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1, JANUARY 2023

Compaction Prediction for Asphalt Mixtures Using

Wireless Sensor and Machine Learning Algorithms
Shuai Yu and Shihui Shen

Abstract— Compaction is a critical step in asphalt roadway voids or density of the asphalt pavement, especially during
construction to determine the pavement’s quality and service life. compaction. Current approaches to determine the pavement’s
Current field compactions are mainly based on test strips and compaction are mainly based on the engineers’ experience
engineers’ experiences. Such empirical-based approaches some-
times cause compaction problems especially when new materials and density measurement devices (e.g., nuclear or non-nuclear
are implemented. Intelligent compaction (IC) technology was density gauge) at selected spots. The test sections need to be
invented to improve compaction quality. The real-time collection constructed beforehand to establish the correlations between
and visualization of the pavement responses and temperature the pavement density and the compaction patterns (passes,
can greatly improve compaction uniformity. However, the mate- speed, vibration amplitude, mode, etc.). The correlation can
rial viscoelastic property and the complex pavement structure
still hinder the establishment of the correlation between the hardly be adjusted once the compaction pattern is fixed; the
Intelligent Compaction Measurement Value (ICMV) and the compaction quality of the entire pavement construction thus
compactability of asphalt pavement. This paper aims to establish cannot be guaranteed.
compaction prediction models based on machine learning (ML) Intelligent Compaction (IC) technology was developed to
algorithms and sensing technology. Given the strong correlation collect real-time compaction data to improve compaction
between the mixture’s compactability and the particle compaction
characteristics, a particle-size wireless sensor, SmartRock, was quality and uniformity. IC technology is a vibratory roller
used to collect the particle kinematic behaviors during com- equipped with a high-accurate Global Positioning System
paction. 11 asphalt mixtures were compacted with an embedded (GPS), accelerometers, onboard computers, and infrared ther-
SmartRock sensor. Three ML models and three dataset scenarios mometers for compacted material feedback control [3]. It
were applied to predict the compaction condition, and a higher can monitor the real-time pavement condition to guide the
than 98% prediction accuracy was achieved. The results revealed
that combining the ML approach and sensing data is appropriate compaction and improve uniformity. However, the response
and practical for predicting the compaction condition of the data collected by the IC system are from the entire structure
asphalt mixture. Future studies shall further evaluate the algo- instead of the asphalt layer, which is mainly attributed to the
rithm based on field compaction data so that intelligent sensing inconsistent correlations between the Intelligent Compaction
technology can be implemented to improve compaction quality. Measurement Value (ICMV) and the compactability of the
Index Terms— Asphalt mixture, compaction prediction, asphalt pavement [4]. The complicated interaction between
machine learning, particle characteristics, sensing technology. the viscoelastic material and the roller drums also hinders the
I. I NTRODUCTION establishment of this correlation [4], [5].
In recent decades, many sensors and devices were applied
C OMPACTION is one of the most critical steps in asphalt
roadway construction, which ultimately determines the
quality and service life of the pavement [1]. An asphalt mixture
to assess pavement conditions. For example, the image
acquisition system was often used to collect the surface
damages and assist the decision-making for pavement
with a desirable design could perform poorly if it has not
management [6]. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) can check
acquired proper compaction. Research pointed out that a 1%
the inside pavement distress according to the propagation and
increase in air voids can lead to about a 10% loss of its service
reflection of the electromagnetic wave [7]. The smartphone
life if using 7% as the target air voids, while 3% or fewer air
could collect the external acceleration of the moving vehicle
voids could be more likely to have thermal expansion and
on the detective pavement to assess the surface roughness
unstable issues [2]. However, it is tricky to measure the air
of the pavement [8]. These tools successfully evaluated the
Manuscript received 8 April 2022; revised 19 July 2022; accepted conditions of the existing pavements by analyzing the related
13 October 2022. Date of publication 11 November 2022; date of cur- image or kinematic data at the intermediate temperature. How-
rent version 26 January 2023. This work was supported in part by the
Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multi-Modal Transportation ever, the high-temperature working condition still impeded
Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) University Transportation Center (UTC) the application of many devices/sensors in the compaction
and in part by Ingevity Company. The Associate Editor for this article was research. Comparably, the SmartRock, as a prototype wireless
J. Sanchez-Medina. (Corresponding author: Shihui Shen.)
Shuai Yu is with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) sensor, is found
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 USA (e-mail: to have a high survival rate in a high-temperature environment. Wang et al. [9] first introduced the SmartRock in the laboratory
Shihui Shen is with the Department of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State
University, Altoona, PA 16601 USA (e-mail: compaction and found that the internal particle behavior during
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2022.3218692 compaction presented a clear correlation with the density of
1558-0016 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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the asphalt mixture. The Superpave Gyratory Compaction

(SGC) process can be divided into three stages based on
the internal particle rotation. Further in-field compaction
studies revealed that the internal particle would respond
differently under various compaction modes and stages [10].
These findings affirmed that the internal particle kinematic
behavior during compaction should be carefully investigated
for compaction quality control and strategy optimization. Fig. 1. SmartRock system (a) the appearance (b) inside sensors
With advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and data (c) SmartRock receiver.
sensing technology, machine learning (ML) approaches are
getting popular in the industrial process, roadway net-
rotation, surface stress, and inside temperature. The 3D-
work maintenance, and prediction [11]. Souza et al. [12],
printed external shell can sustain temperatures as high as
Nabipour et al. [13], and Marcelino et al. [14] developed
150◦C, guaranteeing its workability in the high-temperature
ML models to evaluate the pavement condition and pre-
compaction environment. The collected data can be simulta-
dict its remaining service life. The reasonable predictions
neously transmitted to the computer using wireless Bluetooth
confirmed that ML could be used as an optimization tool
Low Energy (BLE) technology. The small dimension and the
in pavement management systems. Kwigizile et al. [15],
Bluetooth transmission technology reduced disturbances to the
Amorim et al. [16], and Zhang et al. [17] combined AI and
compaction when it was embedded in an asphalt mixture
data-sensing technologies and developed different algorithms
specimen. During application, each SmartRock sensor has its
and neural networks to classify and monitor the types, loads,
coordinate system, called local coordinates. The SmartRock
and speeds of vehicles. The accurate evaluation offered reliable
data were initially collected on the local coordinate and then
inputs for the pavement structural design. Furthermore, hybrid
transformed to the global coordinate for convenient analy-
ML and biogeography-based programs (BBP) were developed
sis and comparison. The coordinate transformation between
to predict the dynamic modulus of asphalt concrete. The
global and local coordinates can be achieved by equations (1)
results specified that the ML model could predict an efficient
and (2), shown at the bottom of the page, where, q1, q2, q3,
and accurate dynamic modulus, and their predictions even
and q4 are the quaternion collected by the SmartRock. z and
outperformed the Witczak and Hirsch models for the same
z  are the data on global and local coordination, respectively.
materials [18], [19].
For multilayered asphalt pavements, the compaction inter-
action between the viscoelastic materials and roller drums B. Machine Learning Algorithms
is complex and often confounded by many factors such A data-informed approach was applied in this research
as climate, subgrade condition, and compactors’ variability. to evaluate the interaction between the viscoelastic material
Given the successful application of the machine learning and compactor. The data-informed approach uses the analy-
algorithm and sensing technology in pavement engineering, sis of the collected data as a check on the experiences to
this paper will integrate these technologies into asphalt mixture improve the success of decision-making [20]. It helps decide
compaction and aim to (1) identify critical predictor variables whether or not the compaction efforts were enough for asphalt
for the compaction prediction of asphalt pavement; (2) develop mixtures by combining the engineers’ experiences and the
machine learning models to predict the compaction condition data analysis from machine learning (ML) technology. In this
of the laboratory asphalt mixture; (3) compare the prediction laboratory compaction project, with the calculable compaction
quality of different machine learning algorithms and verify condition as a reference, all algorithms (Figure 2) used in
their robustness for various prediction scenarios. this study are supervised ML models. They are the support
vector machine (SVM) classifier, logistic regression (LR), and
II. M ETHODOLOGY K-nearest neighbor (KNN).
1) Support Vector Machine (SVM): SVM is a supervised
A. SmartRock Sensor ML model for two-group classification problems. Its purpose
Given the successful application of the SmartRock is to find a plane that has the maximum margin (i.e., the
(Figure 1) in asphalt research, this study chose it to capture maximum distance between data points of both classes) from
the real-time particle kinematic behavior during compaction. the infinity of possible planes. If the original data can be
SmartRock is a 27mm cube. The internal units consist of an separated linearly, the SVM would create a decision boundary
accelerometer, a gyroscope, a magnetometer, stress gauges, (hyperplane) that can distinctly classify the N-dimensional
and a thermometer to collect the real-time acceleration, data points [21]. If not, the SVM would create a new variable

⎡   ⎤
1 − 2 q32 + q42  −
2 (q2q3 q1q4) 2 (q2q4 + q1q3)
R = ⎣ 2 (q2q3 + q1q4) 1 − 2 q2 + q42
2 (q3q4 q1q2)⎦ (1)
2 (q2q4 − q1q3) 2 (q3q4 + q1q2) 1 − 2 q2 + q32

z  = Rz (2)

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Fig. 2. (a) Support vector machine (b) Logistic regression (c) K-nearest

using the kernel function to move the original data to a higher

dimension and do the nonlinear separation. The kernel function Fig. 3. Gradation of the asphalt mixtures.
used in the SVM could be linear, polynomial, radial, etc. The
data points closest to the hyperplane are the support vectors,
which significantly influence the position and orientation of the on their proximity and similarity to other available data points
hyperplane. The SVM classifier is notable for its effectiveness [23]. However, the calculation speed would decrease rapidly
in the high-dimensional data case, which is why it is selected as the training data increases [24].
for the compaction prediction.
2) Logistic Regression (LR): LR models a relationship III. M ATERIALS AND E XPERIMENT
between predictor variables and a categorical response vari- A. Materials
able. It is an extension of the linear regression model for clas-
11 asphalt mixtures varying in mixture type, gradation, and
sification problems. LR gives the probability between 0 and 1
compaction temperatures were included in this study. Each
based on the sigmoid function as presented in equation (3)
mixture had 3 replicate specimens (note: one mixture only has
[22]. To predict which class a data belongs to, a possibility
two replicates since one specimen lost its sensing data during
threshold would be set. LR is not only a classification model
compaction), and a total of 32 specimens were compacted. All
but also gives probabilities for each prediction, which offers
mixtures’ information and gradation curves are summarized in
more insights and information to decision-makers.
Table I and Figure 3.
P (x) =  (3)
1 + e−( βi x+β0 )
B. Compaction Experiment
3) K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN): KNN algorithm is a super- The Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) is one of the
vised machine learning algorithm used to solve classification most commonly used compactors in the laboratory. The Pine
problems. It stores all available cases and classifies new cases G2 SGC is used to compact the asphalt mixture in this project.
based on the selected features. Simply put, the known data During the compaction, the SGC compactor would monitor
would be arranged in a space defined by the specific feature. the compaction loading, moment, and height of the specimen
The algorithm will compare the classes of the K closest data at each gyration. The mixture’s compaction effort and shear
to determine which category the new data belongs to. The resistance could be determined accordingly. The SmartRock
KNN is simple yet efficient. Without any assumptions about was embedded at the center of the specimen to obtain stable
the underlying data distribution, it classifies data points based and most representative particle rotation results at a 17Hz

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Fig. 4. Illustration of the relative rotation [9].

specimen at each gyration can be determined by

equation (4).
2) Test specimen: three specimens with the SmartRock
sensor were compacted to investigate the particle kine-
matic behaviors during compaction. To guarantee the
same compaction condition as the reference specimen,
Fig. 5. Comparison of the relative rotation curve and height curve. each specimen was deducted by 50g mass of mixture to
accommodate the SmartRock sensor.

h end G mb
%G mm @i t h = × (4)
hi G mm
where h end is the height of the specimen when compaction
ended. h i is the specimen height at i t h gyration. G mb is the
bulk specific gravity of the specimen when compaction ends.
G mm is the maximum specific gravity of the asphalt mixture.


A. Output Determination
Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the SGC compaction.
The output of the prediction model is categorized into two
groups, “Compaction Done” and “Compaction Needed.” The
sampling frequency [9]. To ensure the sensor is placed at the selection of the density threshold is based on the construction
center of the specimen, half of the mixtures were spread into Specification of the Pennsylvania Department of Transporta-
the mold. The SmartRock sensor was placed in the middle of tion (PennDOT), which requires the density of all 9.5 mm,
the mixtures and then the rest of the materials were added. 12.5 mm, 19 mm, and 25 mm wearing or binder courses be
The procedure of using SmartRock (SR) in the compaction greater than 92%G mm [25]. For the convenience of practical
test consists of the following steps: application, this paper also considers two predictive levels, (1)
1) Check the connectivity of the SmartRock with the com- classification with a fixed value of threshold; (2) classification
puter before compaction. Collect the initial data on a with a buffer zone. Details of these two predictive levels are
horizontal platform for the coordinate transformation. explained below.
2) Short-term aged the loose mixtures for 2-hour at desired (1) Classification with a fixed threshold value:
compaction temperature. • Compaction Done: The %Gmm of the specimen is
3) Compact the mixtures and collect the particle kinematic higher than 92%.
characteristics during the whole compaction process. • Compaction Needed: The mixture with the %Gmm
Meanwhile, the SGC compactor would collect the load- is less than 92%.
ings, moment, and height of the compacted specimens. (2) Classification with a buffer zone:
4) Remove the SmartRock from the specimen after com- • Compaction Done: The %Gmm of the asphalt mix-
paction and allow the sensor to cool down for the next ture specimen is higher than 92.5%.
series of tests. • Buffer Zone: The %Gmm of the specimen is between
Two types of specimens were compacted for each asphalt 91.5% and 92.5%. It is acceptable to classify the
mixture: specimen in Buffer Zone to either compaction cat-
1) Reference specimen: one specimen without the egory.
SmartRock was compacted to measure the bulk specific • Compaction Needed: The mixture with the %Gmm
gravity (G mb ) of the specimen. The %Gmm of the is less than 91.5%.

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B. Input Selection used to preprocess the data and remove the drifting for its
simplicity and good data processing quality.
1) Kinematic Variable: Compaction is a process of par-
The relative rotation curve, as shown in Figure 5, depicts the
ticulate material rearranging and consolidating in response
different stages of the compaction process. The particle rotates
to external mechanical forces (energy). The kinematic and
considerably under the compaction loads at the beginning
mechanical behaviors of the compacted material are change-
of the compaction. A dramatic decrease then occurs, which
able at different stages of compaction. Based on the findings
could be related to the enhanced particle contacts among
of previous works, the external responses from the entire
coarse aggregates and the gradual formation of a skeleton
pavement structure are hardly related to the compactability of
structure. The aggregates rearrange under continuous com-
the asphalt layer. Comparably, the internal particle responses
paction and eventually enter a stable status. At the end of the
were the only representative of the asphalt layer. By mon-
compaction, the relative rotation value stabilizes at an almost
itoring the particle rotation during compaction, the mixture
constant value, suggesting the particles are interlocked and can
particles were found to rotate at a consistent period in the
only rotate following the gyratory compactor. Also plotted in
SGC compactor [9]. The amplitude of the Euler angle curve
Figure 5 is the height curve of the same mixture during
attenuated as the compaction proceeded as shown in Figure 4.
compaction. The consistent trend between these two curves
The relative rotation was then defined as the difference
indicates that the relative rotation is highly related to the
between the peak and the valley value in a single cycle. Due
density and compactability of the asphalt mixture and could
to the high-temperature compaction environment, drifting can
be used in the compaction prediction.
sometimes occur during the data collection of the particle
rotation, which would considerably affect the quality of the 2) Mechanical Variable: The mineral aggregates consist of
quaternion and relative rotation. The detrending method was about 95% mass of the asphalt mixture, the compaction of

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the asphalt mixture is thus greatly influenced by the con- TABLE IV

tact and interlocking behaviors between aggregates [26]. The BACKWARD E LIMINATION BASED ON THE SVM P REDICTION
mechanical properties between particles were related to the
particle rotation and interlocking during compaction and the
mixture’s workability. Compaction densification index (CDI),
compaction force index (CFI), and normalized shear index
(NSI) are commonly used mechanical parameters to evaluate
the workability of asphalt mixtures [27]. Because the CDI
is calculated from the %Gmm, which was for determining
the compaction status in this study, CDI was unsuitable for
model inputs. CFI indicates how much resistive effort it
overcame to compact the mixtures from the initial cycle to
92% Gmm. The resistive effort W is defined in equation (5)
[27]. NSI represented the work applied by the compactor
to resist the frictional shearing stress during compaction. In
calculating the shear frictional resistance, it is reasonable to
assume the sample is fully constrained at any gyration, and TABLE V
the energy due to surface traction is negligible [27]. The NSI C OMPACTION P REDICTION C ONFIGURATION
can be calculated by equation (6). The CFI and NSI could
be the potential variables for the compaction prediction, and
the variable selection process was elaborated on in the next
4e Pθ
W = (5)
M + P Shθ
τ = (6)
where, S is the section area of the specimen, V is the volume limited space of the paper, only partial data were displayed
of the specimen, θ is the tilting angle of the compactor, and is in Table III. The First 8 columns served as the inputs. The
the same as the shear strain γ , e is the eccentricity, P is the column “target” served as the output for the model, 0 here
compaction loading, and M is the moment during compaction represents the “Compaction Needed” and 1 represents “Com-
as shown in Figure 6. paction Done”. Among these 4154 data points, 896 data points
3) Variable Selection: A pre-modeling analysis was per- are categorized as target “0”, and the rest of the 3258 data
formed to select the most suitable input combination from the points are target “1”. The last column, “%Gmm ” calculated by
kinematic and mechanical variables for the compaction predic- equation (4), was not an input but was for determining the
tion. A total of 240 compaction data points from mixture No. 1 compaction status (i.e., the column “target”). To clarify, the
(in Table I) were used in the pre-modeling analysis. Since only column “type” represents the type of asphalt mixture. 0 was
one type of mixture was used, the mixture designs were not the HMA, and 1 was the WMA. “NMAS” is the nominal
necessarily included in the model. Table II summarizes the maximum aggregate size, and the “binder” refers to the high-
prediction errors and accuracy of 6 combinations using the temperature Performance Grade (PG) of the virgin binder. The
trial-and-error and forward selection methods. Model No. 6 column “NSI” is the accumulated normalized shear resistances
presents the highest prediction accuracy compared with others, from the beginning to the given gyration. The column “temp”
indicating that the NSI, relative rotation and temperature are means the internal sensor temperature at the moment of data
the most suitable input combination for compaction prediction. collection. It should be noted that the SmartRock temperature
measurement unit is in the center of the sensor and protected
C. Model Establishment by shell material. It has a lower temperature than the outside
Jointly considering the pre-modeling prediction results and mixture at the beginning of the compaction due to the delay
engineering experiences, the prediction variables were deter- in thermal conductivity. After several cycles, the SmartRock
mined for the compaction prediction model. They consist of sensor can properly record the temperature of the mixture.
four types of variables: Details of the temperature verification study can be found in
(1) particle kinematic variable, which is the relative rotation. the reference [9]. 10-fold cross-validation and three dataset
(2) mixture mechanical variable, which is the NSI. scenarios were conducted to establish the model and verify its
(3) compaction temperature collected by SmartRock. robustness. These three dataset scenarios are:
(4) mixture design information, which includes the mixture (1) Scenario I: All compaction data points serve as the
type, gradation, binder, etc. training dataset to establish the model and check the
In ML modeling, 11 asphalt mixtures, a total of 32 spec- prediction accuracy.
imens with 4154 compaction points, were used to establish (2) Scenario II: 70% of random compaction data points
the prediction model. It is worth noting that because of the serve as the training dataset to establish the model, and

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the rest of the 30% of data points serve as the test dataset compaction condition. Conclusively, the NSI, temperature, and
to examine the prediction quality. particle rotation functioned as the most critical variables for
(3) Scenario III: 8 mixture compaction data points serve as the compaction prediction of the asphalt mixture.
the training dataset, and the rest of the 3 mixtures’ data
points serve as the test dataset to verify the quality of B. Model Quality Evaluation
the model. To evaluate the prediction quality of the three ML algo-
rithms under different dataset scenarios, and also considering
V. R ESULTS AND A NALYSIS the imbalanced property of the compaction dataset, three
A. Critical Variable Identification metrics, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, were jointly used
to assess the prediction quality. The calculation is shown in
Backward elimination was performed to identify the signif-
equations (7)-(9). The corresponding four parameters (i.e., true
icance of each predictor variable and construct the desirable
positive, false positive, false negative, and true negative) used
prediction model. This procedure was performed for all three
to determine these metrics are specified in Table V. Generally,
ML algorithms, including SVM, LR, and KNN, and the same
sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy can inspect whether or not
significant variables were identified. Considering the length of
the model can correctly predict the target “0”, target “1”, and
the paper, only the SVM classifier results of the scenarios I
the overall dataset.
was presented here.
After trials and errors, the linear kernel function was Sensi ti vi t y = T P/(T P + F N) (7)
selected for the SVM model, and the results are presented Speci f i ci t y = T N/(T N + F P) (8)
in Table IV. The original input of the model based on the
Accur acy = (T P + T N)/(T P + F P + T N + F N) (9)
SVM algorithm includes 8 variables: mixture type, additive
dosage, NMAS, binder type, lateral relative rotation, tem- In the model establishment, the linear kernel function was
perature, and NSI. The prediction accuracy of the original selected for the SVM model after trials and errors. K = 5 was
formula is 98.82%. The first column of accuracy in Table eventually determined for the KNN algorithm by the cross-
IV specifies the prediction results when a single parameter validation method to achieve the most accurate prediction
is removed from the original formula. It is clear that the least quality. The prediction results of three ML models under three
accurate prediction occurred when the NSI (normalized shear different dataset scenarios are shown in Table VI.
index) was removed from the input, indicating that the shear It is worth noticing that all the prediction results using
resistance is the most critical variable for the compaction pre- various ML models are higher than 95%. The prediction errors
diction. This finding is consistent with many literature findings were considerably reduced for scenarios II and III because the
regarding the effects of shearing stress on the compaction size of the test dataset of these two scenarios is only about
of asphalt pavement [27], [28]. The second column shows 1/3 of the size of Scenario I. However, the test dataset of
the prediction quality without the NSI and another variable scenarios II and III is different from their training dataset.
(shown in the corresponding row). The results indicate the The high prediction accuracy for these two scenarios verified
significance of the temperature for the compaction predic- the high robustness of the ML algorithm for the compaction
tion. The same elimination approach continued and confirmed prediction. In addition, the KNN model presented more errors
the effect of the internal particle rotation on estimating the than the other two models for scenario III whether or not the

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buffer zone was set. The test dataset for scenario III used dif- Richard Steger from Ingevity, Mark Moyer from New Enter-
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