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Nutritional manipulation to increase the production of Mitochondria

This nutritional educational seminar is intended for those with a basic understanding of

nutrition looking for in depth analysis on how to better utilize the information they already have.

For endurance athletes in particular, the manipulation of nutrition for the increase in

mitochondria biogenesis in the body may provide an edge when partaking in competitions. To

appreciate and endure the processes entailed for increasing mitochondria production in the body,

first having a brief understanding of energy production must be provided.

The goal is to understand how best to utilize the food environment surrounding us in

order to maximize energy production in a sustainability way. Primary energy production is done

in the mitochondria, these are specific cells that reside in the, “Muscle, brain, liver, heart, and

gastrointestinal tract” (Brand et al., 2013). Mitochondria provide energy in the form of ATP

which allow for our brains to function, our muscles to move, heart to beat, and digestion of foods

to occur (Brand et al., 2013). For reference, ATP is the, “Primary energy source for most

biochemical and physiological processes, such as growth, movement, and homeostasis” (Brand

et al., 2013). Why do we eat and breathe? Food provides the fuel (glucose, fatty acids, and

oxygen) for the mitochondria to produce ATP. Breathing on the other hand first provides the

oxygen (O2) needed for ATP generation and removes the byproduct CO2 and H2O (Brand et al.,

2013). ATP generation can occur through 2 methods though, aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

Aerobic respiration is a metabolic reaction that takes place in the presence of oxygen, converting

ADP into ATP using glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2) (Foundation, 2016). Aerobic

respiration occurs in the mitochondria and produces a total of 38 gross ATP (32 net) molecules

with other end produces being CO2 and H2O, which are removed by the cardiovascular system

(Foundation, 2016). On the contrary, anaerobic respiration (also known as fermentation) occurs
when oxygen (O2) is not present, therefore only using glucose (C6H12O6) to produce ATP

(Foundation, 2016). This process generates only 2 ATP, occurring in the cytoplasm of muscle

cells, and produces byproducts of lactic acid, resulting in muscle soreness (Foundation, 2016).

Therefore, the energy rich aerobic respiration provided by mitochondria will be the focus for this

nutritional strategy.

In particular for endurance athletes to have a competitive advantage, the generation of a

greater number of mitochondria during training would be advantages due to the nature of the

event they are participating in. As Margolis et al (2013) explains, “Biosynthesis of mitochondria

enhances skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, allowing for greater generation of ATP, thereby

delaying muscle time to fatigue and improving aerobic exercise performance”. First off,

“Endurance exercise induces an increase in muscle mitochondria. A single bout of exercise

stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis” (Hawley et al., 2014). Therefore, endurance athletes will

engage in training schedules, “In which the stimulus is progressively increased resulting in a

proliferation in muscle mitochondria up to the point where a further increase in training stimulus

causes no further increase mitochondria.” (Hawley et al., 2014). This is where the manipulation

of energy reserves can add to an athlete’s endurance abilities when training alone has peaked.

It was once thought that, “Maintaining carbohydrate availability [could] sustain and

perhaps enhance aerobic exercise performance by delaying time to exhaustion” (Margolis et al.,

2013). This holds true during the actual competition stage, but what about during training?

Current research demonstrates, “That periodic reductions in glycogen stores by dietary

carbohydrate restriction combined with short-term aerobic exercise training periods (3-10wk)

enhances mitochondrial biogenesis to a greater extent than when aerobic exercise is performed in

a glycogen-replete state” (Margolis et al., 2013). Not only does the periodic restriction of
carbohydrates promote an increase in mitochondria biogenesis, but it, “May increase

mitochondria size” as well (Margolis et al., 2013). Therefore, proper timing and consumption of

proper carbohydrates will be focused on in this nutrition strategy to aid in endurance


Sourcing carbs, such as from vegetables, fruits, or whole grains provides best energy

sourcing (Perlmutter, 2017). It is best to avoid all processed starches when possible, as they

lower energy and reserves (Perlmutter, 2017). Due to its popularity and article on the “Keto

Diet” is provided in the link below.

Please access the link, read it over, and come back and discuss your knowledge gained on pros

and cons of a low carb diet.

Protein can come from plants if one is choosing a vegan diet, or when incorporating

meats use grass feed, organic animal protein in small portions (Perlmutter, 2017). Meat should

be viewed as a side and not the “main course” of a meal Perlmutter, 2017). In terms of dairy, try

and avoid this at all cost, an article is provided in the following link :

Please review this article and discuss it with classmates as to what the article covers and your

thoughts on dairy.

Fats are an important portion of the diet and should be considered carefully, as they have

the greatest potential of carrying “extra baggage with them (Perlmutter, 2017). When choosing a

fat source for a vegan dietary choice make sure nuts and seeds are properly prepared in order to
inhibit the phylic acid that can bind key nutrients during digestion (Perlmutter, 2017). When

consuming animal products, make sure animal products are grass feed or wild caught fish

(Perlmutter, 2017). In particular, the DHA Omega-3 in these fat sources should be of ones goal

to obtain optimal health (Permutter, 2017). Again, these are recommendations, and each

individual should conduct their own research to determine proper dietary needs.


Brand, M. D., Orr, A. L., Perevoshchikova, I. V., & Quinlan, C. L. (2013). The role of
mitochondrial function and cellular bioenergetics in ageing and disease. The British journal of
dermatology, 169 Suppl 2(0 2), 1–8.

Foundation, C. K.-12. (2016). 12 foundation. CK. Retrieved August 27, 2022, from

Hawley, J. A., & Morton, J. P. (2014). Ramping up the signal: promoting endurance training
adaptation in skeletal muscle by nutritional manipulation. Clinical & Experimental
Pharmacology & Physiology, 41(8), 608–613.

Margolis, L. M., & Pasiakos, S. M. (2013). Optimizing intramuscular adaptations to aerobic

exercise: effects of carbohydrate restriction and protein supplementation on mitochondrial
biogenesis. Advances in Nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 4(6), 657–664. https://doi-

Psilander, N., Frank, P., Flockhart, M., & Sahlin, K. (2013). Exercise with low glycogen
increases PGC-1α gene expression in human skeletal muscle. European Journal of Applied
Physiology, 113(4), 951–963.

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