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Christian Sánchez Caballero 5D

English CAE


Social distancing and shelter in place are important tools to help flatten the curve
and reduce the spread of VOC-19. Disinfecting and cleaning anything that enters
your home from the outside world, including yourself, is also critical.
Scientists and the medical community are still discovering the various ways
COVID-19 can be transmitted, but everyone seems to agree that proper hygiene is
an important step in the fight.The good news is that SARS CoV-2 is highly
susceptible to many disinfectants, including alcohol-based sprays or gels,
ammonium compounds, detergents, bleach-based cleaners, and heat.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that cleaning visibly soiled
surfaces followed by disinfection is the best practice measure for the prevention of
VOC-19 and other viral respiratory diseases in homes and community settings. So
what's the difference? Cleaning refers to the removal of germs, dirt, and other
impurities from surfaces - this does not kill the germs, but helps reduce the number
and risk of spreading the infection. Because many cleaners and disinfectants are
strong on the skin, it is advisable to use disposable gloves when cleaning with both.
Be sure to discard gloves after each use and wash your hands immediately.

When looking for an antimicrobial cleaner, it is important to consider that the optimal
effectiveness of disinfectants - typically a 99.9 percent reduction in particular
pathogens - will only be achieved when used according to label instructions, warns
Samara Geller, senior research and database analyst for the Environmental Working

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