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S-3 验货申请单

Inspection Booking Request Form


Alibaba Inspection Order Number:


TA Order number:


Buyer Company Name and Contact Person Tel. / E-mail / Fax:


Supplier Company Name and Contact Person Tel. / E-mail /



Factory Company Name


Inspection Address:


Factory Contact Person Tel. / E-mail / Fax. :


Desired Inspection Date:


The Latest Inspection Date:

(BV 确定检验日期后,将于检验日期前一天邮件通知,敬请留意邮



Product Name,Model and Order Quantity: Item Number Product Description Order Quantity Present Quantity For inspection

可供验货数量请按 100%生产完成且 80%以上包装完成时填写

Present Quantity=100% finished and at least 80% packed


如果货物型号大于四款,请罗列需要验货的 4 款货物名称与型号: Item Number Product Description Order Quantity Present Quantity For inspection

The maximum number of product styles for combined sampling

shall not exceed four, please list the 4 styles to be inspected if

total 4 styles are more than 4.

提醒 1.:超出 4 款外的产品检验员现场核实完成箱数,但不进行任何


Reminder#1: inspector will verify quantity for other styles

beyond 4 and take photos simply if time allowed.

提醒 2.:对于复杂产品,如家具,电器,烤炉等,检验员可能无法完
成 4 款验货,请提前与 BV 确认;

Reminder#2: for complex product such as furniture, grill,

electrical product etc., inspector may be not able to finish

inspection for 4 styles, please check with BV prior to inspection


S-3 验货套餐标准

抽样标准:ANSI/ASQ Z1.4

抽样水平: Special Inspection S-3

抽样标准:Critical(致命缺陷)=not allowed, Major(严重缺陷)=2.5,Minor(轻微缺陷)=4.0

Lot size Sample Size S-3 AQL 2.5 AQL 4.0

2-150 5 0 0

151-500 13 0 1

501-3200 20 1 1

3201-35000 20 1 2

35001-500000 32 2 3

500001-Over 50 3 5

For example, order quantity=600, total 20 samples will be checked by inspector, if more than 0
critical defect AND/OR more than 1 major defect AND/OR more than 1 minor defect is/are found in
20 selected samples, inspection result will be FAIL


供) Inspection document Yes or No

Copy of Purchase Order, Product Picture, Packing List and Purchase Order(产品规格书)

Product Specifications(Please provide as attachments to this Product Photo(产品图片)

Form) Packing list(成品装箱单)

提醒:S-3 过程无法核实的文件,如工厂生产的工程图,不需要提供; Product specification(产品规格书)

Reminder:for any document that inspector is not able to verify

during S-3 inspection limit to inspection time and condition, for

example, product drawing, please do not send to BV.


We hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided above.

授权代表签字:      公章:       日期:      

Signature of authorized representative: Company chop: Date:


Inspection Instructions and Notifications

1. 验货服务申请经本公司接受后,即双方达成具有法律约束力的协议关系,协议内容采用以下条款及本公司的通用服务条款。服务申请人继续使用本公司服务或向本公司支付费用,表示已仔细阅

读并接受以下条款及本公司的通用服务条款。请点击以下链接索取本公司的通用服务条款: the

service request is accepted by us, a legally binding contractual relationship is formed and is governed by the terms herein and our General Conditions of Service. By using our
service or making payment to us, the service requester is deemed to have read and accepted the terms herein and our General Conditions of Service. To access the General

Conditions of Service, please click:

2. 服务申请人有责任确保验货当天现场货物 100%生产完成且 80%以上包装完成。

On the expected inspection date, it is the responsibility of the service requester to ensure that the products are 100% finished and at least 80% packed on site.

3. 由于产品质量或因服务申请人、买家、供应商或工厂的原因造成检验放空或无法验货,本次验货仍需支付验货放空费用美金 118 元。如需重新上门检验,每个订单收费标准按照美金 118 元收


The inspection fee of US$118 will still be payable in the event that the inspection is aborted or not actionable due to any product quality issues or other reasons caused by the

buyer, supplier, or factory. If inspection is needed subsequently, the service will be charged at US$118 per order. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not consider


4. 出现下列任一情况,我方将视其为检验放空或无法验货:

An inspection can be aborted or rendered not actionable under any of the following circumstances:

a) 检验当天服务申请人、买家、供应商或工厂提出修改验货日期或取消验货服务;

an inspection cancellation or a change in the inspection date is requested by the service requester, buyer, supplier, or factory on the inspection date;

b) 检验员到达服务现场时货物状态不能达到检验要求,即待检货物没有 100%完成和 80%以上包装完成;

the products to be inspected do not meet the inspection requirements of being 100% finished and 80% packed upon the inspectors’ arrival at the inspection location;

c) 待检货物的堆放不规范,纸箱之间间隙不足,检验员不便进行随机抽箱;且工厂无法在不影响检验安排的情况下,使箱堆达到可进行随机抽箱的状态; the products are not presented

in a way that meets stacking requirements, so much so that the spacing between cartons does not allow random selection of products for inspection and the factory is

unable to rectify said conditions without obstructing the inspection;

d) 由于服务申请人、买家、供应商或工厂提出特殊要求或其他(如验货环境不安全或光线不足等)原因导致检验员不能按照公司标准作业要求及流程有效进行验货的其他情况。

in the event that the service requester, buyer, supplier, or factory makes any unusual requests or that other circumstances (such as an unsafe environment or inadequate

lighting) prevent the inspector from effectively conducting the inspection in accordance with the

standard operating requirements or procedures.

e) 货物必须集中放置在一个地点 (验货申请单上的地址) 以确保验货可正常进行。若存放多个地点,请在验货前一天将货物集中到一个地点,否则将无法对多地点货物进行验货。

The products must be placed in one location ( the inspection location on the booking form) to make sure the inspection can be proceeded successfully. In the event that

the products are placed more than two locations, please move the products in to one location the day before inspection, otherwise the inspection can’t be proceeded.

5. 本公司检验产品或样品主要根据:(a)按行业惯例制定的、以产品类别区分的通用方案及(b)客户提供的产品材料中的标准和产品规格。本公司提供的前期生产检验、生产中检验、发货前检


We will be inspecting products or samples against standards and specifications derived from: (a) the generalized protocols that have been developed, based on industry

practices, for a particular product category, and (b) product materials provided to us. Initial Production Inspection, During Production Inspection, Pre-Shipment Inspection (also

known as Final Random Inspection), and Re-Pre-Shipment Inspection are conducted on the samples which are selected from the presented quantity of products at random in

accordance with an agreed random statistical sampling standard. Therefore sampling risk is involved with those inspection services which are done with a random sampling.

6. 混合抽样系指将不同的产品类型混合在一起,形成一个单独的大件货进行抽样检验。混合抽样作为一种统计规则,预示了更高等级的风险;并且相较于单一类型抽样,混合抽样发生质量问题的


产品类型数量不能超过 4 件;(b)就纺织产品,混合抽样在以下情况不被允许:(i)款式不同(比如:一些是印花而另一些不是)或(ii)面料构造、质量或者表面附着物不相同。

Combined sampling occurs where products of different styles are combined to make a single lot size for inspection sampling. Combined sampling represents an increased level

of risk as statistical rules are compromised and the chances of missing quality issues are much greater than single style sampling. We disclaim any liability concerning the

acceptance, payment authorization, or shipment of the inspected goods based upon combined sampling, and we have the following the guidelines for combined sampling: (a)

for durable products (or what is consider Hardline in our service) and electronic or electrical products, the maximum number of product styles for combined sampling shall not

exceed four (4); (b) for textile products, combined sampling shall not be performed where (i) the products are of mixed styles (e.g. some with prints and others without) or (ii)

the products fabric construction, quality, or surface finishing are not uniform.

7. 填完验货申请单后,请发至 BV 邮箱

如果有任何问题,请联系 Mary Xie:+86-571-87315703

Please send the booking form to mailbox: when you complete the booking form.

If you have any question, please contact Mary Xie:+86-571-87315703


On-site test items


3 个样本,每款至少一个
不需要 不适用
符合性检查 Conformity check 3 samples, at least 1 sample per
No need Not applicable
3 个样本,每款至少一个
条码仪 必维
条码扫描 Barcode verification 3 samples, at least 1 sample per
Barcode scanner BV
 纺织产品适用 For Softline Products only

每色每码 1 件, 至少 8 件
测量设备 必维
纺织品尺寸测量 Soft Goods Size Measurement 1Sample per size per color ,at least
Measuring equipment BV
8 samples
 杂货/电器产品适用 For Hardline & E&E Products

1 个样本,每款至少 1 个样本
复杂功能检测 Complex Function Check 1 sample, at least 1 sample per
1 个样本,每款至少 1 个样本
实际应用测试 Application Check 1 sample, at least 1 sample per
1 个样本,每款至少 1 个样本
装配工具 工厂
完整装配检测 Full Assembly Check 1 sample, at least 1 sample per
Assembly Tools Factory
 杂货产品适用 For Hardline Products only


产品尺寸测量(仅适用于尺寸信息被给出的情况) 3 个样本,每款至少一个 仪,游标卡尺

Product dimension check (perform if the 3 samples, at least 1 sample per BV provides
measuring equipment
printing information given) style tape, others are
provided by

8. 产品重量测量(仅适用于重量信息被给出的情况) 3 个样本,每款至少一个
称 工厂
Product weight check (perform if the 3 samples, at least 1 sample per
Balance Factory
printing information given) style

9. 检针测试(对于填充玩具) 所有样本 检针机(龙门式) 工厂

Metal Detection Test (For stuffing toy) All samples Metal Detector Factory
10. 气密性能试验(仅适用于充气产品)(测试时间从验货开始到

验货结束) 1 个样本,每款至少 1 个样本

充气设备 工厂
Air Leakage Test (For inflatable product 1 sample, at least 1 sample per
Inflate equipment Factory
only) (testing time period: from beginning style

to the end of the inspection)

11. 通止规测试(适用于手动工具类如披头、套筒、扳手等)

Go no go gauge (for hand tools like bits, 1 个样本,每款至少 1 个样本 通止规 工厂

socket, wrench, etc…) Go/No go gauge Go/No go gauge Factory

12. 湿度测量(适合由天然木材而不是由竹子和藤条制成的配件)
1 个样本,每款至少 1 个样本
湿度计 必维
Moisture Content Measurement (For
1 sample, at least 1 sample per
components made of natural wood, not for Moisture content tester BV
bamboo and rattan)

13. 欧盟的食品接触规范 不需要 不适用
All samples
Food Contact Regulation In EC No need Not applicable

 电器产品适用 For E&E Products only

样本;如果需要拆卸才能进行测试,则 2 个样本,

接地导通性测试 每一款至少一个样本 接地连续性测试仪 工厂

Earth Continuity Test All samplers if dismantling not Ground bond tester Factory
required;2 samples if dismantling
required, at least 1 sample per style

15. 高压测试 所有样本 高压测试仪(耐压测试仪) 工厂

Hi-pot Test All samples Electric strength tester Factory

16. 极性测试(仅适用于美国)(仅用于:两根线的插头,其中一片
样本;如果需要拆卸才能进行测试,则 2 个样本,
每一款至少一个样本 必维
Polarization Check (For USA only) (For a 2-
All samples if dismantling not BV
wire plug with one blade narrower than
required;2 samples if dismantling
another blade.)
required, at least 1 sample per style

17. 非正常测试--热熔断(对于含加热部件的产品) 热电偶

1 个样本,每款至少 1 个样本
Thermal cut-out response test for 工厂
1 sample, at least 1 sample per
abnormal operation Thermocouple Factory
(For products with heating elements) Power meter

 请确保产品检验时所需的一切设备处于良好的状态并进行了良好的校准.

Please ensure all equipment required for the product inspection is in good condition and well calibrated,

 请确保有足够的人力协助检验员打开和重新包装被抽检的样品.

Please have sufficient manpower to assist the inspector to un-pack the samples during inspection.

 检验过程中有些测试项目可能会是破坏性的。

Some test items may be destructive during the inspection.

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