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Quick Answer: What is text as connected discourse?

Essential Learning A text is a connected discourse, which means that all ideas in the text must
be related in the sense that they would express only one main idea, or that the text must have
unity by combining all ideas to emphasize central idea.

What is the meaning of connected discourse?

a relatively long and integrated unit of language, such as a written argument or spoken

What is connected discourse example?

One of the characteristics of connected speech is the deletion or clipping of sounds that occurs
when words run together. For example, ” want to” can become “wanna”, “going to” can become
“gonna”, “rock and roll” can become “rock ‘n’ roll”, and “them” can become “’em” or “‘dem” in
connected speech.

What do you know about connected discourse?

Connected speech, or connected discourse, in linguistics, is a continuous sequence of sounds
forming utterances or conversations in spoken language. Analysis of connected speech shows
sound changes affecting linguistic units traditionally described as phrases, words, lexemes,
morphemes, syllables, phonemes or phones.

What is a well written text?

You are supposed to be aware that for a writer to be able to express meaning in writing, he or
she must consider unity and logical arrangement of ideas; appropriateness of language use;
and proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and format.

What is the importance of connected discourse?

Some of them might be different. But when you know how to join words more effectively, you’ll
sound much more nativelike and you’ll be able to speak more quickly too. This is important
because the more fluent your speech is, the more efficient your communication will be.

How will a text achieve connectedness?

It is important for one sentence to flow into the other, with ideas that relate to each other. In
other words, one sentence should relate to the next. The ideas and structure of each sentence
need to make sense to the reader. Let’s look at another example of cohesion within a text.
Why do you think it is essential to have an understanding of text as connected discourse in
learning and how do you read and write effectively?
It is essential, Because through this, we understand what the situation/message the text is all
about which boots our brain to work fast and cope with our ideas through which also help us to
learn faster and better.

How do text and discourse differ?

Text can refer to any written material that can be read. Discourse is the use of language in a
social context. This is the key difference between text and discourse.

What is the text structure?

Text structures refer to the way authors organize information in text. Recognizing the underlying
structure of texts can help students focus attention on key concepts and relationships,
anticipate what is to come, and monitor their comprehension as they read. TEXT STRUCTURE.

What are the four properties of a well written text?

For a text to be well-written, one must keep in mind these four properties: (1) Organization; (2)
Coherence; (3) Mechanics; and (4) Language Use.

What are examples of discourse?

The definition of discourse is a discussion about a topic either in writing or face to face. An
example of discourse is a professor meeting with a student to discuss a book. Discourse is
defined as to talk about a subject. An example of discourse is two politicians talking about
current events.

Is text a connected discourse?

A text is a connected discourse, which means that all ideas in the text must be related in the
sense that they would express only one main idea, or that the text must have unity by combining
all ideas to emphasize central idea.

What do you think is used to connect one discourse to another?

transition: A word or phrase connecting one part of a discourse to another.

What are the different forms words have in connected speech?

In this lesson, you’ll learn a bit about five different kinds of connected speech: catenation or
linking, intrusion, elision, assimilation and geminates.
Text as connected discourse
Presented by Rowelda B. Licuanan

for report in reading and writing

is this a Text ?
what is a text
 a text is generally considered as written material ,especially longer pieces of writing as in
a book, a letter or a news paper .
 a group of ideas put together to make a point or one central idea .
 text also made up of sentences.
 it deals with cohesion.
what is a discourse?
 originally the word 'disourse ' comes from latin discursus. which denoted conversation ,
argument or speech .
 Text with distinct features and purpose.
 Formal and often lengthy discussion of a topic where concepts and insights are arranged
in an organized and logical manner
 an extended expression of thoughts or ideas.
it refers how language is used to
 convey meanings
 propel actions
 provoke a specific response
 Journal /Diary
 News Articles
 Anecdotes
 Procedures
 Critiques
 Opinion Piece
 research articles
Purpose of discourse
 TO INFORM - it gives facts, instructions or directions to the readers.
 TO PERSUADE-this shows an appeal to the readers emotion or to prevail on (a person)
to do something
 TO ENTERTAIN -to provide someone amusement or enjoyment.
factors that influence discourses
text vs discourse
text and discourse
TEXT - is made up of senteces having the property of grammatical cohesion

DISCOURSE - is made up of utterances having the property of coherence

coherence - The overall text has meaning.
cohesion-The parts are connected.
coherence & cohesion
Text as connected discourse
 A text is a connected discourse, which means that all ideas in the text must be related in
the sense that they would express only one main idea, or that the text must have unity
by combining all ideas to emphasize central idea.
Connected Discourse in Speech
- Connected speech is spoken language that's used in a continuous sequence, as in normal
conversations. Also called connected discourse. There is often a significant difference between
the way words are pronounced in isolation and the way they are pronounced in the context of
connected speech.
Connected Discourse as a Written Text
-These refer to text with distinct features and purpose in which ideas are coherently arranged.

As we have discussed in the class, if we speak of Text as Connected Discourse, we will be dragging in
two interrelated concepts – the text and the discourse. The understanding of the text requires an
understanding of the discourse. As defined, discourse is the expression of ideas that a person can think
of. I want that pair of shoes as a sample sentence gives us an idea that someone wants a particular pair
of shoes; this idea is considered a discourse. In addition, the ideas in discourse may spark responses or
may provoke an action.

In terms of text, it refers to the sum of the discourses. When we link the discourses together, it makes up
a large unit of written language we call a text. A text shall have the following characteristics (M.
Jorgensen & L. Phillips, 2002):

1. Cohesion – the connection of ideas at the sentence level.

2. Coherence – the connection of ideas at the paragraph level.
3. Intentionality – dwells into the purpose of the author/writer.
4. Informativity – the quantity of new information in the text.
5. Acceptability – how factual the pieces of information are.
6. Situationality – the socio-cultural appropriateness of the text. Is it appropriate or acceptable to
the target reader?
7. Intertextuality – the connection of the succeeding discourse to the previous one. It also talks
about the existence of the succeeding text because of the previous one.

It is focused on how the ideas are being connected in a certain phrase or sentence. Whatever idea the
writer tries to express shall be distinguished by the use of words. For example, if the writer wants to
express a cause and effect in a sentence, he might use the word because.
It is concerned with how the sentences and paragraphs are linked together that they would express a
single idea. This is achieved when the writer uses cohesive devices to link the ideas together or to signal
whether he is continuing, opposing, or moving on from the idea of the previous sentence or paragraph.
Cohesive devices such as furthermore, in addition, secondly, moreover, and etc. connote that the writer
is supporting or continuing the previous claim or idea.

Intentionality as a characteristic of a text answers the question: What is the purpose of the writer in
writing the text? A text must be written with a purpose whether that is to inform, persuade, or
entertain. In some cases, a text is written to criticize or just to express one’s opinion. When a text has a
purpose, intentionality is achieved.

This quality of the text focuses on the amount of new information embedded on it. A text is written to
provide new information or perspective not a duplication of an already-known concept. A writer shall
make sure that what he/she is writing is not common knowledge to all.

Are the things you are writing acceptable? Acceptability refers to the veracity of the information
provided. How true the information or ideas expressed? The text shall be accepted by a group or a
number of people especially that of the academic community. It is achieved when it underwent rigorous

This simply refers to the socio-cultural appropriateness of the text. The content of the text shall not be
offensive to any race, sex, religion, etc. A text shall always conform to the situation.

Why an answer exists? Intertextuality refers to the way you understand the succeeding discourse
because of the way you interpret the preceding one. Intertextuality is the idea that a text exists because
of another text or an event. For example, you cannot write an editorial about COVID-19 if when, in the
first place, COVID-19 does not exist. In poetry, the The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd would have not
been written without the The Passionate Shepher to His Love since it is the reply to the latter. You
cannot reply to something that doesn’t exist, right? The final example, a movie adaptation of a novel is a
perfect example of intertextuality.

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