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Vocabulary 1

Solar system




S p ac e
The Sun:
The Sun is a star in the center of our solar system.
It is made of burning gasses and is very bright and hot.
The Sun is 150,000,000km away from the Earth, so when
we look at it, the Sun seems small, but it is the biggest
thing in our solar system. 99% of it to be more precise.
Radiation: AU:
Radiation is how energy Astronomical unit is the unit
is transferred through we use to calculate space.
electro magnetic waves, 1AU is nearly 150,000,000km.
which means it is When we look at space the
transferred through light. planets might seem small,
but they are really, really big!
Radiation example:
The heating of the Earth by the Sun is an example of transfer of energy by radiation.
The heating of a room by an open fireplace is another example. The flames radiate
heat directly from the light to the objects in the room with little of this heat being
absorbed by the air.
Life on Earth:
The Sun sends light across space to Earth. The plants absorb the sunlight growing and
creating oxygen (O2). Without sunlight all plants would die. Some animals eat these
plants, without plants these animals would also die, some animals eat other animals
that eat plants, without plants, they would also have no food, and therefore would also
die. During the day, the Sun warms the air. The Sun warms the rocks, the water and the
soil that seeds needs to grow. Without the Sun, Earth would be a cold and lifeless rock.

S p ac e
Jupiter is 5 AU away from Earth, how many kilometers is Jupiter
away from Earth?


Name the center of our solar system and the 8 planets of our solar

C. ______________ 3. ______________ 6. ______________

1. ______________ 4. ______________ 7. ______________

2. ______________ 5. ______________ 8. ______________

Why is the Sun important?



S p ac e
The Sun:
The Sun is a star in the center of our solar system.
It is made of burning gasses and is very bright and hot.
The Sun is 150.000.000km away from the Earth, so when we look at it, the Sun
seems small, but it is the biggest thing in our solar system. 99% of it to be
more precise.

Make your own solar system:

Your solar system needs to have
1. A star:
2. At least 5 planets and some moons
3. A small description of what is on the planet and what lives on the

S p ac e
What is your planets name? How far away is it from the star and
what number of planet is it?

_________________ _________________ _________________

Write 3 things about your planet.

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________

Write 3 things that lives on your planet.

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________

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