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Dementia The demenciacin is a proprietary process of senile old age manifested above 70 years of age and involves an overall

loss of mental functions, and irreversibly, as well as higher intellectual property. It is a process that saves significant differences with normal aging in which the decline in vitality is evident but without the characteristic of the loss of the functions of mental activity. In dementia, senile psychosis, also designated as no serious behavioral disturbances that are associated with a deficiency state characterized by blunted affect with disinterest and apathy, temporal and spatial disorientation, and poor and labile atensin fixing difficulty, so the patient is easily distracted without paying interest (disorientation apathetic) to what happens in their environment. There are global mnemonic deficits of both memory and the evocative setting, the language is poor and pointless topic that can turn monotonous perseverations around certain themes, or pararespuestas may have echolalia, in which the patient responds to something different from what had been asked, difficulty nouns to objects, difficulty in solving simple issues (conditions of the trial), accompanied by childish attempts to rectify their mistakes. Incotinencia appears a kind of emotional affectivity inedecuada reveals the situation, with episodes of crying or laughing without a reason, verbal or emotional explosion of absurd jealousy. Overt behavior disorders that explicitly mentioned. The man wanders incessantly or lost family environment for him, there are frequent disturbances at night, the urinary or fecal incontinence and automation engines without any practical sense, impaired locomotion or shivering becomes difficult, small steps forward clothing is neglected, dirty, disheveled, incoherent, often put food into the closet, like the money after forgetting carefully hide their location.

The clinical forms can embrace psychotic, prone to frequent violent action, irritable and intemperate nature, sexual disorders (exhibitionism, masturbation). Sometimes it takes a form of depression, with psychomotor retardation, tristreza, autoreproche. It described a mode called Presbiofrnica, with state of excitement, euphoria, ideas deliroides, amnesia of fixation, disorientation and fables temporo compensatory, false recognitions, loquacious verbosity and a general state of arousal.

In the final phase remain silent and indifferent, reduced to purely vegetative functions. It is not uncommon for stroke death by heart failure, infections or simple interecurrentes extinction of vitality. The etiology is often arteriosesclertica, interesting large and small vessels. Onset usually appears in the forms of cerebrovascular accidents (stroke), focal but reinterados. Treatment is symptomatic usually require neuroleptic medication (haloperidol, levomepromazine) as a way to inhibit the states of arousal, the nocturnal wanderings, irritability, aggressive. These drugs must be carefully measured, given the difficulties of detoxification and excretion of the elderly, who do they extend the lifetimes of the drug. The rest of the treatment is part of the neurology and medical clinic, the controls should be permanent, as well as the areas of physical therapy rehabilitation and nursing care for hygiene and supervision.


Me pareci muy interesante el hecho de conocer lo que implica la demencia senil, ya que considero que es una de las peores enfermedades de la vejez , ya que pierdes toda funcin psquica, que a mi ver es lo que te hace existir, ya que sin ella no eres nada. Aparte no solo afecta a estos procesos si no que comienza a haber un deterioro general a raz de dicho trastorno, como por ejemplo en el habla, lo relaciono un poco con que normalmente dicen que en la vejez se vuelve a ser nio, pero aqu yo creo que no es tan literal como en algunas ocasiones sucede ya que muchos adultos mayores pueden seguir siendo como normalmente eran, pero cuando se tiene demencia senil, debido a los grandes trastornos en diferentes reas principales del sujeto esto de volver a ser nio se da de manera idntica, vuelves a depender de los que te rodena y no tienes una coherencia en lo que haces y dices y una cierta imposibilidad en tus funciones. Otra de las cosas que me pareci muy difcil de afronta cuando se tiene demencia senil, es el hecho de perder el control urinal y fecal, porque considero que es algo que para todos es muy privado y causa mucha vergenza el hecho de que alguien te tenga que ayudar a realizar ese tipo de necesidades bsica, as como la desesperaron de no poder controlar algo que como adulto deberas de poder hacer. Por otro lado el hecho de poder desarrollar diversas patologas graves o conductas como, el exhibicionismo, la masturbacin, las ideas delirantes, etc. Que creo que en cierta manera te hacen muchsimo mas difcil el proceso del paso de la vejez y a su vez complican la relacin existente entre tu y las personas que te rodena. Para finalizar creo que el proceso de tratamiento es difcil pero sin duda alguna necesario, para llevar una vida de calidad, en donde tanto tu como las personas que te rodean tenga una vida tranquila a pesar del proceso tan difcil que se pasa por el hecho de tener demencia senil.

Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len Facultad de Psicologa

T.S.P. Enfoque Psicogentico Profesora.- Martha Patricia Snchez Miranda

Tema.- Artculo en ingles

Ana Luisa Jasso de la Rosa Matricula.- 1385392 Grupo.- 6 G

Monterrey, Nuevo Len, Mxico A 14 de Mayo del 2010

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