
b. Revision will give you a clearer picture of the writing.
c. Revision helps one to communicate his ideas.
d. Revision helps the writer to give his views.
18. Which of the following is NOT a step in revising?
a. Get feedback
b. Rethink your thesis.
c. Put your draft aside.
d. Do not get feedback
19.-20. What are the points in giving a comment or critique?( Just give two)


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