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Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

1. Competitive audit goal(s)

Compare service and package providers by the competitors.

2. Who are your key competitors? (Description)

Key competitors are local caterer service providers because still customers are not
preferring online caterer service providers.

3. What are the type and quality of competitors’ products? (Description)

There are many competitors when it comes to quality and types. Some competitors are in
budget but their food quality is not up to the mark. When it comes to excellent quality and
service, the package gets costlier.

4. How do competitors position themselves in the market? (Description)

Some competitors position themselves as cheap and easily available everywhere but some
position themselves as premium and not everyone can afford their service. Their is a huge
difference between those two in food quality and cuisines availability.

5. How do competitors talk about themselves? (Description)

They showcase themselves with respect to place and clients. According to clients location
they focus on cuisine which is suitable for the client. And also depending on the clients
budget, they create a package which client will not hesitate to take.
Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

6. Competitors’ strengths (List)

1. Availability
2. All cuisines available

7. Competitors’ weaknesses (List)

1. Bad presentation
2. Lack of information
3. Not fully responsive

8. Gaps (List)
1. Cheap and Premium both the options are not available
2. Presentation is not up to the mark

9. Opportunities (List)
1. Provide referring rewards
2. User can give suggestions and reviews on service we provide
3. Increase interaction between clients and company.

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