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In addition to counting and knowing the protocols, it is important to carry

them out correctly, it is advisable to review the material disclosed by
health institutions hand in hand with the scientific discoveries that arise
about COVID-19.
It is important to clarify that the protocols are not infallible, however, the
probability of contagion will be much lower if we responsibly commit to
complying with them.
To conclude, biosecurity measures help us to prevent spreading the virus
and to avoid getting infected and infect others. They don't protect against
Covid-19 on their own, but must be combine with physical distancing and
hand hygiene. Constant hand washing, use of gel, mask and distancing are
the recommended measures to prevent the spread of the virus. We can
stop this virus together, however if we break the social bubbles, do not
apply hygiene protocols and act as if nothing is happening, it will be very
difficult to flatten the contagion curve.

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