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Affiliate Business:

~~~~~ "HUMANS ARE SELFISH" ~~~~~



1. Always have a reason for them to click the link.

2. How did I make you want more information? Because you enjoyed all the
information I gave you the past few lessons and I told you there was more if you
clicked the link.
3. Ask yourself, does my video make the person think this might help their life?


Sales is convincing people to make a GOOD decision in their life.

Sales is selling water to a crazy man who is dehydrated.

Sales is convincing a someone who is attempting suicide that life is worth living.

HAVE Trust, credibility and an audience.

1. Hook
2. Font

- Try adding "For the Better"


List of Death:

- Smoking of any kind, no smoke allowed, Unlit Cigars are on the borderline.

- Violence.

- Racism, cursing or any discrimination against sexuality.

- Anything Sex related, even talking about sex.

- Shooting guns.
- Speaking about politics or government

-Get Rich quick Schemes, anything with Money in the picture or frame, even dollar
signs or Trading

- Many HU2 wins would be deemed "Poisoned" be careful posting them.

- The Algo will punish you for trying to bring 0 effort and originality to TikTok.
- Tiktok Wants originality


1. Fundamental Lessons

- Good high quality, value bringing, content.

- "If you don't believe you're selling the best product in the world, don't sell
it. It's bad for your soul"
- Post to bring VALUE to your audiences lives

- Give them controversial videos that make them think and keep them entertained.
- Do not think about the sales that will come from your posts.
- Humans are selfish.

- Ask yourself, does my video make the person think this might help their life?

"Connections are more important than you think"


"How to use connections to get rich."

"A TikTok account that is 60% TATE and 40% VIRAL OTHER CONTENT.

MIGHT perform better than a 100% Tate content account."

- You need to make them think "Wtf??"

- The VERY FIRST THING people see, needs to intregue them, it needs to make them
want to see more.
- They don't even have to like what they see, they just need to think WTF and want
to learn more.

- You need them to think there's some giant conclusion at the end.
- The fundamentals of people in the internet age is they're looking for a reason to
STOP watching.
- This is a natural evolutionary trait to save time.

Let’s take the example of a YouTube video:

1. I usually see the video thumbnail somewhere

2. Click the video & press play
3. Read the description and comments quickly as it plays
4. Watch Video
5. Watch Outro

- Whatever they see FIRST, is the most important aspect and where you should focus
most of your time on.
- You have 2 seconds MAX to convince them to watch or read more
- Only listen to Trustworthy and Credible people.
- Build trust and credibility

1. Create a Tate Tiktok

2. Create an HU2 Student Twitter
3. Create a Tate instagram

- Beginners fail because they are focused on the sale

- Humans are Social Animals

- Other people's Wins will convince them

- Trust and Credibility are the Key
- Make the stuff they read a bunch of other people winning

You just need to get them to.

1) Believe those people actually won.

2) Read and see ALL the people actually winning.
3)BELIEVE they can be just like those people.

Why do people do things NOW instead of LATER?

1) They have excited

2) They have afraid

3) They are smart/disciplined and believe it's the best move to make.
- Fear and Excitement are the most effective.
- "What makes people excited or afraid?
Their imagination."
- You should constantly be subtly making people imagine the future.

- it's just on you to motivate them enough to fight that inner bitch.
- Once you’ve gotten some success on your own, I highly highly recommend finding
another successful guy inside of HU2 and combining your powers.
- Let other people review your account if it's good or not

- Stop Playing video games

- "Ask yourself.
Does this video give me energy?"

- Some Music is more positive than others.

- Some Colour is more positive than others.

- "Asking questions when you have unfinished work is the quality of poors.

Want to get rich?

Stop talking when you have unfinished work.

You should be too busy fixing your shit to have time to talk."

- Be purposeful on where you want the audience's eyes and brain go.
- #41 Lesson about algorithm

- A Hook, is the first 0-1 second of your video.

- Colour Theory

- So always remember to make the results clear that someone will want.
- Positivity should always be implied.
- Always inject UPSIDE.

- ALWAYS give them a REASON to follow.



Hook Examples:

"Donkey's Brain after only eating McDonalds"

"Billionaire leaks New World Order Plan"

"World Champion explains why eating fish is the only way to reach peak performance"

If you're a Tate account without an engaging audience,

I highly reccomend to mainly post these type of videos on TikTok to build up an


1) Short stories

2) Controversial rants / videos

3) Wisdom which can also have people comment (Example: Tate on why suicide rates
are lower for women than men, that will probably get the viewer to comment their
thoughts on it.)

Bonus: Use controversial hooks - Example: Why cooking is a low ROI activity.

- Tiktok Rewards creativity

List of Death:

- Smoking of any kind, no smoke allowed, Unlit Cigars are on the borderline.

- Violence.

- Racism, cursing or any discrimination against sexuality.

- Anything Sex related, even talking about sex.

- Shooting guns.

- Speaking about politics or government

-Get Rich quick Schemes, anything with Money in the picture or frame, even dollar
signs or Trading
- Many HU2 wins would be deemed "Poisoned" be careful posting them.

- The Algo will punish you for trying to bring 0 effort and originality to TikTok.
- TikTok wants high effort, original, creative clips that keep it's users
- Tiktok Wants originality

- Make Videos Short

- Use Hashtags and reply to comments
- Have HU Sales video

- you want your profile to be on point.

- Remember, the whole game of marketing is knowing what your audience will do next
and try to lead them like gravity to the place and through the path you desire.
- The sales come as a result of a sales video being viewed because of increased
followers and profile visits.

- Prioritize good ORIGINAL content, do not focus on the sales, focus on the value
you provide for them

How To Maximise Social Media Growth

(I will also be implementing this)

Before we start, make sure:

-You have an editing style and font
-You branded your page
(Logo, bio, unique PROFESSIONAL - not cartoony - font, set editing style)


Rapid growth strategy:

Post 6x a day for 30 days.

180 posts.

- Again, Trust and Credibility

- Make your Profile Professional
- Put PRIDE in your profile

- Make your content mysterious

- Engagement increases through Comments and controversy

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