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Activity 8.

Breathing Rate and Pulse Rate

Carlo Raphael Z. Torres


Participant 1(Me)

Activities Heart Rate Breathing Rate

Resting for 30 seconds 70 15

Walking for 30 seconds 77 18

Jumping jack for 30 seconds 114 23

Hopping on one foot for 1 146 30


Doing sit-ups or push-ups for 140 28

1 minute

Participant 2(My Older Brother)

Activities Heart Rate Breathing Rate

Resting for 30 seconds 74 17

Walking for 30 seconds 80 21

Jumping jack for 30 seconds 121 24

Hopping on one foot for 1 144 32


Doing sit-ups or push-ups for 138 29

1 minute
Participant 3(My Younger Sister)

Activities Heart Rate Breathing Rate

Resting for 30 seconds 76 17

Walking for 30 seconds 80 20

Jumping jack for 30 seconds 125 28

Hopping on one foot for 1 158 34


Doing sit-ups or push-ups for 140 33

1 minute

Participant 4(My Cousin)

Activities Heart Rate Breathing Rate

Resting for 30 seconds 71 16

Walking for 30 seconds 76 18

Jumping jack for 30 seconds 109 23

Hopping on one foot for 1 140 30


Doing sit-ups or push-ups for 136 27

1 minute
Participant 5(My mother)

Activities Heart Rate Breathing Rate

Resting for 30 seconds 75 15

Walking for 30 seconds 82 18

Jumping jack for 30 seconds 129 23

Hopping on one foot for 1 160 40


Doing sit-ups or push-ups for 156 34

1 minute


-As the result shows therefore I conclude that a physical activity has a direct relationship with
heart and breathing rate. The greater the heart and respiratory rate, the more strenuous the
physical exercise, and vice versa.

1. When do you breathe faster? When is the heartbeat faster? Why?

-When we engage in physical activities, we utilize more oxygen, which causes the heart to
beat quicker in order to transport more oxygen to the body. As we engage in these activities,
our lungs hold more air, allowing us to breathe more quickly.

2. Other than strenuous activity or vigorous exercise, what other factors influence the rate?


- Age, body size, and health state are other characteristics that impact rate since they are
varied for each person and have different consequences. For instance, in comparison to
elderly people, younger people have a greater heart rate. And also younger people have
more energy compare to older people because we can assume that they are more active in
sport etc.

3. How do you think breathing rate is related to heart rate? Why is there a correlation?

-The more your heart beats, the more you breathe. The heart consumes more energy and
distributes more oxygen to the body as it beats quicker. When a person exercises, oxygen is
consumed quickly to give the muscles with the energy they require to move. As a result, the
heart beats quicker in order to provide more oxygen to the muscles.

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