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Full-Scale Accelerated Pavement Testing

for the Texas State Department of
Highways and Public Transportation

In 1988 the Texas Staie Departmen t of Hi hway and Public PAVEMENT TESTING
Transportation initiated a study to develop a tra tegy 10 acquire
a mobile accelerated pavement te ting devic . Many methods Use of so-called mechanistic design procedures provides en-
w re eva luated, and the mobi le load si mulator (MLS) wa e- gineers with a well-established method for effective pavement
lected for future applic:.iti n on pavements in Texa . The ML ,
for which a provi ional patent exists, incorporates a method f design. In these mechanistic-empirical methods, theoretical
accelerated load application different fr m existing mobile ac- models are used to analyze stress, strain, and deformation
celerated pavement te. ters . A higher degree of traffic simulation (response or behavior) for given loadings in a pavement struc-
nnd much higher production rate. are attainable with the pro- ture, whereas the development of roughness, rutting, and
po ed MLS. The role of accelen11ed pavem nt 1esti 11g in Texa cracking (performance) are empirically related, or calibrated,
and the degree of T al traffic simulati n of the prop i ·ed ML to the response. Pavement behavior is modeled through trans-
ar evaluated. Am th dology (o. including envi ro nmental effects
form functions as a multilayered elastic or viscoelastic struc-
in a celerated paveme nt testfo g is presented.
ture. The models are subject to uncertainty stemmi ng from
inexact descriptions of input such as traffic, environment
Complexities in pavement engineering have led authorities to subgrade properties, and material characteristics. Research-
conclude that accelerated pavement testing devices should be ers recognize that pavement performance prediction will also
used in pavement engineering. Provision for accelerated test- be influenced by factors that are not included in the models
ing is made in one form or another all over the world, from or that are not accurately modeled by mechanistic methods;
plate-loading devices to full-scale test tracks . This new com- thus the necessity of calibration through so-called shift factors.
mitment is easily understood when the investment in pave- Many test methods are used for the calibration of models,
ment structures and the need for testing them in a cost- and there is a wide range in the reliability and the costs of
effective way are considered. these methods. Depending on the availability of funding, en-
In 1988 the Texas State Department of Highways and Public gineering parameter can be estimated , or more appropriate
Transportation (SDHPT) initiated a study at the Center for results can be obtained by testing batches of individual ma-
Transportation Resean.:h al The University of Texas at Austin terial samples. The total pavement structure can also be tested
to explore the feasibility of accelerated testing in the state. by using one of the available methods . From these results,
A steering committee was convened, and guidelines for the the pavement can be mathematically evaluated by simulation.
requirements of the proposed systems were established . The The available methods, which are essentially the decision tools
purpose of the study was to formulate a ·1ratcgy for acquiring, of the engineer, are
operating, and mauaging a mobile accelerated pavement te l-
ing machine that satisfies the needs of the SDHPT. Attention • Computer simulation ,
was given to the role of accelerated pavement testing in pave- • Direct sampling methods and laboratory testing,
ment engineering, meth d of accelerated 'pave111en1 te ting, • Nondestructive evaluation or field testing,
data acquisition and handling. a ncf the projected 1 erational •Test roads,
impact. R ecommendati ns rega rding the scheduling fa plan • Accelerated pavement testing, and
for accelerated paveme nt testing were made on th ba i of • Condition monitoring of in-service pavements.
information from the investigation. The ability of presently
used simulators to satisfy the requirements of the SDHPT was Engineering judgment is vital in using the availahle decision
considered. The feasibility of developing an innovative ac- tools .
celerated pavement testing machine was explored, and the
proposed design of this machine was evaluated. The machine ,
called the mobil.e load simulator (MLS), for which a provi-
ional patent exists, is expected to improve on existing ma- TEST FACTORS PROVIDING THE BUILDING

Many factors affect the behavior of pavement structures under

Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas at Aus- load and environmental conditions. Figure 1 gives the most
tin , Austin, Tex. 78705. important. Most problems experienced in pavement engi-
H ugo et al. 53

MAT & CONST FACTORS PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT AND fluences. In the mid-1980s a combined data base for the United
1)Material Layer System PERFORMANCE States was established through long-term pave ment perfor-
2)Micro Material Structure 1)Maintenance Strategies mance studies as part of the Strategic Highway Research Pro-
3)Material Anisotropy 2)Rehabilitalion Strategies
4)Subgrade Compaction 3)Load transfer in joints
gram . Observation f in-service pave me nt be havior i gen-
S)Subgrade Stiffn ess 4)Percent Steel erally con . id red to be the ullim at e valua tion me thod , in
6)Subgrade Plastic Behavior S)Stripping of Asphalt which the real loadi ng co ndit io n (traffic and e nviro nme nt) of
?)Friction Between Layers 6)Rutting
8)Application of Rejuvenators
the pavem ent is evaluated in real time.
?)Skid Resistance
9)New Materials/Mixtures 8)Wear of Aggregate
1O)D-Cracking 9)Steel Concrete Bond
11 )Construction Variation 1O)Concrete Joint Behavior SELECTION OF PAVEMENT ENGINEERING
12)Flexible bases l l)Fatlgua cracking
13)lime treated bases 12)Structural condition of Pavement DECISION TOOLS
14)Cement treated bases 13)Surface condition of Pavement
1S)Recycled Asphalt 14)Residual life Decision tools availa ble to engineers are shown subj ectively
STRUCTURAL FACTORS 16)Pavement performance (PSI)
in Figure 2 relative to cost and associated knowledge. The
1)Structural Systems range and types of decision tools selected to give an age ncy
2)Voids Beneath Concrete LOAD FACTORS
the knowledge to design . construct, a nd manage highwa y ·
3)Etfect of Shoulders 1) Vehicle Speed
4)Balanced structural composition 2) Dynamic Wheel Loads
depe nd largely on the age ncy's ability to finance a parti cular
3)Multi-Axle Loads combination of tools. In Figure 2b the rectangle defined by
ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 4)Actual Traffic loads the affordable cutoff line and the ho rizontal line linking it to
1)Sur1icial waler (artilicial) 6)Selected Traffic Loads
2)Sub surface water ?)Selected Tire Type
the vertical axis from the turn line defines the extent of usage
3)Artificial Environment B)Selected Tire Pressure of the respective roots. (See the area mapped rel a ti ve to the
and Acceleraled Load 9)Laleral Wheel Distribution total for each method.) The horizontal line de fine · the achiev-
4) Wind l O)Axla Equlvalancy
able knowledge. For optimal results, a range of tools should
S)Temperature 11 )Suspension Type
6)Humidity 12)0verloads be selected encompassing all those to the left of the affordable
cutoff line .
The shape of the turn line in Figure 2b (shown as straight)
1)Traffic monitoring Devices 3)Effects of Gradients
de pe nds o n fa ctor . uch a la bor costs and technological de-
2)Durability ol Ro ad Markings 4)1ire types
ve lo pment , which va ry from age ncy to age ncy. The . hap f
the turn line in Figure 2b determi nes the po irio n o f th ·
FIGURE 1 Testing factors forming the basis of engineering
s-curve band in Figure 2a. Th e s-curve is obtained fr om a
summation of the enclosed test method areas in Figure 2b.
The band represents a range of knowledge that stems from a
neering today are related to these factors . Any pavement test high or low uti liza tion of the te t me th ds.
method should be evaluated on its ability to account for these E nginee ring j udgme nt form. an importan t part of an y se-
factors in a cost-effective yet reliable way . Although they are lection a nd is upple mcnted by the othe r me thods to various
well known in 1990 , their extent has only gradually become degrees. Some agencies rely solely on this knO\ I dge to pro-
known during the past 60 years . Initi ally, most of the problems vide a pave ment infrastructure . Thi s is often ad quate and
were solved by three basic tools-engineering judgment, field may be the only method an agency can afford . To increase
trials and observations , and limited laboratory experimenta- the dependability of a pave ment system, however, more re-
tion using material classification. Essentially, th e physical liable and expe nsive me thods must be used to predict the
characteristics of the materials were used to compare mate- likelihood of distress occurrences.
rials. In this way successful field experiences were related to After the selection of distress criteria for pavements in a
new applications . pecific area , a plan must be develop d a nd equipme nt a -
The road tests introduced the concept of accelerated testing qu ired to obtain rh e inpul info rmatio n, such as mod uli , tha1
to pavement e ngineer . Acee! ra ted pave me nt testing, in which rela te the distre ·s crite ri a to pa ve me nt pe rfo rma nce. r-igurc
the rest periods of the pave me nt are reduced or overloads 2 indicates that computer simulation is an in expen sive eval-
are used , or both, exists in m any forms . The AASHO Road uation method ; however , obtaining accurate input through
Test is an example of accelerated pavement testing using real testing and then deriving or improving the models for greater
traffic. The construction of test roads for accelerated testing relia bility a rc re la tively e xpe nsive.
was soon found to be prohibitively costly. Furthermore, the La boratory testing cove r. a. wide range o f cost. wi th a rel-
results obtained were limited in geographical application and a tively small increa e in relia ble kn wledgc. T he . o-called
extrapo lation. How ve r, pavement engineers accepted ac- one-way te ting me thod is usuall us d in which all varia bles
celerated pavement l'esting as a way to establish results of excc pr the o ne to b ' e valunte I a re ke pt c<> nsta nt. An exa mple
pavement performance quickly and reliably. By the e<irly 1970s , is stabilo me te r testing f asphalt co ncre te mixture , in which
developmems in he<tvy machinery ma nufacturing led to mo- on ly the a phalt co nte nt is va ried . Field testing can ra nge fro m
bile accelerated test machines that use simulated traffic load- imple pe ne tralio n tests to o btaining ·a mple fo r testing in
ing such as the heavy vehicle ·imulator (HVS) in South Africa the conve ntional manner in a lab rato.ry. It a u e mpts to eval-
and , later, the accelerated 1 ading fa cility (ALF) in Aust ra lia. uate cha nges in the pe rtin ent properties due to environme nt al
Further details are discussed later. and traffic influences a n<.! includes in situ destructive and non-
Several agencies use observation of in-service pa vement destructive testing and evaluation . It may also include short-
behavior to gain knowledge of traffic and environmental in- term evaluation of behavior, such as early-age cracking of

"'"' >-
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·~ E
El :J
E ~ ,...._


"'"'"' -
'O I
~ I Test
0 /Road s
c E
~ .=i
:0 "' "'
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Low Medium High


FIGURE 2 Financial investment and associated knowledge.

portland cement concrete pavements and static load deflec- ·imulators and lab ratory testing w re n idered necessary
tion measurements. The objective is to evaluate more of the to provide fa t an. wcr that could be calibrated again ·t long-
system so that the effective parameters can be used in the term performance of pavement. . It was e vident that none of
analysis of pavement behavior. Accelerated pavement testing the methods shown in Figure 2 offered a complete solution
i used in many forms to provide the informati n t devel p and that all the methods had to supplement each other.
and eval uate di !res · criteria. It has increased in popularity
in the la ·t 2() years becau · of Lhe high attainable bencfit-to-
cost ratios [examples of 10 to 1 hflve he n reported (J)l and ACCELERATED PAVEMENT
its ability to test pavement responses that cannot be le t d in TESTING FACILITIES
other ways.
The cost of testing a section of pavement with an MLS is The testing facilities evaluated by SDHPT were those devel-
estimated to vary between $100,000 and $120,000 for 15,000,000 ped ~ r studyin problems a ciated with pavement design
ESALs. This compares favorably with the present value of (i.e. tho e faciJitie having wheel loads in the typical range
cost per test section of the AASHO Road Test as shown in of trucks and opera ting on complete pavement structures).
the following table. The main difference is that the latter had Subgrade could be either natural or imported. Lighter wheel
a limited number of load applications and was limited to one load facilitie , intended for scudying the behavior of single
geographic location. layer , were not included .
Cost Component Value Test facilities were divided into four categories according
to their de ·ign and method of 10·1d acceleration: full-scale test
Number of load applications 1,114,000
Duration 2 years track (AASHO Road Te L etc.), circular testing devices,
Number of test sections 836 linear testing device. (fixed location) and linear re ting de-
Lengths of test sections 160-260 ft vices mobile). O nl y the line<lr le Ling d vice with mobile
Total cost of test (1962) $27' 114 ,220 features will be discussed .
Present value of cost ( 4%) $81,307,501
Apart from the proposed MLS , which is in the devel pment
Present value of cost/test section $97,257
phase only two types of linear, mobile machines have been
An FHWA-spon ored pavement testing conference (2) built to apply accelerated wheel loads to pavement sections
concluded that a national pavement testing program was needed at any location. (The Corps of Engineers has built and used
together with a rehabilitation program . Simultaneously, a long- mobile testing machines at its test site in Vicksburg, Missis-
term nmionwid in- ervic pavement monitoring sy tern using ippi but they have not been deployed.) One of the two is
both existi ng nnd new pavement with untraffi keel loops needed the HVS, developed at the end of the 1960s in South Africa.
to be introduced. ccelerated pavement re. ting using vehicle Three improved HVSs are still operational. The other ma-
Hugo et al. 55

chine is the ALF, in use in Australia since 1984 and opera- TABLE 1 COMPARISON OF MOBILE LINEAR
tional in the United States since October 1986. ACCELERATED PAVEMENT TESTERS
The HVS has the dimensions of an oversized heavy vehicle. ALF HVS MLS
It can be pulled over long d i. tance like a trailer by hooking Test Loads/Axle(kip)
the goo e neck LO a three-axle truck tractor a nd tran porting Sinale/Dual Wheel 9.4 - 37.9 4.5 -45 6 -25
Test Wheel Size
it on two axle with 12 wheels total. Sceerab.le wheel a nd a
Sinale/Dual 11x22.5 14 x 20 11 x 22.5
drive train allow movement of the machine over short dis- Wheel Soeedlmoh\ 12 8 20
tances without a tractor. The test wheel applies bi- or uni- Reo/Hour 360 1200 10 920
directional loading over a length of 32.8 ft. Successive passes Trafficked Lenalh 40 32.6 35
Lateral Displacement
are distributed over a track width of up to S ft at a top speed of Test Wheelslfll 2.65 4.9 3
of 9 mph. Although the wheel is no rmally variable up to 22.5 Other Lengths(lt)
kips , loadi ngs of 45 kip have bee n achi ved for the te ting Testing 92.6 74.15 60
Transoortation 96.4 74.15 48 ... 46
of airport pavements. T he working, feature , and applications
Overall Widlbtltl 13_8 12.2 11
of the HVS are described elsewhere (1,3). Overall Heighl(lt)
The ALF is owned by the Australian Road Research Board Testing 22 13.6 17
and has been operational since February 1984. FHW A inter- Transoortation 14.4 n/a 13.5
Total Masslkiol 123 125 130
est in the machine stemmed from the March 1984 Interna-
tional Pavement Conference in McLean, Virginia (2). In mid-
1984 the plans and aut horit y to build the U.S. A F we re ti VS ALF
Dual Wheels Dual Wheels
acquired and the machi ne wa · deli vered in August 19 6. The Single Set Single Set
ALF is patented in 20 coun tri . Using dual truck tires with
loads ranging from 9,000 to 22,500 lb the ALF applies ac-
cele rated loading t the pavement at a ra te of 9,200 appli-
cations per day at 12 mph on a test section 33 ft long. The
load is carried with the load wheel. The use of gra ity in the
tart-up procedure and allowing gravity to provide the accel-
eration and deceleration of the load are energy efficient. Elec- MLS
tric motors are used for replacing energy lost because of fric-
tion. Lateral load distribution is provided, with various loading
patterns to select from. The manufacture of the U.S. ALF is
do umented in a 1987 FHWA repor t (4).
The MLS, the prototype of which is to be developed over
2 years starting in September 1990, is a new type of vehicle
simulator based on a concept for improving the rate of real DualfTandem Axles
load application. The concept was evaluated through the con- Multiple Sets
truc ti Jl of a l -in-10 scale working model hown in Figure 3.
FIGURE 4 Comparison of methods of load
The model version was constructed to serve as a basis for the application among HVS, ALF, and MLS.
design and construction of the full-scale prototype and will
also be used in the establishment of a modeled paveme nt
testing program for DHPT. A comparison f the features
a nd performance of the three yste m is given in Table I and PROPOSED MLS DESIGN
th differ nee in the m thod of load application are shown
in F igme 4. Because the ML method of load applicatio n can To increase the degree of real load simulation, the intention
inc rporate fo ur, ix, or eight unde rcarriage of trucks. a is to use standard truck components, including axles, tires,
mixture of toad magnitudes is easily incorporated by varying and suspension systems, as far as possible. Because there are
the spring stiffnesses or types of suspensions. many variations in the designs of each of the e c mponents,
the MLS will have to be as adapta I as po sible. The adapt-
abiJ ity of the M may inte rest manufacture rs of . uch com-
pon 111 in te ting new d velopmenr in thei r re ·pecti e fields
wit h the pro1 o ed MLS and will enhance use of ihe MLS.
rit e ria to b met in the d sign of the proposed ML fall
under either overall dimensions or performance. The first
determines transportation limitations , and the second deter-
mines the rate of load application or the production rate.
Specific design criteria (axle spacing and speed) were se-
lected on the basis of practical con. iderations. A schematic
con figurat ion i sh wn in Figure 5. This was eval uated by
compari on with rea l traffic. lechanical feat ure · tha t wi ll be
lhe ·ame in both the MLS a nd trucks, o-called off-the- helf
items, were not evaluated for accuracy of simulation. These
FIGURE 3 One-in-10 scale model of MLS. include features such as springs, wheels, and resistance trans-

ness, and suspension types are the same in the MLS as in real
trucks, these need not be evaluated. However, speed and
SO' 100 sprung mass will differ considerably.
A Transport and Road Research Laboratory theoretical
study evaluated the dynamic behavior of a wheel of a single-
axle vehicle suspension system. The impact factor (IF), which
is the common name for the ratio of dynamic force to the
static wheel force applied to the road, was used in the study.
Figure 6 shows an evaluation of axle hop at speeds varying
from 10 to 60 km/hr (6 to 37 mph) over a 40 x 250 mm
(1% x 10 in.) bump. The figure indicates that the first, sec-
ond, and third IFs, or hops, increase with speed, but that the
SO ' 100 second and third maximum IFs are expected at 33 km/hr (21
mph). For the first peak, an IF maximum of 3.0 is calculated
at a speed of 100 km/hr (62.5 mph) with a theoretical maxi-
mum of 3.33. Figure 6 shows that a 17 percent reduction for
the first peak can be expected for the MLS operating at 20
mph, compared with a truck traveling at 60 mph. Overesti-
mates of 17 and 9 percent, respectively, are expected for the
second and third peaks.

FIGURE 5 Proposed MLS dimensions and axle configurations.

Sprung Weight

mitted as a force to the surface of the pavement. Criteria The sprung weight per axle on the MLS will be in excess of
evaluated were thus speed, sprung weight (mass riding on top (and may be double) typical sprung weights of trucks because
of suspension), unsprung weight (mass riding beneath sus- of provision for overloading of the structure to reduce dy-
pension), load intervals, lateral load distribution of under- namic effects. However, this will not affect the bogie system,
carriages, and deflection bowl influences midway between because the MLS superstructure will be supported on retract-
axles of a tandem bogie and midway between two tandem able legs resting on the pavement.
bogies. (Undercarriages of trucks are commonly referred to
as bogies and consist of single, tandem, tridem, or steering
axles plus wheels and suspensions.) Unsprung Weight

Depending on the design of the load transfer bogies trans-

Axle Spacing lating around the frame, the unsprung weight (axle compo-
nents) can either be similar to or in excess of actual truck
Axle spacing in the system was an important consideration unsprung weights; the first is preferable. This can be done
because only through detailed design of the positioning as far as the
electrical motor and transmission are concerned. A typical
• Recovery time and residual stresses for viscoelastic ma- electric motor of 120 to 150 hp with the transmission could
terials should represent real conditions; add from 1,500 to 2,000 lb to the unsprung weight if it is
• Deflection bowls between axle bogies should not overlap, placed below the suspension.
leading to excessive superposition of stresses and strains; and
• Electrical motors to drive the system must be able to
produce relatively high speeds and should be placed in the Load Intervals
system to provide combinations of driving and tagging axles
without excessive fluctuations in speed. · Evaluation of the load intervals in Figure 7 indicates that there
is a similarity in the loading patterns of the pavement material.
For modulus of rupture testing, stresses are generally applied
Speed at the same level and frequencies, which may not be the case
for real pavement loading, because of variations in traffic
The design speed of the MLS is being limited to 20 mph . This loading conditions. For all four situations, the longer resting
should ensure stability and improve on other linear acceler- periods are similar; however, the intervals between axles on
ated pavement testing machines. Power requirements will be the same bogie for the MLS and axles on the same bogie for
based on achieving this speed within 2 min. a truck differ by the ratio of truck speed to machine speed,
In the literature (5), the dynamic effect of l'rllffic loading which is two and three times smaller for the truck. This is due
is based on stimates of the dynamic loading coeffici nt, which to the selected machine design, which features actual truck
is the standard deviation of the dynamic load/static load and bogies for economy and better mechanical simulation.
a function of the sprung mass acceleration . Because mechan- Increasing the speed of the machine would greatly improve
ical aspects such as unsprung mass, spring stiffness, tire stiff- the accuracy of the simulation of resting periods for tandem
Hugo et al. 57

First Peak

Second Peak

Third Peak


MLS Operating Speed Truck Operating


0 20 40 60 80 100

Speed km / h

FIGURE 6 IF versus speed.

used that were comparable with those of asphalt concrete

Modulus of Rupture Testing Rates
pavements. The systems are . hown in Figure 8.
MLS 20mph Circular load were assumed in the analysis, representing
a set of dual wheels and carrying a load of 9,000 lb at 75 psi
Truck 40mph wheel pressure . The simplification wa made because ELSYM5
Truck 60 mph
evaluates a maximum of 10 uniform loads. The an alysis is
• 2 second tolfowlna 1
I I 1 1
1 al ·o subject t the u ua l ass umpti ns of laye red the ry.
D e flection profile · we re drawn for loading situa tions in
0.0 1.0 2 .0 3.0 4.0 which the di tan e be tween bogies was va ried (see Figure 9).
Time (sec) According to A Factbook of the Meclrnnica / Propenies of the
ompo11e111s for Single- Unit and Articulated Heavy Trucks (7).
FIGURE 7 Typical load intervals for a point on
corresponding offsets (x-distances) f r trucks a re o n th ore! r
a pavement.
of 33 to 45 ft. The f(ect of teering ax les wa no t take n into
account. The MLS will have two discrete x-distances of 36 ft
axles but would lead to a decrease in resting periods for the and four x-distances of 16 ft, as shown in Figure 5.
longer ections. An alternative would be the re moval of the To establish an upper limit for x-distances to be evaluated,
middle bogie in each set of three bogies. Thi reduces the 2-sec following distances for trucks traveling a t 45 mph were
total number of axle. co e ight which will r educe the ra te of taken . Analysis at longe r x-di t<inces was not done in view of
achievable acceleration considerably. Problems may also arise the trends of the results.
with irregular rotation speeds because of fewer axles on the Figure 10 shows the findings of the three-layer analy i .
pavement to provide translation. Similar results were found for the four-layer sy tern. The fol-
lowing deductions can be made from the deflection graphs:

Lateral Load Distribution 1. At the 36-ft x-distance, surface deflections experienced

with MLS loading are comparable with and fall within the
The previou ly discussed inter vals of loading will al o be in-
fluenced by the effect of lateral load di stributi o n o'f actu al
traffic. Accordingly it was decided to obtain simi lar va ria nce 3-LAYER SYSTEM 4-LAYER SYSTEM
by spacing the different bogies randomly within a total lateral
width of 36 in.
4" u =0.3
u = 0 .15 E = 1,000,000 psi
8" E = 4,000,000 psi
Deflection Bowl Influences Between Bogies due to
6" u = 0.3
Closer Spacing of Axles on the MLS E = 200,000 psi
u = 0.4
Using the linear elastic multilaye r program EL YM5 (6), two 6" E = 30,000 psi
u = 0.4
pave ment types we re e va luated to examine the influe nces of 6" E = 30,000 psi
the deflection bowls created by the tandem axles or a sta-
u = 0.5
tionary truck and by the MLS . For the three-layer system, E = 5,000 psi
modulus values were taken that were comparable with ma- u = 0.45
E = 5,000 psi
terial properties expected in portland cement concrete pave-
ments. For the four-layer system, material properties were FIGURE 8 Pavement systems evaluated with ELSYMS.


Point of measurement
between axles
Poinl of measurement
between bogies
Wheel contact area
9,000lb@ 75 psi

FIGURE 9 Diagram for computer analysis.

0.01 . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

~ -O.G1
w -0.02

0 20 40 60 80 100

FIGURE 10 Deflections for three-layer system (9,000 lb, z = 0 in.).

range of truck deflections for measurements between axles the relative contributions of the environment and loading to
and between bogies. the total distress manifestation are not assessable. However ,
2. For both types of pavements, measurements of deflec- when accelerated loading is used to hasten the distress to a
tions between axles of a bogie show little sensitivity to the x- limiting level , the rate at which distress occurs (slope of D,
distance up to 25 ft. and D 2 in Figure lla) is an indication of the relative positions
3. The offset at the 16-ft x-distance indicates significant of 11 and 12 on the time scale and the degree of distress caused
influ nc from the respective deflection bowls. Depending on by the environment. Conceptually, it can be shown that an
the pirvement type, a difference of up to 0.015 in. can be infinite distress accumulation rate would be reached at the
experienced. distress limit , when the structure is tested without accelera-
tion. The1efure, the rate of distress occurrence at a given time,
On the basis of this analysis, superposition of deflection using statistically based data, can be used to estimate the
bowls can be expected for axle spacings corresponding to x- remaining life of a structure.
distances less than 16 ft. The effect of undercarriage spacing Figure llb shows how two similar pavement sections are
on test section performance is therefore an important variable tested to failure under the same environmental conditions but
to be analyzed, and variable undercarriage spacing must be at different times during the life of the pavement. The dif-
a feature of the system. ference between the number of accelerated load applications
(N 1 and N 2 ) can be attributed to two factors: the additional
traffic that used the second section and aging or environmental
EVALUATION OF CLIMATIC FACTORS USING effects. Because the traffic between testing of the first and
ACCELERATED PAVEMENT TESTING second sections, N, ,.mc• can easily be measured , the reduction
(or, in some cases, increase) in N 2 , the remaining life, must
In the following discussion, it is assumed that environmental be attributable to environmental effects, as given in Equation
effects cause a reduction of pavement life. This need not be 2.
true thro ughout the pave ment life; liuwever, the same prin-
ciples apply when environmental influences cause an increase (1)
in pavement life or a mixture of beneficial and detrimental
effects. (2)
The traditional relationships between distress and time are
shown in Figure lla. The figure shows that a certain distress This relationship can be used to evaluate the effect of pro-
occurs in a pavement because of the combined effects of load cedures designed to counteract environmental distress and to
and environment. The distress occurs at an increasing rate, estimate the remaining life of a pavement structure.
especially toward the end of the structure life, because of A plot of the number of load applications versus time is
dynamic loading due to rougher pavement. At any given time, shown in Figure llb. A locus of failure points is given, from
Hugo et al. 59

91m11 f---l~---------'l;_-----~f- 0
0 acpe

__ Locusof
failure points

Strain- Time -

FIGURE 11 Conceptual application of accelerated pavement testing to evaluate environmental effects

on pavements.

an interpolati n f accelerated failure poLnts at different times different times to failure . Connecting the failure points will
(1 1, 12 ) , as well a the failure point of the un accelerated truc- result in the two accelerated load tran ·fer function .
tur . Accelerated loading occurs a t <l constant rate re ulcing 8 tablishing the other point on T,,,, requir s th strai n paths
in parallel lines that lead to a certain failure mode at differe nt fo r a t least three accele rated test pe riods . the accelerated
numbers of load app.lications. as given in ·quation 2. strai n path li t 11 , t !, and t J (1 3 n t ·h wn in Figure llc). and
Two fam.ili s of curves are presented in ·igure 1 lc. T he the application of the same load magnitude . Beca use of the
straight lines represent the tran fer functions relating strain mixture of traffic . the . r.rain path for traffic can be re pr nted
to the number of load applications at failure that can be ex- by a weighted a erage strain cau ·ed by the traffi -, which in
pe ted at a given con rant stress level. urrent!y, laboratory turn d fine the load to be us d for the accele rate d te ting.
results ar · used to determine these r la tionship. . Laboratory Plotting the strain paths for 11 • 12 • and l.i will re ' u!t in failure
results often underestim ate fatigue !if of the material under points on each respective tran fe r unction after a certain
real traffic and environmental conditions, which necessitates number of app lica tions. The train path for lhe norm ally traf-
the use of shift factors to pre vent costly overdesign of pave- fi ked pave ment betwee n t , a nd 1.1 can ;;ti o be pl tted . an I it
ment structures. reat uncertainty exists about the magnitud se rve as the p int r origin for ncce!crated tc ting ·train
of these shift factors, given that the goal is to determine Tr;n path . Th traffic strai n path is the n ex trap lated I tile T,
(see Figure ! le). tran fer function (not hown) . T o establi h the ec nd I oint
The econd fa mil y is the curved relation hips thal depict on Tr;,. , which lie. on the traffi strain pa th the locus of
the strain path versus number of load applications followed accele rated fai lure 1 oints can be extrapo lated until it coi ncides
by a material und r con tan! stres I ading. ·or con. tant strain, with the normal traffic strain path.
these path <1re repr e nl ed by straight vertical lines. trnin ln thil> \ ay a family f lr:tn. fer function: relating Strain to
i shown as th depenc!ent vari able in F igur 1lc. Because th numbe r f I ad applications can be c. tablishecl ~ r dif-
strain i not ea ily derived or determined in in-s rvice pave- ferent combination of e nvironmen t <tn I I ad. Thi · can be
ments, urface deflections arc usually u ed ins tea I o·f ·t ra in . done in considerably less time than would nornwlly be re-
Acceler1tcd testing a llows th re •arche r to locate Tn .. by quired using long-term pavement performance ;' LUdies.
testing at different times durin g th li fe of a pa emen 1 st ruc-
ture. For u sp cific tru ·ture. defining the position of the
transferfunction at T 1 and T,_ will define the coinciding origin CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMEND ATIO NS
for the relation hips al one I ad application . All tran ·fer func-
tion , including Tr,,., for that structure will originare from this A concept for an accelerated pavement te. ting machine ha
point , thu · e. tablishing one point on th st might line. The been pre ented as a first tep . Opera ti n of the mnchme ha
transfer function . at 7'1 and T2 ca n be stab li hed by accel- been de cribed in a technical br chure, and a wo rking model
erated testing at different levels of constant stress, leading to of the MLS was constructed as proof of the mechanical fea-

ibility of the concept. T he mode l hO\ n in Figure 3 will a lso ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

be used for mode l pavement studies. The next tep de ig n
a nd c nstruction of a full - cale prntotype , has been com- This paper is published with the permission of SDHPT. The
pleted. The development and use of the machine will be done auth r gratefully acknowledge th ·uppor.t of the depart-
within the budget constraints of SDHPT. Manufacture of sub- me nt, particularly R. G. Wei ·ch , who recogni zed th capa-
equent machines will be underta ken only a fter a performanc bilities of the MLS a nd guided its devel pme nt a chairman
evaluation of the pro totype has been completed and good of the project steering committee .
experim ntal re ults have been obtai ned .
Use of accelerated pavement testing is to be expected and
en uraged by agencies ud1 as DHP . he cost of this typ e
of te. ting, estimated a.t about $530,000 per yea r per mac hine
(five tests per year), may necessitate a lte rnative funding t I. R. N. Walker. T he outh African Heavy Vehicle Simulat r. An-
guard against e ncroac hing on other re earch programs. Max- nual Trnnsporl ation onve111ion Pretori a. outh Africa. 1985.
imization of be nefi t from acce lera ted paveme nt te ·ting will 2. G. B. 13yrd and R. . Hutchinson. Pa veme111 Testing Co11ferem:.e .
require dedicated fundin g to support a long- term le r pro- FHWA , May 1984.
3 . Na tion al In titulc for Transp rt a nd Road Re ca rch. Symposiwn
gram. At thi ·tage out-of- ta te participa1jon in th e progra m 0 11 Rece111 Findings of Neavy V •hicle Sim11/a1or Tes1i11g. Annual
has been limited t an advi o ry capacity. T ran portation Conve ntion Pretoria. out h Africa , J984..
The MLS is expected to be operational in 18 months. Ul- 4. H . K. Berry and R. . Pan uska. Ma1111fac111re of a11 l\cceleraled
timately the MLS program could be viewed in one of two Loadi11gFacili1y(A LF). Report FHWA-RD-87·071. FHWA . U .•.
ways. It could be used as the main indicator of the behavior Department of Transportation , April 1987.
5. J. Page. Dynamic Belw vior of a Si11gle A.rte Vehicle S11spe11 ion
of pavement structures , which implies an extensive fleet of y5·1em: II Theore1ic11J Swdy. TRRL. LR 580. 1973.
l'vlLSs with a dedicated work force for many years to come . G. G. Ahlborn . ELSYM5. ompwer Progrnm for De1er111i11i11g Srresse ·
Alternatively, the MLS program could be considered as a and Defor111a1io11 in Five La •er Ela tic Systems. Univer ity of al-
means by which less expensive, faster, but still reliable meth- ifomia , Berkeley.
7. P. S. Fancher, R. D . Ervi n. . D. Winkler. and T . D. Gillespie .
ods can be developed and evaluated Jong after most of the
A FaCJbook of the Mecha11ical Propcnies of rhe 0111po11ent for
MLS testing has been phased out. This decision will have to i11gle-U11it n11d Ar1ic11la1ed Heavy Trucks. Transportation Re-
be made on the basis of a benefit-cost analysis. search Institu te. The University of Michigan. l\nn Arbor , 1986.

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